White House Implements Nakedly Political Delay in LNG Export Approvals – David Blackmon

Energy News Beat

ENB Pub Note: I highly recomend subscribing to David Blackmon’s Substack HERE: https://blackmon.substack.com/p/white-house-implements-nakedly-political?r=2ey9k&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web 

David’s industry opinions and knowledge are right on target. Prepare for more sweeping negative impacting energy policies from the Biden administration.

If you’ve been wondering how much lower the Biden White House would go to appease their radical climate alarmist funder base leading up to November’s election, the President and his handlers provided a preview of coming attractions on Thursday.

The New York Times and others reported Wednesday that the White House was planning to announce it would pause permitting approvals for Venture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) project planned in Louisiana. Biden’s handlers said they are directing the Department of Energy to expand a review of LNG export projects to include more climate change criteria, despite the fact that the required environmental impact studies have already been conducted related to the project.

Thursday evening, the White House issued a statement formalizing that plan:

The full announcement found at this link naturally attributes the need for this move to the mythical “climate emergency.” Because of course it does.

Here’s a key excerpt:

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing a temporary pause on pending decisions on exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to non-FTA countries until the Department of Energy can update the underlying analyses for authorizations. The current economic and environmental analyses DOE uses to underpin its LNG export authorizations are roughly five years old and no longer adequately account for considerations like potential energy cost increases for American consumers and manufacturers beyond current authorizations or the latest assessment of the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. Today, we have an evolving understanding of the market need for LNG, the long-term supply of LNG, and the perilous impacts of methane on our planet. We also must adequately guard against risks to the health of our communities, especially frontline communities in the United States who disproportionately shoulder the burden of pollution from new export facilities. The pause, which is subject to exception for unanticipated and immediate national security emergencies, will provide the time to integrate these critical considerations.

Most of that is utter BS, but exactly what we all should have come to expect from this increasingly desperate and dishonest White House.

The truth, of course, is that this a nakedly transparent partisan political move designed to appease the Democrat party’s huge funders in the climate alarm and coordinating lawfare movements in advance of the 2024 elections. The need to mention and demonize MAGA in the shorter press release for a formal administration policy decision likely violates the Hatch Act and proves the partisan nature of the move.

In a story published Thursday at EnergyNow.ca, a Venture Global had this to say: “Such an action would shock the global energy market, having the impact of an economic sanction, and send a devastating signal to our allies that they can no longer rely on the United States,” said Shaylyn Hynes, a company spokeswoman.

This is very likely true, especially in Europe, which continues to have a pressing need for increasing volumes of US LNG to feed a struggling economy, especially in Germany. Biden’s action does indeed amount to an economic sanction on customer nations for US LNG, but again, that is an action that should surprise no one coming from this president’s handlers, who have chosen to use US currency and economic might as weapons of war in myriad instances since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The positive news is that the US LNG industry has a variety of new LNG projects already under construction that will add as much as 12 bcf/day of export capacity by the end of 2027. Those projects are unlikely to be hampered by this specific action, though there can be no guarantees the administration will not make a move on those as well. Witness Biden’s act on January 21, 2021 to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline, an action take despite the fact that the pipeline’s developer, TC Energy, had already invested $8 billion in that project and that Biden could not cite a single example of the project standing in violation of US law or regulation.

But even if those projects already underway remain unmolested by this latest authoritarian action by the Biden White House, the big concern is that this pause in approval action today will create a pause in additional needed new expansion post-2027. No one can know for sure what the world’s geopolitical situation will look like that far in advance, but such a pause at that time could result in untold hardships on nations that are supposedly American allies.

Bottom line, this decision by Biden and his handlers, motivated entirely by hyper-partisan politics as it is, provides just one more example that helps to explain why the world has become increasingly unstable and dangerous since the day Biden took office.

Source: Blackmon.substack.com

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Yemen’s Houthis say they targeted oil tanker Marlin Luanda in Gulf of Aden

Energy News Beat

CAIRO, Jan 26 (Reuters) – Yemen’s Houthis said on Friday their naval forces carried out an operation targeting “the British oil tanker Marlin Luanda” in the Gulf of Aden causing a fire to break out.
They used “a number of appropriate naval missiles, the strike was direct,” the Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sarea said in a statement.

