Pay Attention To Copper Before It Derails The Energy Transition

Energy News Beat

Global demand for copper is rising steadily and is only expected to accelerate. Even with China experiencing deflation, the metal has held up well this year vs previous years, where it moved exclusively in response to changes in China. The difference is the additional demand from the energy transition. Electric vehicles and even the expansion of renewable energy infrastructure all rely on copper. Humans are typically good at getting other humans something in high demand, and champions of the energy transition have not given the future need for copper much thought. The problem, though, is the wave of demand is coming at a time when mines face delays, disruptions, and outright cancelations. A few recent examples are the future shutdown of First Quantum’s Cobre Panama mine in Panama and the blocking of mining in Minnesota. Many of the delays are due to valid concerns, which deserve attention and solutions. Still, at some point, entities will need to produce copper for the more significant environmental initiative of a low-cost energy transition.

The significance of copper in the energy transition cannot be overstated. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy sources, the demand for copper, a vital component in electrical systems, is expected to soar. For instance, an EV requires more than three times the amount of copper used in an internal combustion engine, while buses require at least ten times as much. Broad transportation electrification and the development of power grids in countries like China and India further compound the substantial increase in copper demand. As a result, the need for copper is intricately linked to the success of the global energy transition. Higher cost inputs will slow adoption.

It is easy to assume that some of these decisions can be reversed if things get bad and there is a shortage. The problem is that planning to have copper supply in the future takes a long time, and it’s only increasing. S&P Global concluded that new mines that came online in the past three years had an average lead time of twenty-three years from discovery to production. It is worth repeating that. When the world needs copper it takes twenty-three years from the time we find it, and this copper is required to meet clean energy commitments that are only accelerating. Each stage has already increased, and the unexpected delays show no signs of stopping. A recent Cesco study found that large-scale projects were delayed by an average of 4.3 years and medium-sized ones by 6.3 years. All of this, delay included, assumes that the copper can still be found at a cost that makes sense, in a friendly jurisdiction. The productivity of new mines has steadily declined, and miner costs are steadily increasing, with a 10% increase in input costs for many miners in 2023 alone. This means there is a good chance that a discovery is made, and the math doesn’t work even to start down that twenty-year path (if they are lucky). These risks make supporting the few mines that do proceed even more important.

The CEO of Glencore, Gary Nagle, has warned about an impending “massive copper deficit” and stressed that the world is not fully prepared for it. Projects like Teck’s Quebrada Blanca 2 expansion in Chile experienced significant cost overruns and construction delays, highlighting these themes. The current trajectory is unsustainable, and the concerns about copper can be repeated for any globally critical energy transition metals. Broad investment in new mining projects is needed, and the connection to the energy transition must be steadily emphasized to help create a balanced review of projects. Kinterra Battery Metals Mining Fund is one of the few recent bright spots that followed this thesis, raising $565 million. Without critical metals at a reasonable cost, realizing key sustainability goals, such as widespread electrification and renewable energy integration, could be jeopardized.


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TotalEnergies eyes March 2024 restart date for Denmark’s largest offshore natural gas field

Energy News Beat

(WO) – TotalEnergies and BlueNord provided an update on progress and expected timeline of the Tyra Redevelopment Project (“Tyra” or “Tyra II”), Denmark’s largest offshore natural gas field.

TotalEnergies confirmed in its REMIT notification on Jan. 22 that the current restart date of March 31, 2024, remains valid. Depending on project progress, it could be reached earlier in March. Further, in the same REMIT notification, TotalEnergies stated that the outcome of tests now suggests that a ramp-up to maximum technical capacity is expected to take four months from restart.

Since BlueNord’s Q3 report, significant work on the completion of the Tyra II facilities has been executed. Leak testing, which is essential to safety and integrity prior to gas-in and the functional testing of key process machinery required for processing, is progressing well.

The Tyra East Riser platform Echo was declared hot, with all pipelines connected. De-isolation of these pipelines has also commenced, which is an important step towards first gas. On Tyra West, the first wells have successfully been unplugged and de-watered, with two wireline teams working in parallel on the Tyra West B and C platforms.

An extensive amount of work has been carried out on the leak testing of the facilities, and it is expected that all leak testing will be completed ahead of first gas export, which could support an efficient and reduced ramp-up period. The key focus before the first gas export remains ensuring the safety and emergency systems are fully functional.

“2024 has started at a high pace, and we have now more than 80% of the preparations for commissioning at Tyra East completed. With tests of all central plants, we are now very close to being able to deliver the first gas,” says Michael Lindholm Pihl Larsen, TotalEnergies’ technical project manager on the Tyra Reconstruction Project.

More than 1,400 employees offshore and over 230 on land continue to work on final reconstruction activities. Right now, the team is doing the final tests, verifying the new equipment and systems, and fine-tuning certain areas.

Tyra and the surrounding fields Svend, Roar, Harald, Valdemar and Tyra Southeast were decoupled to enable the rebuilding. Work is underway to restore power to the systems, re-establish communications and networks, reopen wells and verify that working conditions are safe. When the re-establishment is completed and the conditions are safe, all fields will gradually be restarted.

About Denmark’s Tyra natural gas field. Tyra is Denmark’s largest natural gas field and has been a center for processing and exporting more than 90% of the natural gas produced in the Danish North Sea before its redevelopment. This was necessary due to the field’s natural subsidence of the chalk reservoir after many years of production.

The redevelopment of the Tyra field includes three main elements: decommissioning and recycling of the old Tyra platforms; recycling and extending the current platform legs on six of the platforms with 13 meters, which will have new topsides; a completely new process module and a new accommodation platform.

Once the modernized Tyra II is back on stream, it will be the most modern natural gas field in the world which will deliver gas to Denmark and Europe through the export pipelines to Nybro and Den Helder.

Tyra II will secure continued production of natural gas with 30% less CO2 emissions and contribute to energy security and independence in Denmark and Europe.

TotalEnergies is the operator of the Tyra field on behalf of DUC – a partnership between TotalEnergies (43.2%), BlueNord (36.8%) and Nordsøfonden (20%).


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KEVIN MOONEY: Biden Admin’s New Climate Rules Could Mean Big Payday For His Buddies, Burden For American Businesses

Energy News Beat

In a setback for former government officials and attorneys poised to cash in on proposed climate disclosure rules, the Securities and Exchange Commission continued to kick the ball down the road last year.

Many of the objections raised in public comments revolve around so-called Scope 3 emissions that are not directly produced by companies and instead result from what occurs “upstream” and “downstream” of a company’s activities. That’s a problem because if the SEC rule is finalized the commission would effectively extend its jurisdiction to include private companies that transact business with public firms registered with the SEC.

There’s a strong case to be made that under this scenario the commission would be overstepping its authority, which would help to explain why the SEC has continuously slow-walked its proposal. (RELATED: FRANK LASEE: Biden’s Energy Policy Is Tailor-Made To Crush The Middle Class)

But there’s additional intrigue involving a somewhat unheralded “carbon accounting” firm equipped with specialized software known as Persefoni that could also gum up the works. The for-profit outfit founded in 2020 has managed to recruit several high-ranking SEC officials who all had a hand in crafting the climate rules first introduced in March 2022.

These include Allison Herren Lee, a former acting chair of the SEC, Kristina Wyatt, who served as the SEC’s senior counsel for climate and environmental, social, and corporate government (ESG), and Emily Pierce who served as the SEC’s assistant director in the Office of International Affairs.

The SEC estimates that it will cost anywhere from $460,000 to $640,000 for companies to comply with the new rules during the first year they are in operation. Given the complexity involved in tracking Scope 3 emissions, it’s not too difficult to imagine how Persefoni stands to benefit financially from software and accounting services specifically tailored for this purpose.

In fact, that appears to have been the plan right from the get-go. Influence Watch describes how the accounting firm and environmental activists joined forces to have substantial input on the disclosure rules. Moreover, Persefoni is prominently mentioned throughout the SEC proposal. But it’s not just carbon accountants who stand to benefit at the expense of companies that fall within the purview of the SEC.

Dan Kish, a senior fellow at the Institute for Energy Research, a Washington-based nonprofit, sees a potential “big payday for law firms” attached to the SEC’s supply chain reporting mandates.

“This is all about expanding the size and scope of government,” he said in an interview. “Lawyers can get involved with a class action lawsuit and they’ll say this particular company didn’t properly report their emissions. You can expect the lawyers to take a huge chunk from these suits. This gets into very gray areas about how a company can be expected to account for every single item along the supply chain.”

Kish continued:

“You’ll have lawyers intervening supposedly to protect the public interest, but they’ll be raking in all kinds of cash. The process doesn’t stop here since the law firms will then dump campaign contributions into the coffers of the people pushing these policies.”

The SEC’s actions can be viewed as just one small part of President Biden’s “whole-of-government effort” to push climate initiatives at the expense of taxpayers and energy producers.

Companies in the energy-intensive states, such as Pennsylvania, will likely feel a greater financial burden, explained Gordon Tomb, a senior fellow with Commonwealth Foundation, a free market think tank headquartered in Harrisburg, explained.

“Pennsylvania is the second largest net supplier of energy to other states and the largest exporter of electricity to other states,” Tomb said. “As such, private companies supporting enterprises that emit carbon dioxide in the production of energy number at least in the hundreds and their employees in the many thousands. Imposing costs artificially constructed to advance a quasi-religious climate ideology and create ways for the politically connected to make money without producing a benefit is viciously economically destructive.”

Ultimately, it’s up to Congress to reign in overreaching executive agencies. Last June, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, (R-K.Y.) and Senate Banking Committee ranking member Tim Scott (R-S.C.) sent a joint letter to the SEC seeking information and documentation providing insight into the commission’s relationship with Persefoni and environmental activist groups. That’s an encouraging sign, but hardly sufficient for the potential victims of burdensome new regulations.


