Category: Energy News Beat

Unit Corporation announces completion of Texas Panhandle asset sale

Energy News Beat Oil and Gas 360 Dec 14, 2023 -TULSA, Okla. – On December 13, 2023, Unit Corporation (OTCQX: UNTC) (Company) completed the previously announced sale of certain non-core oil and gas assets in the Texas Panhandle (the “Divested Assets”) to a third party for net cash proceeds received at closing of $50 million, subject […]

An Expected Surplus of Copper has Suddenly Disappeared

Energy News Beat Key Takeaways 1. Copper is an essential mineral for Biden’s energy transition, but an anticipated glut has disappeared around the world as politics and technological and economic problems have stopped or stalled projects.  A shortage is now predicted by some. 2. The United States has large copper resources, but mines in Alaska, […]

Spot LNG shipping rates, European prices continue to drop

Energy News Beat Spot charter rates for the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier fleet continued to decline this week, while European and Asian prices dropped as well. Last week, the Spark30S Atlantic decreased to $142,500 per day, while the Spark25S Pacific decreased to $117,000 per day. “LNG freight rates fell once again week, with […]

#ENB 164 Congressman Zack Nun IA-03 Stops By to talk about the border security with military age men crossing, and calls for bipartisan support for solutions

Energy News Beat I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Congressman Nunn. And we covered all of my hot buttons. Everything from the military-age men invading the border to the FBI director saying there are lots of warning lights of potential terror attacks, our horrific US dept, and what he sees as solutions. I applaud Congressman […]

Why’d China Agree To Such A Fiercely Anti-Iranian Joint Statement With The GCC?

Energy News Beat ENB Pub Note: An interesting view on the Middle East drama unfolding. Andrew Korybko has a substack that I recommend reading and supporting. While I do not agree with all of his articles or summaries, his research and thought process is worth your time.  Source HERE: It’s unclear how everything will ultimately […]

COP28’s Historic Deal Cements a Role for Big Oil’s Priorities

Energy News Beat Need for transitional fuels, CO2 capture cited in final text Big Oil has long promoted natural gas as bridge to renewables The historic COP28 deal, which committed the world to the transition away from fossil fuels, also cemented a role for two key oil industry priorities. The summit’s final text indicated that natural […]

Buffett Backs Occidental’s Acquisition of CrownRock by Buying More Stock

Energy News Beat Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway bought close to $590 million worth of Occidental Petroleum stock this week after the latter announced it would acquire Permian oil driller CrownRock. Occidental said it will buy CrownRock for cash and stock in a deal valued at around $12 billion, including debt. The target company has more […]

Putin: Russia becoming ‘new global growth centre’ as West ‘rests on laurels’

Energy News Beat ENB Pub Note: “Sanctions do not work as intended”- Irina Slav. She has a great definition and is extremely accurate. The weaponization of the US dollar has accelerated the demise of the United States financial system. This is an example of how countries survive under the poor geopolitical policies of our current […]

USA Energy Groups Respond to COP28 Outcome

Energy News Beat Several U.S. energy groups have responded to the outcome of the COP28 climate summit, which wrapped up earlier this week. The COP28 website highlighted that the summit concluded “with a historic agreement by 198 Parties to deliver a new era of climate action”. “The parties agreed a landmark text named The UAE […]

‘Energy droughts’ in wind and solar can last nearly a week, research shows

Energy News Beat Solar and wind power may be free, renewable fuels, but they also depend on natural processes that humans cannot control. It’s one thing to acknowledge the risks that come with renewable energy: the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow, but what happens when the grid loses both of […]