Energy News Beat
With the Trump inauguration yesterday, this podcast is timely. – We cover Greenland, Energy Policies, Federal Budgets, Elon Musk, President Trump’s next steps and plans for 2025.
In the Energy News Beat – Conversation in Energy with Stuart Turley sits down with Christopher Messina to explore the explosive insights from his book, Messina’s Federal Budget. Together, they dive into the urgent need for reform in U.S. fiscal policy, exposing the inefficiencies, overspending, and bureaucratic entrenchment crippling the nation. From rare earth mining in Greenland and energy policy blunders to election reform and combating bipartisan corruption, this conversation delivers hard-hitting truths with actionable solutions. Messina’s bold vision for “rightsizing” the federal government offers a roadmap to reclaim efficiency, accountability, and the power of the people. This episode is packed with sharp critiques, engaging debates, and an inspiring call to action for meaningful political change—one you won’t want to miss!
Thank you, Christopher, for stopping by the podcast, I had an absolute blast and look forward to our following recordings.
Please check out the book “Messina’s Federal Budget” HERE:
Check out Christopher Substack HERE:
Highlights of the Podcast
00:00 – Intro
01:17 – Government Waste and Unions
03:18 – Energy, Rare Earths, and Greenland
06:01 – Geopolitical Challenges in the Arctic
08:40 – Government Missteps in Defense and Energy
13:54 – Election Reforms and Voter Fraud
16:43 – The Role of the Deep State
22:32 – Military Strategy and War Colleges
27:22 – Energy Policy and Climate Initiatives
32:00 – Restoring Accountability in Governance
36:13 – Closing Thoughts and Call to Action
Full Transcript:
Stuart Turley [00:00:08] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. My name’s Stuart Turley, president and CEO of the Sandstone Group. We live in just a totally wild time where we have President Trump’s inauguration just days away. We have the most despicable behavior by any deep state. I mean, president of the United States with over $2 trillion in additional spending. What are we going to do about it? Well, I happen to have a guest today that is really in a painting. He has a book, Messina’s Federal Budget. Welcome, Christopher Messina. Thank you. Today, sir.
Christopher Messina [00:00:47] Thank you so much for for having me on. And I’m delighted to see a copy of the book in your hands could make me happier.
Stuart Turley [00:00:54] I’ll tell you what, this is an absolute hoot. I want to give you a shout out, because every time I’m over here and I’m just I’m yelling at the TV, I’ve got blood veins coming up over this. Why are they spending money or why are they taxing us, Christopher, when they can print money, but yet we’re all going broke? It makes absolutely zero sense.
Christopher Messina [00:01:17] You’re completely right. There is nothing rational about the fiscal policy since World War Two, and this entire book is about rightsizing leviathan, bringing the American federal government back into the shape in the form it should be. Yes, I was inspired having spent huge amounts of time in Washington, DC for my sins, dealing with the bureaucracy and a range of issues from mining to defense. Right? I mean, lots capable people, but also seeing just seas of waste just absurdity. I mean, the Milton Friedman said it beautifully and he was he was eminently quotable when he said that there’s nothing in the world nearly so permanent. There’s a temporary government program. Right. These things come into being. They gain a constituency. Insanely enough. We have allowed public sector government unions to be created, which even the socialists in a wheelchair, FDR thought was a bad idea. And so they develop their own constituency. They become their own organism, and they compete and thrive like any other creature. You’ve got things like the EEOC, which is the equal some something about opportunity commission that perhaps when it was set up in the 60s to combat discrimination in employment, arguably there may well have been a case for that. But now there are 3500 permanent employees. And of course, the billions looking for, what, six people that didn’t get hired in Ohio because of a racist boss. It’s ridiculous. Half of the federal government could go tomorrow. The budget is $7.7 trillion. My budget is $2.2 trillion. We we get all we need from the government and we get rid of all that nonsense. We don’t.
Stuart Turley [00:03:00] So you have done Vivek Ramaswamy and Ellen’s work. If they would just have a meeting with you.
