Keith Kellogg Had a Layman’s Understanding of the Wolfowitz Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine – All Putin has to do is nothing

Energy News Beat

Kellogg had a layman’s Understanding of the Russo-Ukraine War

Many people across social media platforms realized that Keith Kellogg’s name had been left off of President Trump’s list of advisors and envoys scheduled to meet in Moscow this week to discuss terms of ending the Ukraine war.

Just about everyone was surprised except for the Energy News Beat audience since Stuart Turley and I had been explaining the “Russian Natural Gas and Global Realignment” topic in terms of the history of Sea Power versus Land Power Grand strategies since November of 2023.

But after Kellogg’s plan was pushed forward after the November elections Stuart and I began to explain why Kellogg’s plan to “deal with Putin from a position of strength” was dead on arrival.

Kellogg’s plan was a complete non-starter because the EU and NATO were specifically moved Eastward to block all Russian trade from entering the European market. The EU and NATO achieved success when the last Gazprom contract expired on December 31st.

From that point forward,  all natural gas flowing into Europe by pipeline was going through Turkiye and Erdogan had a monopoly position. Energy prices soared during the Winter and the prices of energy that had been rising since the sabotage of Nordstream were rising even more and further accelerating the industrial collapse of Europe. This was occurring to such an extent that the EU and the CDU/CSU considered renewing a contract with Gazprom in early February through the sole Nordstream pipeline that is still intact.

The EU and the CDU/CSU are desperate

The meaning was clear, the EU, and the CDU/CSU party in Germany needed affordable Russian natural gas from Gazprom to save their political institutional viability. It begged the question why would Putin renew any Gazprom contracts with the EU and the CDU/CSU in Germany when it would be to their advantage to do nothing and let the populist parties in Germany and across Central Europe rise up and replace the WEF-backed politicians?

After all, the populist parties want to rid themselves of the EU and NATO and form an energy partnership with Gazprom again. Why would Putin do something to prevent that from occurring?

Or, if the WEF-backed politicians could somehow retain their grip on power through the use of mass media censorship, USAID and NED color revolutions, and lawfare of rival political parties, then why wouldn’t Putin just let Germany’s and Europe’s leading sector industries go out of business and then buy them in a bulk sale?

Bulk sale purchases of bankrupt automotive and high-end consumer products companies and moving the equipment and the key personnel to Russia would accelerate their economic modernization and development programs. It would make sense for Putin to ignore all Western politicians and let that happen—the faster the better.

All Putin has to do is nothing

As we discussed in the previous papers, all Putin has to do is nothing, and the EU and NATO either decline or collapse completely during Trump’s watch, leading to the worst-case scenario where the Democrats win the House and the Senate in the 2026 midterms, impeach Trump, and then cruise to victory in the 2028 general elections, where they could win back the White House and both House of Congress and outlaw all populist party candidates and attain the single-party socialist state.

The WEF-backed political leaders are already talking about outlawing populist candidates across Europe and the WEF-backed politicians in the US continually lawfare and censor Trump and his supporters in every way possible over the last several years.  It leads to the further question that since the UK, Europe, Canada, and the US are committing financial, economic, and cultural suicide as described by Douglas Murray’s “Strange Death of Europe” with the delusional neoconservative and neoliberal Mackinderish “strategies of containment,” combined with the Green New Deal Net Zero policies, then why would Putin (or Xi) try to stop that?

The best move for Putin would be to simply “do nothing” and let any of those scenarios occur. It is for this gross misunderstanding that Kellogg’s “peace through strength” strategy of bullying Putin and applying more sanctions against Russia and all of its trading partners is so absurd that Kellogg’s plan was cast aside for Witkoff’s plan, whatever that is. It isn’t just that the EU and the CDU/CSU want to be saved by Putin, but to some extent, Trump needs to work a deal to save his overhaul of the US, and the Anglosphere Five Eyes Countries along with Europe.

The discussion in Moscow will not be over the method of saving the WEF Globalist class, it will probably be a discussion of how to overhaul the US and Europe from the neoconservatives, neoliberals, and the Green New Deal Left that are hell-bent on “transforming America” into a socialist utopia—not merely the discussion of the ending of the Russo-Ukraine war.

George McMillan III, Copyright © February 12, 2025


Part 3: Understanding the Catastrophic Downside Risk of the Kellogg Plan and Exploring Alternatives

Part 2: Why Keith Kellogg’s Plan is DOA: Shifting the Global Political Center of Gravity Part 2

Part 1: Why Keith Kellogg’s Plan is DOA: Avoiding the Catastrophic Downside Risk of Russo-Ukraine Negotiations


The post Keith Kellogg Had a Layman’s Understanding of the Wolfowitz Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine – All Putin has to do is nothing appeared first on Energy News Beat.


Congressman Pat Harrigan on Energy Independence and National Strength

Energy News Beat

In Energy News Beat – Conversation in Energy, Stuart Turley speaks with Congressman Pat Harrigan of North Carolina’s 10th District about national security, energy independence, and government accountability. Harrigan shares his journey from the military to politics, expressing concerns over past administrations’ weak foreign policies and emphasizing the critical role of energy security in national security. He discusses efforts to cut regulations, support small businesses, and ensure strong leadership under President Trump. Harrigan also highlights the need for government transparency, encourages public engagement, and shares a personal note on balancing family life with political duties.

