Energy Realities – Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) – Tom Nelson LIVE: 8:00 AM Monday

Energy News Beat

The Monday Morning gang is at it again. Irina, Tammy, David, and Stu have a special guest: Tom Nelson! We are talking about his new movie, Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) – Tom Nelson. We have a preview and will take LIVE questions on X, LinkedIn and YouTube. Buckle up, bring your popcorn, and ask questions. – See you Monday.

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Highlights of the Podcast

01:59 – About Tom Nelson’s movie
07:39 – The co-founder of Greenpeace
09:59 – The climate alarmisms are being manipulated in the Antarctic
14:39 – The Copernicus satellite data
17:15 – The data manipulation
20:01 – The climate alarmist
21:54 – The warmest year ever in the whole history of the world
22:27 – Wind and solar are the least intermittent of energy sources
24:17 – The IPCC report
26:36 – The UN with the world economic
28:15 – Climate change is going to cause food inflation
33:41 – Canada, the EU and the UK are going full net zero
35:42 – New climate reality’ stretches global freshwater supply
39:20 – The communist system in China
40:45 – Oil demand keeps rising
48:54 – The carbo
52:28 – Fury after Exxon chief says the public to blame for climate futures




The Podcast Hosts for The Energy Realities

International Author writing about energy, mining, and geopolitical issues. Bulgaria
Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.Principal at DB Energy Advisors, energy author, and podcast host.

Energy Consulting Specialist
Stuart Turley
President, and CEO, Sandstone Group, Podcast Host

Blubrry Podcast:




March 18th: Energy Realities – Resurgence of Natural Gas Plants – A Live talk


Energy Realities – Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) – Tom Nelson LIVE: 8:00 AM Monday


Stuart Turley [00:00:02] We are live.

Irina Slav [00:00:03] Everyone we live. At the Energy Realities podcast with David Blackmon, Tammy Nemeth, Stuart Turley and a very special guest today. That’s Tom Nelson. He is a climate and energy podcast and the producer of a new documentary, Climate The Movie, which released last week and has made a splash already. Welcome, Tom.

Tom Nelson [00:00:28] Thanks for having me on here. I’m looking Forward.

David Blackmon [00:00:31] Yes, Tom, you already have people trying to ban you.

Irina Slav [00:00:34] Exactly. I’ve done something right. Yeah, it’s it’s a really excellent movie. And I suggest that we see a clip of it now Stu, if you please.

Video Narrator [00:00:46] Both in the name of climate change and Covid, have sparked protests in Britain, Canada and other Western countries, anti-establishment politicians and movements are gaining support.

Video Female [00:01:01] What they. What they underestimated was the fury that this would beat with ordinary people. They just say, you can’t do this. You suddenly got this new movement.

Video Narrator [00:01:12] Many working people are not merely skeptical, but positively angry about the climate alarm and all that flows from it. There was a suspicion or perhaps realization that climate change isn’t invented.

Stuart Turley [00:01:25] I love the truck.

Video Narrator [00:01:26] Self-interest and snobbery cynically promoted by a parasitic, publicly funded establishment hungry for ever more money and power. An assault on the freedom and prosperity of the rest of us. Punitive and restrictive policies carried out both in the name of climate change and the.

Stuart Turley [00:01:50] There you go.

David Blackmon [00:01:51] Okay. That’s it.

Irina Slav [00:01:52] That’s it. This doesn’t really do it justice. You really need to watch the whole movie, everyone. Tom, tell me how. How hard was it to make this movie?

Tom Nelson [00:02:04] It was really easy for me to make this movie because Martin freakin did all the work. He really did. Yeah, he’s really good at this. I watched him do it, but, yeah, he gets all the credit for figuring out, who to interview. He did the interviews, he wrote the script, he did the narration. All. All the important editing. So, yeah, he just did a great job. And the whole reason I got connected with him is because he did, 2007, The Great Global Warming Swindle. And I think that holds up really well. I was a big fan of that. So then I had him on my podcast in October of 22, and just out of the blue, he said, you know, I would like to remake that. Knowing what I know now, I would like to do another one. And that really perked up my ears and started working with him. It took him about one year from when he started to well, when he finished. Yeah, I give him all the praise in the world because I think he’s the right guy to make this movie at the right time.

Irina Slav [00:02:51] He really has done an excellent job. And, I’ve been meaning to ask this if, you know. Of course. Were there any scientists who refused to talk to to you or to him?

Tom Nelson [00:03:08] I don’t know. Yeah.Yeah. I don’t know the answer. I don’t know for sure who was invited and who didn’t agree. But enormous amounts of people. Did I agree to be on the on the show? And I think it’s great. Will soon. I mean, there’s the whole long list of a dozen plus people. We had, Nobel Prize winner John Clauser. He just won the Nobel in physics in 2022. I think it’s so great that he took the time to be part of this movie. So, yeah. Yeah, I’m very happy that, so many people volunteered their time. And that’s one thing that kept the cost of the movie down as people volunteered to be part of it.

Irina Slav [00:03:41] So do you think they need to speak out more than before?

Tom Nelson [00:03:45] Yeah, yeah. I think people are realizing it’s just so important to speak out, because this thing has gotten so crazy, just so far off the rails. They want to control everything we eat and everything we do. And yeah, they want the central bank digital currency, to put us in digital prisons or whatever. It’s just completely crazy. So I think even way more than 2007, people realize that now is the time to push back because we let them, put these systems in place, then it’s going to be hard to get rid of them. So I think this is the right time. And I’m happy that so many people are waking up to the danger of all these ridiculous, alleged solutions because of course, none of that stuff is going to affect. It’s not going to make the weather or climate better at all. It’s all pain and no gain. So yeah, now, at the time.

Tammy Nemeth [00:04:28] I heard that there was, I think it was maybe al Gore or somebody was on the other day saying that this is a long term thing. It’s generations. And so we shouldn’t be paying so much attention to, the little things we’re doing now because we’re not going to see the results until much further down the line, which, I mean, that’s cold comfort.

David Blackmon [00:04:50] Never. Yes.

Irina Slav [00:04:53] Oh, that’s clever, that’s clever. Because you never going to see any results. You’ll never see it. Right. Yeah. Yeah, it’s going to be results.

Tom Nelson [00:05:01] Okay. I need a volunteer I missed, like, there’s just silence for the last 30s. I don’t know what happened.

Tom Nelson [00:05:08] I don’t know if I need to come back in, but, yeah, I couldn’t tell if you knew.

David Blackmon [00:05:11] Right from now, can you hear?

Tom Nelson [00:05:12] I can hear people speaking. But yeah. When you played that clip earlier at the intro, I heard nothing. I couldn’t tell what was happening there.

Stuart Turley [00:05:19] It played great.

Tom Nelson [00:05:21] Okay. All right. So if you maybe describe what happened or let me know because I’m in the dark. What just happened here?

Stuart Turley [00:05:26] Well, that means you’re married.

Tom Nelson [00:05:28] Okay, I am okay.

Stuart Turley [00:05:31] Men are in the dark.

David Blackmon [00:05:34] Tom. What? One criticism I saw on Twitter, that I think responded to my post. Would I put it up and link to it and praised it? One response I got back was from a lady who said, well, it’s you know, it’s just a bunch of old white guys sitting around talking. Yeah. I mean, and you talked about a little of this. We have a Nobel Prize winner, right? We have Doctor Linson, who is a professor at both Harvard and MIT. During his career, I, you know, this isn’t just a bunch of old hacks, is it?

Tom Nelson [00:06:08] No, I mean, it’s just a way, I think, to avoid talking about the real issue is if you’re going to throw Clouser out because he’s old and white and forget the fact that the reason he got the Nobel is because he proved Einstein wrong about this whole thing about quantum entanglement. Einstein thought it was, spooky action at a distance in the 30s. And so Clauser went in there to improve by experimentation, maybe to prove that Einstein was right. But through experimentation, he proved that Einstein was wrong. And he won the Nobel for that. But now we’re just going to throw this guy out because he’s old and white, because of how old his age and the color of his skin. We’re not going to listen to anything else he’s saying. That’s just completely crazy. I’m not, not taking that as an argument.

Stuart Turley [00:06:47] You know, Tom.

Tammy Nemeth [00:06:48] Really soon is really soon. An old white guy. What about Claire Fox?

David Blackmon [00:06:55] Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:06:56] Yeah, there are not enough of them in the movie, I’m sure. Yeah,.

Tammy Nemeth [00:07:00] Well, James Hansen, who they cite all the time, isn’t here. The old white guy.

Tom Nelson [00:07:06] Again, I’m not hearing anything here, but.

David Blackmon [00:07:08] Oh, no. What’s going on?.

Tom Nelson [00:07:10] I don’t know, maybe it’s when Tammy speaking, I don’t know.

Tammy Nemeth [00:07:14] I think it is.

Stuart Turley [00:07:16] Well, you know, the. Tom, can you. If you can hear me now, I.

Tom Nelson [00:07:20] Can hear you.

Stuart Turley [00:07:21] Okay. One of the cool things, is that your interview with, doctor, Patrick Moore. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting with him. He is one cool cat. I’ve had two, two hour, podcasts with him. He is a true warrior. As a co-founder of Greenpeace, for the first 15 years, he was trying to end nuclear proliferation. Wow. I even said that. Right, Tammy? Don’t laugh. And so, then he was out in front of a zodiac trying to stop things. But yet when Greenpeace went nutty, he bailed. Then he wrote his books. He is a class act I. Loved what he said on your movie. Fantastic.

Tom Nelson [00:08:09] Yeah. He’s incredibly smart. And there’s this whole thing where he was co-founder of Greenpeace. And then. I don’t know if you know this, that Greenpeace went and tried to airbrush him off the internet. They went back in there so that you can’t find it anymore. But Marc Morano went back with the Wayback Machine. If you look with the Wayback Machine, there’s all sorts of websites that say, hey, here’s Patrick Moore, he is the co-founder of Greenpeace. But it was so inconvenient that he was that they I tried to again, they go back in history and try to try to get rid of stuff that they don’t like. Pretty amazing. Another great point about him is that he wrote this book, Fake Invisible Catastrophes, about all this stuff that’s supposed to be happening on the other side of the world that we can check on. He wrote this great book, and there’s a guy named Jasper Montagu who’s featured heavily in the movie at the end. He was kind of on the Greenpeace side. He was buying into this narrative. Then he read Patrick Moore’s book, and then his eyes were opened. And he’s a smart guy. He quickly flipped to the side of reason, and now he’s a great voice for reality and Africa and a great voice for climate reality. Reality and energy reality both. So that’s just the real plus of Patrick writing this great book and influencing other people. So it makes me happy. That story makes me happy.

