Category: Energy News Beat

Goldman Sachs sees OPEC keeping oil in $80-$100 price range

Energy News Beat Oil Price Goldman Sachs expects OPEC to not let oil prices slide too much below $80 per barrel next year and use its pricing power to keep them in the $80-$100 range, the bank said in a note this week, ahead of the OPEC+ meeting on November 26. Source: Oil Price Oil […]

Chevron expands Venezuela oil swap deal as sanctions ease

Energy News Beat Oil Price Following the U.S. sanctions relief on Venezuela’s oil industry, supermajor Chevron has started to supply Venezuelan state oil firm PDVSA with fuels in an expansion of an oil swap deal, Reuters reports, citing sources with knowledge of the matter. Source: Reuters Chevron has already sent one cargo to Venezuela as part […]

As Detroit solar plan advances, community activists are wary

Energy News Beat ​ This article originally appeared on Planet Detroit. After Mayor Mike Duggan announced nine finalists in his campaign to recruit Detroit neighborhoods to host solar panel arrays at a Wednesday press conference, community members and activists are divided over whether the plan will help or unfairly burden their communities. “I thought it […]

Gas infrastructure needs to be ready for clean hydrogen

Energy News Beat Oil Price As green hydrogen becomes an ever more important clean energy source, governments and energy companies must prepare for a steep incline in production in the coming years and ensure they have the correct infrastructure to transport it. Some regions of the world are already establishing major hydrogen corridors, such as […]

Go green, go broke: ‘Clean energy’ fails a basic economics test

Energy News Beat Clean-energy stocks plummet as renewable energy projects prove to be too expensive, threatening America’s environmental aspirations The once-glorified clean-energy stocks are now facing their darkest days, plunging the industry into a financial abyss that threatens America’s ambitious environmental aspirations. The much-touted green revolution is looking more like a red alert as the […]

Speaker Johnson Releases Jan. 6 Videos To The Public

Energy News Beat By Joseph M. Hanneman of Epoch Times More than 40,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police security video will be made public on a dedicated website starting immediately and ramping up in the coming months, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) announced on Nov. 17. However, individual video clips released to media or […]

Daily Energy Standup Episode #254 – Weekly Recap: Iran’s Oil Surge, EV Charging Challenges, and Global Dynamics Unveiled

Energy News Beat Daily Standup Weekly Top Stories Explainer: Iran’s expanding oil trade with top buyer China November 11, 2023 Allen Santos Nov 10 (Reuters) – China’s oil imports from Iran have hit record highs as Iran ramps up output despite the threat of further U.S. sanctions. Existing sanctions were implemented over Iran’s nuclear programme, and […]

Why oil majors Shell and BP are combining solar energy and agricultural production

Energy News Beat At Elm Branch Solar Farm, about an hour south of Dallas, Texas, a flock of sheep grazes among a vast field of solar panels. The flock’s shepherd, Amanda Stoffels, watches over it as the sheep munch on the grass and nap in the shade provided by the panels. Stoffels owns this land, […]

California’s hydrogen fuel shortage hits three-month mark, with filling stations still offline and no end in sight

Energy News Beat It has been three months precisely since a “disruption” to the supply of gaseous hydrogen to filling stations in Southern California was first revealed — and the problem continues to persist, with no end in sight. Data from the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership shows that 23 of the state’s 53 filling stationd […]

Opinion: Net-zero policies colliding with economic reality

Energy News Beat Across the advanced economies, the politics of net zero are colliding with reality, yet most politicians seem oblivious to the dynamics at play. The inconvenient truth is that the clean energy transition is not unfolding as foretold. Three decades and trillions of dollars in subsidies later, wind and solar still represent single-digit percentages of global energy demand, which […]