Energy and the Olympics

Energy News Beat

Irina Slav
International Author writing about energy, mining, and geopolitical issues. Bulgaria
David Blackmon
Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.
Tammy Nemeth
Energy Consulting Specialist
Stuart Turley
President, and CEO, Sandstone Group, Podcast Host

Energy and the Olympics

Irina Slav [00:00:13] Well. Hello everyone. This is the Energy Realities podcast, with Nemeth in the UK, Stuart Turley in wherever you are Stu, you know, the United States where.

Stuart Turley [00:00:27] You bet.

Irina Slav [00:00:29] And Blackmon in Texas, right?

David Blackmon [00:00:32] Yes, yes. As you can see.

Irina Slav [00:00:34] And me, Irina Slav in Bulgaria. And today we’re going to talk about energy and the Olympics, because, well, because of a lot of reasons, not least with the fact that Paris suffered a major power outage. I understand on the opening night of the Olympics, if you ask me, it’s a direct response to the opening ceremony, which to me is very similar to the energy transition. Make one thing seem like another thing, but failing repeatedly. Tammy what you think.

Tammy Nemeth [00:01:13] Yeah. You know, you said it there. Where really the way the, the Olympics have been organized and what they’re doing and everything is like the, the energy transition net zero in a microcosm. So on the one hand you’ve got like for example, all the, the, the train lines were shut down going into Paris and it was due to a bunch of sabotage. Lines were cut, the power cables were cut, some fires were started and everything else. So it stopped the entire major rail network, including the high speed rail from operating. And in the transition, we’re all not supposed to have cars. We’re supposed to be on trains or walking or biking or whatever. And it actually reminded me of, the importance of oil and gas and mobility and vehicles from Daniel Yergin book The Price, where he talked about what happened in World War One and, how they needed to move troops to the front line. The Allies and France commandeered the taxi drivers of Paris in order to move troops to the front. And Germany was unable to move troops because their rail lines had been destroyed. So Germany put all of their effort into rail and it failed them. And I’m thinking Germany’s putting all its faith and energy and money into wind and solar, and it’s going to fail. So here we have another example of of how these things, especially energy security, Paris is representing how poor this is, and vulnerable in the energy transition.

Irina Slav [00:02:57] David.

David Blackmon [00:02:59] Well, you just have to love this story. I. You know, the blackouts. On the first night, were, you know, just emblematic of the whole thing. After that demonic opening ceremony, which was really, really disgusting and disgraceful and, and it was so disgusting and disgraceful. The the Olympics organizing committee felt the need to delete the video of it on YouTube, because they didn’t want any more images of from the ceremonies floating around social media. But of course it was too late by then. My favorite energy related story about the Olympics, though, is, is the fact that, about two thirds of the delegations to the Olympics, the athletes, are bringing their own room, air conditioning units with them to Paris to stay cool during these Olympics, because Paris has had, hoped everyone would use a geothermal cooling system. That, apparently is widespread throughout the city of Paris, to keep them cool, but could only guarantee the rooms would get cooled down to about as low as the maximum low would be 78°F during the daytime. It. Of course it’s Paris. It’s, fairly southern latitude, in the context of Europe. And it does get hot in France during the summer. And so, many of the athletes were so concerned about staying cool in their rooms during the Olympics games that, the committees in the various countries, like the United States and most European countries, voted to send room air conditioning units along with the athletes to Paris. And you have to wonder if the load from all those room AC units, helped to result in the blackouts. An opening.

Tammy Nemeth [00:04:57] That’s what I was thinking. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:05:00] Well, imagine that. And sympathy was was, you know, rejoicing that France is one of the greenest energy countries right now. On opening day of the Olympics, that almost all with electricity was being generated by renewable sources, most of which is nuclear. Stu what you think?

David Blackmon [00:05:22] Right. Yeah. Yes. And the nuclear is the key  in France.

Irina Slav [00:05:25] Exactly. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:05:27] Well, the nuclear fleet in France is around 52, nuclear reactors. I ballpark, I gotta fact check myself, but they’re only operating at 25% capacity to 30% capacity because of the lack of the maintenance dollars that they’ve been shedding away from it. So it has been absolutely horrific as far as their baseline ability to to do it. Tammy, I did manage to help us out, and I’ve got us a video. Right here. This is what I. That’s what I saw going on. I see the whole man. I saw people running from this guy and just absolutely doing it, but I do. I do have one show that I’ve got to show you. And, David, there is the Venezuelan, election going on right now. And I’ve got a video of David competing in, the elections in, all these politicians are taking lessons from David on how to run elections and how to win races. So, David, here you go. This is David.

David Blackmon [00:07:07] I dyed my beard for that video.

Stuart Turley [00:07:09] Yes you did, honey. So my honest take on this is I think that, when we take a look at the, false flag narratives that may be coming around the corner, I’m hearing that a lot. Iran is getting blamed for the, terrorist attacks, for the trains coming into the stations ahead of time. And so I, I saw an article saying that Iran was the one that blew up the, you know, the trains and all that, the leading into to Paris. This is going to be awful with everybody pointing fingers in Iran. And Iran may not have done it. I don’t know what’s causing it.

Irina Slav [00:07:53] Didn’t they say it was Russia, or was that just a knee jerk reaction of the Russians?

Stuart Turley [00:07:58] Do what.

David Blackmon [00:08:00] It’s always.

Tammy Nemeth [00:08:00] Said that it was Russia.