David Blackmon [00:09:20] Hey, Tammy, you might want to try logging out and then logging back in. Maybe something just got messed up in that process, because I’m sure Tom can hear you.

Tom Nelson [00:09:32] Maybe I should do that.

David Blackmon [00:09:34] No No no.

Irina Slav [00:09:36] We can all hear you.

Tom Nelson [00:09:37] Okay

Stuart Turley [00:09:38] Meanwhile, Tammy’s, logging out and logging in. I interviewed Fritz, Manning. He is now a on the, Energy coalition. CO2 coalition with Gregory right now. And I’ve interviewed, Gregory. But Fritz brought up some great points that the hunter, all of the climate alarmisms are being manipulated in the Antarctic. There’s like 20 or 30 sensors that he found, and the data is showing, Tom, that it is nuts that data manipulation is going on, and he’s got the data to show just because it’s some 70 degrees in one area doesn’t mean that it’s the hottest summer in the world, because they’re manipulating the data. And he found it.

Tom Nelson [00:10:34] That makes me happy that you mentioned him, because I didn’t know who he was till last week. And then I met him in person. I talked to him in person at the Premier over in the DC area for now. Okay. Yeah. Now we’re connected. I mean, I always suspected there was something going on funny with the Antarctic data, but I hadn’t looked into it. But now we have him, pointing out again that this is data is manipulated. And I just love the fact that there’s so many people that are digging into different parts of this scam, so it’s fantastic. I’d love to have him on my podcast, too, to talk about that.

Stuart Turley [00:11:01] Hey, I want to extend the invitation for both of you to come on mine as well too. So let’s spread the word. He’s. He is an absolute jewel.

Tom Nelson [00:11:10] Sounds good. Yeah, I really enjoyed as I traveled around, I was on the road for like 11 days. I went to London, then I went to Netherlands and to DC for these premiers. And I met so many people who, like Fritz that have dug into different parts of it. There’s one guy who spent a lot of time looking in a sea level changes, and he’s telling me all this interesting stuff about how sea level is not just a monotonic thing, where it goes up a little bit every year, that there’s cycles in sea level, all sorts of cycles that I was not aware of. And you can’t just, take a low point in a cycle and another high point and say, look, we’re going to it’s going to keep going like this for 2000 years because it’s moving up. It’s moving down, and it’s very complicated. It’s not a simple CO2 related thing, you know.

Irina Slav [00:11:50] How’s the reception of the movie being like these premieres?

Tom Nelson [00:11:54] Yeah, it’s been really good. We had especially in the Netherlands, we have 571 people there. And, the Q&A was really good. So many people were very well informed about what’s happening. And, and, one thing that made me happy is as I went through all these premieres, I had a chance to talk to a lot of people afterwards. For hours, we would talk to people, and there were people there that would attend. They were just there with their spouse or something, and they were not into the climate debate. So I like talking to those people. And a lot of them said, you know, I haven’t really looked into these arguments, but, watching this movie for 80 minutes made me really think about it. And now I kind of understand why my spouses, feel so strongly about this. So, yeah, very, very positive. And the criticisms, some of them say the movie is too long, and then some say the movie is too short. I mean, the whole thing is that’s the thing. We had 80 minutes and all sorts of people would come up and say to me, oh boy, here’s my one pet thing. I wish the movie would have spent a bunch of time on this, but that’s just the way it goes. You know, the climate debate is so complex we can’t we could not cover the whole thing, and it’s more of a jumping off point. I keep telling people that if you’re interested in just what will happen, sad or any little thing, then, you can just use this movie as a jumping off point and then you have to dig into it for yourself. And a lot of people in the movie, I’ve interviewed them at great length, even on my podcast. So you can go here. Well, happy hour talk for a couple of hours and on a couple of different podcast if you want to really dig into what he says.

Irina Slav [00:13:15] Well, maybe you should just do a part two at some point.

Tom Nelson [00:13:18] Maybe. Yeah. Martin has said this is his last movie, but already I think it’s not so. Maybe it will be. Yeah. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:13:27] Tom Can you hear me? Tom, can you hear me? I don’t think he can hear.

David Blackmon [00:13:32] He still can’t hear you. Tammy. I don’t know what’s what’s going on.

Stuart Turley [00:13:37] You look nice Tammy, Tammy look very nice.

Tom Nelson [00:13:38] I can’t hear or see her.

David Blackmon [00:13:41] Oh, you can’t see her either?

Tom Nelson [00:13:42] Nope. I just see her name. That’s it.

Irina Slav [00:13:44] Oh, that’s really weird.

David Blackmon [00:13:46] Oh, this is so strange.

Stuart Turley [00:13:47] Okay, it’s. The UK does not like Tammy or Tom.

Irina Slav [00:13:52] Or maybe in the movie. Well, maybe you could, you know, ask you a question that David could relate to Tom or something.

David Blackmon [00:14:00] There you go.

Tammy Nemeth [00:14:02] Okay, so, David, can you ask this for me? I’m wondering, since some people are looking at the Antarctic data, who’s looking at all the satellite data? Because I know that there’s issues in calibration. And Copernicus, which is the EU, satellite data sets. The numbers are crazy, and I don’t see how these are reliable. But Roy Spencer, for example, talked about we have all this satellite data and this is so great. I’m not so sure going forward it will be as reliable as maybe it has been in the past.

David Blackmon [00:14:36] Tammy wants to know if anyone is taking a look at the reliability of the Copernicus satellite data. Like they are, the Antarctica data because, she’s seen some, some, wild things coming out of that data and just wonders, if there is any kind of similar process happening there.

Tom Nelson [00:14:56] Okay.

David Blackmon [00:14:57] Doctor Spencer talked about it in the movie.

Tom Nelson [00:14:59] But yeah, I don’t know the answer to that. That is something I need to dig into. I don’t know what’s happening there at all, actually.

Irina Slav [00:15:05] But if if there’s a suggestion that data is being manipulated in one place, I mean, it’s really easy to speculate that there is a possibility that data is being manipulated elsewhere as well. I’m not sure how possible it is to manipulate satellite data. I know nothing about technology whatsoever, but if the research possibility that’s that’s not good.

Tom Nelson [00:15:30] Yeah, I definitely think that we have to check out all the data. I don’t trust the yeah, the Arctic sea ice data. I don’t trust any of it. I think all of it needs to be looked at. And, Willy soon had this interesting as thing he was talking about. I, he knows this guy who was downloading the temperature records kind of every day he was downloading. He had many, many copies of the same what was supposed to be the same temperature data, but it was constantly changing on a daily basis, like certain temperatures from the 1930s. At certain stations, they were changing over and over, just in unexplained ways, just completely wacko that, here we are, whatever. Many, many decades later, that’s, raw temperatures from the past. You’re just changing and willy nilly, it’s, really makes me wonder about what’s happening. Yeah. What’s going on here?

David Blackmon [00:16:13] That all started in the Obama administration. We had a congressman here from San Antonio whose name I’m going to forget now, who was the chairman of the House Science Committee, held a series of hearings about. No, going back in and revising, quote, revising, the the global temperature records kept there, during the Obama years. And, every revision they made seemed to make it appear that, the past was cooler than it really was. And, and it was obviously a pretty organized effort to create a case for global warming now happening in more recent years. Lamar Smith, was the chairman of that committee whose name I was trying to remember. And, of course, he was, completely demonized and smeared in the media and ended up, eventually just retiring from Congress because he didn’t want to put up. With it anymore. Yeah.

Tom Nelson [00:17:11] I do think that Tony Heller may be the single best person online to really dig into the data manipulation and look at how the past just gets cooled everywhere. He does a wonderful job at that.

David Blackmon [00:17:22] Yep, yep. I was glad you had Willie soon on too. He’s so entertaining. It’s good. I think, to have someone like him as a spokesperson for reality, because he is very entertaining and he makes people chuckle when they’re listening to him. And I think that’s an important thing to hold people’s attention to this very dry subject matter. Right? I mean, it is a difficult subject matter. You can’t. One of the big problems I thank is you can’t communicate the truth about all this in 50 words or less, like the other side can with its talking points, right? I mean, so much of it is about effective messaging.

Tom Nelson [00:18:02] One thing that makes me really happy about this movie, about the 80 minutes, is that there are so many clips. Are there so many one minute clips, like just, maybe a little more than a minute on the, urban heat island showing the map of Paris and how it can be five degrees centigrade warmer in the middle than versus the outskirts, all sorts of different clips. And I’m already pulling out some of those and putting them, online so that people can download a clip that they like. Maybe there’s some sort of discussion happening somewhere. They can download the just the one minute thing and then upload that. And I want to see those clips I get to put online in lots of different places. I think that’s going to help a lot.

Stuart Turley [00:18:34] Yeah. Irina, here’s a question for Tom from a LinkedIn user.

David Blackmon [00:18:43] Tom. Can you see that?

Tom Nelson [00:18:44] I can see it. I can read it. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:18:46] That for our podcast listeners. Because this does go out onto all channels. Tom, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these weather forecasting models and simulators that are mainstream media meteorologists seem to put so much faith in. Do you see meteorologists getting displaced by climatologists up and down our vertically? Integrated? I lost my place.

David Blackmon [00:19:13] Years. Case in point, NBC has a climate team now reporting on hurricanes and blizzards impacting the United States. Yeah, so that’s every other major media outlet

Tom Nelson [00:19:25] Yeah. I mean, I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t know why you’d have a climate team that’s looking at weather that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. I do think that, experienced meteorologists like Joe Bastani is one who really has looked at the history of weather and dug into it. And, of course, he doesn’t use, CO2 levels at all to try to figure out what’s going to happen in two days from now in a certain area. So, yeah, it seems totally bonkers. They even use the word climate anywhere in there. That’s all I know.

David Blackmon [00:19:51] Hey, even better, the Washington Post has a fella on staff they’re paying big money to whose job title is climate advice columnist. He’s the Dear Abby of the climate alarmist.

Irina Slav [00:20:02] I was the climate advisor. Like.

David Blackmon [00:20:05] I it’s just amazing. He’s. He tells people how they need to be living their lives to be responsible.

Irina Slav [00:20:14] Like, recycle and use less water and stuff.

David Blackmon [00:20:18] Travis. Lynn. Travis. I think Travis Lynn was the person who was.