Thank you, Pat, for your leadership and service. I thoroughly enjoyed our time, and I look forward to helping you get your story to your constituents and the United States citizens informed about what you are doing! – Stu

Please follow and support Congressman Pat Harrigan on his X Account and Congressional Website Here:

House Website:

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

00:45 – Military Service & Leaving Due to Political Influence

01:59 – The Fall of Afghanistan & Running for Congress

04:08 – U.S. Foreign Policy & National Security Concerns

04:57 – Energy Independence as National Security

06:29 – Exposing Government Corruption & Deep State Issues

08:21 – The Shift to “America First” & GOP Challenges

09:22 – National Debt & Ukraine Aid Concerns

10:02 – Military Equipment, Border Security & Cartels

11:28 – Trump’s Leadership & Future Political Strategy

13:33 – Reducing Regulations & Supporting Small Businesses

14:51 – How the Public Can Engage & Influence Policy

16:05 – Balancing Politics & Family Life

17:34 – Final Thoughts & Call to Action


Full Automated Transcript, and may have been edited only for grammar.

Stuart Turley [00:00:07] Hello, everybody, welcome to the Energy Newsbeat Podcast. My name is Stu Turley, president and CEO of the Sandstone Group. We are living in an absolutely biblically crazy time when we’re sitting around what’s going on around the world. President Trump is delivering exactly what I voted for, and I’ll tell you what: we have some congressional members who are there to support him. Today I’ve got Pat Harrington from North Carolina’s District Number 10. He is a guy that has two bronze stars and a green beret. Thank you very much, Congressman Pat, for stopping by the podcast.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:00:43] Stu, thanks for having me, I really appreciate it.

Stuart Turley [00:00:45] I’ll tell you what, I just want to give you a hug. Thank you for your service in the military, and then thank you for signing back up because we need you in the house really, really badly right now.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:00:56] Well, Stu, thanks for paying your taxes because I couldn’t have done without you.

Stuart Turley [00:00:59] Thanks for bringing that painful moment up.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:01:01] We’re going to reduce those then, so relief is coming.

Stuart Turley [00:01:05] Oh man, how about our new Secretary of Defense, isn’t he cool?

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:01:10] Oh my gosh, he’s exactly the recipe that the Department of Defense needs in order to fix itself. I wake up every day, Stu, you talk about what type of environment we live in. I wake up every single day with a smile on my face because I just know something’s going to come down the pipe that’s going to be awesome and amazing and continue to push this country right back on the tracks that it needs to be on. So it’s an exciting time up here in Washington.

Stuart Turley [00:01:34] You know, I’ll tell you what, I want to know what prompted you when you have been successful, you’ve got an education in nuclear, you went and served our country. What prompted you to run for office? Because that’s painful. Okay, you’ve been in Afghanistan, you’ve been overseas, you’ve been shot at, you’ve been blown up, all this kind of stuff, but you sit here and go, what prompted you to go to real torture and become a politician?

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:01:59] You know, I actually left the military because, during President Obama’s time in office, he made the military so political, and that impacted our rules of engagement, that directly impacted operations that we were having on the ground. And I just said, you know what, I don’t want to be a part of this. I saw that infused down through our general’s leadership style and thought process and was like, see ya, I’m out. And my wife and I, we started a company, we started in our little Hawaii trailer in the middle of the woods outside of Fort Bragg and we grew that into a 120 ,000 square foot manufacturing plant that’s about an hour northwest of Charlotte, North Carolina, on the side of the state from Fort Bragg. And, you know, I just assumed I was going to just continue on the business track for the rest of my life. And then the fall of Afghanistan happened and it was all this mix of emotions and just honest to goodness. There was anger and frustration, but it was really disappointment and the deepest sense of disappointment that I could possibly convey because I knew that the way that we left that conflict, that we had just condemned the next generation of Americans to war. And if you want to be weak, you will have war. That’s the bottom line. And when you draw that straight line all the way back to President Bush and Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008 and we did nothing about it, Obama did nothing when Putin and al -Assad in Syria crossed a red line. And then the following year, 2014, when Putin invaded Crimea, did nothing about it. And then President Biden’s unbelievably weak stance on Ukraine. Right. We all say and we all know this, that President Trump was in office. Russia never would have gone into Ukraine at the first place, right? And just showing all of our cards and saying, well, if you go in there, we’re not going to do anything about it. I mean, just historic weakness. And when you tally all of that up, you have created and put America in a position where we have never been weaker on the global stage. And President Trump, Secretary Hicks, and all of us up here in Congress are working as hard as we possibly can to arrest that and correct that.

Stuart Turley [00:04:08] Isn’t that cool? I’ll tell you, you know, President Reagan and Gorbachev agreed no more NATO and I mean, no more folks going into NATO and getting closer to Russia. And Putin invaded Crimea because I believe it was eight countries had been added into NATO and he finally had enough. And if President Trump had been in office, he would not have invaded in Crimea. I mean, it is not it was not on his thing to do that. This is important. You are such a friend. You’re making me feel I’m all I’m sorry. I’m getting all excited again and getting all excited about having this refreshing conversation. And you also signed the House bill for our declaration of energy importance.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:04:58] Yes. Rep. Fluter signed a he introduced a bill that made it illegal for a future administration, right? Not a future Trump administration or a future Vance administration or Republican administration, but a Democratic administration. That’s the idea here to come in and just executive order fracking out of existence. And so that’s something that is so incredibly important to us, because at the end of the day, everything that we know and love about our way of life, about our freedoms, our ability to secure our freedoms, our national security is predicated upon energy security. Energy security is national security, and it’s the foundation for our entire market economy. It’s the foundation for much of our research and development. And it is the singular most important thing. Cheap energy prices that needs America to being as successful and as capable as we are. And we have to protect that.

Stuart Turley [00:05:59] You know, you are spot on in people that don’t realize that energy security is national security. It’s kind of refreshing. Now, I want to ask a couple of questions. We have not asked these questions back and forth. But what’s it like being in Congress right now when you have the Democrats over here that are that are protesting, actually protesting the uncovering of corruption and graft and and money laundering? What is that like?