Christopher Messina [00:03:06] All, they should have a meeting with me. More importantly, if they took 10s and went to Amazon and looked for books in the federal budget, there’s one, right? I mean, like really like do I do great book? I already get.
Stuart Turley [00:03:18] It. Okay. Yeah. I got to give you a shout out because you were commenting on my on the energy news be not on David Blackmon and I having discussions and everything else with President Trump and Greenland. I want to set the record straight. Tell me about you and president trump and Greenland. Tell us what’s going on.
Christopher Messina [00:03:38] So he’s the chief strategy officer and then later the CEO of Marines mine in Greenland, which is the world’s largest rare earth deposit in Greenland. Yep. Now, despite your listeners might not be surprised by this, but all the jawboning of federal officials for now, three administrations coming on oddly. Is it the fourth? This is the second. I don’t know how, but critical minerals, rare earths. The Chinese can have dominance. We got to do something. At the same time as Congress is sending $80 million to Pakistan for gender education, whatever that might possibly mean. No one in the federal budget defends state commerce. Energy. No one could find a red cent to invest in in rare earth mine in Greenland. So July 1st, 2019, I was asked to go to the White House along with my client and then partner Greg Barnes, who is the founder of Canberra’s The Geologists who found the deposit to kind of break through this morass. Let’s go right to the White House. Let’s talk directly with either maybe President Trump who there but in general his team about this. And we have a meeting the last a couple hours with a cast of thousands from national security to DNI, Defense state USGS. Right. Commerce everybody involved and three days after that meeting. Trump offers to buy Greenland. So I know for sure because I know other people in the White House that I. Greg Barnes and I’m having that meeting in the White House. Or is the proximate reason that Donald Trump offered to buy Greenland? I’ve heard all kinds of people both tell me to my face later and and claim publicly to be the ones that told Trump that he should do this. They may well have echoed that sentiment, but the reason the man offered to buy the country is because of our meeting in July of 2019 in the White House.
Stuart Turley [00:05:31] How cool is that? You know what’s been amazing? This is a cool story because my dad was a mom or pilot in the Cold War and he was ferrying nuclear material, bombs, booms as we we booms so they don’t get cut off, you know. He had an emergency landing and had to land in Greenland. And it is amazing that the amount of shenanigans that China and Russia are pulling up in that area is amazing still.
Christopher Messina [00:06:01] Yes.
Stuart Turley [00:06:01] And so we need those bases. And after Trump’s just recent interaction, in fact, they just announced that they are the Danish Danes are saying, okay, it’s okay to expand the military presence up there. So he’s at a minimum one that.
Christopher Messina [00:06:19] Is funny part is that the there’s seven countries with coastline on the Arctic Sea from Greenland. Of course, one of them, Russia, Canada, the U.S., a couple of Scandinavians. And so, you know, I went toe to toe with the Chinese communists when I was a sea of Greenland sea. Again, the CEO of Cambridge, because, you know, they tried everything possible, both by fair means and foul, to bribe officials to take the license from us, read all kinds of stuff. And they were they there was one particularly corrupt commie from Denmark, I think is, you know, whatever his degree was, he went from Copenhagen, moved to Greenland, became a bureaucrat, and in a very kind of collaborative society, which is the Greenlanders are natively sort of collaborative rather than competitive, which is not unusual for a society that develops in the far north where survival can be tenuous in icy conditions. He took advantage of that very left leaning. He tried to steal Tulley Air Force Base from the US and sell to the Chinese for a dollar. He thought he was going to get away with this, such as his arrogance. This is I give maybe 2017, 2018. Wow. It took them a while to throw the sleazebag out of the country. But you’ve got people there who are sympathetic to the Chinese for some kind of ideological leftist reasons. There’s lots of those in the West, as we’ve sadly seen. But also they’re really good at handing out gifts. And now, luckily, the Greenlanders are actually fairly immune to bribery, both for cultural reasons but also practical reasons. If you, you know, if you live in Manhattan or you live in Singapore or you live in Hong Kong or London, right. Who’s going to notice if you get a brand, if you get a brand new $20 million apartment and a Lamborghini. Who’s going to notice? Right. Right. You can absorb a lot of ill gotten wealth without anybody seeing it. If you live in a major city, in a country with 56,000 politicians.