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Quebec climate change conspiracy theorist pleads guilty to starting 14 fires

Energy News Beat

A 38-year-old Quebec man has been found guilty for starting a series of devastating forest fires – which lead to hectares worth of damage and displaced hundreds.

Brian Paré has plead guilty to staring 14 forest fires, including fires in Chapais and  Lake Cavan, at a courthouse in Chibougamau in Quebec.

Paré, who has been detained since his arrest, said little during the hearing, only responding ‘yes’ to a series of questions from the judge.

He had been charged 13 counts of arson and one count of arson with disregard for human life.

It is unclear if the court has already determined his punishment or will hold another hearing.

Prosecutor Marie-Philippe Charron told the court the damage the Paré’s actions had caused in the country and how police were able to arrest him.

She told the court that two of the 14 fires set by him had forced the evacuation of around 500 homes in Chapais in June 2023.

It has been reported at the time that around 80 forest fires were burning on June 1, including eight that were ‘out of control,’ according to SOPFEU, a fire prevention agency.

At a press briefing on the same day, Mayor Isabelle Lessard said the evacuation order is not being lifted ‘given that the fire is still uncontrolled and still threatening.’

The young mayor resigned from her position in November after ‘suffering the effects of burnout’ from handling the wildfires.

One of the largest fires ignited by Paré was in Lake Cavan and burned 873 hectares of forest, she further told the court.

‘On May 31 at 8.30pm, the town of Chapais issued a mandatory evacuation order due to the raging fires, in particular the fire at Lake Cavan as well as the airport fire, two fires that are included in the charges and were cause by the accused,’ Charron said.

The devastating wildfire in Lake Cavan was the first of the five fires the convicted ignited between May 31 and June 1.

This fiery spree had come three days after the Quebec government banned open fires in or around forests due to dry weather conditions.

Investigators who began to probe into the cause of the five fires soon discovered that none of them were started naturally.

Charron told court that evidence was found indicating that some of the fires had been criminally set.

She said police first interviewed Paré on June 2, after he had been seen in the area where a fire had started and was considered a witness.

While he denied causing the fires, police began to suspect Paré as he ‘demonstrated a certain interest in fires’ when being questioned.

Around the same time, he had also begun to post about Quebec’s record-breaking forest fire season on his social media pages, according to officials.

They said some of the posts were claims that the fires had been deliberately set by the government to trick people into believing in climate change.

Charron further told the court ideology and behavior matched a profile of the suspect developed by provincial police specialists and officials soon gained a warrant to install a tracking device on Paré’s vehicle.

On September 1 and 5, 2023, the tracking device showed he was at the locations where other fires had started.

He was ultimately arrested on September 7 and admitted to the police that he had ignited nine of the fires.

The prosecutor told the court: ‘At this point, the accused admitted he was the one who started the fires and, as his main motivation, claimed he was doing tests to find out whether the forest was really dry or not.’

A pre-sentencing report has been ordered that will consider both Paré’s mental state and the risk he poses to public safety. It will be submitted by April 22.


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Johnson targets end to natural gas in new homes, buildings

Energy News Beat

Mayor Brandon Johnson is pushing a plan that would end natural gas hookups in new buildings and homes as the city aims to phase out fossil fuels that intensify the climate crisis, but the idea is already drawing resistance from some unions.

Johnson plans to introduce a “clean” buildings ordinance Wednesday that would end new gas hookups for cooking, heating and hot-water tanks and require electric power instead. Chicago would follow other cities, including New York, in setting a future ban on the carbon dioxide-emitting gas. Illinois has its own goal of phasing out all fossil-fuel energy sources by 2050.

The idea has been kicked around Chicago in recent years. In October 2022, City Hall announced that outside advisers, including advocacy organizations, had recommended a ban as part of a larger climate-fighting plan. Those recommendations inspired the buildings ordinance, which was not publicly available as of Monday.

The law would set an indoor emissions standard that eliminates use of fossil fuels in new construction and building additions of more than 10,000 square feet. It would likely go into effect one year after it’s passed by the City Council.

Gas would be replaced by all-electric systems.

“It’s a no brainer for anyone building new construction today,” said John Gay, president of architecture firm JAQ Corp.

The late 2022 idea was floated even as Peoples Gas continued to replace underground pipes, a program that was estimated to spend billions of dollars to lay hundreds of miles of pipeline. That project is on hold while state officials investigate the utility’s spending and delays on the plan.

The utility, which defends its pipe-replacement project, said in a statement that the “proposed ordinance would increase costs and risk reliability.”

In addition to the climate-mitigating benefits, supporters, which include dozens of advocacy and business groups, point to the health impact from burning gas.

While Johnson is backed by health and environmental proponents, the upcoming debate points to a possible showdown with labor.

One of the most powerful unions in the state, Local 150 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, opposes the proposed city law, saying “a ban restricts options.”

“We want to be part of a plan that addresses the goals of a cleaner city, while providing a range of energy options that set Chicago up for growth in the future,” said spokeswoman Kristine Kavanagh.

Sean Gaurige, business manager for the UWUA Local 18007 Gas Workers Union, said electric power outages show that natural gas is still needed.

“We just had this cold snap a couple days ago and heard all over the news 20,000 ComEd [electric] customers out. Forty-thousand customers out,” he said. “You probably didn’t hear any Peoples Gas customers out. Gas is more reliable.”

Echoing the union concerns, Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36th) and a group of nine alderpersons publicly opposed the plan on Monday.

“Before an ordinance is even crafted, it should be studied,” Villegas said in an interview..


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Nigeria Destroyed Over 5,500 Illegal Refineries in Last Three Years: NNPC

Energy News Beat

The Nigerian National Petroleum Co. Ltd. (NNPC) destroyed more than 5,500 unauthorized refineries and nearly 4,500 illegal pipeline connections over the last three years, according to the national oil and gas company’s chief executive.

Speaking at a university guest lecture in Ile-Ife, Osun, Mele Kyari highlighted pipeline vandalism and crude oil theft, as well as rapid population growth, as the main challenges to energy security in the West African country, the NNPC said in a news report.

Kyari told his audience at the Obafemi Awolowo University that Nigeria should respond by diversifying its energy sources and implementing energy efficiency measures and energy conservation.

On the NNPC’s part Kyari highlighted the role of the company’s Command and Control Center in detecting illegal oil facilities.

“The center provides livestreaming of surveillance data to security forces, contributing to the detection and destruction of over 5,686 Illegal Refinery sites and the removal of 4,480 Illegal Connections from 2021 to the present”, Kyari was quoted as saying in the NNPC report.

The NNPC wrote, “Acknowledging the severity of vandalism and oil theft, Kyari hinted at a strategic shift, focusing on increased products trucking and storage in underground tankages at NNPC filling stations nationwide”.

The nagging problem of oil theft comes amid a shortage of refinery feedstock in Nigeria.

Last month the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) said it had met with the Nigerian Midstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority to seek stronger action to ensure domestic crude supply. The meeting sough to address “the prevailing shortage of feedstocks to the modular refineries operating within the shores of the country”, the NUPRC said in a press release.

Last November the government inaugurated a special committee to combat oil theft.

In the country’s annual oil and gas fair last year, the oil and gas regulatory body Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) urged the government to address “wanton crude oil theft in the Niger Delta” to “enable the production of hydrocarbons at reasonable costs and profitability”.

“[M]ost indigenous operators were unable to evacuate their crude oil through pipelines for over one year and are now forced to explore alternative options at high costs”, the NCDMB said in a media statement last May.

Equinor, Shell Divestments

Against this backdrop, Equinor ASA last year decided to exit the country, while Shell last week announced the divestment of its onshore subsidiary in Nigeria.

“This transaction realizes value and is in line with Equinor’s strategy to optimize its international oil and gas portfolio and focus on core areas”, Norway’s majority state-owned Equinor said in a statement November.

Meanwhile Shell in a statement January 16, 2024, said the sale of Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd., “marks an important milestone for Shell in Nigeria, aligning with our previously announced intent to exit onshore oil production in the Niger Delta, simplifying our portfolio and focusing future disciplined investment in Nigeria on our Deepwater and Integrated Gas positions”.


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UK government sets out plans for ‘biggest nuclear power expansion in 70 years’

Energy News Beat

The government has set out plans for what it claims will be Britain’s biggest nuclear power expansion in 70 years, despite concerns about faltering nuclear output and project delays.

Ministers published a roadmap on Friday that recommits the government to building a fleet of nuclear reactors capable of producing 24GW by 2050 – enough to meet a quarter of the national electricity demand.

Approval will be given for one or two new reactors every five years from 2030 to 2044, and backing given to another large-scale reactor in addition to Hinkley Point C and the planned Sizewell C , even as the projects face uncertainty over their costs and timescale.

The roadmap echoes plans put forward by the then prime minister, Boris Johnson, in 2022 to “build a new [reactor] every year” to wean Britain off fossil fuel.

Since then the developer of Hinkley Point C, the French utility EDF, has said the cost of Britain’s first new nuclear plant in a generation had spiralled to £33bn, a 30% increase from 2015 when it forecast the cost at between £25bn to 26bn. There are also concerns that Hinkley’s start date may be delayed from the summer of 2027 to the early 2030s.

Sunak said the government’s latest support for the nuclear industry was “the next step in our commitment to nuclear power, which puts us on course to achieve net zero by 2050 in a measured and sustainable way”.

“Nuclear is the perfect antidote to the energy challenges facing Britain – it’s green, cheaper in the long term and will ensure the UK’s energy security for the long term,” he said. “This will ensure our future energy security and create the jobs and skills we need to level up the country and grow our economy.”

EDF said in January it would delay the shutdown of four of its UK nuclear reactors for at least two years to help plug the looming gap in the UK’s nuclear supplies towards the end of the decade.