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:06:29] It’s fundamentally incredible to be a part of. And it’s also incredibly disconcerting to watch unfold. And there’s a couple of different pieces to this, right? Number one, it’s it’s great to be a part of it because we’re actually peeling back the onion of the federal government, of the deep state bureaucracy of all of these agencies and the rot that they have developed. And we’re exposing this to the American people. And what’s really disconcerting about it is that there are the folks on the other side and there’s some, you know, in our party, on the legacy portion of our party that are seemingly astounded that this is happening because I don’t think anybody on their side ever thought that this would be exposed to the people and that that there would be attention or light shown on what they were doing. And that this has opened the people’s eyes like I’ve never seen before. Right. I mean, we’ve seen, I think, these slow awakening of the American populace to opening their eyes as to see, hey, you know, government’s really not on my side. Right. I mean, we come from a place in this country. Our founding fathers created a system of governance that should reflect the people and it very clearly does not. It is its own class. It is doing its own thing. It is running in its own direction that it decides to chart that is totally separate, not in parallel with the direction that the executive branch sets. It has been unaccountable to the American people. It has obscured evidence that Congress has requested of it for the last decade and a half in it. And at some point, and this is the really scary thing, right. You’ve got to step back and you’ve got to say, if all this is happening now, what have people up here been doing for the last 30 years? It’s a great question. Right.

Stuart Turley [00:08:21] I think, oh, it is making me air sick because I’ve always considered myself a Republican, but I’m no longer a Republican. I am an American first person. Sure. And if and if you’re not voting for America first, you’re not a Republican either. It’s the Republican Party has been rebranded.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:08:41] It’s definitely moving in the right direction. No pun intended. But there is an awful lot of work to do. And as we say back in North Carolina, a hurt dog and a bark. And, oh, they’re they are barking right now. They’re barking. My office is getting 200 phone calls a day and emails. And people just have their hair on fire over this. You know, basically, the country is going to collapse over these issues. No, the country is going to collapse if we don’t do this, because it’s thirty six point three trillion dollars in debt. We’re running a one point eight trillion dollar a year deficit. And we will spend ourselves into the oblivion of the Soviet Union if we keep shipping two million dollar missiles over to Ukraine to shoot down fifty thousand dollar Russian drones. That’s country.

Stuart Turley [00:09:23] And the rumors are I can’t prove it. I don’t have a thing on it, but rumors are saying that even our weapons, not only were they left in Afghanistan, they got you all fired up on leaving there that the Mexican cartels have been buying our equipment from Ukraine. Go figure this out. I have not.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:09:41] And why would they be buying them from Afghanistan, too? Right. I mean, we saw what happened when the Soviet Union collapsed and there was an arms diaspora across the entire globe. What do you think is happening in Ukraine? And what do you think is happening in Afghanistan? It’s not good. It compromises our national security. Thank heavens we have some reasonable folks in leadership right now.

Stuart Turley [00:10:02] Holy smokes. Now, for our podcast listeners, because this goes out on all forms of podcast, we have video, we have our transcripts and a shout out because we had last year, our staff, we had eight point two million transcripts read of our podcast. And this year, it looks like we’re on track to do 15 million reads of our transcript. That’s not including downloads, videos or anything else. Your sign behind your desk is a hoot. For those people need to see this on video. Your sign says absolutely no discharging of firearms in this area. And it is all shot up. And it looks like a sign in Alaska. I love all my trips to Alaska. And you go by any Alaskan sign, it says, please don’t shoot the signs. They’re all shot up.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:10:51] You know, it’s a great foil for the spirit of America. Right. Don’t put constraints and boundaries on us. We will buck them. Right. And I think it’s just a great out of the spirit of the people.

Stuart Turley [00:11:03] Well, I’ll tell you what, as as a member of Congress, you are truly doing what we’ve elected you to do. And that is you’re protecting your constituents and and you’re doing what I’ve asked for, and that is to protect our president and his cabinet members. I mean, we’ve got an all star cabinet forming for President Trump. Holy smokes, Batman.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:11:29] There’s no question about it. I mean, look, if you want to reform government, you pick the people that President Trump has nominated for his cabinet. And I’m just so excited to see what they’re going to do to Washington, DC. I mean, everybody up here. And look, I’m not one of these folks that has moved up here to Washington, DC. My wife and my kids are in North Carolina. I travel home on the weekends. This is not where I want to live. This is a temporary place where I’ve come to do the will the will of the people of the 10th District of North Carolina. But watching the folks that do live up here squirm, it’s a little bit gratifying because it’s just been so wrong for so long. And it’s now about to change. And it’s about to change in a unbelievable type of fashion. And that change, I don’t think, is is going to go backwards. I really think that we’re going to be able to get the permanence of what President Trump is doing in the law over these next several months with unified government and and and fully take advantage of the opportunity that, you know, happens, you know, once in a generation, if that, which is having the presidency, having the Senate, having the House and having the Supreme Court. That that is what we just cannot. We we just can’t fail with what we have right now. And I don’t think that we will know.

Stuart Turley [00:12:44] And President Trump delivered, he is delivering on all of his campaign promises, and he’s doing fantastic. But one of the toughest campaign promises that he he did give a congressman is that he did say, I’m going to cut consumer energy costs in half. Holy smokes. That is a huge issue to tackle. And he’s got Doug Burgum in the interior. He’s got Lee Zeldin. And I go figure this out. Lee Zeldin, if you’re going to be in the EPA and you’re going to have a regulation, you’re going to issue you got to destroy 10. I did not have that on my bingo card. How can you in Congress help our great Chris Wright, who is now I’ve interviewed him four times. He is a great man. How can you help him?