Irina Slav [00:08:01] Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:08:02] Oh, I saw one that said it was. Iran, so I pick your favorite dictator, pick your vote and just say, oh, it was them. And so who knows how it was done. I think it’s me. Awful.

Tammy Nemeth [00:08:17] Well, one of the interesting things is that this is supposed to be the most sustainable games ever in the history of the world. And in due course, they put in, cardboard beds with mattresses that don’t have springs or anything like that. So they’re not really mattresses. And, and some of the athletes were complaining and they bought like toppers, memory foam toppers to put on their beds. Other athletes set their own beds because, like, I’m not sleeping on that thing. And the Japanese guy, apparently water got on here for some reason. His bathtub overflowed or something, and water soaked his cardboard frame and he’s, like, collapsed on there and it’s sinking beneath me. And, so other athletes, I think the tennis team from some country looked at their room and then went and booked hotel rooms instead. So much for sustainable look. And this also is the epitome of net zero where they’re going to tell you it’s sustainable. They’re going to virtue signal, it’s sustainable and it’ll be absolute rubbish. No one will like it. It’ll make you miserable. But hey, we’re saving the planet.

Stuart Turley [00:09:33] And Tammy, I also saw the the, violence on the athletes. There were several bike teams. They got their vans broken into, and the only reason they got there, they got their gear stolen, and they got everything else because of the migrant problems France is having. And, the, it is really causing some, some health issues for the, the athletes. In fact, when they got the massage table back, they said, we don’t want to use that massage table because we don’t know what happened to it. So it’s pretty bad with the violence and the break ins going on.

David Blackmon [00:10:14] Yeah. Well, I, you know, and then, then you have the issue of the triathlon becoming a biathlon because the swimming portion of it is probably going to have to be canceled because the same day they were going to do it in the same river, and it’s too polluted for the swimmers to swim in, and nobody can possibly seen that coming, right?

Irina Slav [00:10:35] Didn’t the mayor of Paris take a swim in the sand to to prove just how clean it isn’t that it’s you go. Oh, I didn’t smell something.

David Blackmon [00:10:44] Oh my God.

Tammy Nemeth [00:10:45] Yeah, but that was before the thunder storm.

David Blackmon [00:10:49] How did the thunderstorm clean it out?

Tammy Nemeth [00:10:52] Well, no, because it would have had all the runoff go into the river and make it really incredibly.

David Blackmon [00:10:58] I would think that would raise the ecoli bacteria levels. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:11:03] Well, you know, guys, I’ve never been interested in Summer Olympics. I like the Winter Olympics because of the figure skating and stuff, but. But I couldn’t care less about Summer Olympics. This is a mistake. This is turning into it, really, as you said to me, swimming in it, turning into a microcosm of the transition, a spectacular failure in many different sense, and.

Tammy Nemeth [00:11:29] Saving the flag that is so great.

Stuart Turley [00:11:31] And you know what was great? I loved Joe Biden’s attendance. And when she saw the, ceremony, she said, what is the United States going to do?

David Blackmon [00:11:44] Oh, how are you going to top this?

Stuart Turley [00:11:46] Right. Yeah. Thank you. I’m like, that would be.

David Blackmon [00:11:48] Her reaction to it.

Stuart Turley [00:11:49] Right?

Irina Slav [00:11:51] Yeah. Well, you.

Tammy Nemeth [00:11:51] Know, what’s interesting is that, some of my family in Canada was watch the opening ceremony, but they didn’t broadcast that part. The mockery. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:12:03] They censored.

Tammy Nemeth [00:12:04] Broadcast it.

David Blackmon [00:12:05] They had it on delay.

Tammy Nemeth [00:12:06] No they didn’t. Oh, they’re like, what are you talking about?

David Blackmon [00:12:09] Yeah, that that figures that that sounds about.

Stuart Turley [00:12:12] Right now, I did see I want to give a shout out to the French folks that I did see on, on a YouTube. They were, aghast and disgusted. And they go, how can we, as French, apologize to the rest of the world? So, you know, again, remember, it may be a world leader making a really lousy comment. You can’t judge a country’s people by a bad thing over here. You have to look at that. They were appalled. The people were like, this is embarrassing for France.

David Blackmon [00:12:46] So you can’t judge like you can’t judge all Americans. But by watching Jojo Siwa, right? You know, you get you can’t. Nobody else knows who Jojo Siwa is.

Irina Slav [00:12:59] Anyway, I learned that the French were apologizing to the world for this, but.

David Blackmon [00:13:05] Well, except they sent out as they sent out a spokesperson for the Olympics committee named. And the champ. There is a French lady who was headed up the organized organizational committee to make an apology yesterday. And the very first thing she said was obviously there was no intention to insult any religion, which is a bald faced outright lie.

Tammy Nemeth [00:13:30] That’s a lie.

Irina Slav [00:13:31] Or maybe they were so stupid they didn’t think that would offend people. David.

Stuart Turley [00:13:38] I I’m sorry there was no.

Irina Slav [00:13:41] Energy transition where we have a fence insult. You know, in this case, Christians and not just Christians, even Muslims were outraged. Yeah. And, then we have the people who see what’s happening and see that this doesn’t make sense. From what I saw from the video clips, it just just filth. It’s not at.

Stuart Turley [00:14:04] All right now. I wanted to poke my eyes out after I saw some of the. I saw some

Irina Slav [00:14:09] I’m sorry.

