Former Greens candidate now warns wind turbines are lunacy and a scam

Energy News Beat

After all these years, finally, signs that more Greens are waking up to the awful truth

Steve Nowakowski was a Greens candidate in Cairns in 2006. He was a co-founder of Rainforest Reserves Australia, and was hired as a photographer, but he didn’t like what he saw. Two years ago he was concerned at the environmental damage of the Emerald Wind farm, now he’s filming the destruction in the hope of stopping wind farms being built in Queensland. He’s calling it lunacy, and arguing we need nuclear power.

In a big leap, he even realizes the green groups are “colluding” with the government and the money making environmental vandals in the greatest land grab of the age. Mark my words, eventually this issue will split the Greens.

First Bob Brown former Greens leader, and now footsoldiers like Nowakowski and a few other conservationists are campaigning against wind turbines —  word is spreading…

John McCarthy InQueensland writes:

Former Greens eco-warrior says we should all fear wind turbines

“I have never seen such collusion in my environmental career as I do now between big business, NGO’s and state government in what I consider the greatest land grab of the age,” he said. He said the bulk of the wind farm projects have already slipped through while everyone was sleep-walking.

Nowakowski is shocked at the scale of the industrial wind plants being planned for Queensland.

For months Nowakowski has been trying to warn about the proliferation of wind farms in Queensland and the impacts the developments are having on the environment.

“Every high elevation ridge-line outside of National Parks and State Forests will have a turbine on it between Gladstone and Rockhampton along the Great Dividing Range,’’ Nowakowski claims.

“It now seems over 60,000ha of remnant forest to be cleared across Queensland for proposed projects with approximately 4600km of new haulage roads pushed into remote and wild forests along ridge lines and mountain tops,” he said.

On the Chalumbin wind farm he says “It blows my mind’.

On his youtube channel Nowakowski says it’s lunacy and a scam:

We will look back at the lunacy of our folly in years to come. There is already so much cleared and degraded land in Australia and here we are destroying some of the best high biodiverse remnant bits left.

Clearing and fragmenting some of the best habitat left in Australia for wind farm industrial estates is a delusional act that won’t save the climate. Real climate action is placing renewable energy projects in a planned and proper manner in appropriate locations that will lead to a net loss of carbon emissions and a net gain in increased biodiversity The environmental offsets given to these wind farm projects in high biodiverse locations are a scam.

There are more of these inappropriately placed projects in the pipeline including the Chalumbin Wind Farm, Upper Burdekin Wind Farm and the completely ridiculous Mount Fox Energy Park which is almost entirely contained in some of the best remnant wet sclerophyll forests outside of the protected estate.

Thankfully, Nowakowski is not the only environmentalist waking up. McCarthy mentions the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland which he says has also changed position due to the large amount of land being cleared for wind turbines. Then there is Apple, which has pulled out of a wind farm near Burdekin because of environmental concerns. Even the group building the Chalumbin wind farm has scaled it back from 200 turbines to 86 (and it has been renamed Wooroora — presumably for PR’s sake?)

This video is remarkably like ones made by skeptics for the last ten years. (Nearly). He’s now supporting nuclear power…

It would have been better if he’d realized this ten years ago, but he’s doing a great job now. Wait til I tell him about the corruption in science…

One day he will realize climate-skeptics were the real environmentalists all along.


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Drax gets go-ahead for carbon capture project at estimated £40bn cost to bill-payers

Energy News Beat

Drax has received permission from the government to fit carbon capture technology to its wood-burning power plant, in a project that could cost bill-payers more than £40bn.

The energy secretary, Claire Coutinho, on Tuesday approved the project to convert two of its biomass units to use the technology

Analysts have predicted that the revamp of the North Yorkshire site could be one of the most expensive energy projects in the world.

The project could add about £1.7bn to energy bills every year if the company acts on plans to fit all four of its biomass units with carbon capture technology, or a total of more than £43bn, according to Ember, a climate thinktank.

In addition, the government is expected within days to extend a lucrative bill-payer-backed subsidy scheme that last year paid Drax more than £600m to burn trees for electricity until the end of the decade.

The decision is likely to anger environmentalists, who have campaigned against burning imported wood pellets and have opposed the multi-billion-pound subsidies paid to Drax over the past 12 years.

The planning decision said the project would “make a meaningful contribution” to the urgent need for carbon capture storage infrastructure to support the government’s net zero ambitions. A separate decision about its subsidy payments will follow before 2027.