Britain’s nuclear power output fell to its lowest level in more than 40 years in 2023 after three reactors closed in the previous two years and statutory maintenance forced temporary shutdowns at four reactors. EDF said its nuclear output in the UK had fallen from a high point of 65 terawatt hours in 2016, from eight nuclear plants, to less than 40TWh in 2023.

The company is pinning its hopes for its future nuclear generation on the delayed Hinkley Point C project and its planned successor project at Sizewell C in Suffolk, which has been planned for the past 12 years but has yet to receive a final investment decision.

Jess Ralston, an analyst at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), said the government’s multimillion-pound investment of public money in the nuclear industry should “hopefully unleash further private sector investment”.

“The challenge is the industry has a record of running overbudget and behind schedule, so this does little to increase the UK’s energy security any time soon,” Ralston said.

Doug Parr, Greenpeace UK’s chief scientist, said: “Every few months the government makes a grandiose public announcement about future nuclear in the hope that a big investor will believe the hype and step up to fund this 20th-century technology, but it isn’t working.

“The energy industry knows that the economic case for slow, expensive nuclear just doesn’t add up, and the future is renewable,” Parr added.

“This vague, aspirational announcement with its unevidenced claims of cheap energy is unlikely to change their minds when there are real reactors overshooting their massive construction budgets and showing them the truth.”


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Energy Realities #95 – The North American Grid – Filmed Live On YouTube on January 22, 2024

Energy News Beat

ENERGY REALITIES EPISODE #95 – The North American grid

Highlights of the podcast:

00:38 – The New England grid
02:28 – The usual storms that cause damage
10:03 – The grid could be 100% renewables
11:19 – The sky is not considered renewable?
13:00 – The wind and solar
16:50 – The recommendation for a wind farm
18:56 – The government is going to take it away and put it in a repository
24:32 – The arguments that renewables boosters make
26:48 – The average person in New England
44:32 – The energy transition that morphed into the energy realities.
49:23 – The oil and gas workers
52:09 – The Portuguese utility.
53:45 – How is Germany going to generate this energy
55:38 – Micron wants to put this enormous chip building plant manufacturing plant in upstate New York
57:54 – The weight of the blades and other efficiency methods and technology.


Source: ENB

Shorting the Grid “The Hidden Fragility of our Electric Grid”

The Podcast Hosts for The Energy Transition

Armondo Cavanha LinkedIn:

Irina Slav, Energy Writer LinkedIn:David Blackmon, Consultant, Writer, speaker, podcaster, miner of absurdities LinkedIn:

Tammy Nemeth, Energy Consulting Specialists LinkedIn: 

Stu Turley, CEO, Podcast Host, Legend in his own mind LinkedIn: 

Blubrry Podcast:



ENERGY REALITIES EPISODE #95 – The North American grid


Armando Cavanha [00:00:03] Energy Realities number 95 95 94 no 95.  The North American Grid. 95. Good morning. Good afternoon. Irina Slav, Tammy Nemeth, David Blackmon, Stuart Turley. And please Tammy, uh, bring Meredith to our show.

Tammy Nemeth [00:00:24] Okay. Well, you know, look, we’re really excited and privileged to have with us today our first guest of the new year. And that’s Meredith Angwin. Meredith is the author of the most amazing book, Shorting the Grid, which uses a case study, an example of the New England grid, to understand the troubles facing various regions and aspects of electricity grids in the United States. And you know what she says out loud? What many of us have been thinking. Insiders rule the day and no one is accountable for failure. The result? A future of rolling brownouts and blackouts unless citizens change how things are done. And if I can just give a brief intro of, um, Meredith’s background. She’s a chemist by training who has worked on a number of projects over the years in renewable, traditional and unconventional energy like nuclear. She was finding ways to reduce emissions and increase the efficiency to help make those technologies safer. This expertise has evolved into studies and participation and understanding how grids function, how decisions are made, and how to improve governance and the reliability of grids. So from all of us, Meredith, welcome to the podcast.

Meredith Angwin [00:01:38] I’m so happy to be here, I really am. Thank you for the introduction. Oh and Stu. That’s great. You keep showing that book so people will run out and buy it.

Tammy Nemeth [00:01:48] Absolutely.

Irina Slav [00:01:49] Um, should.

Tammy Nemeth [00:01:51] I wanted to ask you a question, but I’d like to preface it a little bit first. And and that is, you know, like we all understand, there’s many variables and factors that could be used to understand the sort of current grid issues and not just in the United States, but in Canada, the UK and Europe, for example. There’s many new people connecting to the grid. They have more stuff they want to plug in. Now, policymakers are pushing everybody to put everything electric, including their heating and their cars. Um, and then we have the variable, um, key infrastructure getting old. And then there’s the usual storms that cause damage like I’m experiencing today in the UK. At the same time, reliable supply seems to be removed from the grid, and then before adequate replacements are in place and then adding unreliable generation or sometimes nothing at all because the records, the regulatory delays, um, seem to take forever to get anything done. So it, it seems like any time there’s a bit of a storm or it’s really cold or really hot, um, the grid falters and people are asked to reduce consumption. So despite all of these different factors, Meredith, can you maybe offer your views and insights on why are all these grids, why have they become so fragile?

Meredith Angwin [00:03:15] They’re becoming fragile, partially due to the idea that we have to have this, uh, very, uh, low, um, carbon grid, which would be okay if they were using a mixture of nuclear and natural gas, which would be a low carbon grid, you know, but they’re looking at like zero. And then they say, oh, and while we’re at it, we don’t want to use nuclear. And we also want to add every bit of, of, of, of usual thermal infrastructure to the, to be done by electricity. So in other words, they’re pushing the demand up while taking away the, uh, the more stable sources of supply. So of course it’s getting worse now. It gets worse faster, as I describe in my book, in the areas where it’s supposedly deregulated, it actually has tons of regulation in the deregulated areas. But the, um, I call those areas geo because in, in the United States, there are regional transmission organization areas to use. I don’t like the term deregulated because it makes everybody go like, oh, that’s great. We’re getting away from bureaucracy. And meanwhile we’re growing bureaucracy in those areas. Uh, we’re putting layers and layers of of bureaucracy on it and nobody accountable, which is, of course, how bureaucrats like it. But basically it is very bad. I also want to say one other thing about, uh, why is it becoming more fragile? Not only are we shutting down reliable sources, trying to replace them with intermittent sources and. Raising the demand. We’re also doing this all sort of simultaneously and, uh, I the fragility will increase. I, I’d like to say increasing fragility. You see what is increasing fragility? Uh, in, in in my life, in my life, if I, if I have a, uh, plastic water bottle, if I substituted drinking from a, um, an antique wine glass, that would be increasing the fragility of my water drinking. Okay, it isn’t that the plastic can’t break or the wine glass. Well, it’s just easier to break the antique wine glass. And similarly, you know, even a very sturdy grid can fail in a in a major like hurricane. The major landfall hurricane. Okay. But what I find very annoying, and it shows me this fragility is increasing, is that we end up with rolling blackouts in California on hot summer evenings. Really? California never had some evenings before, uh, you know, and, uh, um. And some of the, uh, you know, everybody, as the winter season approaches, everybody’s like, do we have enough or are we going to get through it? There’s a warning from the grid operator, please cut back. And I’m like, we never had cold weather before. I mean, honestly, it’s zero degrees here. When I moved here from, uh, California, I have to admit, I moved here from California when I moved here from California and I wanted to put in a garden, I looked up the, uh, the growing area designations and discovered that I was in a designation where if I wanted a perennial plant, it better be hardy to -30 Fahrenheit. Okay, so that was one not. Are we surprised? Sometimes it gets down to -15 here. Of course not. But somehow or other we have set up the grid so that anything that’s not like 70 degrees and beautiful is a danger. And I get quite upset about that because people need electricity. And I could go into a whole ranch about that. But I’m not going to I’m just going to say that if electricity were to fail for a month in any area of the country, there would be a lot of deaths.

David Blackmon [00:07:37]  Yes.

Armando Cavanha [00:07:38] It’s interesting because, she said fragility, taking unnecessary risks to the game. Irina. Please, um, could you please come with your point?

Irina Slav [00:07:49] Well, I don’t know if I could add anything to what they said. She’s she’s absolutely right. Uh, especially want to highlight a point she made about everything happening simultaneously. Not is only everything happening simultaneously. But, uh, hydrocarbon power plants are being retired faster than replacements are being built. Even though these replacements are not up to scratch compared to the retired plants. And if I may mention, Germany is a case in point. Uh, I just checked electricity maps before I came into the post podcast. Uh, right now, Germany is producing most of its electricity from wind. But just a couple of days ago, it was producing most of its electricity from coal. Uh, here in eco. I don’t know why.

Meredith Angwin [00:08:52] No, you actually, you sound good to me.

David Blackmon [00:08:54] That’s not happening to the rest.

Armando Cavanha [00:08:56] That’s good.

Irina Slav [00:08:56]  Oh, okay. Just me. Uh. That’s fine. So just a couple of days ago, it was producing most of its energy electricity from coal. It had higher. Emissions intensity, then Poland. So when I.

Meredith Angwin [00:09:11] Feel that I.

Irina Slav [00:09:12] Do when the wind blows.

Meredith Angwin [00:09:13] Yes, I found that that was really quite, uh. There was a, uh, a tweet that showed the map, and I retweeted it because I was like, no, they finally gone and done it. And, you know, Poland is planning to go to nuclear because Poland doesn’t like being the bad boy of Europe in terms of carbon emissions. But anyway, go ahead. Irina, I just I’m sorry.

Irina Slav [00:09:39] That was basically it. There’s an illustration. Here’s Germany’s, um, uh, you know, Germany state of, uh, the grid is becoming more fragile, and you still need hydrocarbons. In this case, you need a lot more of them. You balance your grid.

