Category: Energy News Beat

Energy and the Olympics

Energy News Beat Energy and the Olympics What a time we live in where the Olympics in Paris starts with terror attacks on the train system, controversy in the opening, a power blackout, and athletes bringing their own air conditioners. All that and more on the live podcast from Texas, the UK, and Bulgaria. You […]

Red States, Blue States: A Tale of Two Economies

Energy News Beat The latest employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for June 2024 offers a compelling snapshot of the divergent economic fortunes of red and blue states. The national unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1 percent, a modest increase of 0.5 percentage points from June 2023. Yet, beneath these headline figures lie significant contrasts […]

Taiwan Shuts Second-to-Last Nuclear Plant in Controversial Shift

Energy News Beat Decision could make island more dependent on energy imports Taiwan aims to decommission last reactor by May next year Taiwan will shut down its second-to-last nuclear plant on Saturday in a move likely to make the island at the center of US-China tensions even more dependent on the outside world for energy. […]

Yellen says $3 trillion is needed each year to fund climate transition

Energy News Beat Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Saturday the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy requires $3 trillion in new investment annually through 2050, and that filling the financing gap to reach that level of funding represents the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. Yellen spoke in Belem, a Brazilian city known as the […]


Energy News Beat Daily Standup Top Stories BRICS Officially Announces Financial System Similar to SWIFT July 26, 2024 Stu Turley The BRICS alliance is looking to bypass the Western SWIFT system and replace it with its own financial mechanism. The creation of a new financial messaging system similar to SWIFT will allow BRICS to reshape […] Potential […]

Africa’s Top Oil Producer Aims to Fight Soaring Inflation with Gold Reserves

Energy News Beat Nigeria, the biggest oil producer in Africa, is considering ways to curb soaring inflation, including by giving the central bank powers to use gold to boost reserves. Nigerian lawmakers are discussing a bill to create a so-called Gold Reserve Authority and give the central bank the powers to be the automatic off-taker […]

The Left’s $7 Trillion Lie: Biden Far Outpaces Trump in Racking Up the National Debt

Energy News Beat Projection is blaming someone else for your own bad behavior. We saw a classic case of projection in Thursday’s presidential debate, when President Biden—who is overseeing annual budget deficits of $2 trillion—asserted that his predecessor, Donald Trump, added more to the federal debt than anyone else. It’s part of the latest leftist argument: that […]

BP Shares Plummet on $2 Billion Impairment Warning

Energy News Beat Shares in BP fell by as much as four percent this morning after it warned it was expected to post an impairment of up to $2bn (1.6bn) and was operating under “significantly” lower refining margins. The FTSE 100 oil major, which in April surprised investors with a better-than-expected oil and gas trading performance […]

US electricity prices rise again as AI, onshoring may mean decades of power demand growth: BofA

Energy News Beat Dive Brief: The year-over-year inflation rate for U.S. electricity prices reached 5.9% in May, up from 3.8% in January, according to Bank of America Institute, a think tank utilizing proprietary data to develop insights into consumer behavior and the economy. Utility payments — including electricity, gas, waste removal and water — declined 1.4%  […]

The End of Chevron Deference: Tapping the Brakes on the Road to Serfdom

Energy News Beat The desire to control so much of other people’s lives is inconsistent not only with liberalism, but with the U.S. Constitution. Government has controlled so much of our lives for so long, it now seems normal, even rational. Where we live. Where we work. Whom we hire. What becomes of our labor. What we eat. The precise share of […]