Irina Slav [00:20:23] One asking.

David Blackmon [00:20:24] Those that. Question. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:20:26] But speaking of meteorologists, the the United Nations World Meteorological Organization just came out with a new report saying that 2023 was the hottest year on records. And records were not just broken, but smashed in some cases. So, what’s your comments on this?

Tom Nelson [00:20:44] Yeah, I, I’ve been heavily reading about the climate debates, kind of every day for hours, most days since 2007 or so. And I hear this all the time that whatever, it’s the hottest month ever. Hottest year ever. They’ve been saying that regardless, I don’t remember a year that they didn’t say was the hottest year ever. And I constantly I’m putting that up on Twitter as a sarcastic thing. Hottest year ever as a hashtag. Because no matter what, they keep saying that. So I don’t put any faith into it. This last year actually was a little warmer, I think maybe because of that volcanic eruption putting more water vapor into the higher reaches of the atmosphere. So but anyway, every single warm, warm cycle we’ve had has been followed by a cool cycle. And the whole idea, it’s going to just keep getting warmer and warmer forever, or if they’re going to become uninhabitable, blah, blah, blah. Of course, it’s a total crock. It’s not happening.

David Blackmon [00:21:32] A great, great example of how it gets erroneously reported. Susan Page is a reporter for NPR. She used to work at the Washington Post. Very senior DC based political reporter was on the Fox News panel last Friday night on their nightly newscast. And she said that last year was reported to be the warmest year ever in the whole history of the world.

Irina Slav [00:22:00] Okay. Oh my gosh.

David Blackmon [00:22:01] Well, we only have records going back to, what, 19 or 1860 something, right? So obviously there was a little history before then that we don’t know about. I mean, it’s just that this the way it gets thrown out at us is so misleading and really depraved. And a lot. Of it, they just.

Irina Slav [00:22:21] They no longer care if it’s plausible at all. I mean, we had the, the, the, the head of Irina saying that wind and solar are the least intermittent of energy sources. Said that’s all seriousness at an event, at a public event. And I don’t think anyone challenged him.

David Blackmon [00:22:39] You’re right. No one. Challenges.

Irina Slav [00:22:41] Right? That’s the that’s the biggest problem. Nobody. Okay.

David Blackmon [00:22:44] Tammy’s back. Let’s see if you can hear now.

Irina Slav [00:22:48] Can you hear me now, Tom? Now I know you still can. Can’t you see this is the time?

Tammy Nemeth [00:22:55] Discrimination. What?

David Blackmon [00:22:56] I hate technology.

Stuart Turley [00:22:58] But at least you still look nice to me.

Irina Slav [00:23:02] But you can’t see it either.

David Blackmon [00:23:06] Can’t see it either.

Tammy Nemeth [00:23:08] Okay, but can I. Okay. Can you. You can make this point to him then. But the World Meteorological Organization is a U.N. body. And so you have all of these U.N. bodies who are singing from the same song sheet. And so can you take anything they say with any credibility whatsoever?

David Blackmon [00:23:27] So the World Meteorological, organization organization is part of the U.N., and you have all these U.N. agency singing in unison, Tom, can can we take anything anyone at the U.N. says about any of this seriously?

Tom Nelson [00:23:44] No.

Tammy Nemeth [00:23:49] Good answer.

Tom Nelson [00:23:50] No. That’s kind of the end of my answer. Of course not. I mean, we have to investigate every single thing that they say because I do not trust them as far as I can throw them. I mean, of course, they’ve proven that recently, over and over, that there’s no reason anybody should trust them about anything.

David Blackmon [00:24:03] Is it? Is it so much of it? I read Stephen Keenan’s book unsettled. Fantastic book about all this, and and so much of it, you know, he goes through the IPCC reports and how they get rolled out. And when you actually read the IPCC report, you know, they’re not alarmist at all about any of this. They the IPCC reports themselves, don’t support anything that’s happening in our governments in terms of policy. But but so much of it is just the way it gets rolled out of those reports and the way al Gore and and John Kerry and all these alarmist spokespeople talk about all this stuff. Right? I mean, isn’t that really a big, big part of the problem?

Tom Nelson [00:24:47] Yeah, there’s the UN chief. He’ll talk about the IPCC and they’ll say, oh, this is a red alert for humanity or something about that. And we got to worry about global boiling and stuff. And of course, this underlying science doesn’t say anything about that. But then it gets reported as, oh yeah, IPCC thinks we’re experiencing global boiling or something. It’s just completely crazy again. I just can’t believe how crazy this thing has gotten. But, the truth is going to win out. I think the whole thing’s going to crumble, and it’s not going to take ten years. I think it’s going to crumble pretty, pretty fast.

David Blackmon [00:25:15]  I do. Too. Actually. I beginning to believe.

Irina Slav [00:25:18] I hope you’re right, because it is getting crazier by the day.

David Blackmon [00:25:23] It is. Yes.

Tom Nelson [00:25:24] It is. But, as I talk to all sorts of people online around the world, everywhere now, it’s just people are saying that, you know, I believe what the TV said four years ago, but now I’ve seen so many lies and I’m checking into the lies for myself. I’m hearing that story over and over, and that makes me so happy. A lot of people are coming. Yeah, they’re coming at the climate realism from a medical realism, standpoint, that there are a lot of doctors. I hear they have their own podcast and stuff, and they’re saying, hey, I believed in everything that they told us, you know, four years ago about the shots or whatever. And I checked into that, and now I’m looking around at other stuff, and I, I looked at climate and that doesn’t. So I’m not believing that either. So that’s very, I’m optimistic when I hear stuff like that.

Stuart Turley [00:26:07] Tom. When we take a look at the World Economic Forum and I think, quite honestly, that chatter had Schwab me to really get an examination. We’ll leave that alone. But when we sit back and take a look at if they feel that they’re losing, a grip on their, their reality, and it’s closely related to the UN with the world economic. It is closely related. In fact, Irina Slav and I had a podcast together about a year ago, and we were banned by the UN. We had a not only just a little flag on there. Do you remember that, Irina?

Irina Slav [00:26:52] Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:26:53] It was like the I the you in you bad. I’m like, yeah, I’m a bad guy. If Schwab and the rest of the UN and the World Economic Forum form the world, the whole group is they feel they’re losing power. Do you see? It’s going to get even weirder.

Tom Nelson [00:27:21] Yeah, I think so. I mean, I think we’re already seeing that. I think that there’s desperation and that’s how we’re getting to this global boiling point. All this crazy stuff. I think that’s just pure desperation that they didn’t leave anything else that, you know, they just keep turning the knob up to 11 and 12 and 13 and, eventually they’re going to just stop trying. I think that’s I think so many people are scoffing. It makes me happy when I listen to, like, Joe Rogan. He used to believe in this stuff five years ago. And now when it comes up, he’s talking to Aaron Rodgers, he’s talking to Alex Berenson, and they’re not talking about climate. But then it comes up on the side. And when it does come up they’re scoffing at it. I’m hearing a lot of scoffing coming from these big time podcasters. And again, that makes me happy that, we’re making we’re, making headway here.

Irina Slav [00:28:04] This is really great to hear because I’ve been thinking and arguing the same thing. They’re getting increasingly desperate. The blaming not. Well, yeah. The latest I saw is that, climate change is going to cause food inflation.

Stuart Turley [00:28:19] Yeah, of course.

Irina Slav [00:28:20] I mean the transition, it will be climate change.

Tom Nelson [00:28:25] Yeah. No. Who’s buying that? If you look at the data and all the data that the course, the crop yields are going way up, they have up and to the right the whole idea that CO2 is slightly longer growing seasons and a little more food is going to cause our wheat to not grow as well. People are not that dumb. They’re not going to buy that.

Irina Slav [00:28:41] Yeah, because of droughts and floods and hurricanes and whatever. .

Tammy Nemeth [00:28:46] Decisions are diminishing. The, you know, crop outcomes.

David Blackmon [00:28:50] Exactly. .

Tammy Nemeth [00:28:52] They’re not Reducing. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:28:55] Yeah, Tell me just pointed out that they are on policy decisions. Are are causing that to happen actually.

Tom Nelson [00:29:01] Right?

Tammy Nemeth [00:29:02] Yeah. Then they blame climate change.

David Blackmon [00:29:04] Yeah. Yeah. And then they.

Irina Slav [00:29:05] Global warming, climate change, everything.

David Blackmon [00:29:09] Right. Yeah.But that goes to the point I think, Spencer was making about or maybe his lens and, about in the movie about the fact that you have this whole cottage industry where government is wanting to get studies from academia, with a predetermined outcome, and all the money’s going into that. And so you get academic all these academics at the research universities, you know, going after all this, this government money, all this funding to further their careers and, and feather their nest and create the outcomes, you know, the government wants. So every literally every study, if you just make a, a reference about, you know, the mating habits of tree frogs in China and how that’s impacted by climate change, that’s how you get the money. I mean, climate change has literally nothing to do with it, but it’s all about a big money grab. And that’s, I think that’s a great point. Yeah, that.

Irina Slav [00:30:05] Was one of the most enlightening parts of a very enlightening movie as a whole. Yeah, this this detailing of how inserting climate change into every study, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the environment or any natural sciences. Is basically creating a whole. The industry is supporting this narrative because nobody would willingly be out of a job just because they’re telling the truth, so they’re not telling the truth.

Tom Nelson [00:30:34] So I think the pendulum has swung as far as it’s going to in an absolute crazy direction on you have to mention climates and then you’re going to get money. I think it’s going to start swinging the other way as everybody wakes up. And now, if you mentioned climate change later on, I don’t know when that’s exactly. But if you mention climate change, people are going to be less likely to give you money because they already know it’s a scam. I think that’s going to happen.

Irina Slav [00:30:54] Yeah, but the people giving the money right now are really rich, and they will keep giving the money to to buy themselves indulgences or whatever. They think they’re doing good. They are feeling important in supporting this sorry transition narrative transition push. But you’re right. I think people will start to get fed up with all this and they will somehow start reacting, hopefully.

Tom Nelson [00:31:21] That’s a good point. The people that are all in on this, they’re going to go to their graves and they’re not they’re not ever going to say, oh, we were wrong. And, I dedicated 50 years of my life. And it was all baloney, like the Bill gates of the world and, Michael Mann’s whatever. We’re not trying to reach those people, but there’s all sorts of other people that are more in the middle. Tons of people that I know, even I personally believed in this stuff. I wasn’t climate marching or anything, but there was a time when I actually believed in some of this stuff. Tony Heller was like that. He kind of believed that Anthony Watts, a lot of us used to believe in it. So that makes me, think that people can be shifted. Believers or casual believers for sure can come over to the side of reality. And I think we’re going to see a lot of that.