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REEs used in medical field pollute wastewater, spur superbugs

Energy News Beat


Pollution from environmental rare earth elements (REEs) has increased due to the widespread use of these metals in medical applications. This has implications for the development of superbugs, new research has found.

According to a paper published in the journal Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, gadolinium (Gd) is commonly used in contrast agents and is released as a toxic monomer. Previous studies have detected the presence of Gd in both the influent and effluent of wastewater treatment plants. In addition, different types of antibiotics were detected in these waters, with some antibiotic concentrations being detected at mg/L levels.

The article notes that the accumulation of antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants is detrimental to microorganisms and negatively impacts these facilities’ performance.

In the researchers’ view, the combined pollution of REEs and antibiotics in wastewater cannot be ignored, especially in the context of the covid-19 pandemic. Notably, due to the increased risk of bacterial infections, medical institutions need more sulfamethoxazole (SMX) to treat infected patients.

Magnetic resonance imaging enables visualization of pulmonary structures and assessment of covid-19-related lung damage, inflammation, and complications like thrombosis and myocarditis. Gd is a key component of contrast agents in MRI, and the increased demand for MRI detection leads to an increase in the use of Gd. Therefore, Gd and SMX have been extensively used during this pandemic. However, the impact of co-occurring Gd and SMX in wastewater on bacterial resistance in wastewater plants remains unclear.


The Frontiers paper points out that there are similar situations that can be looked at. For example, the long-term use of antibiotics in medical, agricultural, animal husbandry, and aquaculture industries has proven to eventually lead to the dissemination of antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs).

ARGs pose a serious threat to human health and environmental safety. Therefore, many researchers have studied the effects of antibiotics on ARGs in wastewater treatment systems.

Scientists have also noted that heavy metals drive the co-selection of ARGs and heavy-metal-resistant genes (MRGs). Previous research has also reported an increased relative abundance of ARGs and MRGs in heavy metal-polluted environments, and high concentrations of metals could promote multi-metal and multi-antibiotic resistance.

Yet, only a few reports have investigated the effects of Gd on ARGs and MRGs, and the succession and transmission characteristics of resistant genes under combined Gd and antibiotics exposure remain unclear.

Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing can quantify some known ARGs and MRGs. Still, the mobility of ARGs and the correlation with host bacteria are also little understood.

Filling the gap

The work of Kangping Cui’s team fills the knowledge gap.

In the new study, the group investigated the co-occurrence of Gd and SMX in wastewater pollution by applying metagenomics to analyze the mechanisms of changes in ARGs, MRGs and genera in an activated sludge system.

This study offers an in-depth and new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the changes and interactions between antibiotic-resistant genes and heavy-metal-resistant genes in activated sludge, providing technical support for the removal of ARGs and MRGs in wastewater treatment plants.

The findings demonstrated that single SMX alone and co-occurrence of SMX and Gd(III) resulted in an increase in the abundance of ARGs, while most MRGs decreased in abundance.

At the same time, the co-occurrence of sulfamethoxazole and Gd(III) significantly promoted the HGT of antibiotic-resistant genes or ARGs and heavy-metal-resistant genes or MRGs. Gd(III) alone caused a decrease in ARGs and MRGs, whereas the abundance of Hg MRGs was increased.

Compared to core heavy-metal-resistant genes, core antibiotic-resistant genes exert a greater negative effect in the presence of Gd or sulfamethoxazole alone.

Streptomyces, Pseudomonas, and Thauera were abundant under sulfamethoxazole exposure and may be potential hosts for ARGs and MRGs. The bacterial community was sensitive to single Gd(III) stress.

The correlations among ARGs, MRGs, mobile genetic elements (MGEs), and the bacterial community were discussed in this study, suggesting a positive relationship between internal ARGs and MGEs, while positive and negative relations were found in MRGs. Moreover, most ARGs and MRGs were closely related to MGEs.


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Codelco names mining veteran Braim Chiple as CCO

Energy News Beat


Chile’s state-owned copper giant Codelco has named Braim Chiple as its new chief commercial officer, in the latest of a series of top positions changes in the past year, as the miner grapples with falling production and its new role in the country’s lithium industry.

