Japan’s Osaka Gas, partners to build LNG power plant

Energy News Beat

The CCGT unit will use regasified LNG as fuel, but it will also be able to consume e-methane in the future, according to a statement by Osaka Gas.

Osaka Gas said the project will be implemented through Himeji Natural Gas Power Generation No. 3, a joint venture of Osaka Gas, Development Bank of Japan (DBJ), SMFL Mirai Partners, and Mizuho Lease.

The project was awarded to Osaka Gas under Japan’s first long-term decarbonization power source auction in 2024.

The unit will have a capacity of 622.6 MW.

Osaka Gas said the partners plan to launch the unit in fiscal 2030.

The Japanese firm just signed a 15-year sales and purchase agreement with UAE’s Adnoc to bus LNG from the latter’s LNG terminal in Al Ruwais.

Under the SPA, Osaka Gas will buy up to 0.8 million metric tonnes per annum of LNG.

Moreover, LNG cargoes will be shipped to the destination ports of Osaka Gas and its Singapore-based subsidiary, Osaka Gas Energy Supply and Trading.

Osaka Gas operates the Himeji and Senboku LNG import terminals in Japan.

It has also a fleet of co-owned and chartered LNG carriers.

The post Japan’s Osaka Gas, partners to build LNG power plant appeared first on Energy News Beat.




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