Stuart Turley [00:14:12] Sorry, Irina. I saw some people. Why do people do this? There was one guy with his man parts hanging out over a child’s shoulder.

Irina Slav [00:14:23] Young man part. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:14:24]  And and I’m sitting there going, they put a big circle around it. And now every time I saw the thing, I’m like, there’s this man parts. I’m like, please.

Irina Slav [00:14:33] This is why I was actually the art director or the creative director of the whole thing. This. This guy with the hanging out men Park.

Stuart Turley [00:14:42] He was the director. Oh my.

Irina Slav [00:14:43] Gosh. Oh, so some sort of director? I think he was something. Wow. Yeah, yeah, it’s the same with the transition. Because why we are being so incessant. The wind and solar, our good wind and solar energy. Well, no they’re not. And there is evidence of this every day. Every day raising amounts of evidence. But they keep your brain working.

Tammy Nemeth [00:15:11] You’re right, Irina. Especially like, from what my perspective of of the organizers of the of the event, it’s the elites. And so you have the elites telling one thing and trying to push a certain agenda on everybody else. And the public is like, what is this crazy? We don’t want this, and nobody listens. And then they do a fake apology like, oh yeah, we’re really sorry. We didn’t mean to offend anyone, but hey, look how diverse it was. And it’s the same thing with net zero. We’re really sorry your heat pump doesn’t work, but we’re saving the planet, and you’re just going to have to suck it up. And it’s like, what the UK, treasury person and the energy person are saying. It’s like, sorry, Middle England, you’re going to have to suck up the beauty of your of your environment and, and tolerate wind panel, solar panels and wind projects. Sorry. Too bad we’re telling you this is how it’s going to be and we’re going to. Sorry if you don’t like.

David Blackmon [00:16:12] That is exactly right. Yes.

Irina Slav [00:16:13] Yeah, but at least they’re admitting part of the truth that people don’t want it and will have to be forced to endure it. You know, we were supposed to want it because it’s so much better than the one. Yes. Remember, it was supposed to be cheaper, equally reliable, but greener.

David Blackmon [00:16:35] Yes. And none of that is true. Literally no element of the energy transition is real or true. Not not a single element of it. And actually.

Stuart Turley [00:16:47] Batteries walking on the highway.

David Blackmon [00:16:50] Yeah. Well, we’ve we’ve got a video on that too.

Tammy Nemeth [00:16:54] And.

David Blackmon [00:16:54] I just want to go back to the Olympics for one last second. Robert made a good comment here. I blame only the Olympics and we’ll watch none of it. I’m in the same boat, except I have one exception to that rule. And that is any time Simone Biles is on television, I want to watch it because she’s the most incredible athlete of this century. She is the most amazing athlete alive today and has been for a decade now, and so I will always watch her regardless of what the opening ceremonies were like.

Stuart Turley [00:17:29] Well, I think, Robert brings up a great point in that as conservative Christian folk, I am, whatever you are, vote with your dollars in the sponsors of that, travesty, just like Bud Light. Got it in the US. Vote with your dollars. Vote with your time. And, David, there’s nothing wrong with you watching the part of the athlete that you want to watch. In my opinion, I think it’s Van Dam. No, I am boycotting it. Everything else as well. But I’m also boycotting any of the sponsors of the Olympics, and I am more aware of voting with my dollars now than I have been in all the years before.

Irina Slav [00:18:17] Yeah, well, there’s still that. Some sponsors are pulling out

David Blackmon [00:18:21] A Few.

Irina Slav [00:18:21]  which is really awkward. But well done. Them they, they think along the same lines is used you they know people vote with their wallets and they’ve learned a lesson from Bud Light. Yep. It’s a very valuable lesson. I think.

David Blackmon [00:18:42] It is. Absolutely

Stuart Turley [00:18:46] I do, I. Whoever did the art for this was fantastic. I love it.

David Blackmon [00:18:50] Is really good. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:18:51] And you have Michelangelo turning the light. The, you know, the hand, the touch of God, I believe. Close.

David Blackmon [00:18:58] Anyone from the Sistine Chapel? Yeah, yeah. Well, I think we beat this horse to death.

Stuart Turley [00:19:08] Yeah. Is that a new. Is that it? No. Is that a new Olympic sport? Beating a horse to death? Maybe.

Irina Slav [00:19:15] Oh. Come on. No.

Stuart Turley [00:19:18] Okay, so these are Tammy’s stories. Let’s get a UK update.

David Blackmon [00:19:26] No. Tammy.  We lost Tammy.

Tammy Nemeth [00:19:31] All right. I mean, my mind just kind of hang out here. Okay. Can you. You’re doing.

Irina Slav [00:19:40] Okay?

David Blackmon [00:19:40] It’s it’s just, very sporadic.

Irina Slav [00:19:46] It was fine until a second ago.

Stuart Turley [00:19:48] Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:19:49] Yeah. I don’t know what happened. It was all good until now.

Tammy Nemeth [00:19:53] Well, I try to sort out my internet here.

David Blackmon [00:19:55] Okay.

Tammy Nemeth [00:19:55] Yeah. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:19:56] I think the, Prime Minister is trying to get Ahold of her. These are Irinas.

