Could China Hack Our Electric Grid? – in 4 words – Yes and How Soon? The Real Question – Is Mayorkas in on it?

Energy News Beat

I am working on several stories about the issues with the potential threats to our national grid. This potential terrorist attack has been planned for years and has been made possible by the current administration’s energy and border policies.

The Biden Administration curtailed an executive order from President Trump that was put in place to stop the illegal terrorism being set up by China and other countries.

The infrastructure has been compromised, and the Hon. J. William Middendorf II wrote about some of the components on March 10, 2021.

Could China Hack Our Electric Grid? Joe Biden Just Made It Easier.

The Key Takeaways in his article:

Transformers and generators imported from such adversaries as China and Russia could enable those countries to shut down the entire national electric grid.

It could deprive tens of millions of Americans of the basic elements necessary to sustain life. Those living in large cities would be particularly vulnerable.

The DOE further noted that the threat to the grid is anything but hypothetical.

Secret “back doors” in transformers and generators imported from such adversaries as China and Russia could enable those countries to shut down the entire national electric grid, throwing the entire country into chaos.

Recognizing this threat, the Trump administration issued Executive Order 13929, declaring a national emergency with respect to the nation’s electric grid and prohibiting the acquisition or installation of “any bulk-power electric equipment designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied, by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction of such foreign adversaries.” In addition to China and Russia, the order identified North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela as “foreign adversaries.”

The order was a shrewd and timely response to a growing threat. Unfortunately, that Executive Order has now been suspended.

Last year, (2020) the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. officials had seized a Chinese-built transformer they suspected had been secret capabilities that could allow distant adversaries to monitor or even disable it. Cybersecurity expert Joseph Weiss told the Journal that officials had found “electronics that should not have been part of the transformer (i.e., hardware back doors) that could secretly allow the Chinese to gain effective control of the transformers.” Weiss added that as far back as 2001, China was caught trying to hack into a U.S. grid in California. He further contends that the Russians have been “in” the U.S. grid since 2014.

Losing control of the grid through remote computer access may not be the only problem, according to Tommy Waller, director of infrastructure security at the Center for Security Policy and the director of the Secure the Grid coalition of energy infrastructure experts. He worries about sensors, actuators and drives installed in imported equipment—even if they are not connected to the Internet. Such hardware, he notes, could be designed to sabotage the grid by sending bogus readings.

It is widely understood that a major power grid collapse could become the single most deadly event in U.S. history. It could deprive tens of millions of Americans of the basic elements necessary to sustain life. Those living in large cities would be particularly vulnerable.

Let’s fast forward to the Chinese spy balloon in which the Biden Administration openly denied that information was being transmitted back to China. Even NBC stated differently.

Source: NBC

By connecting to the internet, they could have easily connected to the grid equipment installed with remote spyware. Talking with security experts, this has been corroborated as possible and probable. With the remote capability of shutting down major interconnects in the U.S., Grid without firing a shot is now set up.

Another part of the puzzle is the open border. I have interviewed George McMillan, CEO G3Srat and G3Insights, and Michael Yon, War Correspondent, and I am releasing a podcast with Michael about the border problem and energy.

George’s articles and interviews have been eye-opening as we have covered the geopolitical energy topics through an acidemia viewpoint with vast boots-on-the-ground information. All of his material in our discussions can be found on the Energy News Beat site HERE:

While Michael Yon, U.S. Army Green Beret, War Correspondent,  and I filmed our interview, he was in Panama. He was covering the huge illegal migration being orchestrated by NGOs funded by the US. I was surprised when we talked about the base in Panama and the volume of military-aged men and Chinese connections. But when we spoke of our United States Secretary of Homeland Security flying into this same base that is now moving large numbers of potential combatants, I about fell out of my chair. He has videos of Mayorkas flying in on a Blackhawk and entering the camp. So, if our Secretary of Homeland Security has meetings in Panama, in a known Chinese base moving in illegal combat-aged men, is it a far reach to connect the Biden administration to actively preparing the US Grid to be taken down?

Let’s not forget the Obama movie depicting the end of the internet and grid problems in their Netflix movie.

I am not sure what to believe anymore. Let’s watch Davos next week for several things. First, they have openly said they will have a major disaster with the new pandemic: the internet will be shut down, and the energy grids will be dramatically impacted.

Please let me know your thoughts, and if you have any information on Grid Security, don’t hesitate to contact me. We take our energy security very seriously and want to verify news sources. While some are saying you need to get your Renolds Tinfoil Hat ready, there are so many “Conspiracy theories” that are coming true it might be a good idea to prepare for a natural disaster anyway. Our grid has become unstable because of our current administration’s energy policies, so we may not even need a Conspiracy theory to cause some real problems.

This is also an open invitation to any energy expert to contact the show and schedule an interview for a potential guest on the podcast. We like to discuss all types of energy as we need to provide the lowest kWh to everyone to elevate humanity out of poverty.  – Stu


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