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:13:33] Look, I think Congress just simply has to pursue pro-growth business policies that overall reduce regulation. Right. The regulatory burden that Washington, D .C. has placed on the ordinary business makes it really impossible for the ordinary business to become the extraordinary business. Right. And this is what I think a lot of folks on the main street don’t don’t fully comprehend is that they look at these really burdensome regulations and those benefit the largest companies in the country. Right. Because they have the people to be able to deal with them. It’s just a sum of costs for them. But smaller businesses, they don’t have the revenue. They don’t have the profit margins that develop with that type of scale. And it just prices them out of growth. We have to stop that. We’ve got to set the conditions for small businesses to be successful. And that’s the greatest advantage that we can possibly give as we work alongside of President Trump’s cabinet to the American people.

Stuart Turley [00:14:30] You know, you are so refreshing. And I just I want people to have an opportunity. Your website is Harrigan dot house dot gov. And is there other things that people can do to help you in your mission, helping your constituents and selfishly me as a taxpaying citizen? How do we help you?

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:14:51] Yeah, continue to reach out to my office. We get, as I was saying earlier, hundreds of calls and emails per day. And we want that type of interaction with our constituents, both from the 10th District and across the country, because we want to know what people are thinking. And if somebody takes the time to write us an email, it’s not a form email. We take that into consideration. And as an example of, you know, far more than one person just writing into us in terms of what the overall sentiment is. And so we love those words of encouragement. We would love great ideas that you all have that you want to see implemented here into sound policy in Washington, D .C. And then the only other thing that I’d ask for in your viewership is pray for my kids. When I was in the Special Forces, my wife and I decided not to have kids until I was out because I didn’t want to be an absentee father. You’re either deployed or training to be deployed and you’re not home hardly ever in the Special Forces. And so this type of deployment here to Washington, D .C. is old hat for my wife. She doesn’t think it’s hard at all because she’s like, look, this is a deployment. I get to see my husband on the weekends. This is nothing. But this is new for my girls. And I’ve got two girls at five and seven. Reagan and McKinley are their names, two very solid Republican names. And if you all could pray for them because this is new for them, that would just be fantastic.

Stuart Turley [00:16:06] And as a dad, your involvement is very important. Excuse me. My dad retired as chief of staff of the Eighth Air Force. And I did not understand what my mom had to go through while he was in Vietnam being shot at for several tours.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:16:22] And so, yeah, absolutely. And every night we’re reading a new chapter from Nancy Drew. It’s one of the commitments I’ve made to my girls. And I will step out of whatever meeting or dinner that on that at eight o ‘clock and I will take that 15 minutes, read that chapter. And we keep moving the ball to Nancy Drew’s series. So that’s our day.

Stuart Turley [00:16:41] How cool is that? Because when my dad was in Vietnam and I was growing up, we’d get a tape in the mail about a week after we saw that an F -4 was shot down. So, you know, and you don’t know if that was your last words you were hearing from your dad. Communications back then were not nearly what they are now.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:17:01] Yeah, no, we have lost in our culture the understanding of what sacrifice used to mean for our people. And that has in many ways cheapened our experience and understanding of how precious freedom truly is. And so it’s great to have people that have your background and knowledge, too. And look, I’m just I’m so excited for the future of this country right now and want all of your listeners to understand that, you know, God’s given us a great chance. We cannot screw it up. So keep all of your representatives accountable, communicate with them regularly and pray for them often.

Stuart Turley [00:17:34] And Congressman Herring, we really want to be a resource for you. If you need something gotten out either live, if you need it out as a news podcast quickly and you can’t get anywhere else, call me. I will make sure to get you live on X on LinkedIn, YouTube and anywhere else I can to get your story out. So we just appreciate you.

Congressman Pat Harrigan – North Carolina’s 10 District [00:18:00] Stu, you’re awesome. Thanks so much for having me. I really appreciate it. It’s been fun.

Stuart Turley [00:18:03] Thanks.

The post Congressman Pat Harrigan on Energy Independence and National Strength appeared first on Energy News Beat.


Nuclear missing from draft Clean Industrial Deal subsidy rules

Energy News Beat

Nuclear energy isn’t mentioned once in the European Commission’s draft rules for looser state aid.

The draft, seen by Euractiv, appears to contradict the EU industry chief Stéphane Séjourné, who said that Europe would “finally stop ignoring nuclear power” with its new strategy just two days ago.

Looser state aid rules are a  key component of the Commission’s ‘Clean Industrial Deal’ package, which aims to boost the fortunes of Europe’s decarbonised industry. The main text is expected to land on 26 February.

The draft state aid rules, which could still change before the final draft is published, shows that preferential treatment may be offered to renewable ‘green’ hydrogen over ‘low-carbon’ hydrogen, which can be produced from nuclear or fossil fuels matched with carbon capture.

When industry decarbonisation projects use hydrogen, EU member states should either make sure that these use only green hydrogen.

Alternatively, if low-carbon hydrogen is used, the project should also use a minimum proportion of green hydrogen. This threshold is linked to the amount of renewable power on the country’s electricity grid.

The new rules are expected to replace the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, which was adopted in March 2023 to boost Europe’s green transition.

The recently adopted EU Competitiveness Compass indicated that a new state aid framework could be expected in the second quarter of 2025.

A finalised draft of the new state aid rules could be published after the Clean Industrial Deal and may be adopted before summer.


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EU state predicts Russia’s ‘reintegration’ into global economy

Energy News BeatEU

Moscow’s reentry into Western energy and security systems will deliver “massive” benefits, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said

Russia will be “reintegrated” into the world economy and the European energy system once a peace agreement is reached and the Ukraine conflict ends, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban told Kossuth Radio on Friday.