Meredith Angwin [00:09:57] Well, you people imagine that, uh. The grid could be 100% renewables. And if you, uh, if you look at some grids that have a lot of hydro, it’s pretty close to true. But most places don’t don’t allow hydro to be considered a renewable. I mean, it’s kind of funny around here, but big hydro in, in New England, uh, big hydro, it’s not considered a renewable. Well, burning trash is considered a reuse.

Irina Slav [00:10:30] Why?

Meredith Angwin [00:10:31] Well, because because all these decisions are made by people who want to get their own system, their own money, into their own system, into the money. You see what I’m saying? It’s basically I’m not I’m not saying they’re wrong to do that. I mean, if you set up, that’s what, um, that’s what, uh, uh, Charlie Munger meant when he said, tell me the incentives and I’ll show you the results and I’ll tell you the results. So in other words, I don’t blame the people who are trying to get their systems into the incentive gravy train. I’m just saying that. Why did we set up an incentive gravy train when water from the sky is not considered renewable? But burning refuse is I don’t I mean, the you could argue that the any of them should be or that both of them should be, but it’s just kind of weird.

David Blackmon [00:11:34] Yes.

Tammy Nemeth [00:11:36] Meredith, can I just jump in here for a minute? Because you said that, you know, there’s many jurisdictions that want to make renewables or I would say unreliable wind and solar and batteries to run the whole grid 100% on that. And there’s a major left wing publication in Canada that on the weekend wrote, while it’s true that renewables weren’t giving the grid the necessary boost, and this is they were talking about Alberta last week, they actually said no one expects them to in the dead of winter. So here you have a major left wing and pro-environmental group that’s been pushing 100% wind and solar batteries forever, coming out and saying no one expects them to run the grid in the dead of winter. Well, then what is that? Because Alberta and Saskatchewan don’t have enough hydro to do anything, and then to say that wind and solar, no one expects it to to work in the when it when you need it is just bizarre.

Meredith Angwin [00:12:40] It is bizarre. And it’s, uh, it’s kind of, uh. A kind of a double thing, you know, where it one part of you believes that you’re going to go to a whole, uh, wind and solar grid. And the other part of, you know, that’s not possible, and you believe both. And you, you push toward the wind and solar, and every now and again you think, oh, it might not work, but it it is, it is, uh, it it is that the only thing. I can say for that is that it’s a step toward reason compared to the straight up hypocrisy. Uh, we are going to use wind and solar and it’s going to be great. You see what I’m saying? In other words, it at least they wrote something. No one expects them to. Okay. What do you expect us to do? Freeze! Oh, you actually, uh, you know, there are too many people in Alberta and Saskatchewan. No, they’re actually, they’re very. But but what I’m saying is that, um. You know it is a step up. From just playing. It’s going to happen and it’s going to be great. It’s going to be wind and solar and it’s going to be fabulous.

David Blackmon [00:14:04] Right. Yeah. I had a LinkedIn user make that argument to me yesterday, actually. And I told him, you know, by making that argument, you are tacitly admitting that solar is unreliable and wind is unreliable. You can’t count on them to to generate electricity when we need it the most during severe weather events, you know. And then the other thing that that argument by them tacitly admits is that loading up a grid with wind and solar power automatically forces ratepayers to fund and finance two separate grids, one grid that makes liberals feel better about themselves, and another grid that keeps the lights on when the weather’s bad. Okay. I mean, you can’t have this both ways, folks. You just. Yeah. And but you know, you can’t. But then they just automatically dismiss you and change the subject and call you a climate donor. And so the arguments over at that point.

Meredith Angwin [00:15:04] Well, it’s almost as if you’re talking about how to make the grid work. And when the people who say that’s 100% wind and solar power back into a corner, they just switch the subject to. We have to save the climate and just, you know, and of course, the trouble is that doesn’t work as well with me because, um, my first book was all about the importance of nuclear. So I go into nuclear and then they’re like, oh, no, we can’t have nuclear. The the waste lasts for such a long time. I say, well, actually, we’re fairly short time after I last forever a nuclear waste.

Armando Cavanha [00:15:48] Let’s turn the book.

Meredith Angwin [00:15:49] A couple thousand years or something. I mean, we’re terrible, so we’ve never encountered a waste that’s long lived. And they say, no, no, no, we’re used to waste. That is going to be there forever. Okay. We’re not used to waste that. You can put a time limit on even. It’s a long time limit. And then they go around and they’re like, oh she, she she’s really she’s nice. She’s just nuts, you know.

David Blackmon [00:16:13] Right.

Meredith Angwin [00:16:14] Because they answer to that.

Stuart Turley [00:16:17] Uh, Meredith, you’ve written, uh, I, I think you’re a national treasure, but, um, did I did I just say that? I’m sorry about that. But when we talk about the pricing models, uh, in your book, you talk about the balancing authorities, and you talk about how all of the pricing models nobody’s talking about, as David just said, he got in a fight or a discussion with somebody on LinkedIn. I got a couple discussions, uh, where they’re saying that renewables are cheaper. Um, and I’m like, time out, they’re buckshot. Um, when you taken the recommendation for a wind farm, I’ve found that the wind farms are never sustainable through fiscal responsibility. Uh, and that eight years is the max, that they could even survive on a fiscal with the tax and incentives. And then all of a sudden, the maintenance that’s even coming in beyond then they’re never going to last 20 years. They’re never going to last 30 years.

David Blackmon [00:17:16] No.

Stuart Turley [00:17:16] Um, but where do you see the pricing for reclamation ever coming in? Because it’s the rate payers. They’re going to have to pay for these things. And it’s not in accountability right now, but a 60 year, 70 year and 80 year nuclear reactor. Holy smokes. You can plan for that.

Meredith Angwin [00:17:39] Yes. No, I, I don’t know. I mean, you knew that nuclear, uh, reactors, um, uh, have to pay, uh, the government a certain, uh, amount per kilowatt hour that they generate. I think it’s a penny or something. And that is to go for taking care of the nuclear fuel. And also, uh, actually, there are two separate funds. One is for fuel and one is for decommissioning the plant. And the NRC is watching them to make sure that they put all that money in. And, uh, and, um, one of the things this was kind of interesting is that, um, a couple of years ago, uh, you know, the, the nuclear fuel thing is that the government said wouldn’t nuclear was set up. The government said, okay, you’re going to run the plants. But for nonproliferation and for other reasons, the government is going to, uh, enrich the fuel. So you’re going to get the fuel from somebody says the government is taking, uh, paying separately, you know, a company that enriches fuel. You’re going to get the fuel from them. And then when. When the fuel is spent, the government is going to take it away and put it in a repository. So you just build the plant and make the electricity, and others will be responsible for other parts of the fuel cycle, which is actually kind of reasonable if you think about it. You don’t usually have though. You can have a coal mine owned by the same company that owns the coal plant or whatever. I mean, they can be next door. But what the government had your decided this? Well, guess what, if the government never picked up the fuel and fuel and then and so the, uh, the, uh, the, the, uh, um. The plant owners, uh, kept the fuel on site in, in dry casks, which are very, very sturdy. I mean, you can hit them with a truck, you can hit them with a train, you can hit them with a rocket. They they they’re very sturdy. Okay. But nevertheless, that led to and I’ve seen it myself personally with my own eyes down here in Brattleboro, the idea that a nuclear fuel, uh, a nuclear plant, because it has the drive has storage on site is if it’s, um, a, uh, a fuel dump right here in our town, you see, it’s a fuel drop. And, uh, so. And then then, of course, they were going to they got another set up down in New Mexico, at which point the people began, uh, hiking around here saying, we don’t want to send our poisons down to the indigenous people in New Mexico. I mean, so anyway, you can’t keep it here and you can’t set it off, but, uh, you right, they do. So one of the things is a bunch of nuclear power plants got together and they sued the government, and they said, we don’t want to continue paying you. We’re not asking for our money back, but we don’t want to continue paying you a megawatt. If you’re not going to do anything with it, you’re not going to help us, you’re not going to live up to your obligation. And the court said, you know, you’re right. You don’t have to keep paying them. Well, all of a sudden, the whole thing about interim storage became very important to the government because all of a sudden there was a source of money, you know, that was going to disappear. And, uh, anyway, um, of course it wouldn’t have to disappear. They just pick up the fuel, but that they seem very unwilling to to do that. I, uh, very upsetting.

Armando Cavanha [00:21:39] Uh, let me before we go to the questions of Tammy on only a question from Brazil, because we have many Brazilians watching us at this time that matter that you probably not familiar with the grid in Brazil, of course, but we have more than 60% of hydro hydroelectric power in Brazil. It’s 60.

Meredith Angwin [00:21:59] Yeah, I. I’ve heard that. I’ve heard it,

Armando Cavanha [00:22:02] Yes. And it seems that the sources are becoming weak every day. Everyday. So, uh, what’s the degree of fragility we have? The fragility risk you can see in this system.

Meredith Angwin [00:22:16] I’m sorry. I don’t quite understand the question. You got 60% hydro. And what else do you have?

Armando Cavanha [00:22:24] Uh, is is too fragile. I mean, it’s too risky. The system with 60% of, uh, elec electric power.

Meredith Angwin [00:22:34] I wouldn’t think it would be terribly fragile, but, I mean, the the Pacific Northwest has always had a high percentage hydro and is very reliable, and so is, um, uh, so is, uh, Quebec, which has a lot of hydro. So I’m not sure. I think that if somebody comes and tells you that you hydro listen to what you want. What you want is wind turbines, uh, backed up by, um, by, uh.

Armando Cavanha [00:23:05] Natural gas.