Irina Slav [00:20:03] Yeah. Great stories. It was very hard to pick just two, but, first we have the, UN attacking company’s reliance on carbon credits to hit climate targets. Apparently, the U.N. believes that it’s much better to have companies reduce their own emissions instead of buying carbon credits. Which begs the question, why were carbon credits invented in the first place? Because companies couldn’t have cut their own emissions deeply enough or fast enough. But now the UN is having none of it. So it’s it’s shaping up to be a war. And I love this because there’s so many so-called climate advocates, including John Kerry and Jeff Bezos, who are big fans of carbon credits. And they have put a lot of effort into building a private market for carbon credits, privatizing non-government. But no, apparently this is not a good idea. You know, because they don’t work, which has been proven by research. It’s because it’s stopping companies from cutting their own emission is going to be glorious. And I love it. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:21:16] Yeah. And those carbon credits systems are virtually all just scams, exactly like.

Irina Slav [00:21:23] Every other. People are making money. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:21:26] The argument in Canada was great. I loved Canada, and so we can pick on Tammy. Why she can’t talk. This is absolutely wonderful. And that was when if you take the number of trees that are in Canada in their whole forest area, they are net zero anyway for everything that they could possibly do. Canada is net zero. And so carbon capture schemes and and everything else and and is just hilarious for Canada. Sorry.

Tammy Nemeth [00:21:57] Well we’re not actually because of how they calculate the global carbon budget. So even though Canada does have all these trees and we have all the carbon sinks and bills because of how they’ve allocated the global carbon budget, it it gets distributed to somebody else. And we have to take our responsibility for however much we contribute or whatever. So. That’s unfortunately how how how it works. Not in Canada’s favor, of course. Like nothing works in our favor.

Stuart Turley [00:22:31] You know? But. But your leaders let it happen. Yeah.

Tammy Nemeth [00:22:36] Mean actually if can I. Can I add something about the carbon credits?

David Blackmon [00:22:42] Please.

Tammy Nemeth [00:22:44] So it’s like the moving goalposts. We were told that carbon credits were they’re kind of like as, the backstop, because there’s some industries where you could not get to zero. And therefore the carbon credit, they’re supposed to be a carbon credits system and offsets or whatever, because there’s some that you can’t debate, you can’t get you can’t get to zero. So now they’re moving the goalposts and saying, no, no, no, we can’t have them at all. We don’t want them. You shouldn’t have them. Which then begs the question, so how are we supposed to get to net zero and if things will. Well, sort of cancel each other out. Why can’t why can’t we use offsets or whatever? So once again, it’s a matter of we have to change how we live, our lifestyle and everything else in order to be zero, absolute zero, not net zero, because net zero implies that you could offset or, find some other means to balance it out.

David Blackmon [00:23:40] So question for the group. Doesn’t this then indicate and provide further proof that the real goal here by the pushers of this energy transition is not really net zero? It’s to d industrialize the Western world by putting all these companies out of business. If you can’t meet your carbon reduction goals with credits, the only way you can meet get to net zero is to stop doing your business. If you’re in a business that creates carbon emissions.

Stuart Turley [00:24:14] Yes.

Irina Slav [00:24:15] Yeah, it is the centralization of power because I still firmly believe that these people are so clueless, such idiots that their Jubilee businesses can actually be green buying by their measure of green. They think it’s possible. No amount of evidence will discourage them because, I think that the acting on the presumption that we are going to do it differently this time. Yeah. You don’t hear about what happened in Sri Lanka. We’re going to do it. So it works. We don’t care about what happens to Germany, which is you know, it’s going down fast. We’re going to do it right and it’s going to work. Yes. I think they are this stupid. But they like to centralize more power.

Tammy Nemeth [00:25:08] I say yeah, because they they tell the companies they’re not trying hard enough.

Irina Slav [00:25:12] Exactly. You can feel good about it.

David Blackmon [00:25:16] And the result of this, this religious exercise is that today we got the news that for the first time ever, the United Kingdom no longer ranks as one of the ten leading industrialized nations in the world.

Irina Slav [00:25:30] Exactly, I just wanted to to say hi to Joanna. And so a well done because she canceled her Netflix subscription because they’re backing. Kamillan.

David Blackmon [00:25:42] I guess that’s Kamala.

Irina Slav [00:25:44] Yeah, yeah, yeah. It works. Yeah. Even without that backing, I would have canceled a Netflix subscription. It’s worthless anyway, given how they rewrite history.

Stuart Turley [00:25:58] Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t it? I’m seeing that on. Sorry, David. They’re seeing. I’m seeing Google is eliminating conservative. I’ve been fighting Google for years, and I’m proud to be, censored by Google. That means I’m actually on to something. Right. And when you see them now eliminating Donald Trump and and Google and big tech is amazing. The one thing I want to give a shout out to X and Elon is that he’s posting it out there and saying, hey guys, this is really happening out there.

Irina Slav [00:26:34] What did you try? They’ve actually tried Google because I understand sometimes people amplify things that may or may not be true. I didn’t try it myself.

David Blackmon [00:26:42] So I tried it. It’s true. And it’s you. If you if you do a Google search on attempted assassination Trump, you will receive no returns about the Trump shooting. It’ll be it’ll go to Harry Truman or all other attempted assassinations in American history. You won’t get any results related to the Trump.

Irina Slav [00:27:05] Show, but that’s not the old country that these are the actual results.

David Blackmon [00:27:10] Yes. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:27:12] This is really pathetic.

Stuart Turley [00:27:14] It is.

Tammy Nemeth [00:27:15] Yeah, I’m doing it right now. And they show they do the attempted assassination. Ronald Reagan, who survived worst attack in the UK in Victoria.