Will Gardiner, Drax’s chief executive, said the planning approval “demonstrates both the continued role that Drax power station has in delivering UK energy security and the critical role it could have in delivering large-scale carbon dioxide removals to meet net zero targets”.

A report commissioned by Drax has claimed that adding carbon capture to its biomass power units could save the UK economy up to £15bn between 2030 and 2050 when compared to other, more complex carbon reduction measures using biomass.

Phil MacDonald, the chief operating officer at Ember, said the report ignored the “immediate real costs” of building the plant, which are likely to fall to taxpayers or energy users.

“Over 20 years, this could make Drax’s BECCS plans one of the most expensive energy projects in the world, funded from bill-payers’ pockets,” MacDonald said.

Drax has argued that burning biomass is carbon neutral because regrowing sustainable forests absorbs similar amounts of carbon dioxide as burning the wood in a power plant. Using biomass with carbon capture, known as BECCS, would be create the world’s first “carbon negative power station”, according to Drax.

The claims have been challenged by scientists and climate experts. The company’s green claims are also being scrutinised by the energy regulator, Ofgem, and the National Audit Office, which are undertaking separate investigations into the sustainability criteria of the government’s biomass strategy after fierce criticism by green groups.

A government spokesperson said Ember’s estimates were “entirely speculative” as no decisions about the plant’s carbon capture technology, or additional subsidy, had yet been made.

“Any potential support awarded to Drax would be subject to a value for money and affordability assessment and subsidy control considerations – ensuring that any tax- and bill-payer money is spent wisely,” the spokesperson said.


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2024 Promises the Expansion of the Green Energy Scam

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Years ago, I wrote a post about how cheap air travel to Europe was ruining America. My point was that the Americans visiting Europe were confusing what they experienced as a tourist with the reality of life in Europe. These progressive American fans of two-hour lunches and 6 months of maternal and paternal leave didn’t have a clue about how average Europeans lived. Indeed, a couple of years later, the Foundation For Economic Education came out with a study that showed the poorest 20% of Americans were better off than the average European. Basically, the average European suffers from high taxes, high prices, tiny homes and cars, and, increasingly, less freedom. But tourists sipping tea in London or shopping in Paris rarely, if ever, see this, or understand it if they do.

Nonetheless, with little understanding of economics or history, they decide that America must become Europe. Socialism, Obamacare, and gay marriage are just some of those European imports that Americans have to deal with today.

We are seeing something similar play out on a grander, global scale—or at least in the West, where prosperity has dulled the brains of much of the population.

Naturally, I’m talking about the green energy hoax. Here in the West, we have people so spoiled by prosperity that they have the luxury of pining for a time when we weren’t poisoning our earth with fossil fuels or risking apocalypse with nuclear power.

On both sides of the Atlantic, you have a perfect mix of brain-dead green energy cultists and fascist elites who seek to harness the power of that cult to control everyone. That’s a toxic combination because energy controls pretty much everything.

The reality is that inexpensive, reliable energy is the single biggest driver of prosperity in all human history. And it’s not even close. Inexpensive, reliable energy drives virtually everything that we Westerners enjoy: Our food, iPhones, transportation, heating and cooling of homes, televisions, hospitals, schools, movies, plumbing, video games, Starbucks, and the Zambonis at hockey games! Everything.

It’s not that energy didn’t exist previously. It did. But the difference is that it was inefficient, hard to get, and expensive. The first significant source of fuel for humans was wood. That lasted for tens of thousands of years. Although the first recorded use of coal was in China between the 4th and 3rd millennia BC, in Europe, for two thousand years, coal remained an insignificant source of energy. Change came in the 17th century because England had felled most of the easily accessible trees and was in need of energy. With the advent of large-scale mining, coal rapidly became the most significant source of energy in Europe.

This would be the status quo for the next 300 years until the first successful oil well, drilled in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859. Over the following decades, tens of thousands of wells would be drilled and, by 1900, the US alone would be producing 20 million barrels of oil a year. That oil was first used to produce kerosene for heating and lighting homes, then gasoline for automobiles and, eventually, powering electricity plants as well, although coal was the dominant fuel for powering electricity production well into the late 20th century.

In the latter half of the 20th century, nuclear power emerged as a viable vehicle for producing electricity and was joined by fracking-driven natural gas early in the early 21st century.

