Oil firms face ‘moment of truth’ in climate crisis: IEA

Energy News Beat

ENB Pub Note: As we move closer to 2024, things will become more apparent and painful. World organizations like the IEA have agendas contrary to humanity’s best interests. The IEA is working with the WHO, IMF, and the WEF. As there is an awakening in progress, those in power will behave like wolves caught in the corner. The IEA has a track record of reports with misinformation about renewable energy performance and impact. The market will start deciding, as evidenced by wind projects not being bid on or canceled. This is not about if we need to take care of the environment. We have to, but we must be able to sustain market balances with technology that works. If you have any discussion points either way, please reach out to see if you can be on the podcast to discuss all sides of energy. We want to hear from everyone. 

Oil and gas firms will face a crucial choice at UN climate talks next week between contributing to the climate crisis or embracing the clean energy transition, the International Energy Agency said Thursday.

The future of fossil fuels that play a massive role in climate change will be at the heart of COP28 negotiations in Dubai, as the world struggles to meet the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“The oil and gas industry is facing a moment of truth at COP28 in Dubai,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said ahead of the November 30-December 12 conference.

“With the world suffering the impacts of a worsening climate crisis, continuing with business as usual is neither socially nor environmentally responsible,” he said.

In a report, the Paris-based energy watchdog said the industry’s engagement has been “minimal” so far, accounting for less than one percent of global clean energy investment.

It invested $20 billion in clean energy last year, or just 2.7 percent of its total capital spending.

To meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5C target, the oil and gas sector must devote 50 percent of its investments on clean energy projects by 2030.

By comparison, $800 billion is invested in the oil and gas sector each year.

While investment in oil and gas supply is still needed, the figure is twice as high as what should be spent to respect the Paris goals, the agency said.

“Producers must choose between contributing to a deepening climate crisis or becoming part of the solution by embracing the shift to clean energy,” the IEA said.

– Oil sector stalling –

Oil and gas use would fall by 75 percent by 2050 if governments successfully pursued the 1.5C target and emissions from the energy sector reached net zero by then, the report said.

Instead of cutting fossil fuels outright, oil giants have touted several once-marginal technologies as promising solutions to cut emissions.

They include carbon capture and storage (CCS), direct air capture and carbon credit trading.

CCS prevents CO2 from entering the atmosphere by siphoning exhaust from power plants, while direct air capture pulls CO2 from thin air.

Both technologies have been demonstrated to work, but remain far from maturity and commercial scalability.

“The industry needs to commit to genuinely helping the world meet its energy needs and climate goals –- which means letting go of the illusion that implausibly large amounts of carbon capture are the solution,” Birol said.

The think tank Carbon Tracker said in September that oil and gas sector emission reduction pledges have stalled and in some cases gone backwards.

Oil major BP watered down a previous 2030 production cut target and Shell said its “liquids” output would remain stable — both angering climate campaigners.

– Tripling renewables capacity –

Campaigners have raised concerns over the influence of fossil fuel interests at the UN climate conference, noting that COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber is both UAE climate envoy and head of state-owned oil firm ADNOC.

Jaber has proposed tripling global renewable energy capacity and doubling the annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030.

“The fossil fuel sector must make tough decisions now, and their choices will have consequences for decades to come,” Birol said.

“Clean energy progress will continue with or without oil and gas producers. However, the journey to net zero emissions will be more costly, and harder to navigate, if the sector is not on board.”

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DAVID BLACKMON: Energy Security Or Tyranny? 2024 Provides A Stark Choice

Energy News Beat

One significant political development seen throughout 2023 has featured a move to more conservative governments in countries like Italy, Argentina, Greece, the Netherlands and even regions in Germany as the publics in those and other nations begin to revolt over constantly rising energy costs caused by the irrational policy choices made by the ruling elites.

CNN ran a story on Thanksgiving detailing a burgeoning revolt in Germany protesting that country’s increasingly authoritarian government’s latest mandates that will require consumers to ultimately replace their cheap and efficient gas-or-oil furnaces with costly and less efficient heat pumps in the coming years. Coming as it does on the heels of President Biden’s decision this month to invoke the rarely used Defense Production Act (DPA) to funnel $160 million in new subsidies to makers of heat pumps in preparation for similar mandates in a second term, it is becoming increasingly easy to see the seeds for a similar revolt being sown here in the United States.

Biden has been strongly urged by climate activists and members of his own party in congress to take things even further, to declare a full climate national emergency that would give him extraordinary, near-dictatorial powers to fight the nebulous, seemingly all-powerful climate enemy. Biden’s handlers have thus far been reluctant to make such an overtly authoritarian move in advance of next year’s election, but the decision to invoke the DPA is clearly an effort to test the waters to gauge public reaction.

Republican presidential contender Ron DeSantis certainly sees what is coming. “This is all part of an agenda to control you; and to control your behavior,” DeSantis said, as quoted by CNN. “They are trying to limit your choices as Americans, they’re trying to circumscribe your ambitions.”

Why, yes, that is exactly what the Biden government is doing, all in the name of climate change. Where COVID became the excuse to invoke authoritarian edicts in 2020, climate change is increasingly becoming the favored pretense used by aspiring authoritarians across the western world now. It is the excuse being used by federal bureaucracies now to invoke regulations ultimately designed to force you to replace your gas kitchen stove with more costly and less efficient electric ones. The move to subsidize the makers of noisy and costly heat pumps is an obvious precursor to forcing the replacement of your cheaper and more effective furnaces and air conditioning units. This is all plainly obvious.