Chiple, who comes from the private mining sector having worked at BHP and Anglo American, will replace outgoing CCO Carlos Alvarado on March 15.

The new executive currently works at Mitsubishi RtM as an adviser and senior consultant for copper trading in South America, Codelco said.

Chile, the world’s top copper-producing country and no. 2 for lithium, saw some key policy shifts last year, with President Gabriel Boric hiking royalties for mining companies and announcing plans for more state control over the lithium sector.

The copper giant is struggling to keep up with the competition after years of underinvestment at its aging deposits. Its costs have increased while production dropped in 2022 to the lowest level in 25 years, putting its position as the world’s no. 1 producer at risk.

Output in the last quarter of 2023 fell to 358,000 tonnes, compared with about 384,000 tonnes in the same period of 2022, based on calculations using full-year output disclosed publicly. 

Fourth-quarter output was however higher than the July-September period, and the newly named chief executive officer, Ruben Alvarado, has vowed to guide Codelco through a gradual recovery.

The top boss told a local newspaper in November that he expected total copper production for 2023 to reach close to 1.31 million tonnes, towards the lower end of the estimated range.

Codelco is scheduled to report its official results for 2023 in March.


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BHP to review $9.7 billion charge over Brazil dam failure

Energy News Beat


BHP (ASX: BHP) said on Friday it had yet to receive a formal notification from Brazilian authorities about a court decision sentencing it to pay 47.6 billion reais ($9.7 billion) in damage repairs over a burst tailings dam in 2015.

The world’s largest miner said the fine is part of a broader claim filed in 2016, seeking 155 billion reais (or $44 billion at the time) for reparation, compensation and moral damages in relation to the Fundão dam failure.

The Fundão dam, owned by the Samarco JV between BHP and Vale, burst in November 2015, releasing 39.2 million cubic meters of tailings waste into the Rio Doce Basin. It was Brazil’s worst environmental disaster ever, resulting in the death of 19 people.

BHP said this week’s ruling is interlocutory, which means it does not settle all of the issues of the case, as it refers only to the collective moral damages caused by the deadly accident.

It noted it would review the implications of the decision, as well as potential for an appeal and any possible impact on its provision related to the dam’s collapse.

In its 2023 annual report, BHP noted that it had earmarked $3.7 billion to cover issues related to the accident near Mariana, in Minas Gerais state.

The parties involved in the suit have been in negotiations to seek a settlement of obligations under a framework agreement since 2021, with talks scheduled to resume next month.

The news comes only two months after a British court rejected Vale’s appeal against its inclusion in a lawsuit worth at least $46 billion against Vale, Samarco and BHP due to the same dam disaster.

The Court of Appeal refused the Brazilian miner permission to appeal the dismissal of its challenge to the jurisdiction of the English Court.

This means that if the claimants are successful in holding BHP liable for their losses, the third party claim will proceed and the Australian mining giant will seek to hold Vale liable for 50% or more of any damages awarded to the claimants.

The lawsuit is the largest group litigation in English legal history and involves over 700,000 victims.


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Biden pauses approval of LNG projects after pressure from climate activists