Of course, renewables had been around for centuries, first with windmills and watermills, then hydroelectricity and, eventually, solar. Renewables always remained a small sliver of the power generation, however, only becoming slightly material in recent years due to heavy regulation and subsidies.

But now, for the first time in human history, we have a segment of the population, largely Western liberals, who want to restrict the use of inexpensive and reliable energy.

For the last 400 years, mankind has been marching forward in the direction of increasing the amount of energy we consume. As a result, lifespans have increased dramatically, prosperity has flourished, technology and sciences have advanced dramatically, and lives have become exponentially more varied.

Believe it or not, all of that is held together by a tenuous electricity grid. Not sure? In 2019 the Air Force said the following about an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack:

A successful EMP attack on the U.S. could lead to a nationwide blackout of the electric power grid and a shutdown of critical infrastructure reliant on the grid, including, but not limited to, communications, transportation, food and water supply, and sanitation. Such a shutdown could last as long as a year, and without such critical infrastructure, a large fraction of the America could die from starvation, disease, or the effects of general societal collapse.

That gives some indication of how dependent Americans are on energy. But it’s probably not going to be an EMP that cripples America and the West. It’s going to be the fiction of green energy.

In 2011, Angela Merkel announced that Germany would shut down all 17 of its nuclear reactors. Last year, the last three were shuttered. In 1990 Germany generated 25% of its electricity from nuclear; now it’s finally zero. And it shows.

While harassing citizens to conserve energy, Germany has gone from a net exporter of energy to a net importer. In addition, in 2010, German GDP growth was ahead of every single nation in the EU and double the average. By 2022, it was half the EU average and, over the next six years, it’s predicted to be dead last in the EU and behind only Belarus and war torn Russia and Ukraine on the continent. This is all in pursuit of the goal of cutting CO2 emissions 65% below the 1990 level by 2030.

On this side of the pond, we have California banning the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2035 and a wave of blue states lining up behind them. This at the same time the state is asking existing electric car owners not to charge their cars while leaning on fossil fuels to stave off the return of rolling blackouts.

The reality is that the green energy revolution is a fiction. Green energy is incapable of providing the energy requirements developed nations require and the green energy movement is a cult. In fealty to that cult, Western nations are wasting hundreds of billions of dollars every year on “green energy” programs—most of which fail. Between 2020 and June of 2023, Western nations spent $1.34 trillion on green energy “investments“ while private companies spent tens of billions more annually.

Basically, for no discernable benefit, and arguably with many negative consequences, Western nations are setting fire to 2% of their GDP annually and expect to burn even more going forward. That would essentially mean that GDP would have to grow at 2% annually just to tread water, an unlikely prospect in the face of tightening energy supplies and skyrocketing costs.

And this is all because people with no understanding of science, economics, or history operate under the illusion that civilization is a virus on the pristine earth. Western civilization as we know it will not survive the economic suicide of the green revolution.

Perhaps that’s why Western elites are inviting into their countries tens of millions of third-world “migrants” who aren’t familiar with inexpensive and reliable energy. At some point, those who do remember them will become the minority, and the elites can finally drop the fiction of concern.


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Energy Information Has Never Mattered More—So It’s Time to Reform the IEA and the EIA

Energy News Beat

The International Energy Agency (IEA) turns 50 this year. Doubtless there will be champagne-infused celebrations at its Paris headquarters. But on this side of the Atlantic, it’s past time for the United States, the biggest source of that agency’s funding, to rethink the IEA’s role. To be blunt: the U.S. should suspend payments to the IEA until it has been restructured in a fashion suitable for the times. There’s plenty of precedent for such an action, from both sides of the aisle.

Why is reform needed? Start with the fact that the creation of the IEA was triggered by an “energy shock” that caused a global recession. Over the first quarter of 1974, because of the Arab oil embargo, oil prices jumped 400%. Policymakers and businesses around the world scrambled to find reliable information about sources, supply chains, and options.

Once the dust settled, they knew that the challenges would continue—and they understood that assessing future risks and preparing for consequences starts with having accurate and credible information. The absence of such, and the collateral opportunities for coordination at the international level, was one of the key motivating factors for creating the IEA. Another incentive was the desire for some “mechanism” for coordinating the supply and demand for oil during any disruption—a mechanism that would not pan out as hoped, being rarely deployed and showing little evidence of effectiveness in the years since.