Politicians with authoritarian tendencies in the U.S. and other “free” countries witnessed in 2020 and 2021 how easy it turned out to be to impose lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, mandatory masking and various other edicts on a sheepish, compliant public, especially given the willing, unquestioning cooperation of the legacy media and Big Tech platforms. It was quite clear in real time that these measures would be completely ineffective and incredibly destructive, outcomes even the incurious, government narrative-parroting legacy media operations are having to now admit. But the public at large was easily bullied into meekly accepting them without major upset. This was an incredibly dangerous lesson to teach these authoritarian brutes. (RELATED: VIJAY JAYARAJ: Africa Doesn’t Need Western Elites’ Meaningless Climate Policies)

But Americans – at least those outside of California – have one big advantage over their European and South American counterparts, which is that the efforts by the federal government to adopt these irrational measures have trailed several years behind efforts in Germany, the UK and other western democracies. The Biden regime is doing everything it can to try to catch up but has so far been unable to reach that goal. As a result, we get to observe the impacts of such policies on costs and freedoms in other countries and use those observations to help inform our own voting decisions.

Vigilance is one of the most important keys to the maintenance of real freedom. Real vigilance in advance of the 2024 elections in the U.S. reveals that down one path lies an inevitable evolution of an increasingly authoritarian government in the name of climate change. Down the other path lies a return to policies that promote the energy security America enjoyed from 2017-2020.

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ENB #159 Sean Strawbridge – What do you think about critical global energy security? U.S. Energy Exports can make the difference.

Energy News Beat

I have had the pleasure of interviewing and introducing Sean several times over the years, and he is a true energy leader on the front lines. With over 30 years in the Global Energy, Trade, and Transportation markets, he has undertaken a new challenge where the United States needs the talent to help keep our energy security at the forefront.

Our past podcasts were when he was at the Port of Corpus Christi and was at the helm of a fantastic team that had made the port one of the world’s top 3 global energy export hubs.

In today’s episode, Sean covers the global LNG trading market and the underserved interests of the United States. Sit back, get your popcorn, and enjoy listening to Sean.

Thanks, Sean, for your leadership and your time. – Stu



Connect and follow Sean on his LinkedIn Here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanstrawbridge/

00:00 – Intro

01:42 – Voyager Energy Partners aims to export American oil and gas, ensuring clean and safe practices.

05:37 – Voyager Energy Partners controls vessels for LNG, emphasizing accountability in trade agreements.

07:45 – Are you also looking at the short term and long term contracts?

10:47 – Emphasizes U.S. LNG export market growth and diversification in global energy portfolios.

13:30 – Discusses Japan’s LNG use, vessel needs in hydrogen transport, and advocating for U.S. merchant marine.

16:35 – Highlights LNG’s role in vessels, the need for a global fueling network, and defending LNG’s environmental impact.

19:52 – Sean Strawbridge discusses the size of container ships and the need for infrastructure development.

23:01 – Sean Strawbridge discusses evolving shipping alternatives, infrastructure needs, and responsible hydrocarbon production.

28:34 – Outro

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Hydrogen project canceled :Electrolyzer is simply too expensive

Energy News Beat

FREIBURG taz | Even a hefty funding commitment couldn’t save the project: the plant in the Schleswig-Holstein town of Heide (Dithmarschen district), which was once praised as “the largest electrolyzer in Germany for producing green hydrogen”, will not be realized after all. The construction costs of the industrial plant, which should have an output of 30 megawatts, are simply too high.

The Heide refinery started the project together with the companies Ørsted and Hynamics – a subsidiary of the French energy group EDF – three years ago. Other partners such as the building materials producer Holcim joined. The plan was to use excess wind energy to produce hydrogen. The situation on site is favorable: the refinery has been connected to a hydrogen pipeline since 1964 and to a system of salt caverns that are considered suitable for storing hydrogen. The hydrogen should be used for heating, in vehicles and in industry.

That’s why Stadtwerke Heide, which was publicly funded with around 36 million euros and wanted to market the hydrogen produced together with the Thüga municipal utility network under the label “GrünerHeizen”, was also on board with the “Reallabor West Coast 100”, which was publicly funded with around 36 million euros.

In a sub-area of ​​the city’s gas network, the heat supply for customers was to be made more climate-friendly “without additional costs and with the same heating comfort” by initially adding 10 and later 20 percent hydrogen to the natural gas. The municipal utilities spoke of a “model that can become a role model for the energy transition in the heating sector for the whole of Germany”.

Technically possible, but not economically viable

The flyers for customers were ready long ago, but then it became clear that not everything that is technically possible is also economically viable. This is also due to a fundamental problem that every operator of an electrolyzer faces. On the one hand, the high capital costs suggest that each system should run for as long as possible – ideally more than 8,000 hours per year.

On the other hand, this means that not only cheap excess electricity (in this case wind power) can be used, but that you also have to purchase electricity in those hours when it is scarce on the market and correspondingly expensive – and above all not green electricity – is.

On the other hand, if hydrogen is only produced in the hours of excess wind and correspondingly low electricity prices, the running time of each electrolyzer will inevitably remain short. In this case, the high fixed costs can only be allocated to a relatively few operating hours, which also makes long-term coverage of the investment costs hardly realistic. In view of this constellation and the high investment costs, those involved in the project in Heide now pulled the ripcord.

The larger “West Coast 100” project remains

However, the project partners want to stick to an even larger follow-up project – it is largely the same as the “West Coast 100” project. This “scaling scenario” is called “Hyscale 100” and consists of an electrolyzer for “large-scale hydrogen production,” as the company involved, Holcim, puts it. The Heide refinery speaks of an electrolyzer capacity of up to 500 megawatts that could be created on its premises in the next three years. The capacity should then be “scaled up to up to 2.1 gigawatts”.