Irina Slav [00:32:01] I hope we are.

Tammy Nemeth [00:32:02] We have a conscience, Steve Koonin said. It was a career killer. I believe it still is a career killer in academic institutions. And so unless you get rid of that layer of people who are controlling the purse strings, who are the advisors who are pushing their students in that direction. I don’t see a fundamental change happening for unfortunately, a bit of a time lag there.

David Blackmon [00:32:31] Yeah. Tammy just said that it’s it’s been a career killer. It still is a career killer. And until you change the people controlling the purse strings, you can’t have a sea change in this, right? Because as long as the money’s there to to push things in one direction, you’re not ever going to really be able to start rolling this stuff back.

Tom Nelson [00:32:52] Yeah. I do

Irina Slav [00:32:54] Think people Like Clooney, who teaches his students actual facts. He’s not teaching them, but.

David Blackmon [00:32:59] How long can he keep his job doing That?

Irina Slav [00:33:02] I don’t know. That’s very good question.

Tom Nelson [00:33:05] It’s interesting that Koonin is able to keep his job doing that. And there’s a guy that’s been on my podcast a couple of times, Dave column. He’s a, I think, a chemistry prof at Cornell. It’s amazing. Cornell. He’s able to to be at Cornell. And he just gave, an optional class for an hour where he just ripped apart the climate scam in front of his class. It was an optional thing, but he still has his job. It makes me happy that he is allowed to speak out at a place like Cornell.

David Blackmon [00:33:30] Well, I bet he and Robert Howarth are not good buddies. We had a question from a from a viewer Canada, the EU and the UK are going full net zero. I don’t see it faltering in those jurisdictions. The premises on which decisions are being made are not being challenged, and the policies for net zero keep coming, even though small delays are introduced. And that that was, I think, right in line with Jeremy’s comment as well. I think that will taken yeah. That was maybe that was that was damning. Okay.

Tom Nelson [00:34:09] But I do see I think even in those countries as the real the terrible pain hits the real people in those countries. I mean, it’s hitting the farmers in the, in Europe and they’re, they’re protesting big time. Is this these crazy policies are causing them just terrible pain and they’re not taking it. I think the more pain there is, the more likely that people are going to rise up and throw the people out that are imposing this crazy climate cult pain on them.

Irina Slav [00:34:33] Yeah, that’s my hope. That’s all I hope.

Stuart Turley [00:34:36] And I guess this is more of just a real question. I have my opinion, but which is wrong 99% of the time. I did go to Oklahoma State University, but do you think that the climate movement is just a wealth transfer?

Tom Nelson [00:34:51] Yeah, I think there’s a ton of that. I mean, I do think a lot of people who are pushing this heavily totally believe in it, and they’ve convinced themselves that I’m getting up every morning and I’m saving the children of the world from a horrible CO2 induced danger. I think a lot of people have totally bought into it. So I think groupthink is a big part of it. But I do think there’s people at the top that know this is all B.S. and they’re just they want power and money. But I think there’s a lot of delusional people out there that believe it’s still well.

Irina Slav [00:35:20] And. Maybe. Here’s an example. If you could, Stu, if you could pull the the, the slide with the headlines.

Stuart Turley [00:35:34] You bet. Here we go. Is this you?

David Blackmon [00:35:35] It’s. That’s me.

Irina Slav [00:35:38] No. Yeah, that’s. That’s mine. Okay. The one I had in mind is the new climate reality stretches global freshwater supply. In keeping with the, point that they’re blaming everything on climate change. Now it’s freshwater supply shortage that is being blamed on climate change and on a growing population where demand for water is growing fast. Then, you know, everything else. It’s like this place is warming twice as fast as it was. Well, you know that, but, there was a point made in this story that drew my attention. That point was that agriculture consumes humongous amounts of freshwater, with the implication that this is a bad thing. How do you see. So, this attack on agriculture. Oh. Seriously.

Tom Nelson [00:36:36] Yeah. I mean, I was with this guy Marcel Kroc, who’s the great climate realist in the Netherlands, and he was driving me around and we were driving past all these wonderful farms in the Netherlands, and he was talking about how crazy it is that people are far away from there, and there are trying to shut down farming to try to prevent bad weather. I mean, the whole idea that we should shut down our food supply and to try to prevent hurricanes in the year 2060. People are not that stupid still, but, bureaucrats or somehow some people in power are that stupid. But this this is way too stupid to last for too long. I think the whole idea that, every time it doesn’t rain enough, every single time it doesn’t rain enough someplace. CO2 is the reason CO2 suppresses rain. And then right away, even in that same spot next day, if it rains too much o CO2 cause too much rain. These are kind of completely contradictory arguments. Again, people aren’t that stupid that this is not going to fly.

David Blackmon [00:37:33] Great question from Tami. At the end of the movie it was said this is a very much a political movement. To what end, in your opinion? The first question asked is usually, do you believe in climate change? That is a politically loaded question, is it not? And that’s that’s for you, Tom.

Tom Nelson [00:37:49] Yeah, I do think I don’t know if it’s really a blue versus red thing, but it’s definitely, insanity versus sanity and it’s, big government control versus freedom. I think it’s those two definitely that, people who want the government to control every aspect of our lives. Then they’re all in on this whole climate thing, because every single thing that we do, you can tie it into the climate. And yeah, the government can get bigger and bigger with more control over absolutely everything. We have to eat the bugs and we can’t eat the meat and all this other stuff, all this ridiculous stuff. So it is about all about control and freedom. And I think Martin makes a good point at the end where I think he’s showing the truckers and the talking about freedom and the whole idea of letting people restrict our freedom, to prevent bad weather. Then, it’s this is so crazy. It’s.

Stuart Turley [00:38:37] I love the trucker in your video. I’m sorry. With a big finger to Trudeau. That’s just way too cool. I love that truck. I’d like to buy him some coffee.

David Blackmon [00:38:49] Oh, effort to restrict freedom to fight climate change goes to a great piece I found at time magazine this morning, written by a professor at Uppsala University in Sweden. He’s a professor at the Institute of Housing and Urban Research. Okay. Which, of course has nothing to do with climate change, but I’m sure he’s done a government funded study relating it to climate change. Anyway, his his whole thesis, Tom, is that the communist system in China is the best system for, achieving the energy transition. And my whole response to that was, well, yeah, that’s what I’ve been saying for years now. And that’s why isn’t that why every solution we see in America, Europe or anywhere else advances the clause cause of, brutal socialism, right? It’s all command and control regulation posed as the solutions to every climate issue. So what what the net effect is, is it not? We’re moving Western governments further and further into a Chinese communist style of system to fight climate change. Isn’t that right?

Tom Nelson [00:40:04] Yeah. That’s it. You said it very well. I wouldn’t improve on what you said there that that is what’s happening. That’s, the. Yeah, we’re trying to prevent bad weather. And the solution is communism. You see all sorts of memes that say things like that. And yeah, that hits the nail right on the head. That’s what it is.

David Blackmon [00:40:19] Yeah. So he’s right. I mean, he’s absolutely right about that for all the wrong reasons.

Irina Slav [00:40:28] But meanwhile, oil demand needs to rise.

David Blackmon [00:40:32] Right. Exactly. For everything.

Irina Slav [00:40:34] Oh, explain this, Tom. After all these efforts being put into moving away from hydrocarbons, and because they’re dirty and bad and CO2, oil demand keeps rising even with all these people buying into the transition narrative.

Tom Nelson [00:40:52] Yeah, that’s a huge point. And it shows that they they’re not really buying into it. They say they’re buying into it, but almost nobody. Even people who are rabid. Warmoth even they can’t be bothered to actually behave as if they believe in it. There’s a guy named Matthew Poochie. He’s on he’s on Twitter. And if you’ve seen this guy, he’s a young Warmoth and he’s just constantly talking about balls. That CO2 is going to kind of kill us all. And about how fun it is to jump on a plane and go on a long haul flight on the weekends. He’s doing both of those things all the time. So all these people, as I travel around to Europe and, you know, all the airports are packed and all the planes are packed. People are just, they’re using hydrocarbon energy because it’s so great. They can’t be inconvenience themselves. It’s all about inconveniencing other people. And maybe the elites are. Don’t want the little people cluttering up the airports and all that stuff. It’s all about forcing a pain on everyone else and, leaving the, leaving the pleasure or the, the wealth to yourself. It’s all about that. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:41:52] So we have a question from SRB. Tom, have you investigated the involvement of state funding of climate NGOs? Russia? Qatar? China? Oh, from Russia, Qatar? In China? Well, yeah. Yeah. Have you done that, Tom?

Tom Nelson [00:42:08] I’ve just heard the same rumors, probably as everybody else, but I have not investigated it. I don’t know the answer to that. I would not be surprised at all, but I don’t know any details.

David Blackmon [00:42:19] Putin has admitted, in public statements, to partially funding the whole anti-fracking movement beginning in 2008, to try to kill off the US shale industry in which he endorses counter to Russian interests. So, I mean, we know some of that is happening.

Tom Nelson [00:42:36] I have heard people saying that, like the people who are throwing soup on paintings and gluing themselves with stuff and blocking traffic, that some of them are just paid by the day to do that stuff. I don’t know if that’s true, but that again, would not surprise me.

David Blackmon [00:42:49] I think we’re seeing, a loss of patience with those people, aren’t we?

Tom Nelson [00:42:54] I think we are. I mean, there’s a good sequence in the movie where it happened maybe a couple of years ago, where there’s somebody on top of a tube or a train, and the working people just want to get their jobs, so they’re just drag the guy off so that they can get to their jobs. I love that. And also people like, just Stop Oil or whatever, they’re blocking the road so people can’t get to work. I think it is. It’s a war on the working class, and I like to see the working class fight back. And when those scenes were shown in some of the premieres, people in the audience were clapping because people like to see this fight back. We gotta fight back. And we can’t let these people, keep us from doing our jobs. And yeah, we got to make a living. Still, we can’t let that crap that was stop us.

Tammy Nemeth [00:43:31] On top of the train. That was just Stop Oil in the UK.

David Blackmon [00:43:35] Yeah. Tammy says that was the Just Stop Oil people in the.