Today, the prospect of a mere 40% oil-price hike evokes panic in politicians and investors. Many believe that an “energy transition” will move us away from the risks of dependency on petroleum, or hydrocarbons in general, but that’s where the naiveté begins—and it epitomizes the IEA’s problem. The need for secure, reliable, and affordable energy—and the need for oil, too—is greater today than it was a half-century ago.

Energy markets and geopolitics are at least as vulnerable to high-consequence disruptions as they were 50 years ago. Of course, there’s a lot about today’s world that has changed since then. The Internet, smartphones, and personal computers, never mind AI, didn’t exist in 1974. But all these technologies, and more, have helped create a bigger world economy, one that consumes far more energy. And over 80% of the energy required to fabricate and operate everything, including the digital features of our economy, is still supplied by hydrocarbons. Oil, the progenitor of the first modern energy crisis, remains the touchstone fuel in geopolitics.

Over 95% of the movement of all people, goods and services is powered by oil. Economies collapse if the costs of transportation soar or, worse, if transportation ceases. Since 1974, the number of cars in the world is up 500%, total maritime tons shipped is up 350%, and air travel has risen nearly 2,000% (in passenger-miles). And the quantity of oil supplied from the Middle East is greater today. Of course, and consequentially, U.S. oil production is also greater (despite bygone projections that the U.S. had passed “peak oil”). The future growth for all these metrics will look a lot like their past growth.

And no, neither electric vehicles nor Tesla can change this equation. Simple arithmetic shows that even if batteries power half the world’s cars by 2034—an impossibly high goal—the resulting reduction in global oil use would barely exceed 10%.

Those are the realities. One is reminded of the aphorism created by the great science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” Lots of realities about energy aren’t going away, no matter the aspirations nor the spending. And, speaking of realities, it would be the very definition of naiveté to discount the chance that events might play out in the future in a fashion similar to the past.

In the meantime, since its first meeting in Paris on November 18, 1974, the IEA has strayed from its initial mission and adopted a new raison d’être, one that conflicts with its earlier mandate as a credible, unbiased source of facts about the realities of the foundational industry that makes all else possible for civilization. What happened?

In 2015, the IEA recast its mission to adopt advocacy of an “energy transition” alongside “energy security.” And in 2022, the IEA doubled down on that shift, with its governing board voting to expand the mission into one “to guide countries as they build net-zero emission energy systems to comply with internationally agreed climate goals.” [emphasis added] While the IEA continues its analyses and reports on hydrocarbons, it is now internally and psychically conflicted because of its vocal public posture pushing policies to abandon hydrocarbons. As one recent report from the European Parliament put it, the “IEA has become an advocate of ambitious reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to combat climate change.”

It should be obvious that ambitions to rapidly replace hydrocarbons can themselves create, rather than ameliorate, the risks of hydrocarbon disruptions. And those ambitions also create new risks for disruptions associated with energy alternatives.

Whatever one thinks about its goals, as an advocacy organization the IEA is not constitutionally capable of serving as a disinterested player because it is now animated by an outcome that it hopes for, rather than analyzing the realities that exist. It is not alone. The massive disconnect between hope and reality is epitomized by an unprecedented scale of spending on “energy transition.” Thus far, European nations have spent trillions of dollars in pursuit of the energy transition, with plans to spend at least another $3 trillion by 2030.

And now, unless a future Congress decides differently, the U.S. has joined in that pursuit, embarking on the biggest federal industrial policy spending program in history. By most estimates, the Inflation Reduction Act—after passage, its advocates happily called it what it is, “the green new deal”—will lead to a total of $2 trillion to $3 trillion spent on alternative energy over this decade. That scale rivals the (inflation-adjusted) cost of prosecuting World War II. But this time, instead of adding industrial capacity to build a one-time war-fighting infrastructure, the goal now is to try and permanently replace as much as possible of the nation’s entire existing energy infrastructure. We have crossed the Rubicon, going past mere ambitions to fostering the emergence of new classes of energy risks.

It bears noting that even if all that spending happens, hydrocarbons will remain the dominant energy source in the 2030s.

It also bears remembering the context for this gargantuan industrial effort. In rough terms, the aim is to force a nearly 2-gigaton-per-year reduction in American CO2 emissions by 2030. Over that period, emissions in Asia will increase by over 2 gigatons per year, and by more than that if those nations don’t do what they promise with their own alternative energy programs. These nations dominate the industries that produce the materials and hardware that the U.S. and Europe buy. Thus, the net effect will be, at best, essentially no change in global emissions—but a very significant exchange of capital.

