Category: Energy News Beat

Iran Launches New Gas Pipeline in SP Phase 16

Energy News Beat TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A new offshore gas pipeline was put into operation at Phase 16 of Iran’s South Pars Gas Field on Tuesday. The new offshore gas pipeline, costing €130 million to build, came into operation at the order of Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji, concurrent with the 45th victory anniversary of the victory […]

Heavier EVs tearing up California roadways but paying nothing for road maintenance

Energy News Beat Can it be true that California, in pursuit of reduced emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles, has mandated that heavier EV cars and trucks tear up the state’s roads? Shockingly, the state has no accompanying mandate on those heavier vehicles to contribute funds to the maintenance and repairs of the roads they […]

Biden Makes Coal Great Again As Exports Soar To India

Energy News Beat US thermal coal exporters recorded more than $5 billion in overseas sales in 2023, shipping upwards of 32.5 million metric tons of the high-polluting power fuel, according to Reuters, citing data from ship-tracking firm Kpler. These coal export earnings were the second highest since 2017, trailing only behind 2022’s $5.7 billion. This comes […]

Vietnam’s VLCC fleet grows

Energy News Beat AsiaTankers Johnnie / MarineTraffic Greece’s Capital Maritime and Trading has sold the youngest VLCC to be flagged under the Vietnamese flag. At the end of last year, Evangelos Marinakis quietly sold a 14-year-old Universal-built mammoth named Alexander the Great, now named Felix, with VesselsValue tagging Phuong Dong Petrol Transport as the buyer. Four VLCCs […]

GEFO orders 10 chemical tankers

Energy News Beat EuropeTankers GEFO German owner GEFO is expanding its fleet with an order for 10 stainless steel chemical tankers at the Xiangyu shipyard in Nantong, China. A three-digit million-dollar sum will see the 3,850 dwt ships delivered between 2026 and 2028. In 2022, GEFO launched a €400m ($430m) investment programme in a series […]

Ship damaged as ceasefire talks are discussed around the Middle East

Energy News Beat A Barbados-flagged, United Kingdom-owned general cargo ship incurred physical damage from a drone hit in between Eritrea and Yemen just after midnight. According to security consultant Ambrey, the ship incurred minor damage on its port side but was able to continue on its voyage. No injuries were reported. The United Kingdom Maritime […]

Inland cargo ship sinks in port of Hamburg

Energy News Beat Hamburg Port Authority An inland waterway ship carrying 3,500 litres of diesel and 1,400 tonnes of potassium chloride has sunk in Hamburg. At the time of the incident, the 80-meter-long ship was moored to the quay in Kalikai, one of Hamburg’s most known locations for the export of bulk goods, and it […]

Upcoming UK Power Capacity Auction Could Set Record Prices

Energy News Beat This month’s capacity market auction in the UK – designed to pay power producers to provide additional capacity to the grid in times of high demand – could fetch record-high clearing prices for the 2027-2028 market when backup capacity looks tight. The four-year-ahead (T-4) capacity market auction, awarding contracts to generators to […]

Why Americans don’t want electric vehicles

Energy News Beat Not long ago, pundits were telling us that gasoline-powered cars would soon vanish from the streets, replaced by sleek, space-age vessels powered by electricity. But consumer demand for electric cars never matched the hype. Fewer drivers are interested in electric vehicles today than ever before, according to a new survey. This is […]

Molgas expands LNG bunkering network with first French operation

Energy News Beat European small-scale LNG player Molgas has expanded the company’s LNG bunkering network with the completion of its first operation in France. Molgas said in an emailed statement on Monday that the group’s inaugural operation in France involved the delivery of LNG to a dry bulk ship at the port of Honfleur. Moreover, […]