Irina Slav [00:43:39] Oh, when they put one guy off the road off the train. Oh, yeah. That was great. That was brilliant.

David Blackmon [00:43:46]  Tammy. Tammy, I’m so sorry this is happening. Sorry. It’s difficult to trace the funds that get moved around a lot. From one group to another to another. Yeah. Money loses its characters. Like the Biden family. Strategy as well. Money loses its character. Was the conclusion from a forensic audit audit audit of NGOs in Canada. Yeah. Hide the money. Money laundering I think

Irina Slav [00:44:10] We have all the Billionaires pretty openly financing, just so Boyle and similar groups and probably problem themselves.

Tammy Nemeth [00:44:17] They are. Yeah.

Tom Nelson [00:44:18] Yeah, I seen some stuff about, Hollywood types. The guy that did maybe don’t look up. He is behind a group that’s funding climate defiance and climate defiance. Those are the people in the US that when, like Senator maybe mansions trying to talk their run, get it right in his face and swearing right into his face and stuff like that. They’re just doing all this stuff and getting away with it. But they are financed by Hollywood that I saw articles that said, yeah, we’re financing these people. So, yeah, I don’t know why we’re letting these people get away with it when they when they barge into places and stop speakers from speaking, I think we cannot allow them to do that.

David Blackmon [00:44:53] Yeah. Yeah.

Tammy Nemeth [00:44:55] They do it all the time. And they have been for the since, like, Occupy Wall Street.

David Blackmon [00:45:00] Yeah, Tammy makes the point that they do it all the time, and they’ve been doing that since the Occupy Wall Street movement started up in the early Obama years. 2008, 2009, which is absolutely right. I think that’s true.

Tom Nelson [00:45:17] I think a lot of these movements are kind of supported by the police, or at least the police kind of stand by and let them do stuff, let them do illegal stuff because.

David Blackmon [00:45:24] Yeah. And the people at the museums where they’re defacing the art, the only way they can do that, they’re bringing cans of soup in or cans of spray paint into a museum that has X-ray machines and all sorts of security to enter. They have to be getting the willing cooperation of the people who manage those art galleries and museums to be able to do that.

Stuart Turley [00:45:49] Are you saying there’s conspiracy theories?

David Blackmon [00:45:52] It’s no longer. It’s not a it’s not a conspiracy. It’s not a theory. If it’s standing in front of you slapping your stupid face.

Stuart Turley [00:45:59] And you know what? The difference between a conspiracy and a theory is now.

David Blackmon [00:46:05] 3 to 6 months.

Stuart Turley [00:46:05] Yeah. About a week. It’s about a week. Don’t you agree? Tom

Tom Nelson [00:46:13] I 100% agree. Yeah, yeah.

David Blackmon [00:46:18] All right. Where do we go next? Okay. Want to do some more news clips?

Stuart Turley [00:46:21] Here we go.

Irina Slav [00:46:22] Yeah, if I did mine, you do yours.

David Blackmon [00:46:26] These are Tammy’s. Tammy.

Tammy Nemeth [00:46:29] Okay, so since Tom can’t hear me.

Stuart Turley [00:46:32] Sorry. You can’t.

Tammy Nemeth [00:46:35] So I don’t know if you can see that headline. Can Tom see it?

David Blackmon [00:46:39] Can you see the headlines that are up on the screen?

Tom Nelson [00:46:41] I can see that. Yep, I can. Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:46:43] Okay, so the first one is probably the most important one because all the Tom has said basically in Canada can’t happen now because of what the banks are going to do. So the banks will now be asking for all kinds of climate information, because they will need to reduce the absolute emissions of their portfolios, which, based on the Esrb standards will mean that, for example, oil and gas companies will have to take, their reserves, they have to calculate the potential emissions in their reserves, and that will be counted as part of their absolute emissions. They also have to let.

David Blackmon [00:47:24] Me, let me, let me. Tom. So the one on the left, the headline on the left, makes it pretty hard for any of this to get rolled back because it is requirements for banks to detail all of their own emission profiles. And that’s going to radically discourage their investing in any future fossil fuel kinds of development. Did I summarize that right, Tammy?

Tammy Nemeth [00:47:49] Yeah. That’s that. That’s right. So scope three emissions. They have to account for the emissions of people using their product and the emissions in their reserves, which is.

David Blackmon [00:47:59] They have, you know.

Tammy Nemeth [00:48:00] It’s like that’s a killer.

David Blackmon [00:48:01] They’re they’re forcing oil companies, for example, to account for scope three emissions, which the SEC in the United States is trying to do as well, to some extent, a lesser extent. And, that that’s going to make it, you know, which, of course, is impossible to do, but but don’t you think, Tom, that’s going to make it really these kinds of things are going to make it really difficult to roll any of this stuff bank back unless you can repeal requirements like this.

Tom Nelson [00:48:29] Yeah, it is definitely a concern that there’s all this, a complete cultism in the banking industry, in the financial industry. That reminds me of, clauser. I mentioned him before about the Nobel Prize winner and everything. He was supposed to speak in front of the IMF, and then they found out he didn’t believe in the climate scam, and they wouldn’t let him speak. I mean, yeah, yeah. Incredibly crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, they’re concerned about there on the right. I know if you talk about the carbon tax. Right. But the whole idea that people willingly want to pay a carbon tax. I’ve seen different, polls where they’re asking people, do you want to pay maybe $1 or $10 a month to try to prevent bad weather in the future? And hardly anybody wants to pull money out of their pocket for that reason. So yeah, it’s going to be hard once people realize how much pain again is being pushed on them, they’re not going to take it.

Stuart Turley [00:49:16] Hey, Tom.

Irina Slav [00:49:17] I’m just. Oh, sorry. I just wrap up on the carbon tax issue. So Canada has one. It increases every April 1st, like some bad, April Fools joke. And it’s set to increase on April 1st. Again, every party except for the conservatives voted to support it. So the people don’t want it. They’re sick of it. And the government is doubling down, and they have support of all the left wing parties in parliament, which is everybody but the conservatives. Yeah. And what’s interesting is that the Trudeau government is the sponsor of a global initiative to roll out a global carbon tax. So there’s no way they can repeal this and still keep face, you know, because here they are. Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:50:02] Yeah. Tom. So the point is that every every Canadian party in Parliament, except for the Conservative Party, which is a minority, a fairly small minority voted in favor of this carbon tax, even though the people hate it. And further, the Trudeau government is sponsoring a push to implement a global carbon tax, which would make it impossible for governments who have adopted these things to repeal them in the future. Did I get that right, Tammy?

Tammy Nemeth [00:50:30] Yeah. That’s right.

David Blackmon [00:50:33] So I’m you know again it just it it they’re they’re these are smart people. They’re highly organized and smart people who are trying to put these things in place and make it impossible or virtually impossible to repeal them without a total revolution, basically.

Tom Nelson [00:50:51] Yeah. I mean.

Irina Slav [00:50:51] You work on when people have enough.

David Blackmon [00:50:54] Yeah

Irina Slav [00:50:55] And they all have enough at some point.

Tom Nelson [00:50:56] I think it well, somebody was saying, and I agree that what happened in the last few years is that the elites, they were going for a great reset. But what they got is a great awakening. I think that’s what’s happening.

Irina Slav [00:51:08] Yes, yes, I saw this one too. It’s very well put.

David Blackmon [00:51:14] So that that to me sets up a situation where unless the. Warmest relent. You end up in a situation where it’s almost it gets become, becomes increasingly difficult to imagine getting to a completely peaceful resolution to any of this.

Irina Slav [00:51:38] They’re not going.

David Blackmon [00:51:39] Carefully, as I can say that, and they’re not. Going to relent.

Stuart Turley [00:51:44] But yes. Hey, Tom, I’ll tell you what. This morning, I got to give a shout out to Steve Reese over at Reese Consulting, and they do a lot of fantastic things over there. And the energy bad boys, are absolutely a hoot. Tom, you need to get them on your podcast. And, David, you need them on on yours as well, too. They wrote a great story about the energy transition in retreat. We’re seeing this across a lot of places where people are saying we can’t afford it anymore. And in this one this morning, there was a group in LinkedIn. This morning, Steve Reece made a comment on this one. Fury after Exxon chief says the public to blame for climate futures. He is right.  People are not wanting to cut back on their electricity. They’re not wanting to to go on this. So what’s wrong with what Darren Woods said? And then there’s one climate, group out there on LinkedIn is being pushed and getting extra push is out. There is not I can’t believe that. And then the last one that I have is Glencore abandons coal production. Cap as another climate pledge falls. This is coking coal. This is one of the world’s largest. Miners and producers out there of of coal. And we need coal. And it is people are realizing in the in energy. We need energy. We need low cost energy. But anyway, I want to bring those, up there on that. So yeah. Shout out.

David Blackmon [00:53:30] Well, more to that point, there was a recent, a charter member, I think a Quinnipiac poll that asked, a couple of thousand registered voters in the United States if they would be willing to sacrifice $10 a month to help pay for climate to fight climate change. And like 80% said no. I mean, literally, the public is not willing to invest in this anyway.

Stuart Turley [00:53:56] David, I and Irina.

David Blackmon [00:53:57] What do you see on that, in that regard?

Stuart Turley [00:54:01] Yeah.

Tom Nelson [00:54:02] I totally see that, that people don’t they don’t want to fork over real money for any of this stuff. Not their own money, just other people’s money. Of course, you don’t think I wanted to mention is we’re seeing so many cases where bureaucrats are saying, hey, we’re going to get rid of internal combustion cars by a certain date and, go net zero and all this other stuff. But already we’re seeing, people saying are just kidding. We didn’t really mean it. Let’s push it back another 5 or 10 years, and we’re going to see enormous amounts of that because they’re not going to actually do it. They’re going to just push it off and not.

David Blackmon [00:54:30] Change is always just around the corner. Yes. The miracle solution is always coming.

Tom Nelson [00:54:36] Yeah. That was in okay. That was in Tom Friedman’s book. I thought that was interesting. I read his what was that? He had wrote a book about the energy transition, transition a long time ago, and he had a quote in there about how, there was a quote from over maybe 120 years ago about electric cars, about, that the magical battery for cars is only ten years away or something. But we’ve been hearing that for a long time, and this was at the start of the last century. They were saying that. So this is a very old story, that magical batteries are coming and they’re still not here.

Irina Slav [00:55:04] Yeah, they’re still coming.

Tom Nelson [00:55:05] Yeah, they’re still here. Well.