David Blackmon [00:27:28] And it’s not just Google Folks. You can try DuckDuckGo and you get similar results on DuckDuckGo.

Irina Slav [00:27:33] You better enable that’s what I was talking about stupidity. They never think about the consequences of this.

David Blackmon [00:27:43] Oh, I think they think about it. They think they just don’t care.

Irina Slav [00:27:45] Yeah. And they’re maximizing the consequences.

Stuart Turley [00:27:50] And they’re scrubbing the internet for facts. That’s the part that is even scarier.

David Blackmon [00:27:57] Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:27:58] Yeah, that is scary.

Tammy Nemeth [00:27:59] So, you know, a while ago they did a remake of Fahrenheit 451, and they did it as if it were happening in a digital realm. So instead of book burnings, you’d get a daily update, and the daily update would alter your book to scrub, or maybe books would be deleted. But I think mostly it was rewriting things, so you couldn’t say the different phrases. And that’s that concerns me when we have so many books in a digital format, like if you update your Kindle, how do you know that it’s not updating different books down the road? That is a possibility.

Stuart Turley [00:28:40] Yeah. Here’s some good ones here, Patrick.

Irina Slav [00:28:44] Good day.

Stuart Turley [00:28:46] Yes. The power of AI. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:28:49] Probably. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Okay. Should we mention heat pumps?

David Blackmon [00:28:55] Yes.

Stuart Turley [00:28:56] Oh, yes.

Tammy Nemeth [00:28:57] Absolutely.

Irina Slav [00:29:00] Yeah. It’s tragic news. Heat pump sales collapse in Europe. And this is this is very bad for the Green New Deal because apparently they will have to force people to buy them if people don’t want to buy them on their own. And that’s a big problem because heat pumps were, you know. One of the pillars of the European transition. And our people don’t want them just like they don’t want EVs. You have to wonder what’s wrong with these people. Why don’t they want super expensive heat pumps that don’t work as advertised, and super expensive EVs that don’t work as advertised?

David Blackmon [00:29:42] Know it’s hard to imagine.

Irina Slav [00:29:44] It’s really it’s really hard to imagine why people would be acting so irrationally and counter intuitively.

David Blackmon [00:29:52] And this is the Olympic story, where all the athletes are bringing their own room air conditioning units because they know the geothermal system doesn’t work. Right? Right. So, I mean, all these green alternatives are not alternatives at all. They’re scams designed to transfer wealth from lower classes of individuals to upper classes of individuals.

Tammy Nemeth [00:30:13] And make us all uncomfortable and miserable.

David Blackmon [00:30:16] Right.

Tammy Nemeth [00:30:17] It’s like when when the pandemic started and the expectation was that everybody was supposed to be walking around grim. You know, you weren’t supposed to smile or be enjoying your day out where you were also.

Irina Slav [00:30:30] Supposed to be walking around at all Tammy.

David Blackmon [00:30:33] Well, that’s.

Tammy Nemeth [00:30:33] You had an hour in the UK, you had an hour. You were allowed an hour outside.

Irina Slav [00:30:39] You really had it bad. Yeah,

Tammy Nemeth [00:30:42] Actually wasn’t so bad. I think Canada was probably worse. But you know, Australia and enforced stuff in. Yeah, New Zealand was terrible. But in any event it was like you were supposed to be all grim and everything, and I swear that’s what net zero is. Just trying to make people be miserable because they get, you know, don’t enjoy your life or whatever.

Irina Slav [00:31:01] Because you don’t deserve to enjoy your life. You’re hurting the planet.

Tammy Nemeth [00:31:06] Exactly.

Irina Slav [00:31:07] So after this massive sin of hurting the planet.

Tammy Nemeth [00:31:13] However, I have to say, when we were driving through Germany, we noticed there were a whole many houses, had new, chimneys for, wood burning stoves.

Irina Slav [00:31:29] Are they going to make people buy carbon capture or, you know, emissions scrubbers or whatever they’re called to put in their chimneys? They might,

Tammy Nemeth [00:31:40] Know, be they might because originally they were going to ban the stoves. And then when the natural gas prices spiked and there was the supposed shortages and whatever else at the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the people freaked out. What are you doing? This is the only way we have to heat ourselves and you want to take it away. And so the German government walked it back. But I mean, who knows, they could try it again. Okay. So these are the UK headlines. And the first one is that the Crown Estate that’s King Charles and Company. They’re set to make billions of pounds from Ed Miliband wind farms free. So Ed Miliband is the the Minister of Energy and whatever. However the department’s been renamed in the UK and their plan is to put all of these immense offshore wind turbines increase the number of them off the coast of, the UK. And of course, that’s Crown land and it’s money. They would be paying money directly to King Charles and, and the Crown Estate for the operation of these wind turbines. So is it the like? I understand King Charles is very much an eco nut and everything else, but wow, he sure will benefit from.

Irina Slav [00:33:06] From doing it. I’m sure they’ll think about it.

David Blackmon [00:33:10] Thinking of transfers, of wealth.

