Category: Energy News Beat

Saudi Arabia seeks OPEC oil production quota cuts as some members resist

Energy News Beat (Bloomberg) – Saudi Arabia is asking others in the OPEC coalition to reduce their oil production quotas in a bid to shore up global markets, but some members are resisting, delegates said. The OPEC leader has been making a largely unilateral production cutback of 1 MMbpd since July, and is now seeking […]

Lower CO2 emissions are partially due to shifts in power generation sources

Energy News Beat We forecast the U.S. energy sector to emit about 4,790 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2023, a 3% decrease from 2022. Much of this decline results from lower electricity generation from coal-fired power plants due to higher generation from renewable sources such as solar power. We expect this trend […]

The Green Energy Wall Gradually Coming Into Focus

Energy News Beat It’s been obvious for many years that electricity generation from the intermittent wind and sun would never work to power a modern economy. But how would the infeasibility of the proposed energy transition finally manifest itself to put an end to the madness? A couple of years ago I began writing about […]

David Staples: Danielle Smith conjures up a new A-bomb to drop on Trudeau’s meddling in Alberta power grid

Energy News Beat Premier Danielle Smith is conjuring up a new A-bomb to drop on the meddling of the Trudeau Liberals with Alberta’s power grid. This newly devised weapon is the key feature in Smith’s first use of the Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act, which she introduced on Monday in her bid to thwart […]

Exclusive | China wielding ‘bargaining power’ with Russia over Power of Siberia 2 natural gas pipeline

Energy News Beat Construction of the Power of Siberia 2 natural gas pipeline is likely to be slower than expected despite the ‘no limit’ strategic partnership between Beijing and Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised to export at least 98 billion cubic metres per year of gas from Russia to China Construction of one […]

Second large Polish nuclear plant gets approval

Energy News Beat PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa submitted an application for the plant to the ministry in August this year. The application included a description of project characteristics, indicating the maximum installed capacity, the planned operating period and details of the APR1400 technology to be used in the construction of the plant. According to the […]

Here’s what Germany’s economic health depends on

Energy News Beat The German economy faces an uphill challenge as recent economic data has revealed with its health dependent on a few pending factors. Euronews Business takes a look at some of them. Germany’s economy continues to remain under pressure as indicated by recent economic data with its gross domestic product (GDP) shrinking on Friday […]

It Will Happen Suddenly – and most likley before the election

Energy News Beat Authored by Jeff Thomas via, As the Great Unravelling progresses, we shall be seeing many negative developments, some of them unprecedented…   Only a year ago, the average person was still hanging on to the belief that the world is in a state of recovery, that, however tentative, the economy was […]

Killer mines in Kuwait keep Gulf War alive and deadly

Energy News Beat Kuwait City, Kuwait – The Israeli military has said that it has planted landmines along parts of the Gaza-Israel fence to prevent further infiltrations of the Palestinian armed group Hamas following its attack on southern Israel on October 7. But laying mines has far-reaching consequences — especially for civilians — long after […]

Wealthy Countries Gear Up against Fossil Fuels Preparing for COP 28

Energy News Beat IER . Commentary Contact The Expert Key Takeaways 1 The Biden Administration announced a deal with China to push the purchase and use of China’s “green products” by Americans, while continuing to abandon the use of the oil, coal and gas that powered the United States to be the world’s largest economy. […]