Category: Energy News Beat

Williams targets US LNG export market with $1.95 billion gas storage deal

Energy News Beat US natural gas pipeline operator Williams is buying a portfolio of natural gas storage assets across Louisiana and Mississippi for $1.95 billion to serve growing demand driven by LNG exports and power generation. Under the deal with a an affiliate of Hartree Partners, Williams will acquire six underground natural gas storage facilities […]

India’s Petronet LNG moves forward with Gopalpur FSRU plans

Energy News Beat India’s Petronet LNG is moving forward with its plans to install a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) in Gopalpur, Odisha. The LNG importer said in a statement on Wednesday it has executed binding deals with Gopalpur Ports for its first LNG terminal on India’s east coast. Petronet and Gopalpur Ports signed […]

Fifth of global oil trade used non-dollar currencies in 2023

Energy News Beat Oil Price A fifth of global oil trade this year was settled in currencies different from the U.S. dollar as countries such as Russia and China move away from the petrodollar. This is according to JP Morgan’s head of global commodities strategy, Natasha Kaneva, who spoke to the Wall Street Journal and said sanctions […]

Spot LNG shipping rates, European prices fall further this week

Energy News Beat Spot charter rates for the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier fleet continued their downward trend this week, while European and Asian prices also decreased compared to the previous week. Last week, both the Spark30S Atlantic and the Spark25S Pacific dropped below $100,000 per day. “LNG freight rates have fallen for the […]

U.S. shale growth could exceed forecasts in 2024

Energy News Beat Oil Price U.S. crude oil production has overwhelmingly exceeded earlier forecasts and has grown at a much faster pace this year, offsetting much of the OPEC+ efforts to push up prices by coordinated supply reductions. U.S. production growth is expected to continue into the new year, thanks to further gains in efficiency […]

Mortgage Rates Dropped a Lot but Clearly Not to the Magic Level. Buyers’ Strike Continues. Issue Is Price

Energy News Beat A similar drop in mortgage rates a year ago to even lower rates didn’t turn up sales volume either – on the contrary. By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET. The dream is, or was, that mortgage rates dropped enough in November and December to push potential home buyers out of their buyers’ strike and to […]

ECB Balance Sheet QT: -€1.94 Trillion from Peak, down to €6.9 Trillion. Shed 47% of Pandemic QE Assets

Energy News Beat Quantitative tightening powers along in the euro area. By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET. Under the ECB’s QT program, kicked off in October 2022, total assets have plunged by €1.94 trillion, or by 21.9%, to €6.90 trillion, the lowest since November 2020, according to the ECB’s weekly balance sheet released today. This includes the €88-billion […]

Associated Press Got It Wrong: Wind Farm Contractors Acknowledge Turbines Kill Dolphins, Whales

Energy News Beat When wind turbine companies seek permission to harm sea life, reporters for The Associated Press blame The Heritage Foundation (where I work) and the Heartland Institute, instead of reporting the facts. It was a Chico Marx moment: “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes? The misleading AP article—carried by WBTS-TV in  Boston; The Daily Star newspaper of Oneonta, […]

‘Sitting on a powder keg’: US braces for a year, and an election, like no other

Energy News Beat The 60th US presidential election, which will unfold in 2024, will be quite unlike any that has gone before as the US, and the rest of the world, braces for a contest amid fears of eroding democracy and the looming threat of authoritarianism. It will be a fight marked by numerous unwanted […]

A court struck down local gas bans — so Seattle and other cities are getting creative

Energy News Beat A new law in Seattle marks the latest in a wave of local efforts to electrify homes and other buildings. Under the city’s Building Emissions Performance Standard, signed into law last week, all existing commercial and multifamily residential buildings over 20,000 square feet will need to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Meeting that target will […]