The US and its allies have slapped numerous rounds of sanctions on Russia since the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in 2022 in a bid to isolate the country, cutting it off from the Western financial system and freezing its foreign reserves.

Following the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline in September 2022, many member states committed to buying liquified natural gas (LNG) from the US, which according to estimates published by Moscow’s Energy Ministry, is 30-40% more expensive.

Budapest, however, has maintained ties with Russia despite the restrictions. During his regular Friday interview with the public radio broadcaster, Orban noted that talks between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin raised the chances that the crisis would be resolved.

“If I were to comment on it in one word, I would say ‘Hallelujah.’ That’s what we’ve been waiting for,” he said.

Orban’s remarks come shortly after US President Donald Trump had a phone talk with Putin, during which they agreed to begin negotiations to resolve the Ukraine conflict.

“If the US president comes and creates peace, there is a deal, I think Russia will be reintegrated into the world economy … the European security system and even the European economic and energy system, that will give a huge boost to the Hungarian economy,” Orban said.

The Hungarian leader has been a vocal critic of sanctions against Moscow and the financial and military assistance that the West has provided Kiev. Orban reiterated that Hungary has long called for the removal of sanctions against Russia, arguing that they weaken the EU economy and drive up energy prices.

Orban said reintegrating Russia into the global economy and the EU’s security and energy systems would create “a massive opportunity” for Hungary. His government has continued to cooperate with Moscow on fuel-related issues, securing long-term agreements for the import of natural gas.

Moscow has long condemned Western sanctions as illegal, repeatedly arguing that they have failed to destabilize Russia’s economy or isolate it from the global financial system.

A number of Western officials have admitted that they have backfired, triggering economic turmoil in the EU. Last month, Sahra Wagenknecht, leader of Germany’s left-wing BSW party, warned that the sanctions are “killing” her country’s businesses while benefiting the US economy.

Austrian MP Axel Kassegger, whose country remains 80% dependent on Russian gas, cautioned last year that cutting energy ties with Moscow would cause gas prices to surge severalfold and send inflation skyrocketing. Similarly, former German MP Gunnar Beck noted that the economic fallout from sanctions has hit the EU far harder than Moscow.


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Trump ejects from the Ukraine joyride, leaving the EU screaming in the backseat

Energy News BeatEU

ENB Pub Note: This article first appeared on RT, and I agree with much of what is said. The EU needs to take a serious look at how this war started, who has been making the decisions, and understand that only President Trump could have stopped it. The EU and NATO have done some things to start the war, and we want to be very clear: we are not taking a side of Russia vs. Ukraine. We just want the war to end and the corruption in Ukraine and its impact on the US to stop.

Western European leaders are having a meltdown because shutting them out from talks is the only way to peace

The European Union was never in the driver’s seat on the Ukraine conflict. And now that same toddler sitting in the back with the plastic Fisher-Price steering wheel is throwing the kind of full-blown crimson-faced meltdown that makes adults chuckle.

How many times was the EU told, including by its own citizens with sledgehammer subtlety at the ballot box, to stop kissing Uncle Sam’s butt and start covering its own? Instead, its leaders cribbed America’s talking points, completely oblivious as they indulged in economic seppuku.

The EU’s entire economy-wrecking “strategy” over Ukraine was based on the fantasy that they were America’s little bro, not being used as naive pawns in a grand game that would knock them right off the chessboard. If Washington had picked peace over profit from the start, the closest thing that the Euroclowns would have seen to a military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine would have been playing Sergeant Savoir-Faire back home, armed with a map of the nearest coffee shops and a five-course lunch.

And now the previously unthinkable has happened. The jig is up on Biden’s ridiculous scam of vowing to do “whatever it takes” for Ukraine to beat Russia on the battlefield – mainly by dumping cash into US weapons which miraculously get lost en route to the frontlines after the cheque clears.

Nice racket. Too bad it’s getting people killed – something Trump’s made it clear he’s not exactly a fan of. Looks like he’s finally asked himself if there’s a way for the US to keep feasting on cash without a body count in Ukraine. Spoiler alert: he found a way, apparently. Several, in fact.

Cutting to the chase through all this messy death and destruction stuff, Trump just wants to wrap up the fighting and have Ukraine hand over its resources to cover US spending — most of which has already gone straight into the pockets of American weapons industries. And can he keep the weapon sales flowing, even without active conflict? Absolutely. Just tell NATO countries to cough up some cash for the sake of “preventive defense,” like he’s been doing relentlessly. A solid 90% of EU-bought weapons are already American, according to last year’s EU competitiveness report. And that’s not changing anytime soon – unless the EU’s itching for a tariff-spanking.

A group of European foreign ministers have issued a statement insisting that Ukraine and the EU must be at the table for any peace talks. Yeah, they’re at the table alright – the bib-wearing kiddie table, along with Ukraine. And while they’re busy twisting balloon animals and tossing around buzzwords like ‘enhancing support for Ukraine,’ totally immersed in their ‘choose your own adventure’ game where they’re obviously ‘winning,’ it turns out that Russia and the US – Putin and Trump – did something totally wild. They picked up a phone. Probably even a landline, like something out of a history book. All while the EU was bravely ‘sticking it to Putin’ by flaming him on social media while wiping croissant crumbs off their keyboard between sips of overpriced lattes.

In the wake of that call, Trump announced the start of immediate negotiations for peace. And now the EU is acting like it’s just been dumped by Uncle Sam, who’s committing the added insult of hanging around with the guy on whom they’ve been obsessively hating. “If there is agreement made behind our backs it will simply not work because you need for any kind of deal, any kind of agreement, you need Europeans to implement this deal. You need the Ukrainians to implement this deal,” said the bloc’s chief diplomat, Kaja Kallas.