There should be plenty of subsidies : the Schleswig-Holstein state government has already budgeted 194 million euros for this. Since this facility falls under the EU’s so-called IPCEI projects (Important Projects of Common European Interest), more than twice as much funding from the federal government is likely to be added. This would result in a funding amount in the mid three-digit million range – which might then be enough to at least implement this project.

Source: Taz.de


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Grid operator sounds alarm as coal plant shutdown threatens power for millions

Energy News Beat

A power grid operator that serves millions of Americans across the mid-Atlantic is warning that a planned coal-fired power plant shutdown will severely threaten electricity supplies and occur before new power sources come online.

PJM Interconnection — which coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia, serving 65 million consumers — said the forthcoming shutdown of Brandon Shores coal power plant located outside of Baltimore will disrupt the reliability of the region’s grid. The plant’s operator, Texas-based Talen Energy, intends to deactivate the plant in June 2025 as part of a settlement with the left-wing eco group Sierra Club.

“There has been a strong push for quite some time to get coal power out of Maryland,” Christopher Summers, the founder and president of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “In this accelerated timeline of exiting from coal-fired power plants in the coming 12 to 24 months, I think it’s going to create a major reliability concern for the state.”

“The loss of power poses a real danger to the well-being and livelihoods of Maryland families and businesses,” Summers said. “Until these current risks to our grid are fully dealt with, it’s a mistake to close reliable, baseload power plants too soon. That should be a concern to consumers in Maryland and businesses in Maryland that rely on dependable power.”

In 2020, Talen Energy announced it had reached an agreement with Sierra Club to shutter Brandon Shores and two other major coal power plants in the region. The decision was made in exchange for an agreement from the Sierra Club which aims to avoid future litigation or permit disputes related to coal at Talen Energy’s “transitioning sites.”

Ralph Alexander, the then-CEO of Talen Energy, said at the time that his company’s move was part of its transition to green energy and its broader environmental, social and governance (ESG)- focused future. According to the company’s current ESG commitments, it plans to entirely eliminate the use of coal in its wholly-owned generation facilities like Brandon Shores, which generate more than 5,000 megawatts of power nationwide.

However, according to PJM Interconnection, prematurely shutting down Brandon Shores — which has a capacity of 1,295 megawatts, enough to power more than a million homes — would spark an imbalance in the grid. Shuttering such a vital power source requires the regional grid operator to divert electricity generated elsewhere, but transmission upgrades in Maryland aren’t expected to be finished until 2028, three years after the planned Brandon Shores closure.

“The PJM region and the state of Maryland are facing future reliability challenges as a result of the announced retirement of the Brandon Shores units,” Jeff Shields, a spokesperson for PJM Interconnection, told Fox News Digital. “Specifically, PJM analyses showed that the deactivation of the Brandon Shores units would cause severe voltage drop and thermal violations across seven PJM zones, which could lead to a widespread reliability risks in Baltimore and the immediate surrounding areas.”

“Therefore, there is an urgent need to upgrade the transmission system in order to maintain reliability and the flow of power to the 65 million people we serve,” Shields said. “The chosen transmission solutions include in-service estimates in the 2027-2028 timeframe.”

A view of the Baltimore skyline. According to PJM Interconnection, the closure of Brandon Shores would impact Baltimore in addition to grids in northern Virginia, the District of Columbia, Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania. Edwin Remsberg/VWPics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images© Edwin Remsberg/VWPics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Because of the tight timeframe, PJM has requested that Brandon Shores remains in operation through 2028 under a so-called Reliability Must-Run Agreement until transmission upgrades are completed. However, Shields noted Talen Energy’s agreement with Sierra Club prevents such an agreement from moving forward.

Additionally, while Talen Energy previously said it would convert Brandon Shores to rely on another, less emitting fuel source, it ultimately abandoned that plan and opted to completely close the facility, potentially increasing future reliability concerns.

Both PJM and Talen Energy confirmed they are currently engaged in negotiations with the Sierra Club and Maryland state officials to find a solution.

“Talen is currently in discussions with PJM and others regarding the reliability issue claimed by PJM,” Taryne WIlliams, a spokesperson for Talen Energy, told Fox News Digital in an email.

“We are always mindful of regional electric system reliability and how it relates to electricity consumers in Maryland,” added Maryland Public Service Commission spokesperson Tori Leonard in a statement, noting that PJM is responsible for reliably operating the regional transmission grid.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Willie Phillips waits to testify during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing in March 2022. Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images© Bill Clark / CQ-Roll Call Inc. via Getty Images / File

Earlier this month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) intervened and green-lit PJM’s nearly $800 million emergency plan for transmission upgrades to blunt the Brandon Shores closure.

FERC Commissioner Mark Christie said on Nov. 8 that, without proper upgrades, the shutdown could cause “severe voltage collapse in Baltimore and the surrounding zones, including Northern Virginia, the District of Columbia, Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania,” adding such a scenario would be “potentially catastrophic.”

“Closing an efficient, low-cost energy producing plant like Brandon Shores is just one more way America is surrendering our energy advantage to China and Russia,” Rep. Andy Harris, the sole Republican member of Maryland’s congressional delegation, told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“It is foolish to think that anything will come of this short-sighted energy policy, cooked up by the out-of-touch liberals who run Maryland, other than even more expensive electricity bills for hard-working, over-taxed Maryland families,” he said.

Democratic Maryland Gov. Wes Moore delivers his first State of the State address on Feb. 1, 2023, in Annapolis, Maryland. Kim Hairston/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images© Kim Hairston/Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Maryland has pursued some of the nation’s most aggressive clean energy goals. As part of that agenda, the state last year enacted the Climate Solutions Now Act which requires Maryland to achieve a state-level “net zero” greenhouse emissions mandate by 2045.