Stuart Turley [00:08:10] Yeah.
Christopher Messina [00:08:11] Politicians, of course. Yeah. Yeah. So. But you can’t. It’s really hard to bribe someone in Greenland where the entire population is 56,000 people. Everybody knows everybody. You know, Where did the brand new 30,000 square foot hunting lodge come from? You know, where did this beautiful new Maybach appear from? So for both cultural reasons and practical, it was hard to bribe officials, but they tried everything they possibly could.
Stuart Turley [00:08:40] You know, we sit back and we think this you bring up about another another issue with the Panama Canal. I mean, selling it for a dollar, go figure that out. And now China is controlling, you know, both sides of it and really is not in the best interest for the United States. But you bring up some say.
Christopher Messina [00:09:00] In my book, I say that from a blanket standpoint, if you took every single thing Jimmy Carter did and reversed it, the world would be better. Every single thing, every single thing he ever did. If you reverse did, the world would be better. He’s the one that gave away the Panama Canal. No reason. No, no, no. At that point, categorically, we should take it back tomorrow. I mean, on Monday during the inauguration, the fleet is still going to take it, period, period.
Stuart Turley [00:09:26] And we and we say in.
Christopher Messina [00:09:27] Part, we built it. It’s ours.
Stuart Turley [00:09:29] The Department of Education should also be shut down.
Christopher Messina [00:09:32] Dead, gone. One of Reagan, one of Reagan’s signal failures was he ran on a plank of his platform against Carter, was to get rid of the Department of Communist propaganda, I mean, education. And he didn’t kill it at that point. He was four months old. He should have shot it right there and been done with it. And we’ve put up with the impact of that ever since then.
Stuart Turley [00:09:53] You know, the thing is getting me is this trend in this conversation that president. We’re seeing the team that is coming in right now is different than the first time because he was undermined and he did not he.
Christopher Messina [00:10:09] Didn’t know how much the Deep State hated him. And he, as a businessman, was oddly naive enough to believe that when you’re in charge, people either do what you say or they quit. It didn’t occur to him there was a whole third category of person protected by the aforementioned public sector unions, which makes them not beholden to the person we’ve elected to be in charge, but to their own union and their own willingness to be part of a city that votes 92% Democrat. That’s all you need to know about Washington, D.C., 92% Democrat. It’s a company town that likes to protect their interests. They don’t care about America. They don’t care the whitest about who happens to be president of the time. And he didn’t understand that the first time around. And he is.
Stuart Turley [00:10:59] But I still am afraid of a few people close to him. And the war colleges have been stripped out of all of the geostrategic knowledge base that is only shared. And I’m going to say this with BlackRock in the people financially modeling the industries, the energy trading around the world, they’re the ones with this knowledge, not our war colleges. And Boy, Boyle, Pete Hegseth needs to hear this because there is some crap coming around the corner here. And I’ve got a guy that actually knows what’s going on with it. So this is a huge issue from an energy, geopolitical and a management. But our war colleges have been stripped out of geopolitical thinking. That is all around energy. Do you think Assad went away because he was a nice guy? He went away because he did not put a pipeline in? Yeah. Matt.
Christopher Messina [00:11:58] Yeah, it’s it’s the only credit I will ever give to Barry Hussein Soetoro, the Indonesian madrassa student who came to America and then decided that to run for office, he was suddenly no longer going to be Barry, he was going to be Barack and he was going to be Obama instead of Silver Tora, which he’d been in entire life. And I say this carefully, he never lied. He told America, I want to fundamentally change this country. Right. And the problem is that people heard what they wanted to hear. Exactly. You know what? He certainly did live where he said things like, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. Right. All that was a lie. But like when it came to fundamentally telling the people who he was, the magic of of Barry was that he told the truth and no one believed him.
Stuart Turley [00:12:46] I am you know, I sit back and I am more and more stunned by the amount of information that comes out about that man, his time and the total corruption of our RINOs and our Democrats. Unbelievable.