The agreement is actually being made right in front of your face and ours, for once – unlike the back-room shenanigans between bloc officials and the Biden administration, which ultimately lured the EU economy off straight a cliff with EU “leaders” serving as willing lemmings, sanctioning their own Russian supplies of virtually everything critical to their economy.

Now the German defense minister is yelling from the kiddie table over to the adult table, trying to tell Trump and Putin how they should be conducting their negotiations. “From my point of view, it would have been better to talk about Ukraine’s possible membership of NATO or the country’s loss of territory only at the negotiating table and not take it off the table beforehand,” said Boris Pistorius. Everyone’s really keen to hear advice for peace from folks whose strategy so far has resulted in perpetual war. That’s barely a step above Elon Musk’s toddler, X – the one who was chiseling away at Mount Nostrildamus for the cameras while standing beside his dad and Trump in the Oval Office the other day – offering Trump and Putin his take on negotiated peace in Ukraine.

Sounds like Western European leaders are currently experiencing all five states of grief at once, while frantically refreshing their inboxes to see if either the US or Russia have noticed their total meltdowns and slid into their DMs – and not just taken their freakouts as confirmation that ghosting them entirely was maybe the best way to handle the situation when they’re sounding like they’re on the verge of throwing every dish in the cupboard straight across the room right now.

“All we need is peace. A JUST PEACE. Ukraine, Europe and the United States should work on this together. TOGETHER,” insisted Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on social media. ”Russia has to be forced to peace,” said Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braze. No, dear, YOU have to be forced to peace. Now, please just go back to the kiddie table and wipe the spaghetti off your face.

European ministers and delegations had been meeting in Paris earlier this week for what they thought was an important strategy session – only to realize that they were basically just holding the equivalent of a corporate teambuilding exercise. While they were making all kinds of grand public proclamations in their echo chamber, like they were all jockeying for roles they could play in any eventual peace negotiations, it turns out that Trump and Putin were already finalizing the casting, and were even talking about bringing the curtain up. And they were suggesting that would be a two-man show, not an ensemble slapstick comedy featuring the EU big top circus troupe.

European diplomats are now telling the Financial Times that they figure they’ll be expected to foot the bill for Ukraine’s reconstruction – because Trump will insist on it – and also send troops to enforce a deal they had zero say in while the US refuses military involvement. Which is like getting handed a massive dinner check for a meal you didn’t even get to touch. Just picture it: EU soldiers walking around Ukraine at EU taxpayer expense to protect American resource ventures while US troops stay home, as Pentagon chief Pete Hegseth has already stipulated, by adding that the EU needs to honor its commitments.

And Vice President J.D. Vance joined in the Trump administration’s stereoscopic spanking of the EU during their visit to the bloc by telling Europeans repeatedly – both during an artificial intelligence summit in Paris and before the Munich Security Conference – to stop censoring information and views they don’t like under the guise of it somehow being a peril to democracy.

The EU media has already suggested that it looks like the EU’s role is basically to shut up and accept the result of negotiations – like it has been kicked right out of the group chat before it even had a chance to log on, and still has to comply with the outcome of the meeting. Basically, at this point, Trump sees Europe as an ATM. Putin sees Europe as background noise. And Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky probably just sees his gravy train’s looming derailment.

Trump and Putin are already debating between caviar and steak for their peace talks while the EU stands outside like a rejected clubber, begging the bouncer to “check again, bro” – meanwhile, Zelensky is eyeing that tablecloth like a pyromaniac.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


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Doubling trade, an energy deal, F-35s and reciprocal tariffs: Key takeaways from the Trump-Modi talks

Energy News BeatTrump-Modi


India’s PM is in Washington to discuss domestic concerns about a looming tariff war and the repatriation of migrants

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump held talks at the White House on Thursday as New Delhi sought to deepen its relationship with Washington while retaining ties with Russia and Iran and safeguarding its strategic interests.

The leaders discussed a range of issues, focusing on trade and defense cooperation, with Trump stating that Washington hopes to sell more oil and gas to India as well as ramp up defense exports.

Here are the key takeaways from the meeting:

The two leaders have agreed on “elevating bilateral trade” to $500 billion by 2030, more than double the current volume. New Delhi and Washington have also vowed to finalize the first phase of the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA), a deal that would address existing barriers, by the fall of 2025.

The issue of commercial barriers came to the fore after Trump on several occasions labeled India a “major trade abuser.” Notably, hours before meeting Modi, he unveiled a plan to raise US tariffs to match those imposed by other countries.

“I must say, India imposes a 30 to 40 to 60 and even 70% tariff on so many of the goods, and in some cases, far more than that. The US trade deficit with India is almost $100 billion and Prime Minister Modi and I have agreed that we’ll be getting negotiations to address the long running disparities that should have been taken care of over the last four years, but they didn’t do that in the US India trading relationship, with the goal of a signing an agreement,” Trump said.

Trump suggested that an easy way to balance trade would be to increase US exports of oil and gas to India – something that Washington sees as a means of reducing New Delhi’s reliance on Russian oil as well as gas imports from the Middle East.

“The prime minister and I also reached an important agreement on energy that will restore the United States as a leading supplier of oil and gas to India. It will be, hopefully, their number one supplier,” Trump claimed without announcing any details.

Modi expressed hope that a “mutually beneficial trade agreement” would be finalized, stating that India would “prioritize trade in oil and gas to achieve energy security.”

Trump stated that India is “reforming its laws to welcome US nuclear technology, which is at the highest level, into the Indian market,” referring to India’s nuclear liability law which remains an obstacle for purchase of nuclear reactors from the United States.