Energy News Beat

WASHINGTON, Jan 26 (Reuters) – President Joe Biden paused approvals for pending and future applications to export liquefied natural gas from new projects on Friday, a move cheered by climate activists that could delay decisions on new plants until after the Nov. 5 election.
The Department of Energy (DOE) will conduct a review during the pause that will look at the economic and environmental impacts of projects seeking approval to export LNG to Europe and Asia where the fuel is in hot demand.
The review will take months and then will be open to public comment which will take further time, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told reporters in a teleconference.
Biden said in a statement: “During this period, we will take a hard look at the impacts of LNG exports on energy costs, America’s energy security, and our environment.” He said the pause “sees the climate crisis for what it is: the existential threat of our time.”
Administration officials vowed the pause would not hurt allies, saying the plan will come with exemptions for national security should they need more LNG.
“We are committed to strengthening energy security here in the U.S. and with our allies,” Granholm said.
Companies and countries in Europe are worried about steady supplies of U.S. gas as the region tries to wean itself off pipelined gas from Russia after its 2022 invasion of Ukraine. U.S. allies in Asia also covet LNG as they seek to slow coal consumption.
The last review of LNG export projects was in 2018 when export capacity was 4 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd). That capacity has tripled, with the U.S. becoming the world’s top LNG exporter last year, and is set to shoot higher by 2030 with projects under construction.
The growth has set off protests from environmentalists, part of Biden’s base. Activists say new LNG projects can harm local communities with pollution, lock in global reliance on fossil fuels for decades, and lead to emissions from burning gas and from leaks of the powerful greenhouse gas methane.
Environmentalists hailed the move as a bold step.
It “continues this administration’s historic efforts to meet the global commitment to phase out fossil fuels and confront the climate crisis head on,” said Ben Jealous, head of the Sierra Club.
Swaths of U.S. industry, ranging from chemicals, steel, food and agriculture, also oppose unrestricted exports of U.S. gas saying it raises risks for fuel prices and reliability.
Only four projects with export approvals pending at the DOE would be affected by the pause, an administration official said without naming them. The projects could include ones by Sempra Infrastructure, Commonwealth LNG, and Energy Transfer (ET.N), opens new tab, the DOE’s website showed.
Sempra is confident its projects would help displace more carbon-intense fossil fuels, including coal, and provide gas to allies, a spokesperson said. The other companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


Upset with Biden’s approvals last year of oil and gas projects in Alaska, climate activists have focused on stopping Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) pending LNG project in Louisiana, which would be the nation’s largest.
CP2 first needs approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which could consider it as soon as February, before its exports are considered by the DOE.
The DOE said the pause applies to all current and future pending applications until the review is complete. That means the pause could include projects like CP2 if approved by FERC, which only voted down an LNG project once, a move it later reversed.
An administration official said in the call that “projects like CP2 really speak to this question of are we over-building?”.
A Venture Global spokesperson could not be immediately reached but the person said this week that a pause could send a “devastating signal to our allies that they can no longer rely on the United States.” Germany accounts for nearly half of CP2’s current contracted capacity of LNG.

Reporting by Timothy Gardner; Additional reporting by Curtis Williams in Houston; Editing by Edwina Gibbs and Louise Heavens

Source: Reuters.com

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Energy Freedom 2024: IER in the Debate

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The belief in the power of individuals guides our work. Yes, our focus is on shaping energy policy, but in reality, it has always been about advancing individual freedom for wide social benefits.

IER elucidates the history and operation of free energy markets relative to those structured by government intervention. Upon this record, IER favors public policies advancing energy entrepreneurship and choice, while critiquing and opposing regulatory programs such as differential taxation, price controls, import restrictions, usage edicts, and public grants.

Energy markets today are heavily politicized without the best interests of producers, consumers, and taxpayers in mind. That needs to change, in order to reduce energy prices, improve energy reliability, and shrink government spending and associated debt. Energy choices should involve voluntary exchange between consenting adults, with the rule of law discouraging and rectifying instances of force and fraud. Neutral government would be confined to its core responsibility of protecting individual rights.

Terms that describe IER’s positions are free market, classical liberal, or libertarian. This think tank is beholden to no particular energy, industry, or company.  In this context, IER can be characterized as pro-consumer, pro-entrepreneur, and pro-taxpayer.

At the IER website, the following description of the institute is provided.

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) is a not-for-profit organization that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets. IER maintains that freely functioning energy markets provide the most efficient and effective solutions to today’s global energy and environmental challenges and, as such, are critical to the well-being of individuals and society.

A Principled Organization

IER has earned a solid reputation for its scholarly approach to energy analysis and free-market energy and environmental policy. IER’s perspective is predicated on:

Free Markets: History shows that private-property rights, market exchange, and the rule of law have resulted in affordable energy, improved living standards, and a cleaner environment.

Objective Science: Public policy, particularly in the environmental area, should be based on objective science, not emotional or improbable scenarios that invite wealth-reducing government activism, which often impairs society’s resilience in the face of change.

Efficient Outcomes: The welfare of energy consumers, energy producers, and taxpayers can and should be considered together.