Christopher Messina [00:13:04] Just unbelievable way to say something to the listeners today that it was the 28th Amendment, but in general, the Constitution was written, you know, it was horse buggy times. Information did not flow quickly. And then by the time 20th Amendment came, I would say that the last, you know, since the election until Monday is proof positive that we need a constitutional amendment to say that the day the presidential election is decided that take that next president takes control the following day, saying these Democrat sleeze have been shoveling hundreds of billions of dollars out the door in and what they know is direct contravention of the express. Will the people have decided in this election? They have been shoveling money out the door. They’ve been trying to, you know, issue all sorts of edicts about banning exploration.
Stuart Turley [00:13:55] Trump proofing like California.
Christopher Messina [00:13:57] It’s all crazy.
Stuart Turley [00:13:59] You know, I’ve seen a report and I’m getting worked up. Christopher, I’ve got a blood vein for our podcast listed.
Christopher Messina [00:14:05] On the show is bad for ratings.
Stuart Turley [00:14:06] Yeah, I don’t want to stroke out or no, but it is. I’ve seen numbers of up to $2 trillion impact of their fraudulent pushing out of money. This is frustrating. Unbelievable.
Christopher Messina [00:14:20] It is at this point, this sort of behavior borders on treason. You are you are just the caretaker lame duck administration. The honorable thing to do is to sit tight and do nothing but these these clowns. Or I will back up and say one of the things that that I hope Trump does on day one, Right? Biden decided or someone decided with their hand up him that they’re going to force the 83% of Americans who never went to college and all the people who paid for college to somehow pay off the loans of. People making up to $130,000 a year. And this is the best part. This is the best nuance. This is the only case in all of tax related decision making in the government where your spouse is not included in the calculation. So you can be a lawyer. Make it 120 grand a year married to Mark Zuckerberg and you are still eligible to have your loan paid off by the federal government, meaning the taxpayers. So I want because Congress never authorized this. This is all by executive fiat.
Stuart Turley [00:15:33] And it’s been shut down by the Supreme Court. It’s been.
Christopher Messina [00:15:36] Shut down. And they did it anyway. And they shoveled billions of dollars at the door. I want on day one him to order that all those people that got that money for the taxpayer are paying it back with penalties and interest. Guess who’s not going to coach all of this year? I mean, seriously, it is appalling. And the best part of this stupidity is it was even bad politics because you’re buying votes that already vote for you. So it wasn’t even like you’re using my taxpayer money to buy votes for yourself. You’re just giving it away. No reason. No reason given.
Stuart Turley [00:16:12] Mission. Christopher was the total mission was to bankrupt the United States.
Christopher Messina [00:16:16] Yes. And we’re there. We are $130 trillion in the hole. When you count up unfunded liabilities, pension promises and just straight out debt, which is only 33 trillion. This was the goal was to destroy America. And part of what my book is about is how we reverse that, how we put this back in the hands of the people. And we’ve got like two years to fix this mess.
Stuart Turley [00:16:43] I say we have four. We have one. And to be honest with you, if we don’t fix voter fraud, if we don’t fix the United States Senate, a census which I feel is treasonous behavior, because they allowed I can’t remember the exact number of additional representatives in Democrat areas because they counted illegal aliens against the Constitution should be tried for treason. Period. I’m sorry I’m getting worked.
Christopher Messina [00:17:14] Up there as well as that. Hilarious. But the simplest thing in the world is get states, get states get to apportion how they run their their their elections because that is, you know, we are federation of states. That’s fine. Right. The one thing I would change is using empirical data and saying the only way to ensure the best you can to mitigate against voter fraud is everyone votes on the same day you vote on a paper ballot that goes into a lockbox with 40 different people staring out at the entire time. You never let it be open until it’s there. It’s all paper ballots and you can use machines later to counter. You do what you want. But you need to have real paper ballots filled out in human readable form for everybody, for everyone to be comfortable with the election result.
Stuart Turley [00:18:04] Absolutely.
Christopher Messina [00:18:05] Count people properly. There are a couple of very simple steps, and the fact is that you can tell how much the swamp and the professional political class are all in this together because they don’t default to simple, easy solutions. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We need to have really complicated things. You should trust the computer. Yeah, sure.