Meredith Angwin [00:23:06] Natural gas. Then you going to end up with fragile. By the way, I think one of the things I think people should look at more, I mean, is, is, uh, Norway, I mean, I, I really this it’s an important, uh, bellwether. We’re all looking at, uh, Germany, which is totally messed itself up and said, well, we don’t want to follow that path, but Norway has a lot of hydro and a lot of gas, and the prices are going up like crazy, because all of a sudden everybody’s looking to Norway to save their grid. They put in, uh, the, uh, what is the Viking lines like? North Sea Line, all these, uh, all these extra, um, transmission lines to go to, uh, England to go to, uh, Denmark, to go to Germany and the. Norwegians are sitting around, especially in the southern part where all these lines, uh, originate. He’s going like, what the heck happened to our tricity, Bill? They’re huge. That’s because they’re now bidding against the Germans for electricity.

David Blackmon [00:24:09] Right

Tammy Nemeth [00:24:09] Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:24:10] Oh, yeah.

Armando Cavanha [00:24:12] Yeah. Tammy! Sorry I interrupt to you. Yeah. Please go ahead.

Tammy Nemeth [00:24:16] So we have a few, um, comments from the audience. Um, David, would you like to read them out?

David Blackmon [00:24:22] Sure. Um. Cyrus. Brooks. Hey, Cyrus. Good to see you, man. Uh, I noticed that exactly everything is about climate, regardless, of course, until you talk nuclear. And then they talk cost. And, of course, talking about the arguments that renewables boosters make. I mean, it’s like clockwork, really, these, these these circular arguments. You get into these with these folks. Uh, Tyler Minix, Tyler, we haven’t seen your name before. Thank you for contributing. Cost is also a slippery term. There are lots of knock on effects for certain portfolio mixes. Those costs are not easily understood. Always. Yes. Uh, and sometimes that’s because the government doesn’t want them to be easily understood.

Meredith Angwin [00:25:04] I agree with that. I agree with that. It’s a very it’s the system is Quebec and that’s, uh, a feature of it from the government’s point of view, not a bug.

David Blackmon [00:25:14] It certainly is in Texas, that’s for sure.

Tammy Nemeth [00:25:17] Well, Meredith, you know, you mentioned Quebec, and I was speaking to, um, an energy analyst from Quebec, and he was making the case that they’re actually running out of electricity because there’s only so many more places that they could build more hydro dams. And they’ve committed so much for export, and they now want to switch everything that’s currently propane or natural gas or whatever to electricity, that this is really going to have a profound effect on their grid, uh, making it more difficult to, uh, fulfill the the contracts and commitments that they have for, for exporting electricity. So his case, was that okay? Yeah. They have a lot of good hydro, but it’s kind of maxing out. And in Canada, the regulatory process for constructing anything, whether it’s hydro or natural gas pipelines or whatever, takes an eternity. So if they’re already thinking, gosh, I don’t know if we have enough, uh, who knows when they could ever, uh, produce, create more hydroelectricity in order to, to fulfill their grid.

Meredith Angwin [00:26:24] In, in a general rule. Uh, everybody thinks of Quebec as having, you know, so much electricity. And yet when you get right down to it, uh, like many, uh, anyway, Quebec encouraged people to heat with electricity way back when. So, Quebec, an average person in Quebec, uses about three times the amount of electricity that the average person in New England uses because of electricity. And they’re not actually, uh, and, and it’s heating with electricity way back in the day. So they’re talking about resistance heating rather than, uh, um, uh, heat pumps so that that’s even worse. Uh, but when you get right down to it, if you begin looking at the grid in, in this neck of the woods, you will find that. Quebec exports electricity in the summer, but it’s already gotten to the point where it usually imports electricity in the winter. Yeah, it imports from, uh, Ontario, which has a very high percentage of, uh, of, uh, nuclear. And uh, Ontario is, uh, oh, you know, a wonderful study in a way, because, uh, you know, Ontario used to be all coal, and now they’re, they’re they’re mostly nuclear. They have a very, uh, clean grid, and they export to Quebec in the, in the winter. I mean, you gotta you kind of give these guys a lot of credit. And I do hope that you’ll have Chris Keefer on on this show at one point. You know, he he’s been very active in, in, in, uh, in nuclear for Canada. So at any rate, um, but, uh.

David Blackmon [00:28:18] We’d love to do that.

Meredith Angwin [00:28:19] Yeah, yeah.

David Blackmon [00:28:21] Uh, LinkedIn user. I don’t know who you are, but thank you for joining. Don’t forget about oil and gas. And Norway is electrifying its production mostly by hydro power paid down, which is thus stolen from the nation, of course. And that allows the oil and gas industry in Norway to claim that their production is perhaps the cleanest in the world. Say it’s all a shell game.

Armando Cavanha [00:28:42] Yeah, perfect.

Meredith Angwin [00:28:44] Well, I wanted to say a little bit about about, uh, electrifying production. I mean, I don’t, I don’t I haven’t studied Norway’s move in this regard. Uh, but I do know what the move in Texas and David Blackmon can probably join in here very quickly, but they electrified, uh, transmission. They electrified the, um, the pumping stations, uh, and, uh, and it’s to move natural gas. Okay. And oddly enough, when they began having rolling blackouts, all of a sudden some gas plants weren’t getting the gas. So they I think they fixed that. You can set up rolling blackouts so that certain areas are protected from them. And they just had done that about the pumping stations. But nevertheless, if you begin talking about how are you going to electrify everything and you’re going to electrify the source of your electricity, and then if you have an electricity problem, you got, uh, a expanding electricity problem, because we’ve seen that already in Texas.

David Blackmon [00:29:51] Could I add A couple more.

Armando Cavanha [00:29:52]  interrupt you to show a very, very short video about electrification from Scott Thinker? Oh, good.

Scott Tinker [00:30:01] For plastics, molecules for fertilizers, ammonia for fertilizers. The world needs both. We’re not going to electrify everything. That was for plant.

Armando Cavanha [00:30:11] Sorry. Sorry. I’m sorry.

David Blackmon [00:30:13] So that it. Can I just add a couple of things to what Meredith said and also pose a question to her? Because I think we’re getting into a really ripe space here. First, I think the best news out of last week’s freeze event in Texas is that none of those gas plants froze up, right? None of that transmission froze up. And why is that? Because of all the work that’s been done since February 2021. Uh, Uri. Winter storm Uri, uh, and Ercot didn’t cut off the electricity at all those compressor stations and all those production stations and all those pipelines. And so the gas flowed. Uh, the gas plants stayed online. We had plenty of electricity in Texas to get through that freeze event, so that’s good. Um, the second thing is, though, about electrifying everything. Um, Sam Altman had WEF last week. And, Meredith, I wonder if you saw these comments he made about the need for a quantum leap in techno new technology for renewables in order just to accommodate the energy, uh, consumption needs of AI. Right? And that’s on top of charging millions and millions more electric vehicles. And that’s on top of everything else. So I wonder what you thought about those remarks from Ted.

Stuart Turley [00:31:29] Meredith, before we answer, I’d like to have a moment of silence for Greta Thunberg since she’s been thrown off and replaced by him. You know.

David Blackmon [00:31:42] One man.

Meredith Angwin [00:31:43] She’s, uh. She’s still around. You’re getting quite the, uh, the the eyeballs she used to. That’s that one. Uh, um. Getting back to the, uh, the question about AI, I think that’s a really important question, because what has been happening is that we have. Systems that can be run by the lowest form of energy, which is heat. What I mean by that is that heat is nothing but molecules moving fast. However, if it’s cold, they go slower. Actually, the same is true for me about when it’s cold at least. At any rate. So then this is not a very, um I mean, it’s useful, obviously. It keeps us warm. It can melt up, melt things to make things, uh, you know, and so forth and so on. But when you begin having people say, oh, we’re not going to use anything that just produces heat. Uh, we’re, uh, we’re going to use electricity for that, which is a very high level of, of, uh, energy. It can be used for so many different things. Okay. And it takes a lot of control. You know, you keep the the frequency, it’s the same rate you keep, the voltage is the same. You all of these things that are very different from just like, uh, the molecules are moving faster, at any rate. We’ve had all these people who, uh, have been pushing that we can’t use anything except electricity, uh, for heat. Okay. You know, your your car engine is basically a heat engine, but now it’s going to be an electrical engine. Your home is heated by a furnace. Now it’s going to be heated by a heat pump. We’re using electricity. You know, you’re you’re cookstove used to be natural gas, but nowadays it’s going to be, uh, electricity and so forth and so on. Um, but, uh. Then, now that we’ve got all these electricity, uh, plans, all the ways we’re going to use electricity to substitute for a lower level type of energy. There is a need for it to substitute for a very high level energy. That is elaborate. Um. Uh, computing. I mean, if you look at it, uh. The computing thing is gone in a kind of sine curve where first computers couldn’t do much, then big computers. You know, the Cray is going to do a lot, then great. Then little computers began to do as much as the big computers used to do. And now we feel out of the way where even little computers are going to be huge because we’ve got a new use for them. All of this is very high level energy and high level. I mean, it’s got a lot more than just a couple of molecules moving. It’s constrained. It’s usable in different ways, and it can be used in junk science anyway. So what I’m going to say is that if we’re going to go with AI and there’s not some kind of breakthrough on how much energy, uh, electricity, actually, we’re not going to be able to use electricity for all kinds of heat and heat engines at the same time. It’s just, uh, almost impossible to imagine.

David Blackmon [00:35:30] A simple Gen Gen Gen analysis using actual hourly Gen buy fuel. Time can show hundreds of hours of shortfall when removing dispatchable Gen with local fuel. Coal retirements are way too risky until the energy adequacy is demonstrated.

Meredith Angwin [00:35:47] I agree.

David Blackmon [00:35:49] I think I totally agree with that, yes. Thank you Tom.

Tammy Nemeth [00:35:53] Yeah. It’s like we’re replacing things. There’s like, we’re getting rid of stuff before there’s an adequate replacement there. And it’s like, if you have a job and you quit your job offer, you have another one lined up. It’s it’s a similar kind of situation.

