EDT and Synergy establish offshore shipmanagement venture

Energy News Beat

Cyprus-based EDT Offshore and Singapore’s shipmanagement giant Synergy Marine Group have joined forces in the offshore sector.

The joint venture called EDT Synergy Shipmanagement will aim to deliver innovative and sustainable offshore shipmanagement solutions, addressing industry challenges in decarbonisation and digitalisation, the companies said in a joint release.

“This joint venture represents a strategic evolution of our shared vision for operational excellence,” said Giles Heimann, director of shipmanagement and operations at EDT Offshore. “By combining our expertise, EDT Synergy Shipmanagement is well-positioned to meet the demands of the offshore sector and deliver innovative solutions to our clients.”

The new business will be registered in Cyprus and “address key challenges in offshore vessel management”, including the high energy demands of dynamic positioning, limited access to alternative fuels, and the growing need for sustainable retrofitting.

It will support the maintenance and upgrading of offshore facilities and the expansion of exploration and production activities worldwide, the companies said.

EDT Offshore was set up in 1980 and specialises in oil rig support, vessel chartering, logistics, subsea support, and project management, while its Singapore-based partner manages over 700 ships is several sectors.

“This partnership highlights our commitment to fostering innovation and delivering customised solutions for the offshore industry, added Ajay Chaudhry, co-CEO of shipmanagement at Synergy Marine Group.

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