Stuart Turley [00:18:27] So was it the Colorado head of the Colorado election? Folks that leak the Dominion passwords on the Internet?
Christopher Messina [00:18:36] Fantastic.
Stuart Turley [00:18:37] She needs to be absolutely checked out by Pam Bondi.
Christopher Messina [00:18:42] Yeah, I watched I was watching some of the the the hear hearings. I would also add this and I would want you to listen to think about this. The advise and consent clause in the Constitution was written by gentleman for gentleman. Right. They did not conceive of this insanity. The partizan hacks would would make people serving run through a gantlet no where in the Constitution to say that there’s a nominee that the Senate has to approve. It doesn’t say that in the Constitution anywhere. What I really wanted Trump to do and he didn’t. I would hope for the next incoming president, Democrat or Republican, would be to say, this is my cabinet. And when some idiot in the press says, You mean nominees say know this is my cabinet. If the Senate would like to come and advise me on anything, they’re free to do so. But they are seated right now. The moment I become president, This is my card. This is my cabinet. This is Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth. Welcome to him. If the Senate would like to complain about that, they’re free to do so. But we’ve got business to do. And all of this theater, this kangaroo nonsense where Adam Schiff, who should be in prison for treason, is sitting.
Stuart Turley [00:19:58] There. Greenspan bandied about, Are.
Christopher Messina [00:20:00] You going to be independent as the attorney general? First off, Adam. No. Whoever told you the Department of Justice is independent of the executive branch? It’s not. Pam Bondi is not elected. Donald Trump is elected. He is going to tell the Department of Justice what to do. This fantasy you’ve got, which is the DOJ, should be independent of the presidency. What’s the legal theory for that, Adam? Really? What’s your thought? Why is it why is it independent of the president?
Stuart Turley [00:20:31] For our podcast listeners, I’m going to put that exchange at the end of this podcast because Pam Bondi snuck this in and she’s he is grilling her and she says, you were censured by the. And he just starts talking over her and then she quietly says, I’m not going to comment on an active investigation. And I am standing up going, you. And she says that is Greenspan.
Christopher Messina [00:21:02] I understand politics isn’t beanbag. I understand people like power, right? Adam Schiff is an evil traitor to this country. He got on TV and told the world he had proof that Trump.
Stuart Turley [00:21:15] Is on.
Christopher Messina [00:21:16] This fantasy made up by Hillary Clinton he employs. And that moron not only wasn’t kicked out of Congress, arrested, indicted, he got popped up to senator the bill. Kamala see, it is it is an atrocity. What the professional political class has done to this country, which again, is why I wrote my book, because if we control the purse strings and we radically shrink their power, it all goes away.
Stuart Turley [00:21:44] You’re going to assume that a Doge, Elon and Vivek actually comes through and I’m very pleased to see the Doge caucus, you know, at least take shape and start through that process. But I’m afraid that President Trump is still not getting all of the correct information and I don’t know how we get around that. And I think the only thing that will protect us is what you have already talked about, and that is protecting the elections are the very great way you articulated them and also making sure that our war college is with Pete. I am thrilled he is there. I love the senator from Oklahoma. When he said that any of y’all ever show up drunk, you.
Christopher Messina [00:22:33] Love the absolute, unmitigated gall of leftist Democrats who never even went near a military base questioning whether he is qualified to be secretary of defense? As if they are like.
Stuart Turley [00:22:45] All of the veterans that I talked to, including.
Christopher Messina [00:22:48] Crazy.
Stuart Turley [00:22:49] A former chief of staff of the eighth Air Force is all in on Pete Hegseth. Hats off to.