As such huge sums are converted to hardware—and everything about energy is fundamentally about hardware—we’ll see a blizzard of new claims added to existing ones about capabilities, risks, sources of supply, environmental impacts, and especially energy security, reliability, and costs. When it comes to the realities of how energy machinery can be built and operated, the facts and consequences are what matters, not the aspirations.

For example, the reality is that ambitious spending and goals for more wind turbines, solar panels, and EVs will require vastly increased copper production. Copper is the most critical material in electricity domains; its physics make it close to irreplaceable. There is no evidence that the world’s mining industries are now planning on producing (let alone capable of producing) the quantities needed in the timeframes proposed. Add to this the need to understand where copper is mined and refined. Here, China is a dominant player, and Beijing holds an even stronger position with the suite of other critical materials needed to build the machinery essential to “transition” goals.

Thus, returning to where we started: policymakers and businesses are in critical need of advocacy-free and credible energy information. There’s a simple solution. Break the IEA into two parts: a policy-free International Energy Information Agency (IEIA), and a separately funded and governed International Energy Transition Agency (IETA).

The constitution for an IEIA would prohibit it from engaging in advocacy. To minimize rapid polarizations and political whipsawing, the IEIA could be governed by a structure similar to that used by the Securities and Exchange Commission—with a five-member oversight/management commission, each member serving a non-coincident five-year term. The advocacy group, the separate IETA, would be easier to organize and would be, appropriately, subject to the domestic policies of its member countries.

Given the inertia of any organization, especially an international one like the IEA, the only effective mechanism for forcing reform is to suspend payments. That’s what President Reagan did with UNESCO in 1984, to much media hullabaloo, because it had strayed from its founding, humanitarian mission. UNESCO eventually reformed, and the U.S. rejoined it in 2002. In 2011, President Obama froze UNESCO contributions, reacting to the organization’s granting Palestine full membership. President Trump withdrew membership again in 2017, and President Biden rejoined in the summer of 2023.

There is a long history of similar actions by various presidents seeking reforms of international agencies gone astray. In 1950, Harry Truman pulled the U.S. out of Interpol. In 1977, Jimmy Carter withdrew the U.S. from the International Labor Organization. In 1996, Bill Clinton withdrew the U.S. from the UN Industrial Development Organization.

Climate activists want to ensure that all businesses disclose risks from the possibilities of “extreme weather” in the future. Whatever the merits of their demands, it is arguably more important for businesses—and policymakers—to disclose risks from unplanned energy disruptions, both physical and economic. And having some realistic confidence about those possibilities requires credible and unbiased information.

There may no longer be any corner of our society where facts can supersede politics. But we should at least try to improve confidence in the facts about the energy infrastructures that underpin our civilization. We can start by reforming the IEA.


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Arctic Sea Ice Soars to Highest Level for 21 Years

Energy News Beat

The dramatic, if largely unpublicised, recovery in Arctic sea ice is continuing into the New Year. Despite the contestable claims of the ‘hottest year ever’ (and even hotter in 2024), Arctic sea ice on January 8th stood at its highest level in 21 years. Last December, the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) revealed that sea ice recorded its third highest monthly gain in the modern 45-year record. According to the science blog No Tricks Zone, the reading up to January 8th has now far exceeded the average for the years 2011-2020. It also exceeds the average for the years 2001-2010, and points directly upwards with regard to the average for the years 1991-2000.

The graph below shows the scale of the recovery compared to all the years tracked in the modern satellite record.

Of course this is only about half a winter’s worth of data, and we must be careful not to follow alarmists down their chosen political path of cherry picking and warning of climate collapse on the basis of individual events. But as we have seen in recent Daily Sceptic articles, the current recovery in Arctic sea ice is a climate trend that can be taken back to around 2007. In a recent paper, the Danish scientist Allan Astrup Jensen provided data showing a fall in the sea ice between 1997 and 2007 but minimal losses in the 45-year record both before and after this period. The investigative journalist Tony Heller draws a four-year moving average to show a small recovery in the lowest ice extent in September from around 2012.  He also notes that 1979 was a recent high point, with lower ice levels in the 1970s going back to the 1950s.