Tammy Nemeth [00:33:14] Yeah, exactly. Exactly like he needs more money. And then the second story, the headline is Ed Miliband picks leading Brexit critic as GB energy chairman. So they’ve set up this state company called GB energy, Great Britain Energy, where it’s unclear at first they were saying they were going to nationalize different assets and have it all run by GB energy. And then they said it was going to be just an investment fund. And Mark Carney was advising on what to do with this money, how to invest in the transition. So they were elected. He is. It’s really. Odd. So. And in any event, they they’re part of the thing. Was that they were going to invest in these wind projects and solar projects and all these different kinds of transition things. And now they’re going back to this idea that they’re going to own those assets. So it’s not just that they’re taking money from oil and gas companies through the windfall profits tax that they’ve increased and extended. So basically, I don’t see how we like gas companies any money because almost all of it goes to this windfall tax. And, then they’re going to take that money, put it into this fund, and then invested in wind and solar projects or whatever. So the guy who they named as the GBG chairman was the head of the Siemens, wind operations in the, in the UK. Wow. He was against Brexit. Okay. So you get a guy who is. Yeah, I mean, it’s. Typical. And so we’ve got five years of this. So it’ll be interesting to see how this evolves and, what sort of investments they do indeed decide to make. And in any event, King Charles is going to get richer.

Stuart Turley [00:35:06] Wow.

Irina Slav [00:35:07] Yay! So it will be worth it. If he’s going, do you think.

Stuart Turley [00:35:11] The UK will survive?

Tammy Nemeth [00:35:15] I don’t know. I don’t know.

Stuart Turley [00:35:19] I think we’re off to David here. There we are.

David Blackmon [00:35:24] Well, let’s start with the second one first. Kamala Harris. Operation fracking flip flop is underway. Kamala Harris famously endorsed a national ban on hydraulic fracturing in the United States during her 2020 presidential run. She repeated that time and time after time during the campaign.

Stuart Turley [00:35:45]  I don’t know that I. Can trust a single thing you say because you’re a Substack author. Do You have a video of that?

David Blackmon [00:35:51] Well, there is a video that. Let’s see it.

Video Speaker Kamala Harris [00:35:54] So starting and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. Right. And, and then there has to be like.

Stuart Turley [00:36:03] She actually said, I will ban fracking.

Video Speaker Kamala Harris [00:36:05] On California. I have a. History of working on this issue. And to your point, and you know that. We have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the. Health and safety of communities. There’s no question.

David Blackmon [00:36:19] Play it, play it. That’s the key statement. Keep it. Play safe.

Video Speaker Kamala Harris [00:36:24] Yeah. And and and starting .

David Blackmon [00:36:26] We are back

Video Speaker Kamala Harris [00:36:28] and starting . In favor of banning fracking, ever banning fracking. So yeah

David Blackmon [00:36:32] Anyway, there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. That’s that’s the key point. Yeah. And this week, of course, now that she’s the, presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, her campaign spokesperson says og, she no longer supports a ban on hydraulic fracturing. Because. Why? Because to get elected president, she has to win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio. And they’re all big oil and gas states now. They didn’t used to be, but they are now, thanks to what? Thanks to fracking and horizontal drilling into the big shale formations in the northeastern United States. So, yeah, so she’s backing off of that. But as soon as she’s inaugurated, folks is just going to go back the other way. Okay. Because that’s in her heart. She’s also a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, which is a plan and basically a plan for to implement a communist government, communist takeover. The United States government is what it is. And, so that’s the truth about Kamala Harris. Then the other one, kind of ties back to a point Irina was making here earlier is that people don’t want to buy. And I think Tammy two people don’t want to buy electric cars. And suddenly, auto manufacturers in Europe, just like auto manufacturers in the United States, are finding out that people don’t want to buy electric cars and the market is collapsing. Okay. And that’s just going to continue. Donald Trump warned about this in April when he said, you know, if you reelect Biden, there’s going to be a bloodbath in the US automotive industry, thanks to all this focus on electric vehicles. He was absolutely right about that, which is why our propaganda media here in the United States lambasted and for saying, you’re not supposed to say these truths about the energy transition and these false alternative energy sources out loud. If you do, you’re going to be slandered and smeared by the news media. So those are my two. That’s a great piece in the Telegraph. Everyone should read it. It’s really well done. Klaus Schwab would correct you. You’re happy, damn it. Yes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And Bill gates, and, you know, and King Charles and and all these other billionaires who are the real people profiting from all this. I’ll go again. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:39:06] All right. I got to give a shout out to the, Cowboy State, daily on this one.

David Blackmon [00:39:11] They do great work there.

Stuart Turley [00:39:12] I love them. Support. You need to go support them. But the fight over 500 million rail tie wind farm in southern Wyoming is far from over. The guy in there on the picture, actually or not, invented the OtterBox for the phones. And so, the article really goes in. It’s a, a menu for a wind manufacturing group, an energy company out of Spain. And the map of this thing is devastating to the farmers in and in the amount of damage that it is going to do to Wyoming and absolutely bring almost no benefit in electricity except higher prices.

David Blackmon [00:39:56] So at most of the power it generates is going to be exported to California.

Tammy Nemeth [00:40:02] Yeah, exactly.

Stuart Turley [00:40:04] And so, it’s a scam. And, hats off to them for bringing this to light. I’ve got a video, in a segue, but, this is how bad wind is. Let’s see. How are we on time? This is probably even more important than that story. And it says Yellen says 3 trillion is needed each year to fund climate transition. And this is probably the most important thing I can say in, in and in a while. They have taken the energy transition and the climate crisis and merged these together. And this is so important. It is now the climate transition in order to go through this even more faster and more violent, unbelievable.

David Blackmon [00:40:58] And even.