Impartial, Unbiased Analysis: Government policies should be predictable, simple, and technology-neutral. This approach will spur capital formation in the energy industry and promote technological innovation.

Public-Policy Tradeoffs: Policies that attempt to correct “market failure” in energy markets must be tempered with the reality of “government failure.” It is inappropriate to compare idealized government actions with real-world market outcomes. Government policies are implemented by politicians and bureaucracies, not by unbiased and informed experts.

Issues: The Biden Administration’s whole of government approach to energy and climate has put politics over consumers and taxpayers. Duplicating the grid and the transportation network with inferior energies and products is not only wasteful. It creates government dependency and political paralysis going into the future.

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Hertz Abandons a Large Portion of its Electric Vehicle Fleet

Energy News Beat

Hertz is cutting its losses in its adoption of electric vehicles and has decided to sell about 20,000 electric vehicles, one-third of its global fleet, and reinvest a portion of the proceeds in internal combustion engine vehicles. The sale is expected to cost the company about $245 million of net depreciation in addition to the depreciation expense Hertz will report in the fourth quarter 2023. The change is due to the disappointing results that the car rental company reported last quarter. Hertz CEO, Stephen Scherr acknowledged the difficulty — and cost — of maintaining the EV fleet, recognizing that collision repairs to electric vehicles “can often run about twice that of a comparable combustion engine vehicle.” With the remaining electric vehicles available for rental, Hertz will implement initiatives to improve their profitability by making more charging stations available, growing relationships with EV manufacturers, and making it easier for customers to acclimate to an EV rental. The company plans for the EV sales to be completed by 2025.

The sale will include Teslas, Chevrolet Bolts, Volvos, many of which are already up for sale online — some at a steep discount. The car rental company made its EV announcement in 2021, with grand plans to help EVs go mainstream.  It placed a $4.2 billion order for 100,000 Teslas–the largest ever single purchase of electric vehicles. But the auto market has changed dramatically in the years since, as early adopters of electric vehicles dried up, leaving consumers with skyrocketing interest rates and stuck with a few expensive models to choose from and virtually no used market as an alternative. Due to signs of growing EV inventory and slowing sales, auto industry executives have admitted that their ambitious electric vehicle plans are in jeopardy, at least in the near term, and have cut back on their EV investments and rollout timelines.

Electric vehicles sales have slowed as they have an affordability problem, costing more on average than internal combustion engine vehicles. A moderately optioned Ford Mustang Mach-E SUV costs at least $50,000, while an electric F-150 pickup with the larger battery pack costs $70,000. Toyota’s lone electric model, the $42,000 bZ4X SUV, costs some $14,000 more than a RAV4. The average price paid for an electric vehicle in September was $50,683, according to Kelley Blue Book. Further, a large portion of battery-powered models available in the United States are sold by luxury brands like Audi, Porsche, and Mercedes-Benz. Many people cannot justify the extra upfront cost of going fully electric, particularly since they would be taking a gamble on an emerging technology with bugs yet to be worked out.

Variety in electric vehicle models is also lacking as there is not a single full-size electric SUV with three rows on offer from a mainstream brand. On top of that, inflated interest rates are driving monthly loan payments out of reach.

The shift back to more conventional cars marks a reversal of a strategy centered on electric vehicles, which Hertz hoped would provide higher rental prices and hold the vehicles’ value. Tesla’s price cuts over the past year, however, lowered the value of the cars in Hertz’s fleet and with EV sales growth slowing, it is not clear if consumers will even want them in the used-car market. Hertz had initially set a goal to electrify a quarter of its fleet by the end of 2024.


Hertz plans to sell a third of its U.S. electric vehicle fleet and reinvest in gas-powered cars due to weak demand and high repair costs for its battery-powered options. EV sales have slowed sharply over the course of 2023, rising just 1.3 percent in the final quarter. Hertz will use some of the money raised by selling off electric vehicles to buy gas-powered vehicles. This will put a dent in President Biden’s plans of having 50 percent of all new vehicle sales be electric by 2030 and his climate agenda.