Where does all this leave the alarmists promoting their insane collectivist Net Zero project? Stuck up a frozen creek without an ice pick, it might be suggested. In 2022, Sir David Attenborough told BBC viewers that the summer sea ice could all be gone within 12 years. Climate models fed with opinions and wishful thinking seem to have guided him in his lamentations rather than the actual data. But if the ice continues to roar back, it is likely that the sea ice scare will have to be retired, along with all the disappearing coral popping up in record amounts on the Great Barrier Reef.

Cyclical natural climate variations, observed in the past record going back to the early 1800s, appear to offer a better explanation of trends in the polar sea ice extent. Little understood effects of ocean currents and atmospheric heat exchanges are obvious drivers of the climate in the far north. Taking the view that humans, and only humans, control the climate temperature would appear to be a dead end in understanding Arctic glaciology.

Ditto Antarctica, where the cherry pickings for catastrophists seemed to offer good prospects of late. Last year the BBC reported on lower levels of winter sea ice than those recorded in the recent past. The BBC said it showed a new benchmark for a region “that once seemed resistant to global warming”. This inconvenient resistance of course refers to the fact that Antarctica has shown “nearly non-existent” warming over the last 70 years. Dr. Walter Meier from the NSIDC helpfully added: “It’s so far outside anything we’re seen, it’s almost mind-blowing.” The “mind-blowing” quote made headlines around mainstream media. Alas, Dr. Meier seemed to forget that barely a decade ago he was part of a science team that cracked the secrets of early Nimbus satellite data that showed even lower winter levels of sea ice in 1966

At the time, the Nimbus team won awards and the Daily Sceptic has been able to jog Dr. Meier’s memory on what he said at the time.

Even in the passive microwave record [available since 1979] for the Antarctic you see these seesaws where the ice concentrations go up and down, so extreme high or extreme low are not that unusual. What the Nimbus data tells us is that there’s variability in the Antarctica sea ice that’s larger than any we had seen from the passive microwave data. Nimbus helps put this in a longer term context and extends the record.

Three cheers for the longer record. It doesn’t seem to get much of a look-in these days as the Earth starts to boil. Below, Professor Ole Humlum maps the sea ice extent in Antarctica going back to 1979.

Allan Jensen looks at the same data and notes that any downward trend in the period was very small. The only discernible trend is a rise from around July 2013 followed by a small fall. Jensen points to a recent decline in 2022 and 2023. But, of late, any decline has been slowed with the NSIDC-recorded extent at the end of the last month only the sixth lowest in the record.


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Texas startup delivers landmark results with ‘earthen’ battery technology: ‘The opportunities … are significant’

Energy News Beat

A trial run of Houston-based Sage Geosystems’ underground battery has delivered “groundbreaking” results, the company reported.

The tech, sometimes called an “earthen” battery, is meant to store electricity generated from renewable sources. It’s also geared to be an alternative to lithium-ion battery storage systems, which require expensive and hard-to-gather materials to make.

Field tests from 2022 to 2023 demonstrated that Sage’s system, marketed as EarthStore, can provide more than 18 hours of energy storage, with the ability to give 24/7 power “when paired with solar or wind generation,” a news release on the results stated. What’s more, the unique tech can help provide renewable energy during peak demand times, which is a sometimes elusive prospect for intermittent solar and wind systems.

“We have cracked the code to provide the perfect complement to renewable energy, yielding reliable alternative baseload in a manner that is cost competitive with lithium-ion batteries and natural gas peaker plants,” Sage CEO Cindy Taff said in the release.

The tech is promoted as having a small ground-level footprint. Most of the mechanism is buried. Sage drills several thousand feet into the earth, opening fissures with fracture technology. The fractures serve as reservoirs to store water deep underground. The fractures also store energy like a spring, using subsurface pressure to propel the water upward when a valve is opened on the surface, powering a turbine, all per a video clip from Sage.

The water is pumped underground by energy bought from the grid (the video clip shows wind turbines supplying the juice) when there’s a glut of electricity. The water is stored below until it is needed. Sage has a couple of variations of the tech. One version with deeper wells uses heat to help push the water to the surface and is more efficient. EarthStore is what the company calls its “mechanical” version of the concept, which boasts a still impressive efficiency rate of 70%, all according to the clip.

The recent news from Sage touts an energy production cost lower than or competitive with other innovations, including lithium-ion power packs. The release noted a “round-trip efficiency” of up to 75% for EarthStore.