Democratic Gov. Wes Moore, who entered office in January, has called for the state’s power grid to be entirely powered by green energy by 2035 through reducing energy consumption and “supercharging investments” in wind and solar developments.

“Governor Moore remains committed to a vision for Maryland’s future that includes 100 percent clean energy — a commitment that will bring countless jobs and hundreds of millions in economic investment across the state,” Carter Elliott, a spokesperson for Moore, told Fox News Digital. “Earlier this year, the governor was proud to sign the POWER Act and partner with Ørsted to announce Maryland’s First Offshore Wind Turbine Component Center at Tradepoint Atlantic.”

“Ørsted’s projects will support the creation of thousands of jobs in Maryland, power nearly 300,000 homes with renewable energy, and help the state achieve its goals of 8.5 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2031. At every opportunity, the governor has worked aggressively to help Maryland meet its energy goals, and he will continue to lead the state with that goal at the top of mind while maintaining grid reliability and protecting ratepayers.”

The spokesperson declined to comment on the Brandon Shores closure.

Source: MSN


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Moscow reacts to ex-Soviet state backing EU sanctions

Energy News Beat

The ‘hostile’ move by Moldova won’t be left unanswered, the Russian Foreign Ministry has warned

By agreeing to abide by the EU’s sanctions against Russia, the government of Moldova has taken another “hostile step” aimed at the destruction of bilateral relations with the country, the foreign ministry in Moscow has said.

On Friday, the Moldovan parliament passed a law on the implementation of international restrictions on the territory of the former Soviet Republic. It was passed as part of reform measures supporting its bid to join the EU. Among other provisions, the new law allows for punitive actions to be taken against individuals and institutions subject to sanctions imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine.

“We regard this as another hostile step by the Moldovan leadership, which is entirely integrated into the anti-Russian campaign of the West,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing on Friday.

The government of President Maia Sandu is working towards “a complete destruction of relations between Russia and Moldova, which, due to the actions of Chisinau, are already in quite a deplorable state,” she stressed.

Zakharova insisted that the “destructive course” pursued by the Moldovan authorities “hardly meets the interests of the country’s residents, who are overwhelmingly friendly towards Russia.”

The decision by Chisinau to join Brussels’ sanctions against Moscow “won’t be left unanswered,” the spokeswoman warned, adding that the specific measures are going to be announced at a later date.

Moldovan authorities have already been complying with most of the EU’s restrictions. A report by the European Commission earlier this month said that Chisinau’s alignment rate with the bloc’s common security policy, which includes the implementation of sanctions, stood at 78%.

Moldova, a small nation of 2.6 million sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, has taken a distinctively pro-Western course since Sandu came to power in 2020. Her government has been actively pushing for membership of the EU and of NATO, going so far as banning critics and calling on Brussels to sanction those opposed to the idea. Chisinau has also fully backed Kiev in its conflict with Moscow, and has become increasingly critical of Russia’s actions.

Earlier this month, the European Commission recommended starting membership talks with Moldova and Ukraine.

Dog bites president

However, not everyone in the country appears to support Sandu’s leadership, with her Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) securing only about 30% in November’s mayoral and county administrator elections. Notably, in every major city, including Chisinau, opposition candidates have gained the upper hand.


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Can Europe Become Western Again?

Energy News Beat

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness,

For the first time in a millennium, Europe no longer plays a critical role in promoting Western civilization nor in world history at large.

Ostensibly it should. Some 750 million people live on the European subcontinent.

Europe still remains the most popular tourist spot on earth. Its hallowed architecture, art, infrastructure, and natural beauty still remind millions of visitors of the world’s once most dynamic and grandiose civilization.

Even now, European nations, in and out of the Europe Union, still produce a combined gross domestic product of $24 trillion, second only to the United States.

Europe’s exports are among the world’s most coveted cars, sophisticated technology, and valued industrial goods.

Yet since World War II, Europe has played an increasingly reduced role in world affairs, despite its membership in the NATO alliance and the growth of the European Union.


The twentieth-century traumas of World War I and II—in which some 70 million Europeans were killed—saw Europe commit near collective suicide. The ensuing Cold War hinged on protecting a relatively unarmed Europe from an aggressive nuclear Soviet empire on Europe’s borders.

But as World War II and the Cold War faded into memory, Europe did not snap back and assume its centuries-old role as a world leader and beacon of Western Civilization.

Instead, a weary Europe outsourced its security to the United States. It redefined itself as a postmodern, pacifist, socialist utopian project—most recently predicated on redistributionist entitlements, open borders, and radical green policies that have all inevitably ensured European decline.

Europeans grew louder and whinier the less relevant they became.

Although Europe has large sources of untapped hydroelectrical, nuclear, coal, and natural gas power, its green religion has all but shut down new nuclear and fossil fuel generation and closed existing plants. The result is that the cost of European energy is prohibitive for both the public and industry.

Recent economic growth was essentially zero throughout the Eurozone. The European cradle-to-grave social net, and its hyper government regulations and restrictions on economic activity increasingly are unsustainable.

Few European nations spend even a mere two-percent of their GDP on defense. And the result is that both Europe at large and its NATO members cannot defend their continent without the assistance of the United States.

Nor can Europe project power beyond its shores to preempt dangerous threats on its own horizon or to its allies.

Europe is also shrinking and aging. Its collective fertility rate of 1.5 is far below the rate of replacement. Most young people in Europe—the ancient home of Christendom—express neither belief in God nor any faith in organized religions.