Irina Slav [00:40:59] Worse.

David Blackmon [00:41:00] I think it’s important to point out on the Wyoming story that is a heavily Republican state where that’s happening, right? Just that’s doing this. Texas has more wind power, more solar now than any other state. Heavily Republican state. These Republicans are as guilty as the Democrats.

Stuart Turley [00:41:18] Exactly.

David Blackmon [00:41:19] For virtue signaling over this nonsense.

Stuart Turley [00:41:22] And and I want to show this one, like two minute video because, this is about the most disgusting thing that needs to be told about wind and solar, offshore wind, but how these things really, impact.

Video Narrator [00:41:40] Charged and nasty looking substance into Narragansett Bay shore wind vessel. The connector discharged a nasty looking substance into Narragansett Bay. Initially described as oil. The Rhode Island Dem later corrected the report, calling the substance soot is as soot as any better than oil. Falling turbine blades and potentially cancer causing soot might be the least of our problems. The public should also know that the nine projects off our shores will contain 34 million gallons of coolants, fuels, oils and lubricants, 34 million gallons offshore and at risk. As we now know, machines break blades, drop oil spills. These projects threaten the health of our ocean bays. Beaches. Us without helping combat climate change. How is this good for the environment? Keep it wild. Act now. Ask questions. Demand answers.

Stuart Turley [00:42:36] And, David and I looked to be interviewing Captain Carey. Kelly, this week. And he has removed billions of pounds of plastics out of the ocean. And so we’ll be going into, deeper dive on, on this issue. The microplastics that we talked about off the Nantucket wind farm, and the blades, the amount of plastics and microplastics that get into the fish and into us as humans is disgusting and is a major health issue. This is about pollution. This is not about.

David Blackmon [00:43:19] It’s real pollution. Not quite.

Stuart Turley [00:43:22] That exactly.

Irina Slav [00:43:23] So it’s good to see that there are still actual environmental activists who care about the actual environment and, sounding the alarm about offshore wind and onshore wind, given the amount of concrete and iron and, you know, landscape destruction that goes into building these huge turbines. It’s good to see that still alive. And I wish them all the luck in the world.

David Blackmon [00:43:53] Yeah, those real environmentalists we used to call Democrats. Now our news media calls in far right as activists. Yeah, right. Same people.

Tammy Nemeth [00:44:04] So with. Can I just ask you about Janet Yellen statement of 3 trillion. Because these numbers are always changing. Right. And so I’m wondering is her 3 trillion estimate global for global investment or is it U.S..

David Blackmon [00:44:22] And it’s total investment. It’s not just government spending, it’s total investment.

Tammy Nemeth [00:44:27] Yeah. Just that she. I think she said something like, private has to be private money coming in or something, but, I mean. 2 To 3 years ago, they were saying globally it was 3 trillion. Now it’s just for America.

David Blackmon [00:44:41] Because, I mean, that’s.

Irina Slav [00:44:44] Changing upwards.

David Blackmon [00:44:46] And it’s a massive understatement for the United States, by the way. I mean, you know, that’s just ridiculously low estimate of what it’s going to cost.

Tammy Nemeth [00:44:55] Yeah. And even so, it’s a ridiculous. People don’t even understand what a trillion is Trillion.

David Blackmon [00:45:01] It can’t comprehend it.

Tammy Nemeth [00:45:03] Yeah. Can’t comprehend it. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:45:04] No I have to. This  million or billion.

David Blackmon [00:45:08] Right.

Tammy Nemeth [00:45:09] Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:45:13] Thanks, Patrick.

Tammy Nemeth [00:45:14] By Patrick.

David Blackmon [00:45:15] Yeah. Yes, Joanna. You’re right. It is.

Tammy Nemeth [00:45:19] With respect to like the the wind turbines and some environmentalists actually being concerned about the impacts on the environment. When we were in Germany, we were shocked to see that there there were a few wind projects in forest, and they were wanting to build a whole bunch of new wind turbines throughout the forest of the Hartz Mountain area. And, this environmental group of the of Germany called Nabu, had posters up all over where, you know, no wind turbines in our forest, save our forest and everything. You know, it’s bad enough when they put wind turbines on open hills or fields or whatever, but to put them where bird’s nest and where animals nest, I think that’s just insane. It’s insane.

David Blackmon [00:46:06] It is insane It’s like the Biden administration wanting to put these massive wind farms in the center of the Gulf of Mexico, which is what the government itself calls the migratory bird superhighway, where billions of migratory birds every year fly back and forth from Central America to North America on their migration routes. And they want to put 900 foot tall turbines with 350ft foot long blades out in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s just it’s just it has to be an intentional effort to kill birds. I mean, it’s inexplicable that you would actually ever want to put a single wind turbine out there. And it’s also, by the way, the part of the Gulf of Mexico that most frequently has to be shut in all the oil platforms for hurricanes.

Irina Slav [00:47:05] Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. Okay, let’s forget about birds. Let’s continue denying that wind turbines, Gilbert. Although they do. The first hurricane will take a little while for us.

Stuart Turley [00:47:21] Yeah. And then all that, all that pollution goes into the,

Irina Slav [00:47:28] into the ocean.

Tammy Nemeth [00:47:30] yeah, yeah. So if if one is bad off the coast of Nantucket. What’s what’s it like if you have a whole entire installation in the Gulf of Mexico when a hurricane comes through?