His remarks come against the backdrop of an Indian project to set up small modular reactors (SMRs) – generators which can be installed in hard-to-reach areas where traditional large-scale power plants are not an option. Apart from the US, India has been in talks with Russia and France regarding this technology.

Trump has stated the US will ramp up the sales of weaponry to India, and would eventually offer it its F-35 fighter jets. The countries announced they will accelerate technology cooperation for space, air defence, missile, maritime and undersea. A new ten-year framework agreement on cooperation in defence will be signed this year, the leaders stated.

Washington and New Delhi are also planning to open negotiations for a Reciprocal Defense Procurement (RDP) agreement that would align their procurement systems and enable the reciprocal defense goods and services supply. They also announced a new initiative –  the Autonomous Systems Industry Alliance (ASIA) which aims to scale defense industry partnerships and production. The US also plans to expand defence sales and co-production with India, including the pursuit of Javelin and Stryker platforms. The leaders also discussed concluding the deal for 6 P8I aircraft for the Indian Navy.

Trump announced that the US has agreed to extradite Tahawwur Rana, accused in connection with the November 26 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, to India. Rana, a key suspect in the three-day assault on hotels, a train station and a Synagogue in India’s financial capital that resulted in 166 deaths and hundreds of injuries, is currently held in a high-security prison in the US, and India has sought his extradition for several years.

In January the US Supreme Court rejected Rana’s review petition, clearing the way for his extradition. “So, he is going to be going back to India to face justice,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

Modi appreciated the move,  thanking Trump for facilitating the process. “A perpetrator of the Mumbai terror attack is being extradited for his interrogation and trial in India,” he said.

The joint statement noted the need to eliminate “safe havens” for terrorism from every corner of the world. The leaders, according to the document, committed to cooperate against terrorist threats from groups, including Al-Qaeda, ISIS as well as Pakistan-based Jaish-e Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Tayyiba “in order to prevent heinous acts like the attacks in Mumbai on 26/11 and the Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021.”

The statement singles out Pakistan to make sure its territory is “not used to carry out cross-border terrorist attacks” – a statement that the country’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson on Friday called  “one-sided, misleading, and contrary to diplomatic norms”.

The issue of illegal migration from India to the US, flagged by Trump during his telephone conversation with Modi in January, has reportedly figured in Thursday’s talks.

The leaders agreed to address concerns related to illegal immigration and human trafficking through co-operative efforts. The US last week deported 104 Indians in a military transport aircraft, and over 500 more illegal immigrants are awaiting deportation, according to the Indian foreign ministry. Overall, New Delhi has reportedly identified around 180,000 people who either entered the US illegally or have overstayed their visas, and is working with Trump’s administration to “take them back.”

Modi told the White House press conference that India is willing to take back its nationals if they live illegally in the US and emphasized  the need to finish the “ecosystem” of human trafficking.

Modi welcomed Trump’s efforts to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict and stressed that “India is not neutral” in the conflict but “firmly stands on the side of peace”. He reaffirmed his stance that a solution can be reached only through dialogue between both nations, and said that he hopes Trump “succeeds as soon as possible.”

Trump placed the blame for the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict on his predecessor, Joe Biden, reiterating his claim that the war would never have erupted if he had remained in office. According to Trump, Biden’s statements about Kiev potentially joining NATO were a critical provocation that had directly contributed to the conflict.


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Scholz calls for state of emergency in Germany

Energy News Beat

The chancellor has spoken in favor of relaxing the constitutional ‘debt brake’ mechanism to continue supporting Ukraine

Scholz calls for state of emergency in GermanyScholz calls for state of emergency in Germany

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called on the country’s parliament to declare a state of emergency over the Ukraine conflict. The head of government said he wants the constitutional ‘debt brake’ mechanism relaxed in order to ensure continued support for Kiev.

Enshrined in the German constitution, the limit dictates that the government cannot take on debts worth more than 0.35% of the country’s annual GDP. Temporary exceptions are allowed “in the event of natural disasters or exceptional emergency situations that are beyond the control of the state,” as long as the Bundestag supports the move. This, for instance, was done during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking during a press conference on Thursday, Scholz said that the “Bundestag should adopt a resolution as soon as possible, whereby the war in Ukraine and its grave consequences for Germany’s and Europe’s security are classified as an emergency situation.” He explained that this would ensure that aid for Ukraine, “which is more important today than ever, no longer comes at the expense of the other duties that our state has to fulfil towards its own citizens.”

The chancellor added that US President Donald Trump is right to demand that European NATO member states shell out more for their defense, stressing that military-related spending “must grow considerably more.” Scholz dismissed the idea that the necessary funds could be obtained from the existing budget.

Speaking on the debt brake, the chancellor suggested permanently exempting defense spending from the limit.

Scholz welcomed President Trump’s phone call with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, stressing at the same time that the principle “nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine and nothing about Europe without Europe” should be respected.

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, between January 2022 and October 2024, Germany provided Ukraine with €11 billion ($11.5 billion) worth of assistance, emerging as its second-largest backer after the US.

Meanwhile, amid the decoupling from relatively inexpensive Russian energy and several other factors, the German economy contracted for a second straight year in 2024 for the first time in more than two decades, according to a report released last month by the country’s federal statistics office Destatis.

Among the sectors bearing the brunt of the downturn is the country’s automotive industry.

Commenting on Scholz’s remark, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev suggested that by highlighting his staunchly pro-Ukrainian stance, the German chancellor had struck a pose in stark contrast to US President Donald Trump’s position. Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, opined that the German chancellor is hoping to thus score political points at home ahead of the February 23 snap general election, with his party projected to lose to its Christian Democratic Union rivals.