Christopher Messina [00:22:56] Him. I mean, it’s what I find. My favorite thing is, well, there are so many, right? But it’s like playing bingo, right? Every Republican knows that when you’re running for office, at some point, your Democratic opponent is going to call you racist. Chuck. Right. Meaning it’s meaningless. Meaningless. Their other favorite adjective is I love this one. It always comes up. It’s only is always the press screams about it, which means the Democrats scream about it. He then qualified. Well, the qualifications for these positions are laid out in the Constitution. If you are of age, an American citizen and you’ve been voted for, that’s it. That’s the qualification. What they mean is I don’t like if he’s not going to vote to extend the administrative state. That’s what they mean when they say unqualified, Right. I love the idea that every Democrat, secretary of defense, the last, you know, 30 of them ever many there have been none of them been in the military. Right. So I love that Democrats hire peaceniks who dodged the draft for the boomer generation. And that’s great. But you have a combat veteran who is proposed as the secretary of defense and they all of them sing from the same song sheet. Well, you’re not qualified. Who says? According to whom? That’s none of your business. This boss thinks he is, and that’s all that matters.
Stuart Turley [00:24:12] You know, I have started a process where there’s any Republicans that are or any anyone that is marrying out any sitting member. I want to interview them and help get them exposure. Christopher I’ve been so blessed with our outreach. Last year we had eight point, I think 9 million transcripts read, 2 million listens. And that’s with me being shadowed, banned by Google. They don’t like me. And I found a way around them and it makes me mad. I love it. And it’s because of our great listener base. And so I am trying to interview anyone. I’ve got a few lined up already like Alexander Duncan, who is. Going to try to primary if you and I’m trying to help them because it’s tough getting your name out there and getting decent enough scripts and social media sharing clips that you can share. And then once you get that and you get this, I would love to have you on as a interviewer for some of these. I would I would love to have you ask them, what are your policies on finance? What is your policies here? Because I would think this would be an absolute blast in helping eliminate rhinos. I’m on a all rhino free diet.
Christopher Messina [00:25:36] Slate True. Blast be like, Well, you know, what would you do? I said, I need you to get involved. You need to pay attention. The thing that drives me insane. So native New Yorkers write for the fifth generation, my wife and I raising our kids in Manhattan. And the night that Warren Wilhelm Jr again much like Barry has seen. So, Tara, why do communists change their name when they run for office? Warren Wilhelm, Jr, better known as Bill de Blasio, was elected. Change his name. I’m going to be Bill de Blasio. Somehow I don’t know why. I still don’t know why he runs for office on the basis that the police are racist. I don’t know. George Floyd had been become a saint yet, but ran on that basis and became mayor. 11% of registered voters bothered to vote. 11% of registered New York City voters bothered to vote. So he won 60% of 11%. And the only credit I’ll give his campaign is on the day, the day he won one of his. Well, we got a sweeping mandate from the people. And it’s almost like you don’t have a mandate. 60% of 11% is don’t mandate. Right. So the city wins. And it’s that night and I look at my wife, I’m like, we’re out of here. Like, I’m paying the highest cost and highest taxes in the country. And not only am I not thanked for supporting the deadbeats, I’m being told I should pay more to give money to his useless constituents. This is before they started housing illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense. Right? So I was like, we got to get out of here by the end of June, right? Going into paying for this year taxes. And we fled to Florida. Just 11% of people bothered to vote. And then this idiot for years began to destroy New York City.
Stuart Turley [00:27:22] Right.
Christopher Messina [00:27:23] He got reelected. 12% bothered to vote that time.
Stuart Turley [00:27:26] Well, let me ask this. When you sit back and take a look at if you were an oil and gas company and you’ve got somebody like Governor Hochul who is absolutely an abysmal speaking of abysmal, I have hemorrhoids that are smarter than she is and and.
Christopher Messina [00:27:42] By a lot.
Stuart Turley [00:27:43] By a lot, you know, and she absolutely did. I just say that on a podcast. Always.
Christopher Messina [00:27:48] Yeah, well done. That was that was the kindest thing you could have said so.
Stuart Turley [00:27:53] Well you know, she just signed into the legislation like a week ago, the Climate Reparations Act against Big Oil. If I was a big oil company, I’d pull out of New York. I’m sorry. I would not pay a dime. Have a great life. They do not understand that renewable energy is a wealth transfer and it is nothing more than a scam. In order to make the rich richer. Barry Santoro put out a great thing with. Was it Stellantis? He did. I bet you could track some money to him easily.