David Blackmon [00:36:10] Uh, from SRB, would Meredith say a few words about natural gas supply to the New England region? In the USA, in particular, the purchase of LNG from non USA sources.

Meredith Angwin [00:36:23] Well, the the problem is very simply that we don’t put in pipelines. I mean, that’s the problem in a nutshell. We have a very large, um. Uh, natural gas ref reservoir not far from New England in the Marcellus. And, uh, there aren’t any pipelines to bring Marcellus gas to U. England. So without pipelines breaking Marcellus gas, you, England and New England is about 50% electricity is is, uh, natural gas and I think about 20% is imported. So, you know, those two are the big ones. Um, and there’s 20% more or less, uh, or from, uh, uh, nuclear, uh, though we’re very low on nuclear plants now with two left. But at any rate, um. I. I blame the Jones Act. Of course I do blame the Jones Act because it’s right there and it’s stupid and it’s easy to.

David Blackmon [00:37:33] It’s stupid. It’s so stupid,

Meredith Angwin [00:37:35]   But the Jones act says that if you’re carrying a cargo of any kind between two U.S. ports, and if you pick it up on one board and you deliver it to another port, then that cargo has to be, uh, carried on a ship that was built in the U.S., staffed by people from the U.S. and carrying a U.S. flag. Well, it turns out that we are doing a lot of that building ship stuff in the U.S. anymore, and we certainly haven’t built any LNG carriers. So if LNG is delivered to the U.S., it is delivered by foreign flag carriers, and it is delivered from foreign countries, because even a foreign flag country carrier can’t go down to Texas and pick it up and deliver it to Boston, because then they would be violating the Jones Act. And I I’d like to say that I, I totally blame the Jones act, but I’m going to also say that the Jones act is just a. It’s a symptom of the fact that we we can’t build pipelines. We can’t build, um, we can’t build ships in the United States. High quality ships. Uh, and, uh, if you want to follow, um, uh, Jack Delaney’s, uh, vlogs, uh, about shipbuilding. Uh, I recommend it. Uh, he he worked for a shipbuilding company in Korea for many years. And, uh, anyway, so he he knows what he’s talking about, but, uh. Meanwhile, back to the LNG. Where’s it coming from? It’s coming mostly, um, from, uh, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela and it when you think about Venezuela, I’m going to tell you something funny and that is that, um, we have a small coal plant on the Merrimack River. It’s, uh, called Merrimack Station or the bow Bow Station because it’s in bow, New Hampshire. But anyway, um, I ran a course where we visited that coal plant, and it was really a revelation to me to be there and ask some questions. So I said, well, where does your coal come from? They said, well, we should get hard coal from Appalachia. Uh, but the seam that we got it from, it’s kind of worn out. So what we do now is we get some coal from Appalachia, and we get a whole bunch of coal from Venezuela by barge.

David Blackmon [00:40:18] Oh my God.

Meredith Angwin [00:40:20] Oh, because the thing is, I wish I didn’t. Actually, even though I work on pollution control from coal, I didn’t realize that a coal plant is often optimized for a certain kind of coal. Just like we find reason.

David Blackmon [00:40:35] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Meredith Angwin [00:40:37] And so, I mean, I knew refineries were, but I was like, okay, coal plants, you know, but, uh, at any rate, uh, they, uh, they, they can either blend various kinds of coal or they can get something equivalent to what they used to use from Venezuela.

Armando Cavanha [00:40:53] Man.

Tammy Nemeth [00:40:54] Well, Meredith, in your book, you talk about, um, what people can do. And I think this question is, is in line with, um, with, with things you’ve said in your book.

David Blackmon [00:41:06] So we know the information is out there in regards to how costly renewables are and how unreliable they can be. How do we get this messaging out to the general public?

Meredith Angwin [00:41:15] Oh, I have tried. I have written a whole book about messaging, about nuclear, and I just. You got to just keep moving and you got to write a letter to the editor. You got to be willing to debate. You got to ask your local TV station. Uh, I’ve been on so many local TV stations. I mean, yeah, but, uh, you know, because the thing is, you can’t. It would be lovely if the New York Times would interview me. It would be lovely if, uh, Amazon would say, hey, we got to talk to Meredith, but all I can do is local. And so, I mean, that’s as far I mean, my ideas are national and even international. My book is relevant nationally, but my actual reach, you know, my eyeballs tend to be more local, and everybody is, because I, uh, when I first began, uh, crusading, uh, campaigning for nuclear energy, uh, I worked with a guy named, uh, Howard Schaefer. He’s he’s really retired now, but, uh, he had worked with Vermont Yankee. And, uh, uh, at any rate, one of the things he said to me is you are credible where you live. Where you live. You are credible. So if you are willing to take a stand. Where you live, that will be a great help. If you’re willing to write a letter to the editor saying it isn’t been reported here. But did you notice that the grid was in deep trouble January 22nd or whatever or. Yeah, I you’ve got you have to do that or you can. It’s a matter of fact, in my own newspaper, I was writing so many letters to the editor and they said, you know, I think you should have an op ed every month. I said, God, actually, you know, but. You just kind of move up there by having being visible.

Stuart Turley [00:43:20] Ma’am. May I make a comment? Uh, Cyrus. Hey. Sorry to cut you off there. I love Cyrus, he’s a cool cat. Uh, Meredith, you have. You’ve inspired, uh, so many people. But it’s the podcast. It is Armando. It’s Tammy and Irina’s Substack. And, like, I mean, it’s, uh, David Blackmon’s, uh, it’s you writing the book. It is, uh, so officially the podcast. It’s the alternative media that is finally breaking through. And I mean, Irene, a sense of humor is an international marvel of being able to break through a light topic. Uh.

Armando Cavanha [00:44:03] Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:44:03] Uh, so. But anyway, uh, am I out of it now?

Meredith Angwin [00:44:09] I don’t know.

Irina Slav [00:44:11] I’m only saying myself. I don’t want to just see myself.

Armando Cavanha [00:44:14] No, Because, uh, Stuart mentioned you didn’t have a so, so, um, so.

Stuart Turley [00:44:19] It’s about the narrative, and, uh, Meredith, you bring out a great point. We all have destiny. I never thought my podcast would have the worldwide reach that it does. The energy transition that morphed into the energy realities. You all don’t realize, the reach you’ve lost. So that was a fantastic question. I didn’t mean to cut off Cyrus before that question got asked. Yeah,.

David Blackmon [00:44:48] Cyrus Uh, another question for solar. One advocate argued that because solar is generally predictable, perhaps more than wind, certainly more than wind, even though it predicts it’s only from about 9 to 5, depending on the season. Yes. Uh, is there some truth in this or what are the real challenges with such solar? Is there a reasonable amount of solar that could add to the grid with other firm resources? Right. Good question

Meredith Angwin [00:45:13] Yeah, it’s a really excellent question. And when I talk about my perfect grid that you could build like anywhere, I tend to imagine uh, 60% of, uh, the uh, maximum power being provided by nuclear and then the uh, uh, load following, uh, being uh, a mixture of like nuclear, solar gas and so forth. Uh, but you have to understand that people will say there’s no such thing as baseload, but, um, almost every grid, 50 to 70% of the power is power that has to be there 24 seven. And, uh, I and this man is a servant. I did a beautiful a study of this for New York. I haven’t seen studies of it other places because the, the the word that there is no such thing is baseload is all you hear. So, yes, solar can be helpful in long following. Okay. I mean I think it can the the problem is that we, we only we would only want to have a maximum of like 40% of solar on the grid so that it would be also at the peak. Okay. Um, and 60%, uh, more reliable sources. And so solar would be pushing gas off the grid rather than pushing, uh, nuclear or whatever. Uh, I think solar, depending on the grid can be helpful. And I, I’ve often thought it could be more helpful than wind because wind of a wind can be a high percentage of the grid. It is absolutely available when it isn’t needed.

David Blackmon [00:46:59] Exactly. Yeah. Can I make one point about the saracen’s point about solar being more predictable than wind? My cat Max is more predictable than wind. Okay, so that’s a very low.

Meredith Angwin [00:47:14] And if you had a god, that would be. Very, very good.

David Blackmon [00:47:17]  Yeah, absolutely.

Armando Cavanha [00:47:23] Uh, yeah. Your your. Your cat. What’s what’s the name of the cat? Max.

David Blackmon [00:47:26] Max. He’s a big boy. He’s a good boy. Uh, Joanna Friebo for Bele. I’m sorry FrieBell, I think. Do you think the big tech for. Terms of the world electric guzzlers. Yes, like Bitcoin, miners should provide their own SMR’s for their own power. What a great question.

Meredith Angwin [00:47:42] I think that would be a great idea. And I think many tech firms are looking into it because, you know, one thing is that depending on how high tech, huge what high tech think you’re doing, you really can’t afford an interruption in electricity. Yeah. And people don’t realize that, you know, in other words, if the power went out over here, I’d be like, oh, inconvenient man. If it was out for an hour, if I was a chip maker, it would be disastrous.

Stuart Turley [00:48:13] Yeah. David, I want to give a shout out to the Bitcoin mining, uh, that has helped EMP operators from making stranded natural gas that would have been flared, turning it into a revenue source for those folks to drive the price down lower. So Meredith’s point of having SMR’s for, uh, bitcoin miners is great. And data centers, they need that. But let’s also not just rule out Bitcoin miners for taking stranded, uh, energy sources and heat where it wouldn’t otherwise be used. So. Wow. I said something smart.

David Blackmon [00:48:54] You did?

Meredith Angwin [00:48:57] I mean, he’s great. Uh, he’s not much known outside this area, but he just wonderful, uh, studies of the grid in New England. And he he’s come on to say that the solar panels have been covered in snow for days out here.

David Blackmon [00:49:14] So when that doesn’t work, does it? That makes them less predictable, I think.