In many European countries, foreign-born emigrants comprise twenty percent of the population. Most of them have arrived poor, without education, in mass, illegally, with little desire to fully integrate, from inimical countries, and holding political and religious views hostile to Europe.

The other half of the West is in little better condition.

The United States is reeling under $33 in national debt.

After embracing various bankrupt academic critical legal “theories,” major American cities are unsafe, unhealthy, and unsightly. The American southern border is wide open. Eight million illegal aliens have poured in just since January 2021, many of them hostile to the United States.

America is increasingly politically, racially, and tribally divided. It has mysteriously determined not to fully utilize its vast natural resources, especially gas, oil, and rare earth metals.

In this vacuum, the enemies of the West see only opportunity.

Russia invaded European Ukraine. Its ongoing aggression still terrifies frontline NATO nations.

China threatens periodically to storm Taiwan, as it bullies it neighbors, buzzes U.S. ships and planes, and manipulates currency, markets, and trade.

Iran has armed to the teeth anti-Western terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas.

Iran’s “Shiite Crescent” from Tehran to Damascus to Beirut to Palestine threatens both pro-Western Arab regimes and Israel.

Iran brags that its surrogates can destroy Israel and will soon be nuclear with a global reach to both the United States and Europe.

Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, presumably on the assumption that current generations of Westerners in Israel, the U.S., and Europe would not react too strongly to its precivilization barbarity if it entailed a subsequent messy war.

In sum, the world is safe only when a strong America, along side its European partner, secure their borders, protect the world’s sea- and air spaces, support constitutional and pro-Western nations, and deter thuggish belligerents.

Perhaps as war clouds gather and enemies multiply, Europe will rediscover its heritage and reawaken to its historical role.

Increasingly, a lonely U.S.—and the world at large—need the return of a sane and powerful European co-partner, one that emerges from its self-induced slumber, and resumes its ancient role in preserving civilization from its multiplying enemies.



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Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity

Energy News Beat

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Critics who rail against the hypocrisy of wealthy global elites jet-setting on carbon-spewing private planes while pontificating about the need for the rest of us to cut our climate footprints just got a boost from a new study.

It turns out that the world’s richest 1 percent emit about the same amount of carbon as the world’s poorest two-thirds, according to an analysis from the nonprofit Oxfam International.

This means that a small sliver of global elites, or 77 million people, have produced as much carbon as the 5 billion people that make up the bottom 66 percent by wealth, per the study.

The study also estimates that it would take roughly 1,500 years for someone in the bottom 99 percent to produce as much carbon as the wealthiest billionaires do in just one year.

The study was based on research compiled by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and examined the emissions of various income groups up to 2019. In summary, it suggested that the private jet-setting class of global leaders and policymakers, who take private planes to lead summits addressing the assumed dangers of climate change, may warrant charges of hypocrisy.

The analysis was published as global leaders prepare to meet for climate talks at the COP28 summit in Dubai later in November, where, much like other climate conferences, some elite participants will likely pontificate on the need for ordinary folk to end their reliance on cheap fossil fuel energy to make their ends meet.

‘Ludicrous Hypocrisy’

Global leaders and policymakers fixated on fighting the supposed ills of carbon emissions because of models predicting dangerous climate change have often drawn criticism for their use of carbon-spewing private jets.

For instance, private jet use during last year’s meetings in Davos, Switzerland, pushed up carbon emissions by four times over the average week.

During the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos between May 22, 2022, and May 26, 2022, 1,040 private jets flew in and out of airports serving Davos, according to a January report by Greenpeace.

The number of jets going in and out of Davos doubled during that week, resulting in 9,700 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equivalent to roughly 350,000 average cars.

The majority of these jets were attributed to private flights undertaken by participants for the WEF meeting.

Klara Maria Schenk, a transport campaigner for Greenpeace’s European mobility campaign, called the private jet use at Davos a “distasteful masterclass of hypocrisy,” given that the WEF claims to be committed to the Paris Climate Target of keeping climate warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“Davos has a perfectly adequate railway station, still these people can’t even be bothered to take the train for a trip as short as 21 [kilometers]. Do we really believe that these are the people to solve the problems the world faces?” Ms. Schenk said.

It was much the same story for the 2021 COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, where about 400 or so global leaders showed up on private jets, according to the Daily Mail.

“All this for ‘climate’ negotiations that obviously could have been done just as easily over Zoom or something similar for the negligible results that emerge,” award-winning novelist Roger L. Simon, a contributor to The Epoch Times, wrote in an op-ed titled “The Ludicrous Hypocrisy of Climate Conferences Continues.”

‘Climate Czar’ In Crosshairs

Private jets are estimated to emit 10 times more carbon dioxide per person compared to commercial flights and roughly 50 times when compared to trains. In total, aviation accounts for roughly 2 percent of carbon emissions globally.

Criticism over his use of a private jet to fly to climate summits may have been a factor in the decision of the family of John Kerry, special climate envoy of President Joe Biden, to sell the family’s private airplane.

Mr. Kerry drew criticism when, in 2019, he flew on a private jet to Iceland to accept an award for his climate leadership. According to some estimates, a round trip to Iceland by private jet would emit about 90 tons of carbon. By comparison, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that a typical passenger vehicle produces about 4.6 tons of carbon in a year.

Mr. Kerry’s family quietly sold off its Gulfstream G-IV jet last summer.

However, Mr. Kerry has defended his use of a private jet while being a prominent figure seeking to draw attention to climate change. In 2021, Mr. Kerry defended his decision to fly to Iceland to accept the climate change leadership award.

“If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me, who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Mr. Kerry said at the time.

