Congress repeals Biden offshore oil and gas rule

Energy News Beat

Legislation to repeal a rule adding costs to offshore drilling imposed by the Biden administration has been repealed after a vote in Congress.

Representatives from the Republican party used the Congressional Review Act to cancel out certain regulations which former US president Joe Biden was able to finalise near the end of his tenure.

During the week, five votes in the House or Senate repealed several energy and financial-related regulations.

The most recent one cleared the House of Representatives on Thursday. It repealed a requirement that new oil and gas leaseholders on the US outer continental shelf submit an archaeological report before they start offshore drilling production. The vote passed the Senate last week meaning that it will be soon heading to president Trump’s table for signing.

“This is a major step towards unleashing American energy, lowering costs, and undoing the damage of the Biden-Harris administration,” said House Republican Conference Chairwoman Lisa McClain.

The vote was 221-202 to repeal the rule. Even nine representatives from the Democratic party joined the Republican majority with just one Republican voting against and one abstaining.

This is the second vote that will help the oil and gas industry following the scrapping of an Environmental Protection Agency regulation charging oil and gas producers a fee on methane emission leaks. The vote passed both chambers of Congress last week.

The post Congress repeals Biden offshore oil and gas rule appeared first on Energy News Beat.




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