Stuart Turley [00:55:08] Yes, I do want to ask this. I want to kick this out to the team because Irene and I have really laughed about hydrogen and, the hydrogen corridor corridor going on in the, the, EU and Germany really pushing on hydrogen. But this morning, I was looking at Toyota has really come up with a new internal combustion engine, for hydrogen. And, you know, Toyota is looking at, solving their problems with a, hybrid rather than a true electric. Do you see that? There is any hope? I think it’s a long time before hydrogen. If we can’t get $10 billion in two charging stations put in from the inflation reduction bill. Do you think that hydrogen is got a chance?

Tom Nelson [00:56:00] I’ll believe it when I see it, but I think I was reading in business magazines in the 1980s that when we get ready for hydrogen, it’s coming. I don’t know.

David Blackmon [00:56:10] I mean, the, the big in the hub hydrogen hub concepts will last as long as the subsidies last, you know, and as long as the willing, the government is willing to invoke favorable regulation. But what you see in the United States already is that the Treasury Department’s interpretation of section 45, the of the I.R.A., is is destroying the willingness of companies like Exxon Mobil and other big companies to invest in these things because they can’t be profitable without favorable regulation.

Tom Nelson [00:56:41] Yeah. This whole idea that they’re going to push us to some other type of car, a worse car to prevent bad weather. People are not going to buy into that. The cars that they push us, do they have to be at least as good as what we already have or we’re not going to switch? That’s pretty simple.

Irina Slav [00:56:53] Well, there..

David Blackmon [00:56:54] Go to Tammy’s. It goes to Tammy’s latest comment from Tammy. Reliable, affordable, secure energy is what makes economies and societies strong. And I think that may be a good way to wrap this one up because that’s perfect.

Stuart Turley [00:57:10] Oh, I don’t know. Tom and, David, I hear her typing again with her angry typing on her. Board .

David Blackmon [00:57:19] Everything with a smile on her face again. I’d be mad as hell if I if it was. Oh.

Stuart Turley [00:57:26] This would be a lot of fun.

David Blackmon [00:57:30] But yeah, we’re pushing up on an hour here, so maybe we should get my headlines.

Irina Slav [00:57:35] Thank you. Tom, thanks for coming.

Tom Nelson [00:57:37] Oh. Thank you. I really enjoyed it. It’s a very fun.

David Blackmon [00:57:39] And everyone needs to to download and watch the movie. It’s fantastic.

Irina Slav [00:57:43] That we can find.

David Blackmon [00:57:44] Products. Yes, yes.

Stuart Turley [00:57:46] Tell us how to find it. Yeah. Oh thank you.

Tom Nelson [00:57:48] You can go to climate the movie dot net. Just go there and, and you’ll find it.

David Blackmon [00:57:52] That’s the climate the movie dot net and put that in show notes.

Irina Slav [00:57:55] Yeah, I myself googled it, googled the name because I wanted to include a link to the movie in today’s post on Substack, and I found it on YouTube.

David Blackmon [00:58:03] Google. Let it come up. Wow.

Tom Nelson [00:58:04] Not bad. Glad to hear.

Stuart Turley [00:58:06] And and Tom, tell us about your podcast.

Tom Nelson [00:58:10] Oh, it’s just a podcast about climate and energy. I do 2 or 3 on the average week and, it’s been going I did over 200 total. I’ve had a couple of you out of the three of you, I guess, on there. Yeah. And, it’s it’s really fun. They’re normally like 45 to, hour long and, come and see what you like. There’s a lot of different choices out there. You can watch, some of the old ones if you want.

Stuart Turley [00:58:30] Well, yeah, you’ve had the three good looking ones on there.

Tom Nelson [00:58:33] I was going to say that, but I didn’t want to say that out loud.

Stuart Turley [00:58:39] All right. Well, thank you everybody.

Tom Nelson [00:58:44] Thanks. See you later. Next time.

Irina Slav [00:58:46] All right. Bye.

Tammy Nemeth [00:58:47] Bye.

Stuart Turley [00:58:50] We are going off.




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Prices of New Houses -19% from Peak, Lowest since June 2021. Why Sales of New Houses Held Up, while Sales of Existing Houses Plunged

Energy News Beat

Prices of New Houses v. Existing Houses: Price cuts and mortgage-rate buydowns make new houses more attractive.

By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET.

The median price of new single-family houses that were sold in February fell to $400,500, the lowest since June 2021, down by 7.6% from February 2023 and down by 6.3% from February 2022, according to data from the Census Bureau today (blue in the chart). Compared to the peak in October 2022, the median price has dropped by 19.4%.

The three-month moving average, which irons out some of the monthly ups and downs, fell to $411,700, the lowest since September 2021 (red).

The prices here do not include the substantial costs of mortgage-rate buydowns that homebuilders use to stimulate sales in this market where sales of existing homes have plunged. Mortgage-rate buydowns lower the monthly payment but do not lower the contract price of the house. Prices here also don’t include other incentives, such as free upgrades. These contract prices show that homebuilders are building smaller homes with less expensive amenities at lower price points, and then they’re throwing mortgage-rate buydowns and other incentives on top of it to make deals.

Lower the price and they will come.

Homebuilders sold 60,000 new houses in February, not seasonally adjusted, up a tad from January, and up by 7.1% from a year ago.

Compared to February 2019, sales were down only 4.8%, despite the 7% mortgage rates, while sales of existing (resale) homes plunged by 19% compared to February 2019.

The fact that sales of new houses are hanging in there despite 7% mortgage rates shows that homebuilders have figured out this market, and they’re running circles around homeowners trying to sell. Homebuilders are competing directly with resale homes. They’re in the business of building homes, and they cannot try to outwait this market, as many potential home sellers are trying to do.

Additional competition from the multifamily construction boom.

Over the past few years, multifamily building construction – condos and apartments, mostly at the higher end – has started to put a large number of units on the market. In 2022 and even in 2023, multifamily construction starts were at the highest since the 1980s.

This plays into the trend of population growth. As cities get larger, they get denser as some people choose to live in larger buildings at the core of the city with shorter commutes. Time is money. And money is money too, because people can save money on a monthly basis. People are doing this calculus, and they’re making choices.

This is the competition for single-family houses, both new and resale, and people are arbitraging the cost differences:

Price difference between new and resale houses.

Homebuilders are aggressively taking sales away from homeowners, as the largest homebuilders have explained in their earnings calls. And the price difference between new and resale single-family houses has narrowed in a historic manner.

The national median price of new single-family houses (Census Bureau) has fallen faster and further than the national median price of resale single-family houses (National Association of Realtors).

We’re going to use 6-month moving averages in our comparison to smoothen out the strong seasonality of the median price of resale houses (seasonal high in June, seasonal low in January) and the volatile but not seasonal prices of new houses.

Red denotes the median price of new houses, green the median price of resale houses. We’re going to look at the percentage differences in a moment, which are even more illuminating.

In percentage terms, the median price (6-month moving average) of new houses is now only 6.6% higher than the median price of resale houses. The difference has been in the same range for the past nine months.

If you figure in the effects of mortgage-rate buydowns, the payments on a new house can be less than the payments on an equivalent resale house.

The unusual narrowing price difference – as homebuilders lower their prices more quickly than homeowners – also happened in the leadup to the Housing Bust and lasted well into the Housing Bust. Prices of resale homes eventually fell so much they became competitive with new houses again toward the end of the Housing Bust in 2012.

Inventory for sale is very ample.

In February, there were 456,000 new houses for sale at all stages of construction (not seasonally adjusted). Inventory has been in this very high range for months. In February, this inventory translated into 7.8 months of supply, which is more than ample, and a reminder that builders are very motivated to make deals:

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Oil settles higher as Russia orders output cuts, geopolitical tensions persist

Energy News Beat

HOUSTON, March 25 (Reuters) – Oil prices settled higher on Monday as orders from the Russian government to curb oil output, and attacks on energy infrastructure in both Russia and Ukraine offset the United Nation’s demand for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Brent crude futures settled $1.32 higher or 1.55%, at $86.75 a barrel. U.S. crude futures settled $1.32 higher, or 1.64%, at $81.95.
Both benchmarks have risen steadily this year, with Brent up nearly 11% and WTI up about 12.5% by Friday’s close, on expectations that interest rates in major economies will come down by the summer, and geopolitical tensions in eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Moscow, meanwhile, has ordered companies to reduce oil output in the second quarter to meet a production target of 9 million barrels per day (bpd) by the end of June, in line with its pledges to the producer group OPEC+, three industry sources said on Monday.
“Russia is committed to the OPEC+ cuts. They are looking beyond the current supply and demand fundamentals and looking at unity with OPEC+, as well as the risk of a bigger price shock further down the road,” said Phil Flynn, analyst at Price Futures Group.
Attacks on Russian energy facilities and Ukrainian energy infrastructure have stoked supply concerns, said Hiroyuki Kikukawa, president of NS Trading, a unit of Nissan Securities.
Another Russian oil refinery had half of its capacity knocked out in a drone attack over the weekend, sources told Reuters. It was the latest casualty from a string of attacks by Ukraine this month that have shuttered 7% of total refining capacity, Reuters calculations show, on top of unrelated maintenance.
Russia attacked Ukrainian generating and transmission facilities last week and over the weekend, causing blackouts in many regions.
Elsewhere, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution on Monday demanding an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas and the release of all hostages after the United States abstained from the vote.
“We will have to see how the U.N. resolution on a ceasefire actually plays out on the ground in Gaza, and whether that would ultimately result in the Houthis stopping their attacks on tanker traffic in the Red Sea,” Andrew Lipow, president of Lipow Oil Associates said.
Yemen-based Houthi rebels have been ramping up attacks on ships traversing the Red Sea in support of Palestinians in Gaza.
A ceasefire could help relieve supply bottlenecks if the Houthis wind down their attacks by allowing vessels to use the Suez Canal rather than taking longer, more costly diversions around the horn of Africa.

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Work progresses on NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG export plant in Texas

Energy News Beat

US LNG firm NextDecade is moving forward with construction work on the first phase of its Rio Grande LNG export terminal in Texas.

In July last year, NextDecade took the final investment decision on the first three trains of its Rio Grande LNG project on the north embankment of the Brownsville Ship Channel in Cameron County, and completed $18.4 billion project financing.

The firm also closed a joint venture agreement for the first phase which included about $5.9 billion of financial commitments from Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), GIC, Mubadala, and TotalEnergies.

NextDecade also expects to take a final investment decision to build the fourth liquefaction train in the second half of 2024.