The president’s special climate envoy drew criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“I’m not sure flying across the world in a private jet while simultaneously trying to put the workers who supply your fuel out of a job is a winning strategy as climate czar,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) wrote in a post on X, referring to reports about Mr. Kerry’s remarks.

Naveen Athrapully and Ryan Morgan contributed to this report.



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Has America Been Set Up As History’s Ultimate “Bumbling Villain”?

Energy News Beat

Authored by Brandon Smith via off-guardian.org,

Editor’s Note: It’s not often we publish an article written before OffG even existed, but this one – written over a decade ago in September 2013 and brought to our attention by Mark Gresham – is both interesting and prescient.

It discusses the decline of US power, the rise of BRICS, and plans for a global currency seven years before COVID brought all those plans center-stage. It also warns of a false or exaggerated US-Russia binary and Putin’s globalist tendencies.

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The high priests of academic and “official” history love a good villain for two reasons:  First, because good official villains make the struggles and accomplishments of good official heroes even more awe-inspiring.  And, second, because nothing teaches (or propagandizes) the masses more thoroughly than the social or political lessons inherent in the documented rise and fall of the world’s most despicable inhabitants.

We get shivers of fear and excitement when we discuss the evils and the follies of ancient monsters like Nero, Attila the Hun, Caligula, etc, or more modern monsters, like Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Goebbels, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and so on.  We take solace in the idea that “we are nothing like them”, and our nation has “moved beyond” such animalistic behavior.

But even more fascinating popcorn-style history is found not in the destruction of tyrants, but the destruction of empires.

When an entire culture steps off the edge of the abyss into the realm of societal psychosis, the world often changes forever and in ways that, at least on the surface, seem to bring humanity a little closer together.  The fall of Rome led to the eventual rise of a dominant Catholic theocracy and the rulership of royal blood lineage that lasted for centuries in Europe.

The flames of World War I and the destabilization of the Kaiser’s Germany led to the formation of the League Of Nations; a first attempt at a global governing authority designed to “maintain world peace”.  World War II and the fall of the Third Reich resulted in considerable horrors, which the establishment of the United Nations was supposedly meant to prevent from ever occurring again.

The decline of the British Empire saw the implosion of cultural colonialism, and the rise of corporate colonialism, which centralized immense power into the hands of the banking class as the new official oligarchs of our modern era.  The collapse of the Berlin Wall and the abandonment of the Soviet Union was lauded by then U.S. President George Bush as the beginnings of a “New World Order” – an ideological concept which heralds the final deterioration of the idea of economic and political sovereignty as a mainstay of human civilization.

When examining the approved version of historical conflict, one gets the overwhelming impression that the villains of our past, through their hubris, their greed, and their insanity, seem to inspire a sudden surge of unification as their ashes are cleared from the air.  One might even come to believe that the “natural progression” of conflict is leading us towards a future in which the only solution is the dissolution of all boundaries and the adoption of a one world narrative.  Wouldn’t it be glorious if the deaths of these malevolent tyrants and societies finally inspired the birth of a single human system in which no conflict is possible because we are all on the same side?

Perhaps it would be glorious, if you have adopted the childish notions of history common to the mainstream.  For those who have not, the story, and the ultimate solutions to the ills of mankind, become a little more complicated…

America’s Villainous Mustache

Mainstream history tends to follow the motions of a play or film, in that archetypes and symbolic figures are consistently created in order to satisfy the natural flow of a particular fiction.  The bad guy wears a mustache (not always, but it is strange and disturbing to see how often this archetype materializes in the mainstream world view.

Just look at Hitler, Stalin, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, etc.  We love mustached villains).  His criminal successes make him imposing and frightening.  He acts without conscience, or, he wrongly believes his terrible actions are justified in the name of the “greater good”.  His inevitable mistakes make his final failure ironic and satisfying in the face of the iconic hero, who defeats the enemy while the citizenry stands back and watches in awe and wonder as helpless spectators.

The villain is indeed evil, and deserves to be dethroned, but the assumption many people make is that the other side is diametrically good.

This is not always the case…

America is used to playing the role of the hero in the epic tale of modern Earth.  Our nation began with an act of defiance and victory so unexpected and so poetic, it cemented our cultural identity as freedom fighters for centuries to come.  Over time, our government, turning progressively corrupt, has exploited this cultural identity in order to lure Americans into committing atrocities in the name of our traditional sense of “heroism”.  We have, in fact, become the very antagonists we thought we were fighting against (there’s the delicious irony needed to round out our fairytale).

Our government’s actions surrounding Syria, for instance, have made America appear not just bloodthirsty, but also ridiculous.  The Obama Administration has taken us to the brink of World War III and left us there to stare out over the chasm.  The slightest breeze could send us plummeting.  All to generate military support for Al-Qaeda, the same organization designated by the establishment as our mortal enemy.

In the meantime, our economic system now survives solely on the whims of the Federal Reserve, a private central bank that answers to NO ONE, and writes fiscal policy without oversight.  The government is not only seeking to trigger world war, it also wants to pay for that war with money we do not have, riding debts we cannot pay, to foreign creditors we will piss off in the process of unleashing our unfunded laser guided hell.

Never has the U.S. been slathered in so much absurdity all at once.  Now, we wear the mustache…

Most of us in the Liberty Movement would agree that our country is being poisoned from within, and that our government for many decades has become an enemy of all free peoples.  But there is a very important question that we seem to have overlooked:

If America has been written as the villain, then who is meant to be the hero?

Putin Is Not Your Buddy

Lets step back from the global stage for a moment and examine the situation from a different perspective.  What if the U.S. is not just a product of corruption for corruption’s sake?  What if our new identity as the next historical evil-doer is part of a greater script, and America’s fall from grace is meant to be used to foment the success of fantastic (but fake) protagonists in an engineered fight for a “better and more centralized world”?