Using water to store electricity, while a seemingly odd combination, is being studied around the world. Energy leaders in Scotland are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in a water battery that leverages reservoirs and gravity to store power. The innovations are part of the way we can better generate and use electricity, reducing the amount of planet-warming dirty energy sources we burn.

“The opportunities for our energy storage to provide power are significant — from remote mining operations to data centers to solving energy poverty in remote locations,” Taff stated in the release.

There was no indication of earthquakes created from drilling and fracturing the ground during the pilot project. Sage reported that EarthStore can operate in new wells or existing oil and gas holes.

The tech is now “ready to scale” without geographic limits, per the company.

“We can interconnect with power grids or develop island/microgrids with a cleaner energy solution that is proven and ready to scale,” Taff stated in the release.


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Progressive Lawmakers Line Up Behind Costly Fix For Error They Made In Renewable Energy Plan

Energy News Beat

When Congress voted to spend hundreds of billions to switch electricity production to solar and wind, it forgot something: transmission lines. New ones will be needed going to the locations of the new power sources, but nobody bothered to figure out who will pay for it or how much it will cost.

Congressmen Sean Casten (D-IL) and Mike Levin (D-CA) introduced a bill last month to fix their omission, largely at your expense. The bill has already picked up 76 co-sponsors, including eight from Illinois.

Grab your wallet. Here are the details:

In 2022, Congress passed the mislabeled Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which will cost an estimated $1.2 trillionfar exceeding initial claims. The IRA actually was the largest energy bill in U.S. history. Tax credits for renewable energy production, among the biggest elements of the law, are estimated to cost $263 billion.

No cap was placed on those tax credits and they were generous – 30% of project costs. That’s part of the reason for the cost overrun but it also means that new solar and wind production projects are underway. All the better, say IRA supporters.

Now, however, there’s widespread, bipartisan recognition that those projects are futile without transmission linking them into the electrical grid. Progressive economist Paul Krugman, for example, cheered the IRA but wrote despairingly in the New York Times that “we may need a third, bureaucratic miracle to fix the electricity grid and make this whole thing work.”

Casten, also an avid IRA supporter, now admits to the gravity of the problem saying that “80% of the clean energy progress we made with the Inflation Reduction Act will be lost unless we reform transmission and permitting.”

Enter Casten and Levin with their solution, the Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act (CETA), which they introduced in the House last month.

What’s in it?

More tax credits, which is to say more subsidies by taxpayers. A 30% tax credit would go toward qualifying new transmission lines going to renewable sources. The total amount of credits available is again uncapped.

That’s just part of the 210-page bill. It would also amend the IRA to let the Department of Energy finance transmission facilities designated by DOE as “national interest.”

It would give the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission exclusive siting authority for “national interest” transmission lines, directing FERC to base its decision to exercise such authority on factors that include enabling the use of renewable energy. That’s important because it appears to be an attempt to override growing roadblocks local citizens have been putting up to new renewable projects on their landscape.

The bill also contains a range of provisions under the label of “empowerment.” It would, among many other things, establish an Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights; codify the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights in the EPA; codify the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council; provide for development an Interagency Federal Environmental Justice Strategy to address “current and historical environmental injustice,” and designate “Tribal Community Engagement Officers” in each agency.

The bill has 76 House co-sponsors and counting, all Democrats, in addition to Casten and Levin, including Illinoisans Jan Schakowsky, Nicole Budzinski, Jonathan Jackson, Eric Sorensen, Bill Foster, Brad Schneider, Raja Krishnamoorthi and Mike Quigley.

What will all this cost?

So far, I have seen nothing at all from bill sponsors or in the press. As always, cost matters little if the results are green.

But lots of evidence suggests that the cost would certainly be many tens of billions and perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars. For example, interconnection costs sometimes 10 times higher than projects that ultimately got built. Earlier this year, a renewable executive told The New York Times that interconnection costs have become the “no. 1 project killer.” For Texas alone, according to one study, extending the reach of transmission lines to connect more zero-carbon power sources would cost $11 billion by 2035.

And stories abound about individual projects facing huge interconnection problems. CNBC devoted a three-part series to it.

Remember that the cost to the government from tax credits or grants to fix the problem is just the start. Utilities would bear a large part of the remaining cost which gets passed through to consumers in rate increases. Insofar as other private sector investors fund the rest of the price, there’s an opportunity cost of capital that might have been invested elsewhere.