Phase 1, with nameplate liquefaction capacity of 17.6 mtpa, has 16.2 mtpa of long-term binding LNG sale and purchase agreements.

These include deals with TotalEnergies, Shell, ENN, Engie, ExxonMobil, Guangdong Energy Group, China Gas Hongda Energy Trading, Galp, and Itochu.

NextDecade awarded the $12 billion EPC contract to compatriot Bechtel and it officially kicked of work on the plant in October last year.

LNG tanks 1 & 2 area (Image: NextDecade)

According to Rio Grande LNG’s latest construction report sent to the US FERC, ongoing activities during the period of March 1-15, 2024 included soil stabilization via the deep mixing method in train 1 area, alongside essential site civil activities such as concrete foundation work and construction of the material offloading facility.

Simultaneously, work continued on building and improvement of onsite laydown yards and work pads to support construction; arrangement of temporary facilities; assembling of the CMT office complexes, and improving pedestrian walkways within the construction areas and temporary utilities.

Construction of the facility perimeter levee along the shoreline, and northern and eastern edges of the site, as well as improvements in temporary drainage and onsite construction roads progressed throughout this reporting period.

Also, the project continued the production pile-driving program for the LNG tank and pipe rack structures, excavation and foundation work for the LNG tanks 1 & 2 tower cranes, activities for shoreline protection, the installation of underground fire water piping, and the installation of underground feed gas and instrument air piping at road crossings.

Rio Grande LNG said that the project started installation of LNG berth 1 breasting dolphin template piles, and it maintained continuous monitoring of existing erosion control devices.

Throughout the remainder of March, Rio Grande will continue the ongoing work, it added.


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Exxon Mobil Ahead of Schedule in Doubling LNG Portfolio, Executive Says

Energy News Beat

(Reuters) — Exxon Mobil is ahead of schedule with its plan to double the size of its LNG portfolio to 40 million tons per annum (mtpa) by 2030 and will focus on selling its own gas rather than trading that of third parties, the company’s LNG chief said on Thursday.

Exxon is revamping its LNG trading strategy amid growing production of the fuel and as part of a wider corporate reorganization that began in 2022.

The oil major is relatively small in LNG trading compared to TotalEnergies and Shell. Shell is one of the industry leaders and made $2.4 billion from trading LNG in the fourth quarter 2023.

Unlike Shell and Total, Exxon plans to mainly trade its own gas, said Peter Clarke, Exxon senior vice president for global LNG.

“Our portfolio is never going to look like Shell’s, it’s not going to look like Total’s, we are targeting different aspects of the value chain,” he told Reuters in an interview.

Exxon said in 2020 it planned to double its LNG portfolio to 40 mtpa by decade-year, from 20 mtpa. It is now producing just short of 30 mtpa, he said.

“We are well on track to achieve the objective we set ourselves back in 2020,” Clarke said. “And we are slightly ahead of that.”

While Exxon could widen its trading portfolio by purchasing and marketing LNG from third parties, Clarke said, it considers margins in that business are small compared to the profits it can make on its own natural gas.

For Exxon, there is more value in producing, liquefying and selling gas, he said. Long-term contracts still account for about 80% of the global LNG trade, he said.

“The big component in LNG is obviously the commercialization of the LNG itself,” Clarke said. “We want to have the leading LNG portfolio in the world in terms of its financial robustness and financial returns. I would say we’re well on the way to doing it.”

Exxon’s volumes will increase through the Golden Pass LNG project, where it has a 30% stake with QatarEnergies as a partner. That project has an estimated export capacity of around 18 mtpa and will produce its first LNG in 2025.

The company has said it expects to make a final investment decision for its PNG Papua LNG project in Papua New Guinea this year and begin engineering and design for a Mozambique project by year end.

Clarke said the projects would help Exxon supply clients in Asia, where the company sees the most potential growth.

“The market is expanding. And by 2050, 75% of global energy demand will be in Asia Pacific, so we are really focused in that area.”


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PetroChina Books Record Profit as Natural Gas and Fuel Demand Soar

Energy News Beat

A rebound in Chinese natural gas demand and rising fuel sales pushed the earnings of state oil and gas giant PetroChina to a record high in 2023, despite the drop in international oil and gas prices.

PetroChina reported on Monday a net income of $22.3 billion (161 billion Chinese yuan) for 2023, up by 8.3% on the year, thanks to recovering domestic consumption of refined petroleum products and a surge in natural gas demand.

Last year, Chinese natural gas and LNG demand rebounded from 2022, when the world’s top LNG importer was still under COVID-related lockdowns that were weighing on household and business consumption of all energy products.

Total revenues for PetroChina, however, slumped by 7% in 2023 compared to 2022, amid lower international oil and gas prices, which affected the upstream earnings. But in terms of company net profit, the downstream business more than offset the impact of the weaker oil and gas prices.

In 2023, PetroChina’s refining and chemicals business took advantage of the domestic market recovery and boosted processing capacity, the state major said in a statement. The volumes of processed crude jumped by 15.3% year-over-year. Jet fuel output soared by 77.7%, gasoline production rose by 14.4%, and diesel output increased by 8.9%. Sales of all petroleum products except diesel jumped by double-digit numbers in 2023 compared to 2022.

PetroChina’s natural gas sales in China rose by 6.1% year-on-year, while the operating profit from the natural gas business tripled.

“Under the strict implementation of national price policies, the Group adhered to market-oriented and specialized marketing, actively explored high-end and high-profitability markets, fully utilized the function of value discovery through online trading, strived to increase sales volume and profit,” PetroChina said.

While PetroChina managed to offset weaker oil prices with higher product and natural gas sales, another Chinese state-held oil and gas giant, CNOOC, saw its net profit for 2023 slip by 12.6% from a record-high level in 2022, due to the decline in international oil prices.


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The world’s semiconductor industry hinges on a single quartz factory in North Carolina

Energy News Beat

A Wharton professor who studies AI, innovation, and start-ups dramatically claims that “the modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina.” Ethan Mollick explains that this unremarkable road leads to a Sibelco North America Inc. facility where ultra-high-purity quartz is mined. This location is vitally important as it is claimed to be “the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers.”

Regular readers will be well aware of several vital companies and locations that sustain the semiconductor industry as we know it. We have published numerous articles about Intel, TSMC, ASML, Samsung, and other companies. Moreover, locations such as Silicon Valley, Hsinchu Science Park, Bengaluru, and the Shenzhen SEZ have become household names due to their tech hub status. Put into this perspective, the remarkable nature of Spruce Pine is all the more eyebrow-raising.

Mollick provides an excerpt from Conway’s Material World, which discusses the probable “end of computer chip manufacture as we know it,” should something untoward happen at Spruce Pine or in the skies above it.

For further insight into why the Spruce Pine location is so unique, the official Sibelco pages do a pretty good job of encapsulating the story of this particular mine. It is the world’s leading high-purity quartz (HPQ) provider, and the firm claims it produces “the world’s highest quality quartz” at this mine.

Geologically speaking, the uniquely pure minerals at Spruce Mine were created about 380 million years ago when Africa collided with North America. This momentous collision, however slow, caused intense friction and heat miles below the Earth’s surface. According to Sibelco, the Spruce Mine minerals were created by a rich mineral-forming liquid that cooled and crystallized over time. A standout feature of these minerals is that they were made in their purest forms due to a lack of water, which caused all the friction.

In more recent history, it is claimed that the Spruce Pine site has been mined for centuries, with Native American peoples known to have mined Mica. In addition to Mica and the headlining HPQ, the mine is a rich source of kaolin and feldspar.

Spruce pine-sourced minerals were first used for electronics by Thomas Edison, who used Mica as an insulator in some of his inventions as far back as 1879.

The fused quartz from Spruce Pine HPQ offers “unparalleled optical, mechanical, and thermal properties” for semiconductors, solar photovoltaic cells, optical fiber, and quartz lighting.

(Image credit: Sibelco)

Returning to the question of Spruce Pine’s particular importance, Mollick makes it clear in his social media thread that, yes, fully synthetic techniques are available to create similarly pure quartz. However, any sudden closure or interruption of the mining at Spruce Pine would likely cause “pretty catastrophic” disruption (and extra expense) for a few years as the industry scales up manufacturing.


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Nigeria Expects FID on Gas Pipeline with Morocco by Year-End

Energy News Beat

The final investment decision (FID) on the planned $25 billion Nigeria-Morocco pipeline linking North and West Africa could be reached by December, a senior Nigerian oil official said.

Nigerian National Petroleum Co. Ltd. (NNPC) chief executive Mele Kyari announced this at the CERAweek energy conference in Houston, Texas, where he championed the role of gas in the energy transition, according to a news release by NNPC.

“We understand the arguments towards attaining energy transition, but the cheapest way to achieve that is through gas”, Kyari was quoted as saying in the NNPC report. “We see clear opportunities that gas creates. Today we are building a number of trunklines and other gas infrastructure that will supply gas to a number of gas networks”.

The press release stated citing Kyari, “[T]here is an ongoing engagement on the Nigeria Morocco Gas Pipeline Project (NMGP), which is at an advanced stage, to create a pipeline that will pass through thirteen African countries and all the way to Europe”.

The pipeline is proposed to run from Nigeria to Morocco passing through Benin, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia, Senegal and Mauritania, according to information from NNPC and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The project is planned to have a gas transport capacity of three billion cubic feet per day, according to NNPC.

While the project agreement was signed 2017, a memorandum of understanding was signed September 2022 merging the West Africa gas pipeline extension project of ECOWAS and the Nigeria-Morocco pipeline.

Earlier oil and energy officials from Nigeria and Morocco met to elevate discussions toward an FID for the project.

“The project, among other things, will help drive the monetization of Nigeria’s gas resources, maintain NNPC Ltd.’s energy leadership in Africa, and promote economic and regional cooperation among African Countries”, NNPC said in a statement January 25 about the talks.

“Due to the international nature of the project, the ECOWAS Commission is saddled with the responsibility to, among other things, facilitate inter-governmental treaty and host government agreements, establishment of Pipeline Higher Authority, and alignment with AU [African Union], UN and other relevant international bodies”, it said at the time.

“The talks focused on how to drive the partnership between the two countries to accelerate the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Project in line with the series of Memoranda of Understanding signed between the two countries in Abuja in 2022”, NNPC said.

“Both parties emphasized the strategic importance of the project to the two countries and the entire African continent and the need to drive it to completion expeditiously in line with the objective of stemming energy poverty on the African continent”.