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EU proposes clampdown on green tech subsidies

Energy News BeatEU


The European Commission has proposed a clampdown on EU countries’ ability to subsidise clean-tech companies, in a move that is likely to inflame tensions between smaller countries and powerhouses like France and Germany.

According to a draft document seen by Euractiv, Brussels wants to halve the generous industrial subsidy limits temporarily imposed during the COVID pandemic and subsequent energy crisis.

This means capping subsidies at €75 million per project in rich regions, and €175 million for ones in the bloc’s poorest corners, from €150 million and €350 million respectively.

The new state aid guidelines, entitled the “Clean Industry State Aid Framework”, also sets out the particular sectors that are eligible for state subsidies. These include batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, electrolysers, and carbon capture.

The Commission will also allow subsidies for the “production or recovery” of critical raw materials needed for these technologies.

The draft document was obtained by Euractiv hours after Berlin demanded that the current state-aid framework should be continued as part of the bloc’s bid for shares in clean-tech production.

A similar controversy came to blows in 2023, when the Germans interceded after Brussels circulated a first version of the then new temporary rules, which saw the limits increased significantly.

Green Deal Commissioner Teresa Ribera has previously said the EU needed to go “farther and further” on subsidies for clean industry, while also stressing the need to avoid a subsidy race between smaller EU countries and big ones.



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Spain’s biggest green hydrogen plant breaks ground

Energy News Beatgreen hydrogen plant

Construction is officially underway on Spain’s largest green hydrogen plant, a joint venture between bp and Iberdrola.

The 25 MW facility in Castellón will slash industrial emissions, create 500 jobs and power key industries with clean hydrogen.

The first stage involves preparing a 20,000 m² plot next to bp’s Castellón refinery, major equipment—including cutting-edge electrolysers—will then be installed to produce hydrogen using renewable electricity.

“The start of construction of the largest green hydrogen plant in Spain is great news,” said Carolina Mesa, VP Hydrogen, Spain and New Markets at bp. “It allows us to see tangible progress in an important industrial decarbonisation project.”

Once operational in 2026, the plant will generate around 2,800 tons of green hydrogen annually, replacing grey hydrogen made from natural gas.

This shift will prevent about 23,000 tons of CO₂ emissions per year—the equivalent of removing 5,000 cars from the road.

Jorge Palomar Herrero, Director of Hydrogen Development at Iberdrola, emphasised the project’s local impact: “This project is already enabling the development of a hydrogen value chain in our country, with key equipment manufactured in Spain and providing work for more than 25 local companies.”

With €70 million invested and €15 million in EU funding, this initiative is a major step in Spain’s hydrogen transition.

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GasLog Partners reports lower profit in Q4

Energy News BeatGasLog Partners

The company reported a profit of $18 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2024, down 49.6 percent compaed to $35.7 million for the same period in 2023.

Revenues were $85.2 million for the quarter under review, down 15.7 percent from $101.1 million for the same period in 2023.

GasLog Partners said the decrease of $15.9 million is mainly attributable to the 2024 fixtures at lower rates due to the weak market and the 85 idle days in the quarter ended December 31, 2024 .

The firm said the $17.7 million decrease in profit is mainly due to the decrease in revenues and the $8.7 million non-cash impairment loss.

In December 2024, GasLog Partners recognized the loss on two owned steam vessels and one bareboat TFDE vessel in accordance with international financial reporting standards.

“The indications that led to the recognition of a non-cash impairment loss included the current low market rates and the differences between the ship brokers’ valuations of our owned fleet and their carrying values,” the firm said.

Profit was $151 million for the year ended December 31, 2024, a rise compared to $138.7 million in 2023)

GasLog Partners said the increase in profit of $12.3 million is mainly attributable to a decrease of $54.9 million in net financial costs due to a debt prepayment in November 2023, following the refinancing of all of its vessels at the parent level of GasLog.

In 2024, revenues were $356.3 million, down compare to $397.8 million for the same period in 2023.

The decrease of $41.5 million is mainly attributable to the 2023 and 2024 fixtures at lower rates and the 85 idle days in the year ended December 31, 2024, the firm said.

GasLog Partners owns 10 LNG carriers while its bareboat fleet includes four vessels.

Under its existing charters as of December 31, 2024, the firm had contracted revenues of $260.5 million for 2025 and $432.4 million thereafter.

GasLog Partners said spot charter rates have demonstrated a consistent downward trend throughout the year.

Despite logistical challenges arising from the restrictions at the Suez and Panama Canals, market fundamentals indicate a surplus in vessel supply, it said.

“Given minimal growth in LNG trade volumes and limited opportunities for floating cargoes, the market is experiencing an oversupply, which is now reflected in availability lists and declining rates,” GasLog Partners said.

“Spot market activity has been notably high, with the number of spot fixtures increasing by over 70 percent year-on-year, while term fixtures have seen a decline,” it said.

As of December 31, 2024, the global fleet of LNG carriers (>100,000 cbm) consisted of 668 vessels with another 330 on order, GasLog partners cited Poten data.

Poten estimates that a total of 102 LNG carriers are due to be delivered in 2025.

“We believe that the growing global demand for natural gas, especially in Asia, increasing supply from the US and other regions, and other LNG market trends, including increased trading of LNG, should support the existing order backlog for vessels and should also drive a need for additional LNG carrier newbuildings,” GasLog Partners said.

“Finally, the scrapping of older and less efficient vessels, the conversion of existing vessels to floating storage and regasification units or floating storage units and/or employing LNG carriers for short-term storage purposes in order to exploit arbitrage opportunities could reduce the availability of LNG carriers on the water today,” the firm said.


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