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Seaside’s LNG bunkering barge completes first delivery to Carnival’s newbuild

Energy News Beat

Seaside LNG’s bunkering barge, Clean Jacksonville, has completed its first delivery to Carnival’s newest LNG-powered vessel, Carnival Jubilee, as part of a deal revealed last year.

In November, the US firm backed by Houston-based Arroyo Investors entered into a term bunkering agreement with cruise giant Carnival to fuel the first LNG-powered cruise ship to call Galveston, Texas its homeport, Carnival Jubilee.

Germany’s Meyer Werft delivered Carnival Jubilee last month to Miami-based Carnival Cruise Line, a unit of Carnival.

According to a statement by Seaside, the first delivery under the contract took place on December 30, 2023, marking the first in port ship-to-ship LNG bunkering delivery not only in Galveston but also along the entire US Gulf Coast.

Seaside’s 2200-cbm Clean Jacksonville was moved from Jacksonville, Florida to operate out of Galveston and serve the Texas Gulf Coast.

Clean Jacksonville has completed more than 350 bunkering operations to date, the firm said.

Seaside bought last year North America’s first LNG bunkering barge, Clean Jacksonville, from Tote Maritime Puerto Rico.

It also took delivery in October of the 5,500-cbm LNG bunkering barge, Clean Everglades, and now has in total three LNG bunkering barges.

Clean Everglades (Image: Seaside LNG)

Seaside said in the statement that Clean Everglades made its first delivery last week.

The delivery was made to Isla Bella at the TOTE Maritime’s terminal near Jacksonville, Florida.

Seaside said the operation was a regularly scheduled delivery per TOTE’s long-term service contract with Seaside’s maritime transportation company, Polaris New Energy.

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Spot LNG freight rates continue to slide

Energy News Beat

Spot charter rates for the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier fleet fell for the eighth consecutive week, while European prices rose slightly compared to the last week.

Last week, spot charter rates dropped below $60,000 per day in both basins.

“The Spark30S Atlantic decreased by $3,750 (7 percent) to $53,250 per day, whilst the Spark25S Pacific decreased by $4,000 (7 percent) to $55,000 per day,” Qasim Afghan, Spark’s commercial analyst told LNG Prime on Friday.

Image: Spark

The Atlantic freight prices have halved since the beginning of the year.

Spot rates are continuing to decline despite reports of vessels diverting away from the Red Sea.

LNG ships are now favoring the Cape of Good Hope for safer passage. These include Qatari LNG shipments heading to Europe.

Spark previously said that diverting a voyage via the Cape of Good Hope from the Arabian Gulf to North West Europe adds only $0.09 per MMBtu to the freight cost versus via Suez given Suez Canal savings, but increases laden voyage time by 9.5 days.

State-owned LNG giant QatarEnergy said in a statement this week that Qatar’s LNG production continues uninterrupted.

“While the ongoing developments in the Red Sea area may impact the scheduling of some deliveries as they take alternative routes, LNG shipments from Qatar are being managed with our valued buyers,” the firm said.

In Europe, the SparkNWE DES LNG front month rose slightly compared to the last week.

The NWE DES LNG for February delivery was assessed last week at $8.126/MMBtu and at a $0.745/MMBtu discount to the TTF

“The SparkNWE DES LNG price for February delivery is assessed at $8.199/MMBtu and at a $0.62/MMBtu discount to the TTF,” Afghan said.

He said this is a $0.125/MMBtu week-on-week narrowing of the discount to the TTF, the third consecutive week this discount has narrowed and resulting in the smallest TTF discount since October 24, 2023.

“This indicates reduced demand for NW-Europe regasification, as falling freight rates have made routes via the Cape more competitive. Consequently, the US arb to NE-Asia is open via the Cape for the first time since September 2023,” he said.

Image: Spark

Levels of gas in storages in Europe remain high for this time of the year due to mild weather.

Data by Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) shows that gas storages in the EU were 73.04 percent full on January 24.

This week, JKM, the price for LNG cargoes delivered to Northeast Asia dropped when compared to the last week, according to Platts data.

JKM for March settled at $9.390/MMBtu on Thursday.

State-run Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) said in a report earlier this week that Asian spot LNG prices continued to decline as inventories remain high across Northeast Asia, and demand remains weak.

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