How many of us in the Liberty Movement cheered the diplomatic and strategic prowess of Vladimir Putin, for example, in the days leading to Obama’s “red line” attack on Syria?  We cheered because his position was correct, and his demeanor made our government look homicidal by comparison.

We cheered his letter to TIME Magazine because we are tired of being the only people pointing out the vicious parasite our political body has become, and it was exciting to be vindicated by an outside source.  We cheered his protection of Edward Snowden, a truly courageous whistle blower that exposed the terrifying Orwellian nature of the NSA.  We watch video reports from Russia Today (RT) because they give a far more accurate accounting of the facts in the U.S. than all American media entities combined.

It is easy for us to get caught up in the idea that since the West has become the bad guy, the East must now be the good guy.

The problem is, we are being played yet again.

Putin has long called for the end of the dollar’s world reserve status and the creation of a new “global structure” and a “global currency” revolving around the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights:



Is it just coincidence that Putin wants the same centralized global economy and global governance that the IMF and multiple banking elites have been calling for for years?

The same elites who created the debt crisis and currency crisis we now face in America?  Is it just coincidence that Eastern economic and political dominance over issues like Syria perfectly benefits the IMF plan for a financial shift to the BRICS nations and away from the U.S. greenback?  The same plan promoted by many American financial moguls?

Russia is a model for despotic socialized society posing as “civilized society”, and yet, our government has made America so ugly that Russia looks noble by comparison.  Putin is placed on the cover of TIME magazine everywhere in the world except the U.S., and the Washington Times responds by stating that such behavior is a sign of “America’s downward spiral in the global community”, as if we are about to be shunned from the world at large:


While RT produces fantastic journalistic pieces that are critical of American government, rarely if ever do they turn a discerning eye to Russia, and this is not just oversight.

Look carefully at the narrative that is being constructed here.  Putin is NOT our buddy.  He represents exactly what our own government now represents; globalism and naked centralized government aggression against the individual.  However, as mainstream history is being written, the story will be told that it was nations like Russia and China, and organizations like the IMF, that tried to hold back the tide of catastrophe while America, the last empire, steamrolled into thick-skulled oblivion surfing on a shockwave of fiat money and brute military vanity.

The Washington Aristocracy Is Scum, But Don’t Let That Fool You…

Most people with an extensive Liberty Movement education are well aware that false paradigms are used in politics by establishment elites in order to control social discussion and to divide the population against each other.  The Left/Right debate has been and always will be a farce, being that the leadership on both sides of the aisle have identical goals when it comes to the most important aspects of the American structure.

The elites of the Democratic and Republican parties, regardless of rhetoric, will BOTH strive for greater government power, less individual liberty, the erasure of economic sovereignty and free markets, and a dependent and enslaved public.  On these pursuits, they completely agree.

In one week, our faux leadership is to decide once AGAIN on the possibility of a debt ceiling increase that will bring us ever closer to a debt and currency avalanche event.  During past debates, much fanfare is given to the supposed conflict between the interests of the Democrats and the GOP, up until the last moment when the GOP caves in completely and allows the debt ceiling to be vaulted.  Will the same happen again in this case?

It depends on how quickly the establishment wants to bring entire roof down on our heads.

A freeze of the debt ceiling would eventually mean default on our Treasury Bonds, since our government must take on exponential debt in order to receive the benefits of the Federal Reserve’s printing press, as well as pay off our foreign creditors.

A government shutdown could slow the growth of some liabilities, but it does not account for the liabilities already in circulation, thus, we can still default.  Not to mention, our debt and currency standing could easily come into question, resulting in a bond dump or loss of reserve status.

The only option that does not result in a fast moving firestorm through our financial system is a debt ceiling increase, and how much longer can we get away with kicking the can down the road?  In any case, America is about to change for the worse, and the decision on when this is to happen was made a long time ago.  The Washington aristocracy is blatantly guilty in the instigation of our current dilemma, and my theory is, they want you to know they are the culprit, as long as you continue believing they are the ONLY culprit.

They want you to forget all about the IMF, the corporate elites, and Vladimir Putin’s involvement in the larger plan.  They want you to cheer when international banks and what’s left of the G20 rescue us after years of fiscal disaster and institute centralized global economic governance.  They want to be the only authors of this story, and what author doesn’t want to see himself placed in the role of the champion?

Just as there are false political paradigms, there are also false international paradigms.  The Liberty Movement is the wild card; an unknown quantity.  We aren’t fighting for one side or the other – we are fighting for particular principles and beliefs. The establishment’s best strategy is to co-opt our momentum by convincing us to focus on alternative opposition, or place our trust in fabricated advocates.

No matter how epically monstrous our government becomes, and no matter how satisfying their ultimate demise will be, our battle does not end with them.  It only begins with them.

Originally published by alt-market.us, you can contact the author via [email protected], or follow him on gettr or parler.



The post Has America Been Set Up As History’s Ultimate “Bumbling Villain”? appeared first on Energy News Beat.


Biden’s ATF Push For Universal Background Checks: An Overview

Energy News Beat

Submitted by Aidan Johnston of Gun Owners of America,

Biden and his cronies in the White House have cooked up a new unconstitutional gun control “rule” for ATF to enforce.

ATF is trying to eliminate the private sale of firearms without background checks and registration paperwork. They’re essentially accusing anyone of selling a gun of being “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms and requiring a federal gun dealer license.