David Blackmon [00:47:43] Right? No. That’s crazy. It’s just. It’s insane. It is literally, literally insane. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:47:50] It is.

Stuart Turley [00:47:51] David, well, we got just a few minutes left. You guys, the email chatter that you guys were doing was fabulous. We can just show this video and keep talking.

David Blackmon [00:48:02] Oh, yeah. This is the lithium ion battery. It shut down I-15 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The only freeway that goes between those two major cities through Death Valley. This is on the edge of the hottest part of North America. Right there where this happened, there were thousands upon thousands of people sitting in cars backed up for miles and miles that eventually had to be rerouted over to Interstate 40. Here’s. Yeah, here’s the, a photo of just a tiny sliver of what it was. And this was on Friday. Because that truck overturned. It was carrying lithium ion batteries, and you can’t put the far out. And so that freeway was shut down for hours upon hours waiting for this burn itself out.

Stuart Turley [00:48:56] Look at that.

Irina Slav [00:48:58] This is one of my biggest nightmares, you know, to to find myself, you know, in a huge traffic jam. And they could not reroute the traffic earlier. I mean, what?

David Blackmon [00:49:10] Well, you know, they they were hoping that it would be faster to put far out and get it all off. They were waiting.

Irina Slav [00:49:16] To put out the fire. They did not put it out. How long it takes to put out a lithium ion battery? Yeah. That’s great.

David Blackmon [00:49:24] You can’t extinguish the fire with water. And so they just had to let it burn itself out. Wow.

Tammy Nemeth [00:49:32] Can smell the water just to cool it down because it burns so hot. And that would the work. I guess the way you try to stop or slow the thermal runaway is to cool it down, because it’s like 900 degrees or some incredibly high temperature. And it’s interesting because some of the if you have smaller fires, they talk about using CO2 suppression. And I think, I think it’d be kind of cool if they had got to use dry ice or something in order to, to lower the temperature. And of course, dry ice is, called CO2.

David Blackmon [00:50:06] Yes it is. That’d be. We’re not supposed to. Is that supposed to be bad? Isn’t it?

Irina Slav [00:50:10] So embarrassing.

David Blackmon [00:50:13] Yeah, it really is embarrassing.

Stuart Turley [00:50:16] What a fun.

David Blackmon [00:50:16] But don’t worry, I was assured by a reader on LinkedIn that that all those lithium ion batteries are going to go away. And we’ve just got this miracle. New battery technology, solid state battery that’s going to take it all over.

Tammy Nemeth [00:50:30] That for you.

David Blackmon [00:50:30] Oh, that for 30 years.

Irina Slav [00:50:31] Yeah. Well, they keep being on the brink of taking over. Right.

David Blackmon [00:50:36] It’s just around.

Tammy Nemeth [00:50:37] The clock fusion. It’s like.

Irina Slav [00:50:39] Yeah, well, I’m saying hear that?

Stuart Turley [00:50:41] Usually it’s right near that fusion where.

Irina Slav [00:50:44] It’s like it’s. Not going to go. So I think.

Tammy Nemeth [00:50:51] It’s kind of like climate catastrophes always just around the corner. Yeah. You know, we just have five more years. Four, seven, ten, just five more years.

David Blackmon [00:51:01] King Charles needs more money.

Tammy Nemeth [00:51:04] Absolutely.

David Blackmon [00:51:06] And Larry Fink

Irina Slav [00:51:09] Right back. I don’t know what will. I mean, the man is likable.

Tammy Nemeth [00:51:15] He is. And he’s refitting his super Bentleys to be to run on biofuel or something.

Irina Slav [00:51:24] Oh, will he be producing the biofuel himself and with his wife, you know, in the new.

Tammy Nemeth [00:51:31] Well from the, the, the estates, because they produce a lot of, fruits and vegetables and grains that they sell at Waitrose. It’s called Duchy Organic.

Irina Slav [00:51:43] And people buy it. Don’t sell me. People probably buy it.

Tammy Nemeth [00:51:46] Yeah, people buy it

David Blackmon [00:51:47] Jeremy. Jeremy Clarkson can, open a biofuel manufacturing plant on his farm in season five of Clark Clarkson’s farm.

Irina Slav [00:51:56] Yeah, yeah.

Tammy Nemeth [00:51:57] Yeah, well, he’s, I’m sure next year going about his pub opening, so.

David Blackmon [00:52:03] Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That’ll be I can’t wait.

Irina Slav [00:52:06] You should go and send those pictures.

David Blackmon [00:52:10] Yeah, I’ve been just.

Tammy Nemeth [00:52:12] I’ve been to the farm shop and. My husband.

David Blackmon [00:52:18] Oh, you’re cutting out on us again?

Tammy Nemeth [00:52:22] That’s a.

Stuart Turley [00:52:25] She’s starting to sound a little more like me.

David Blackmon [00:52:32] I think maybe it’s time to win this. Now we’re almost at an hour.

Stuart Turley [00:52:36] All right. It was a lot of fun. I mean, it was always.

David Blackmon [00:52:40] You got us off on 17 irrelevant tangents. Today was great.

Irina Slav [00:52:45] As usual. Well, have a great day, everyone who’s watching. And all of you.

David Blackmon [00:52:53] Yes. Thanks, everyone, for joining us.

Irina Slav [00:52:54] We’ll see you next Monday.

David Blackmon [00:52:57] Bye

Stuart Turley [00:52:58] Bye, guys. See you guys.


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