Category: Energy News Beat

Coal, the Dirtiest Fossil Fuel, Prepares for a Long Goodbye

Energy News Beat More than two years after climate negotiators first attempted to consign coal to history, the dirtiest fossil fuel is having a moment. Thanks to a combination of China’s energy insecurity — pushing Beijing back to trusted power sources — plus rising Indian demand, the continued fallout from the war in Ukraine and […]

EU push to make private sector finance key investments is misguided, analysts warn

Energy News Beat   The EU’s recent push to encourage the private sector to step in to finance critical investment – especially through the revival of Capital Market Union (CMU) plans –  is both unrealistic and misguided, experts warned. On Monday (11 March), European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni suggested that the funds needed for the […]

EU Commission scrutinises nine big tech platforms over targeted ads and generative AI

Energy News Beat   The European Commission requested information on Thursday (14 March) from nine big tech platforms on their use of targeted ads and generative artificial intelligence (AI) to gauge compliance with the Digital Services Act (DSA). The Commission asked Bing, Google Search, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube and X to provide details regarding […]

Commission says new rules on animal welfare postponed in name of strategic dialogue

Energy News Beat   After tabling just a small part of the promised overhaul of legislation on animal welfare, the Commission told the European Parliament plenary on Thursday (14 March) that a revision must rely on a strategic dialogue with stakeholders. The Commission committed to a general overhaul of the animal welfare legislation in 2020, […]

Von der Leyen campaign’s ‘hot phase’ expected in May – EPP source

Energy News Beat   European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen is expected to start an “intensive” EU election campaign in May with several “thematic” events across Europe, a source familiar with the matter from the European People’s Party (EPP) headquarters in Brussels told Euractiv. “It will be an intensive campaign and its hot phase […]

EU humanitarian chief urges Israel to enable better land access to Gaza as famine looms

Energy News Beat   Airdrops and a maritime corridor will not be enough to substitute humanitarian aid transported by trucks into Gaza, where people are on the verge of famine, European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said on Thursday (14 March). Land routes remain the “quickest, easiest and most efficient” way to get supplies […]

EU environment chief to address anti-deforestation law concerns on South America tour

Energy News Beat   The EU’s Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius is touring Paraguay, Bolivia, and Ecuador this week to address concerns related to the implementation of the world’s first ban on deforestation-linked products, a measure criticised as protectionist by some of the bloc’s trade partners. The rules, which contribute to EU efforts to achieve climate […]

The Brief – Voting under totalitarian rule

Energy News Beat   When I think about the Russian elections, particularly the presidential one taking place this weekend, I cannot help but remember the totalitarian voting in which I participated as a youngster. We have already argued that Vladimir Putin’s regime should no longer be described as authoritarian: After the brutal aggression against Ukraine, […]

EU citizens care about animal welfare, but why is this not being translated into political action? [Promoted content]

Energy News Beat   Animal welfare is one of those rare issues that is neither left nor right. Across the political spectrum and irrespective of nationality, you’ll always find politicians who care about the plight of animals; it is certainly not the exclusive domain of the Greens and the Left. Dr. Joanna Swabe is senior […]

Hard-fought provision on the AI Act could become obsolete, experts say

Energy News Beat   A key provision in the EU’s AI rulebook to assess the risks of foundation models such as ChatGPT may become obsolete within a year due to the pace of developing technologies, experts told Euractiv. The EU’s AI Act is the world’s first comprehensive rulebook to regulate artificial intelligence. It does so […]