Tammy Nemeth [00:49:18] Well, the solution in Canada is that that’s part of the just transition. And the oil and gas workers can be the ones who go out there and clear off the solar panels.

Irina Slav [00:49:28] Oh, what about those green jobs?

Tammy Nemeth [00:49:31] That’s a green job.

Irina Slav [00:49:32] Yeah.

Armando Cavanha [00:49:33] Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:49:34] Yeah, yeah, you can spray those solar panels down with antifreeze like they do to to, uh, unfreeze the wind turbines

Tammy Nemeth [00:49:42] Wind turbines. Which they use helicopters to do. Uh, well, they can have electric.

David Blackmon [00:49:46] Yeah.

Tammy Nemeth [00:49:46] Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:49:47] I got a comment for those guys wanting that as a green job. You first. I bet they wouldn’t get out of their mom’s basement.

David Blackmon [00:49:55] Yeah, I don’t have the clothes for it.

Tammy Nemeth [00:49:58] Here’s one more question from a LinkedIn user.

David Blackmon [00:50:01] Regarding heat production for district heating. What about using already irradiated nuclear fuel, not burned up to its regulatory and design limits from commercial like water power reactors? Holy moly. That’s beyond my Ken.

Meredith Angwin [00:50:16] Well, it would be useful. I’m just saying that the regulatory burdens of doing something like that are almost totally immense. I mean, I really didn’t want to go there, but I would say that, you know, that that if you what we do now is use nuclear fuel is, uh, is is kept in, um, water to cool off, uh, because it is quite radioactive, but it, you know, it it’s there could be a way for a water, water heat exchanger so that it was used for, um, district heating, but I don’t know. And I don’t think that it’s, uh, it’s not a low hanging fruit because that stuff is very radioactive for about three years.

Armando Cavanha [00:51:02] Yeah. That’s right. Stuart, could you please show, uh, the, uh, book covers again?

David Blackmon [00:51:11] Here We go. Uh, here’s your first one. Campaigning for clean air by the, uh, national treasure, Meredith Angwin. And then here is shorting the grid. And this one is really an eye opener. And I highly recommend it, because, uh, as you can tell, I have, uh, burned through the book incorrectly.

Tammy Nemeth [00:51:38] This look like my books with all the sticky notes. Oh my goodness.

Armando Cavanha [00:51:41] Uh. Very good, very good. Let’s go to the headlines.

David Blackmon [00:51:47] Oh, boy.

Armando Cavanha [00:51:53] Irina, please

Irina Slav [00:51:54] Yeah. So that’s, uh uh uh uh, race and Headland thing last week, was it? Anyway, uh, Europe’s energy project stalled before the finish line. Uh, utilities CEO says that’s the CEO of Google, the Portuguese utility. And his problem is that permitting takes too long. But basically. So the European Union has been trying has been talking about streamlining the permitting process for wind and solar, has been doing this for a couple of years now. And apparently, according to the CEO of valve, it still takes an eternity to go through the whole permitting process. Uh, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but after all the effort that the EU has put into streamlining, into shortening these procedures initially, these are still not happy. I don’t know what these people want, but they’re unhappy.

Meredith Angwin [00:52:56] And it’s a lot of that.

Armando Cavanha [00:52:58] Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:53:01] This is my absolutely favorite. It’s an opinion piece. Let’s bear that in mind. Germany should go big on nuclear fusion energy.

David Blackmon [00:53:12] You don’t say.

Irina Slav [00:53:13] In this story, the author makes the argument that Germany has the R&D potential. To pursue nuclear fusion and make a breakthrough. From what I know about nuclear fusion, which is not a lot. It needs huge amounts of energy. There have been a couple of recent breakthroughs. One in the US, one in China, most recently, if I remember correctly. But, uh, it requires an immense amount of energy. How is Germany going to generate this energy that is necessary, assuming it can spare the money to invest in, uh, the tokamak to pursue this research and development? Uh, this is the answer that interest, uh, the question that interests me. But I suppose the author doesn’t have an answer. And let’s not forget that Germany just got rid of its last operating nuclear reactors. Germany does not like nuclear. Uh, what is the German government?

Stuart Turley [00:54:16] Well, they they led the world, Irina. So well on, uh, renewable energy. We ought to follow them off that cliff following fusion.

David Blackmon [00:54:26] Yeah.

Irina Slav [00:54:27] It’s just.

Stuart Turley [00:54:28] Vision.

Irina Slav [00:54:29] Uh, and the centric idea. That’s an amusing one. I thought

Tammy Nemeth [00:54:34]  that’s a good one.

David Blackmon [00:54:36] And it’s crucial to point out that even with the breakthrough at Livermore Labs, it was announced in December of 2022 that that technology, as it’s being developed out there, Livermore is still 25 years into the future at best before commercialization. So. So people need to understand that.

Irina Slav [00:54:55] Yeah. That’s the that’s the the the refrain. When it comes to fusion, it’s always a couple of decades in the future. It takes a lot of time. It’s not going to solve anyone’s problems right now. It’s not going to.

Tammy Nemeth [00:55:08] That’s precisely right. I mean, what what what they can do in a lab is years and decades away from commercializing it or bringing it up to scale in that that’s just a given. But they make it sound like, oh my gosh, it’s right here. Why aren’t they just going harder?

Armando Cavanha [00:55:26] Uh huh. Um. This one’s David I suppose. Yes.

David Blackmon [00:55:31] Oh, yes. The micron story. Meredith. Um, I just love this story, because that’s micron wants to put this enormous chip building plant manufacturing plant in upstate New York. And the managers, the ISO out there comes in and says, well, you know, we love that opportunity, but we just don’t have enough generation on the grid right now to accommodate it. I mean, isn’t that kind of a comic becoming an increasingly common issue around the country now?

Meredith Angwin [00:56:02] I think it is. I mean, I, I, I don’t necessarily track it, per se, but, you know, uh, New York has a, um, has a chipmaking facility that they basically, uh, won a bid against, uh, New England to get and uh, uh, that was, uh, quite a few years ago. But, um, anyway, that’s uh, but yeah, yeah.

David Blackmon [00:56:30] I mean, it’s just it’s it’s so impossible really to bring all this manufacturing back home that we want to bring home when we’re we’re taking all the reliable generation and retiring it and replacing it with all this stuff you can’t predict and can’t rely on. Now, how are you ever going to accomplish that?

Meredith Angwin [00:56:47] Well, it’s a it’s like I say, it’s doublethink in one way. You say we want we want jobs and we want people to be employed and so forth. And then the other thing, we don’t want too much energy. Okay, fine. You’re not going to make you take your choice. Certainly you’re not going.

Armando Cavanha [00:57:05] Yeah. David, go and put your second.

David Blackmon [00:57:09] Uh oh. Well, I already brought that one up and that’s been asked and answered, but I just I just love that story. So awesome.

Armando Cavanha [00:57:16] Perfectly. So let’s go ahead, Stuart.

Stuart Turley [00:57:20] Oh, you can’t buy this kind of entertainment first. You know, the same. And, uh, went out and said, uh uh oh. By the way, um, we had, uh, lost billions of dollars, but, uh, he also goes out has something that was a great quote in there. Let me read this quote because it’s so good, you just can’t get it wrong. Um, I believe that for a while, customers need to accept higher pricing. And then they may there may be innovation about the weight of the blades and other efficiency methods and technology. So then the cost can go down. But the point is, if there’s no profit pool in an industry, why should that industry innovate?

Tammy Nemeth [00:58:09] Oh my God.

Irina Slav [00:58:12]  He’s right. He’s absolutely right.

Meredith Angwin [00:58:15] Oh my God, why.

Irina Slav [00:58:16] Should they innovate? But wasn’t wind cheaper than anything else already?

David Blackmon [00:58:23] It isn’t. Yes.

Irina Slav [00:58:24] Why do you need higher prices?

Stuart Turley [00:58:27] That’s exactly point. That was exactly that great. LinkedIn’s question, that person’s question. The narrative is it’s always cheaper, it’s always cheaper, it’s always cheaper. But it’s because of the alternative folks, uh, getting the word out. Anyway, I really got a tickle out of this one.

Armando Cavanha [00:58:45] Yeah. Very good. Uh, the another one.

David Blackmon [00:58:49] Is this 80 so of people had died. And so my point for this, ah, this article was very simply, uh, we have a great national treasure that if you don’t design the grid, has said if you don’t design the grid correctly, people die. Uh, I believe that’s in a sub line in, uh, shorting the grid. And so you have to have a quality lead design grid anyway. Otherwise death happens.

Armando Cavanha [00:59:18] Yeah,.

David Blackmon [00:59:19] It’s kind of important.

Armando Cavanha [00:59:21] Oh, that’s. This is me. Uh, answer, trying to answer the last podcast question. Uh, yes. In Brazil, offshore wind has a rhythm of stability much more than other places in the world. Brazil ranks and fourth position. Wow. Wind energy. Yes. Strong. Uh, and the second is the following, uh, Brazil, where Petrobras is strongly thinking, analyzing, uh, investments in wind energy. Uh, uh, I would like to ask Stuart if you were Larry Fink and have $1 trillion to invest. How much would you invest in wind energy? Stuart, please.

Stuart Turley [01:00:03] Zero. Uh. Uh. Well, actually, let me let me back.

David Blackmon [01:00:08] On the subsidies, doesn’t it?

Stuart Turley [01:00:10] Uh, yes. Uh, I would actually, though, invest all in the carbon capture and carbon tax credits, because I believe that that is the best way to transfer wealth from Larry Fink to Larry Fink.

David Blackmon [01:00:26] Uh, without war as the middleman. Right. Oh.

Irina Slav [01:00:31] Through blended finance. Right.

Tammy Nemeth [01:00:33] Right. Absolutely.

Armando Cavanha [01:00:37] Uh, thank you so much, Meredith.