You might think that you’d actually have to meet some threshold of firearms sold to need a license—hit the benchmark and you’re no longer just a lemonade stand on the side of the road; you’ve got to get a business license and obey local regulations.

Well, in 1979, ATF decided against “establishing a threshold number” on the theory that gun-owning patriots like you could simply stay below the threshold and “avoid obtaining a license….” This is a bit like saying that it would be a bad idea to post a speed limit because drivers might actually go under the speed limit.

Instead, ATF’s new rule says you might not be allowed to sell even one gun to your family member without getting a government license and filling out the proper registration paperwork. Also, ATF thinks you can be engaged in the business without ever acquiring or selling a single firearm!

So, does ATF have any legal footing to stand on? Let’s take a look at the statute.

The statutory definition of “engaged in the business as applied to a dealer in firearms,” is:

a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business to predominantly earn a profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms, but such term shall not include a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.

That doesn’t sound like it covers you selling a gun to your cousin at Thanksgiving, does it?

You’re right! Contrary to ATF’s proposed rule that a person can be engaged in the business without ever making a business deal, the statute enacted by Congress contains at least six clear indicators that more is required.

ATF is flat-out wrong when it says that “even a single firearm transaction or offer to engage in a transaction [without any actual transaction], when combined with other evidence, may be sufficient to require a license.” Let’s briefly prove just how wrong ATF is on each of these six counts:

1. The Statute Discusses “Firearms” in the Plural.

When writing the statute, Congress was clearly thinking about a business that sold more than one firearm (and certainly more than zero). The plural “firearms” appears repeatedly throughout the statute, so obviously dealing means more than one “firearm.”

2. A “Regular Course” Is a Series of Events Demonstrating an Activity Is Occurring.

The statute clearly requires a dealer’s conduct to be part of a “regular course of trade or business.” This means a series of events demonstrating an overarching business purpose and mindset.

On the other hand, isolated events—like a mere offer to sell or even a single completed transaction—do not prove regularity or a course of business. 

3.”Repetitive” Obviously Means More than Once.

In order to be “engaged in the business,” one must also engage in the “repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.” Of course, repetition means more than once, that is, “the act or an instance of repeating” something. Purchases and resales must be repetitive.

For example, a gun owner who scrolls through some online ads and happens upon a great deal on a firearm (or perhaps even a group of firearms), even if he purchases and then resells that firearm with the intent to profit, still does not constitute a firearms dealer, because his activity is a one-off far from “repetitive,” and certainly not a “regular course” of activity.

And that is supported by this Senate report that accompanied the passage of this statute. Congress expressly intended its “legislation to limit Federal regulation to those involved in more than isolated activities.” 

4. Actual Dealers Must “Purchase and Resell” Firearms.

Not to beat a dead horse, but the statute also requires the repetitive “purchase and resale of firearms.” Thus, firearms must be purchased “and” resold – a far cry from the ATF claim that “there is no minimum threshold number of firearms purchased or sold that triggers the licensure requirement.” 

For starters, sales alone are not enough, nor are mere purchases of firearms. Both resale and purchase have to happen. And it has to be repetitive, so there must be more than one “purchase” and more than one “resale”—more than two each, in fact!

Now, ATF points to one guy they prosecuted for unlicensed dealing without any evidence of any sales having taken place. But failing to require a “resale” in addition to a “purchase” (never mind requiring each to be “repetitive”) reads the word “resale” right out of the statute. Who cares what ATF did once to some guy in violation of the law while some anti-gun judge looked the other way?

5. A “Resale” Is Something More than a “Sale,” and Is Done Simultaneously.

The statute does not require merely “purchases” and “sales”—something any gun owner might do. Congress actually used the word “resale”—meaning “the act of selling something again” such as “buying used cars for resale to overseas markets.” Thus, embedded within the word “resale” is a requirement that firearm purchases and resales must be linked together within a short enough timeframe of each other to constitute business activity.

ATF tries to eliminate this definition of resale, essentially defining it as a sale, but Congress chose its words carefully, and ATF needs to respect that. No one would say that a collector who buys rare cars, maintains them in his garage for decades, and subsequently offers them at auction has been “buying used cars for resale to overseas markets.” 

Well, that’s just as true for gun stores. No firearm dealer (at least none that wants to stay in business) purchases large quantities of firearms only to hold them in inventory for a long period of time, as does a firearm collector or even investor. A private collector might purchase large numbers of firearms (even of the same make and model) with the intent that they increase in long-term value, a dealer’s profit incentives are much more short-term, out of necessity. 

6. The Statute Exempts Non-Business “Sales, Exchanges, or Purchases” in the Plural.

The statute contains explicit exceptions – a statutory safe harbor – to being “engaged in the business” based on the “occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby.”

Each of these terms used in this part of the statute is plural. This means multiple sales, multiple exchanges, or multiple purchases can be made by gun owners without rising to the level of “dealing.”

No one could amass a “collection” without accumulating multiple firearms, and probably getting rid of some as well. Congress was well aware that “many firearm hobbyists sell or trade firearms from their collections,” and Congress never intended for ATF to start prosecuting gun owners for such private sales.

Who could have guessed it? Biden’s ATF is totally overreaching this latest ATF rule. The plain text of the statute proves at least six ways that ATF’s final rule is a load of crap! 

Under the Administrative Procedures Act, when agencies like ATF make rules, they must first submit the rule for public comment on the Federal Register.

During this period, citizens can give their thoughts on the rule and describe their unique situations as to how it will affect them.

Please submit comments here on the Federal Register

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We’ll hold the line for you in Washington. We are No Compromise. Join the Fight Now.



The post Biden’s ATF Push For Universal Background Checks: An Overview appeared first on Energy News Beat.