Christopher Messina [00:28:29] You know, I’ve had David Blackmon on a couple others talking about the offshore windmills, right? So first off, when all this was first proposed, Teddy, Teddy Chappaquiddick, and I’m a drunk. Kennedy, who was the biggest champion to.
Stuart Turley [00:28:42] Make a great rap song for.
Christopher Messina [00:28:44] That, right. It was determined by determined scientifically. The best, most consistently flowing wind in all of America was the coast of Kennebunkport, Maine. That was the best objective spot. If you want wind power, the best place for it was going to be blocking Kennedy’s view. Guess where the wind turbines didn’t go?
Stuart Turley [00:29:10] I did not have Kennedy, this.
Christopher Messina [00:29:12] Hypocritical monster who was one of the first deacons of the Climate Hysteria Church. You know, of all these people so worried about the planet, they’d stop flying private anyway. So that got banned. And then subsequently now electricity generated by offshore windmills, leaving aside all of the metals that have to be mined, all the work this be done six times more expensive than average natural gas or coal plants. But not only that, not only that you blind defense defensive radar to incoming threat. So look like the Russians issued an ICBM at us and we will not see it because the towers there they’re killing whales by the dozens. We’re not able to have navigable ships to the fish. Trees are destroyed. So all these great benefits, dead fish, dead whales, no fishing. Lack of national defense, high cost electricity. And the left is in love with wind turbines when they’re on shore. Kill bald eagles and condors.
Stuart Turley [00:30:13] This morning, President Trump had his moratorium on offshore wind released and Trump, whose inauguration is set for Monday the 20th, said, We will have a policy where no new windmills are being released and it is because of exactly what you just said. You just nailed it that the military can’t see what’s coming.
Christopher Messina [00:30:37] I mean, it is like a bad joke. Everyone who told me originally that Barry is saying so. Tora was the Manchurian candidate. I thought they were completely paranoid. And then by the end of his administration, I just said to people, I don’t have to believe he’s the Manchurian candidate. I need you to give me one single data point that tells me he’s not. Nothing he has done would show anything. But he hates America and wants to destroy it. And Biden, his sock puppet, has continued along with exactly the same nonsense. There was a great book on the log for the Sea of Cortez written by John Steinbeck. Right. If you haven’t read it, it’s worth reading. It was about his journey. A biological journey by maritime biology with Ed Rickets. It was a script where the protagonist in this story is a real person. And as Ed Rickets said once about his father, whom he loved dearly but was an idiot, he said, The man’s a genius in that every single decision he has ever made has been wrong. If someone were to make choices at random, 50% of them would be right. So the genius of Barry is seeing sort of Toro and his sock puppet Brandon, is that every single choice they make is wrong. That takes genius. To be consistently wrong all the time.
Stuart Turley [00:31:54] Unbelievable. You cannot buy this kind of traitorous behavior even if you’re Benedict.
Christopher Messina [00:32:00] Hello. Donald said nothing. He was. He was a devout, red blooded American patriot in comparison to these clowns. What they have done is appalling.
Stuart Turley [00:32:08] Is it? It is. You know, I want to I have been on record now. I am no longer a Republican. I am an American first person. I do not consider myself a Republican because every time I turn around the cotton picking, Republicans let me down again. It’s like, would you guys want to.
Christopher Messina [00:32:29] Get a long, way too long?
Stuart Turley [00:32:30] They the single unit party is absolutely got to go. Now, we’ve just got to a like we’ve talked about it. And Christopher, I cannot wait to get you more involved in this political series that I’m going to be running because I think your valuable insights would be the fantastic discussion points with these new people coming up. And if I get other political leaders, I want you on there as well, too, because I want you to be able to ask your questions to Ted Cruz, to any of these other guys and have these kind of discussions. So if you’re up for it, let’s get rolling.
Christopher Messina [00:33:11] Victim of shadow, banning and outright banning myself, I got to tell you, I hope it succeeds. I started to move everything to rumble because, you know, I went from on YouTube having some episodes with 40,000 listeners to like 38 now. 30,000, 38.