Last year more African countries signed MOUs committing themselves to pursuing the Nigeria-Morocco pipeline project.

Four MOUs were inked June 16, 2023, by NNPC, Morocco’s National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines, Benin’s National Hydrocarbons Co., Cote d’Ivoire’s National Company for Petroleum Operations, Guinea’s National Petroleum Co. and Liberia’s National Oil Co., as announced by NNPC at the time.

While announcing the planned FID at CERAWeek, Kyari told energy executives and government officials that “before energy transition, countries must first attain security of energy supply”, as quoted by the NNPC release.

“You cannot talk about energy security when it is not even available”, the NNPC leader was quoted as saying. “In most sub-Saharan Africa, 70 percent of the population don’t have access to clean cooking fuels”.

Kyari added, “For us today, the transition must be differentiated”.

“Even if Africa decides to switch off its fossil fuels, it only accounts for just about 3 percent of the entire global emissions”, Kyari said.


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Don’t let California politicians gaslight you. Higher gas prices are driven by deliberate policy choices.

Energy News Beat

Gas prices in California are the highest in the nation, and the state recently announced its policies are about to drive them even higher. 

A recent Los Angeles Times editorial completely misrepresented the root causes and attempted to cast blame in the wrong place. This is the same tactic the governor and Legislature have been using to try to displace the blame, but the facts speak for themselves. For example, it is a FACT that many factors impact California’s gas prices, but policy choices made by the governor, Legislature, and state regulators have made California’s gas and diesel prices the highest in the nation. 

As of March 11, 2024, state and local governments collected $1.24/gallon in taxes and fees—27 percent of the total cost of a gallon of gas goes to state and local agencies and another 18 cents above this goes to federal taxes. These aren’t industry talking points; these are FACTS provided by the California Energy Commission tracked and monitored over the past 20-plus years. The California government collects a 58-cent state excise tax, 12 cent per gallon low carbon fuel standard cost, 54 cents for cap and trade and other environmental fees, 10 cents for state and local sales tax, and a 2-cent state underground storage fee. 

How do the governor and editorial writers at the Times justify this? Especially because gasoline taxes are one of the most regressive taxes in the state and are directly responsible for our high cost of living and high inflation rate. To offset this fact, the governor and Legislature argue that the money goes to pay for environmental programs.  

While that may have been the Legislature and regulators’ original intent, these environmental fees are unrestricted profits to the state and can be used for whatever purpose the governor and Legislature wish, regardless of their connection to the environment. This year, the governor plans to take the profit he’s made off of all California drivers’ gasoline and diesel purchases to backfill the state’s general fund budget. 

We all agree we must address climate change, but we must balance ambition with reality, especially cost. According to a recent report for the Center for Jobs and the Economy California’s aggressive climate laws and regulations have done no better and, in some years, worse than the rest of the nation, but they are increasing the price of electricity, fuels and natural gas. Other states have produced actual emissions reductions by pursuing alternative and generally less costly approaches.

Meanwhile, regulators and the governor are doubling down on their expensive policies that are driving up the cost of living. According to the Energy Commission, currently, our unique gas adds 15 cents to every gallon sold in California. In just a few months, CARB expects that cost could increase by another 47 cents per gallon. Eventually, this program could increase by a total of  $1.83/gallon—and both are CARB estimates in constant 2021 dollars that do not account for inflation–on top of the other environmental fees and taxes that are already the highest in the nation.

At a time when Californians are paying more for electricity, housing, food, and other necessities they cannot afford a 50-cent increase per gallon, let alone nearly two dollars more.

The bottom line is that California’s policy choices are driving the high cost at the pump, and they’re continuing to do so. It might be easier to play the blame game, but the facts are the facts—the state of California makes a lot more money off a gallon of gas than oil companies do. 

These facts aren’t refuted by regulators (in fact, they’re the ones who publish them), or even politicians. 

But deflecting blame won’t lower costs, won’t bring down inflation, won’t make it easier for working families to thrive in California. We need realistic policy solutions, not scapegoats, and trying to deflect blame won’t lead to meaningful solutions anytime soon. 


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America’s lithium laws fail to keep pace with rapid development

Energy News Beat

March 25 (Reuters) – Washington’s drive to make the United States a major global lithium producer is being held back by a confusing mix of state regulations that are deterring developers and hampering efforts to break China’s control of the critical minerals sector.
Across Texas, Louisiana and other mineral-rich states, it’s unclear who owns the millions of metric tons of lithium locked in salty brines underneath U.S. soils, how the battery metal should be valued by regulators and who ultimately should pay to process it into a form usable by manufacturers.
These legal ambiguities are the latest impediment – alongside technical challenges and sagging commodity prices – to America’s plans to produce more of its own lithium and wean the country off foreign supplies, according to interviews with regulators from seven U.S. states, legal experts, politicians, landowners, investors, royalty firms, industry executives and consultants.
U.S. federal officials in Washington are largely powerless to force states to change regulations, leaving the Biden administration’s aggressive electrification targets beholden to the pace at which local officials update outdated statutes.
Global lithium demand is expected to outpace supply by 500,000 metric tons annually by 2030. Unless the United States boosts its own production, the country’s manufacturers will find themselves reliant on China and others for supply as the end of the decade approaches, analysts warn.
The Texas legislature, for example, last year approved a law – supported by Standard Lithium (SLI.V), opens new tab and Chevron (CVX.N), opens new tab – that instructed the state’s oilfield regulator to craft regulations for lithium extraction from brines. But the regulator, known as the Railroad Commission of Texas, told Reuters is has no timeline for when it will finish that task.
“I don’t even know where to start in terms of working with the local authorities to get brine mineral rights in Texas. It’s confusing,” said Brady Murphy, CEO of Tetra Technologies (TTI.N), opens new tab, which aims to produce lithium with partner Exxon Mobil (XOM.N), opens new tab.
The Railroad Commission of Texas told Reuters it plans to release its rules for public comment once they are formulated, and then the three commissioners will vote on them.
While the 1972 U.S. Clean Water Act gives Washington regulatory power over water extraction and reinjection across the country, state officials have autonomy to govern other parts of the process.
Tetra, which also produces chemicals for water treatment and recycling, has tested more than 200 brine samples from Texas, but so far has opted not to do business in the Lone Star State due to legal uncertainty, Murphy said.
Koch Industries-backed Standard Lithium said last October it had drilled a Texas brine well with lithium concentrations nearly as high as those found in parts of Chile, which has the world’s largest lithium reserves. But Standard can’t touch that lithium until regulations are set.
“We’re taking a measured approach to Texas,” said Robert Mintak, Standard’s CEO.


In Oklahoma, which has several brine deposits, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission – which oversees oil and gas development – said it has no jurisdiction over lithium production and royalties, and referred comment to the state’s Department of Mines, which said it also does not oversee lithium.
In Utah, the state legislature and governor approved a bill last year aimed at preventing water levels from dropping in the lithium-rich Great Salt Lake. That led Compass Minerals (CMP.N), opens new tab to abandon plans last month to produce lithium for Ford (F.N), opens new tab in the imperiled lake and disband its entire lithium team, saying “regulatory risks have increased significantly around this project.”
And in Louisiana, the lack of state guidelines is fueling concerns from legal experts that producers could trespass on neighboring land when they reinject brine after filtering out lithium. Reinjection is a key step to preserve underground water table levels.
“There’ll likely need to be a court fight about whether they have the right to do that,” said Keith Hall, director of the Louisiana State University’s Mineral Law Institute.
The Louisiana Department of Energy and Natural Resources told Reuters it does not have existing statutes related to lithium.
The path is even murkier for water that is extracted alongside crude oil. Oil companies for decades have paid to dispose of that produced water, which contains lithium that could be sold for a profit.
With lithium demand now on the rise, landowners, oil producers, and companies that oversee water disposal are tussling over ownership.
A Texas state appeals court last year ruled that COG Operating controls such water that it extracts alongside crude oil, but the ruling only applied to that specific case. And not all oilfield leases include clauses for who owns other minerals extracted alongside oil, sparking questions as to whether lithium is covered by existing leases or if companies need to negotiate new contracts with landowners.
“That is going to have a chilling effect on capital investments until it’s resolved,” said Jamie Rhymes, an attorney specializing in minerals contracts at the Liskow & Lewis law firm.


Legal experts told Reuters that it’s unclear how lithium will be valued for royalty payouts given the cost for equipment to filter the battery metal from brine, which unlike oil typically has no market value itself.
In Arkansas, where Tetra, Exxon, Albemarle (ALB.N), opens new tab and Standard Lithium hope to produce the battery metal within a few years, state officials have been debating a royalty structure to compensate landowners since 2018.
Shane Khoury, who oversees the body that will set the royalty rate in his role as secretary of the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment, said the state may charge different rates depending how much lithium is in a brine deposit.
Albemarle, the world’s largest lithium producer with operations in the United States, Chile, Australia, China and elsewhere, plans to open a pilot facility in Arkansas by the end of the year and said it has chosen not to – for now – submit a royalty proposal while it watches Standard’s royalty review process.
“We’re waiting to see how (the Arkansas royalty situation) evolves,” said Netha Johnson, the Albemarle executive overseeing the company’s Arkansas lithium project. “There’s a couple of fundamental differences between the way that brine royalties could be calculated.”
Exxon also has not submitted a royalty proposal despite spending more than $100 million in Arkansas and on a Houston test facility as part of an aggressive move into lithium, but said it hopes the state’s royalty will be uniform across the state.
California, which has giant lithium reserves in its Salton Sea region east of Los Angeles, last year imposed a flat-rate tax for each metric ton of lithium. The move has pushed back development of projects slated to supply General Motors (GM.N), opens new tab and Stellantis (STLAM.MI), opens new tab. California’s governor and legislators have defended the tax as a necessary way to ensure all residents benefit from the energy transition.
Nevada, which has the only commercial U.S. lithium operation – a small mine operated by Albemarle – has taxed minerals for more than 100 years, but at a rate based on each facility’s revenue.
Industry analysts expect regulations to be eventually set in various states, but predicting when is anyone’s guess.
“The uncertainty is the scariest part,” said the owner of lithium-rich acreage across several states who declined to be named so as not to offend regulators. “How do you develop these projects and muster financial support without a regulatory structure in place?”

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The post America’s lithium laws fail to keep pace with rapid development first appeared on Energy News Beat.

The post America’s lithium laws fail to keep pace with rapid development appeared first on Energy News Beat.