Meredith Angwin [01:00:41] Um. And I’m happy beyond.

Armando Cavanha [01:00:43] Fantastic.

Tammy Nemeth [01:00:45] Thank you. Meredith. Thank you.

Meredith Angwin [01:00:46] Thank you.

Armando Cavanha [01:00:46]   But I would like to conclude with, uh, 10s of video, and we finalize the process here. Uh, this, uh, this one from Scott Tinker that I love his thoughts.

Scott Tinker [01:01:00] Ands can live together. But if we remove doubt from science, it becomes religion.

David Blackmon [01:01:09] Touchdown.

Meredith Angwin [01:01:10] That’s great.

Armando Cavanha [01:01:12] We thank you so much.

Stuart Turley [01:01:14] Everybody on the hour and just played that 1 10 second clip. Well done. .

David Blackmon [01:01:20] That’s right. Okay. God bless.

Armando Cavanha [01:01:22] It’s a great pleasure. Thank you so much.

Irina Slav [01:01:26] Thank you Everyone.

Meredith Angwin [01:01:26]  Thank you.


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Tellurian provides update on Driftwood LNG construction

Energy News Beat

US LNG terminal developer Tellurian released the latest construction update for its Driftwood LNG terminal in Louisiana, while it still works on securing financing for the project worth about $14.5 billion.

Tellurian issued a limited notice to proceed to compatriot engineering and construction giant Bechtel in March 2022.

Under the first phase, Tellurian aims to build two LNG plants near Lake Charles with an export capacity of up to 11 mtpa.

The firm said in an update in August 2023 that Bechtel had completed piling work for the first plant and also concrete pouring for all plant one compressor foundations.

According to the December 2023 construction report filed with the US FERC, the Driftwood project has continued construction activities including site preparation, excavation and backfill, offloading of concrete pile shipments, and pile driving activities.

The project continued maintenance of site roads and drainage effort, continued concrete pile installation in tank 1, completed concrete pile installation in tank 2, completed concrete pile shipment for LNTP scope, and completed MOF preservation activities.

In January, the project will continue maintenance of site roads and drainage efforts, and will continue concrete pile installation in tank 1.

Image: Tellurian

Tellurian recently appointed a financial adviser to assist with shaping commercial structures as well as balance sheet management.

Tellurian’s co-founder Martin Houston and new chairman of the board revealed this in a letter sent to shareholders on December 28.

In December, the company appointed Houston as the chairman replacing Charif Souki, who has left the Driftwood LNG terminal developer.

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Daily Energy Standup Episode #292 – Unraveling Climate Plans, Global Gas Dynamics, and Shifting Paradigms in Davos

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Daily Standup Top Stories

UK Climate Chiefs Admitted Net Zero Plan Based On Single Year Of Data

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Egypt’s Gas and LNG: Global Challenges and Global Ambitions

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Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
01:23 – UK Climate Chiefs Admitted Net Zero Plan Based On Single Year Of Data
03:08 – Egypt’s Gas and LNG: Global Challenges and Global Ambitions
05:06 – The Davos consensus is finally cracking
07:47 – The U.S. is breaking oil-production records with fewer drilling rigs. Here’s how.
09:20 – Oil Strategists Do Not Expect Mid East Tensions to Reduce Crude Supply
10:28 – Outro

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Stuart Turley: [00:00:14] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat podcast. Today is Tuesday, January 23rd. Welcome. Sit down. Buckle up and put your tray table up. We’re going over to the pond. First store and around the corner. UK climate chief admits net zero plan based on a single year of data. Are you shocked? Let’s go to the next story. Egypt’s gas and LNG global challenges and global ambitions. Great, great story from the folks over there at RBC. Uh, the Davos, uh, consensus is finally cracking. This is pretty cool story coming around the corner. Next is the U.S. is breaking oil production records with fewer drilling rigs. Here’s how. And then the last one coming around the corner Michael and I have been talking about for years. We don’t understand why the price of oil is not higher. Oil strategies do not expect Mid East tensions to reduce crude supply. I don’t know. Uh, who knows if it’s even going to raise the price. [00:01:22][67.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:23] But let’s go to the first article. UK climate chiefs admit net zero plan is based on a single year of data. I’ll tell you, the Royal Society study that was, uh, doing this, I believe they did 37 years in this royal as, uh, society, um, uh, weather data modeling. He said that, uh, Chris Stark conceded that his comment relied on modeling is of entirely valid concern when we sit back and take a look. If you’re going to be a climate activist, please let’s use facts and not something within the last five minutes. If we, as energy experts around the world, want to eliminate humanity from poverty, we need to rely on physics, facts and sustainability. And if you can’t provide facts, uh, by looking at one year, you underestimate storage and grossly overestimate the need for everything else. That’s exactly what the committee climate change has done. So we can only print so much money, and then we can come in and say, wait a minute. Renewables are the cheapest deliverable ever. That’s not true because the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine. But you have to be able to go and produce all of the energy for the worst possible moment, which adds the cost. Uh, so I think this is pretty funny article. You need to go ahead and check it out. [00:03:07][104.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:08] Let’s go over to the next one. Egypt’s gas and LNG global challenges and global ambitions. This is over at, uh, the folks over there at our, uh, our back. They are fabulous. We’ve got doctor, uh, Robert Brooks and Cyrus Brooks, who I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing both of them, and they are phenomenal. They are a natural gas, uh, commodities firm that they have around the world, uh, market fundamental analysis tool. You got to go check them out. Egypt has, uh, 62% of their grid is supported by natural gas. And, uh, Mr. Hauser, if you could fly in, uh, Israeli gas fields, this is the Leviathan field. And you take a look at Cyprus, you take a look at, uh, Israel and Egypt. Those pipelines coming over, uh, are, uh, the proposed existing LNG plant and then the existing LNG plant and then the optional new pipelines right now from the Leviathan field, they have to go to Israel and then over to, uh, Egypt. And it would sure make a lot more sense just to go straight over. So if it does, uh, happen, it would make sense. Now for local consumption, if you take a look at they have plans to assist in the development on the offshore Gaza marine field, uh, approved by in Israel. Uh, and if it would, it would help Gaza achieve energy independence as well. There’s a lot going on in this article, and we need to go ahead and follow up back, uh, with, um, Rbac and really help, uh, go through this in more. [00:05:06][117.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:06] However, taking a look at LNG, uh, exports, this could actually be a big player there. The Davos consensus is finally cracking. This is a funny story when we take a look about the fallout of Davos. There are several different things I think, that we’re seeing in a society that, uh, Davos is really kind of concerned that their narrative has been broken. One of the leaders is said, we’ve lost the media. No, you didn’t lose the media and the media. The people left the media, the wide mainstream media, and people are tired of it. So you took it to the two far to the next level in order to go ahead and say, wait a minute, this is the way we’re going to go. People are now tired of that. Uh, it also took $40 billion and Ellen to go ahead and give everybody their own voice. And people are not watching TV. They’re not watching, uh, streaming services. They’re watching podcasts. Um, and so the bulk reports, uh, percolating out of the WEF, uh, have been scornful, revealing a pro, uh, proposed program of enlightened elite global governance is not going quite as planned. That’s a great way to say it. Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of the financial services Blackstone, amused that he didn’t think the United States were prepared for further deficits and open borders. They are also believing that Trump is going to be the Republican nominee and stands, ah, really, really good chance of being elected. It’s not whether or not you’re a Democrat or you’re Republican. The Americans want American first. I don’t really care if you’re a Republican or if you’re a Democrat. I am a Christian male, and I am wanting absolutely America and our children first. If you’re a Democrat and you’re a Republican and you don’t have God country children first, I really don’t really care about you anymore. And that is the way the rest of the United States is coming along. So, uh, when we take a look at Davos, this is a really good article on, uh, what’s coming around the corner. [00:07:46][159.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:47] Now, the U.S. is breaking oil production records with fewer drilling rigs. Here’s how. Uh, you take a look at this. Uh, has been holding or at near record highs since October, uh, since the previous, even though the number of active domestic oil rigs is down by 30% from four years ago. So drilling efficiencies is what it’s all about. In the Permian Basin, average lateral lengths defined by the horizontal sections of a well grew over 250% over 10,000ft from 2010 to 2022, while an average oil production per rig grew from 126 barrels per day in 2010 to 1211 barrels per day in 2022. That is significant. So not only having the longer laterals, not having to drill as many holes is making the economies of scale and the efficiencies better off. So, um, that is the good old American knowhow and uh, being able to get that done. Hats off to all the folks in the Permian. This is one that Michael and I have been talking about a bunch, and we’re just kind of scratching our heads. Oil strategist do not expect Mideast tensions to reduce crude supply. There’s a couple reasons for that. [00:09:19][92.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:20] Let’s jump into the article here. Uh, rig zone just reported. Uh, the strategists do not expect current Mideast tensions to reduce the Kurds. Uh, crude supply, even with changes to normal shipping routes, are already underway. Part of this is due to the, um, the fact that Russia has been pumping up and already selling everything that they can. Iran really has been taking advantage of shipping everything it can. Both of those are almost pretty immune from the Red sea. The only ones that are in trouble are going to be the U.S. and or any of the other folks. So that is why, in my opinion, uh, we’re seeing a movement away from the US petrodollar and. Uh, it’s only going to go to rubles and the one and any of those kind of things. So you’re really looking at not impacting like it would have been in the past. [00:10:27][67.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:28] So with that, uh, I’d like to thank everybody, all of our subscribers. And Michael will be back tomorrow. Please let us know any questions you have. Uh, we’ve got some new sponsors coming up. We’ve got some new, uh, podcast dropping. We just, uh, dropped NCM technology with Sharon Mundt, CEO. And it is a phenomenal podcast. So reach out and we look forward to seeing you soon. Thanks. [00:10:28][0.0][609.0]

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