Stuart Turley [00:33:27] 38? You bet. Yeah, I am. So ban on there. It just makes me airsick. In fact, Google, I were on Google Analytics on my website. I can see five people on Google Analytics, but I go to my firewall. I’ve got 70,000 sitting there on the site and it just drives me nuts. And they have not figured out how I’ve gotten around the Google Analytics, nor am I going to tell them no.
Christopher Messina [00:33:54] And it’s where so what I found so disturbing and I hope more Americans hopefully come to understand is if you believe in the strength of your ideas, you’re happy to compete in the form of standards. If you believe that your ideas are terrible, then you focus on censoring other people. But that’s there’s there’s nothing clear. If your ideas are so great, put them out there like no one has to spend propaganda dollars telling children that ice cream is yummy. Right? It’s just but they sure do spend a huge amount of time telling you how great higher taxes are. The gas pump more because of climate change. All is insanity. It’s insanity.
Stuart Turley [00:34:34] And you also had a lot in here. We’ve got so much more to do. I can’t wait to have you back. But you also added stuff in here about Mega make health, Make America healthy again. Even before my house was a big deal that you you were here, man. And I just want to give you a shout out again for you and look forward to helping that. How do people get to your videos?
Christopher Messina [00:34:57] It’s. Without Amazon. The book is there. It’s also on Barnes Noble and a bunch of other outlets, digital as well as physical formats.
Stuart Turley [00:35:07] And your substack is.
Christopher Messina [00:35:09] I got my substack on there. You got a messy times dot show is where it all links together and there’s a new website coming out very shortly. It’s all just the business federal budget. There’s a revised edition going up on Amazon shortly. That’s shorter because then the tome you have apparently is proven daunting to some as delighted they ought to read it. So I’ve summarized it down to a much quicker read. But most importantly, I designed it to be actionable. Every other book on the government either makes you warm and fuzzy because it’s being like you’re a Democrat. You read Hillary’s book and she’s really great and you’re a Republican, and retailers like She’s awful should be in jail. So you get this lovely adrenaline rush. Either of it’s really great or it’s really awful. But that’s it. It’s like being on a bet. Like I’ll be on The Jerry Springer Show. You had nothing to do with that emotion or that reaction. My book is practical. You can send a note to your senator or congressperson saying, I want you to vote in favor of everything that and that gets us to this and state it don’t. We’ll get it. We’re going to shoot you out the door. So I’m putting up on the Web sites coming up shortly where that is really automated.
Stuart Turley [00:36:13] Right. I want to make sure that I get links on my site to that to help you out. Also, I want to do a contest as this one rolls out for five sign copies that I’ll buy and have you sign. So we’ll get this rascal out. And so for five listeners, we will get this podcast out there because I believe this is important enough to get out there and get this actually in front of Ellen, Vivek and President Trump and his team. I mean, I think this is important. Thank you, Christopher, for stopping by the podcast.
Christopher Messina [00:36:48] Thank you for taking the time and for reading it. And I think, you know, it is funny in a world awash in noise and signal, right? It’s very hard to tease out the signal from the noise. And so I appreciate everything you do to help get through all the chatter.
Stuart Turley [00:37:01] This is got some stake in it. So and I by the way, I’m eating no fake meat. It is banned in my household.
Christopher Messina [00:37:08] I think. Thank you for that. I appreciate you taking the time. Always happy to come back and chat. And you know, I wrote this book because I love the country and I wanted to be better. Right now, it’s a mess and we can fix it. I want people to know that the political class, the administrative state, thrive on two things making government really, really complicated and simultaneously really, really boring. So you look away and watch the football game and pay no attention. They want you to be indifferent. They want you to not pay attention. Right. And what I have done is distilled down what they do for you so you can see it clearly and they don’t want you. They do not want you to read this book at all. They really don’t.
Stuart Turley [00:37:51] Know. And this has got some truth bombs in it. And I absolutely appreciate your time today. Thanks. We’ll see you soon.
The post Fixing America: Fiscal Reform, Energy Policy, and Restoring Accountability with Christopher Messina appeared first on Energy News Beat.