The bill has no chance of passing in its current form in the Republican-majority House. It’s important nevertheless because it represents the progressive starting point of negotiations on a massive problem that both parties recognize. Republicans unanimously opposed the IRA in the House and Senate, but may negotiate a bill to address the problem in order to salvage something of value from what’s already been spent.

The new bill is also important because it reflects the thinking of progressives and what they’d like to do if they regain full control of Congress. “While acknowledging that the bill stood little chance of passage in the current House,” The Hill reported, “Casten said it would serve as an ‘anchor of democratic energy policy when a window opens up to have that conversation again.”

Is the public ready to pay up once again for renewable electricity? Most Americans support renewable sources but want a balance with traditional, fossil fuel sources. Good. That’s sensible. But where’s the balance?

There’s a final, huge kicker near the end of the bill that has nothing to do with energy or transmission lines: It would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit disparate impact discrimination.

I found the buried section by chance when going through the bill. No bill sponsor or reporter has mentioned it. “Disparate impact” is a critical issue in discrimination cases. It’s about whether the mere fact of unequal outcomes proves illegal discrimination and what excuses there may be for it. It’s complicated, and Supreme Court rulings depend on who is getting sued, among other variables.

Suffice it to say, however, that Section 603 of CETA would vastly expand the scope of what would constitute illegal discrimination under the Civil Rights Act, making it easier to sue based on unequal outcomes.

Why did they hide this proposal in an energy bill. Afraid of what voters would think it they put it up straight as a standalone bill?

Getting back to the main thrust of CETA, when Paul Krugman wrote that it would take a “bureaucratic miracle to fix the electricity grid and make this whole thing work,” he must have been fantasizing about CETA.

CETA is that fantasy and more.


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Pakistan threatens Iran with ‘serious consequences’

Energy News Beat

The Pakistani government has condemned an alleged Iranian missile strike in the Balochistan province on Tuesday, claiming it has caused civilian casualties. Islamabad said it would lodge a protest with Tehran over the “unilateral action” and violation of its sovereignty.

Several Iranian news outlets reported on Tuesday evening that missiles and drones were launched at the headquarters of Jaish al-Adl, a group that Tehran has accused of the attack that killed a dozen Iranian police in December. There was no official statement on the operation from Iran, however.

“Pakistan strongly condemns the unprovoked violation of its airspace by Iran and the strike inside Pakistani territory which resulted in the death of two innocent children while injuring three girls,” the Foreign Ministry in Islamabad said in a statement, adding that the violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty was “completely unacceptable and can have serious consequences.”

Terrorism is a threat to all countries in the region and requires “coordinated” action rather than unilateral moves that are “not in conformity with good neighborly relations and can seriously undermine bilateral trust,” the ministry added.

The Iranian charge d’affaires has been summoned to receive a protest note about the “blatant violation” of Pakistani sovereignty, while an appropriate demarche was sent to Tehran as well, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said.

A series of explosions were reported on Tuesday night in Panjgur, a city in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan, near the Iranian border. According to Iranian media, “two key strongholds” of Jaysh al-Adl were “obliterated by precision strikes” by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

On Monday, the IRGC launched ballistic missiles and drones against what they described as an Israeli headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil, as well as Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS) targets in Syria’s Idlib province.

The IRGC vowed to continue the strikes “until the last drops of martyrs’ blood are avenged,” referring to the January 3 bombings that killed almost 100 people in the Iranian city of Kerman, where thousands of pilgrims had gathered to mourn the late General Qassem Soleimani, assassinated by the US in 2020. The group also mentioned last month’s attack in Rask, in southeastern Iran, in which militants killed 11 Iranian police officers.

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Hydrogen Pipeline Infrastructure: Assessing Readiness with TOGC 2024

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One of the highlights of the business programme of the Transportation Oil and Gas Congress (TOGC 2024) is the topic of hydrogen readiness of infrastructure. C-level audience and leading technical specialists gather to discuss cases of hydrogen implementation and how to adapt, maintain and monitor hydrogen infrastructure. The Congress is held in Milan, Italy, on February, 19-21.

The hydrogen readiness of the pipeline infrastructure is a critical factor in the development of a hydrogen economy. By repurposing existing natural gas pipelines to transport hydrogen, governments and industry players can reduce the costs and accelerate the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure.

For instance, in order to enlarge export capacity and zero out the emissions, Israel Natural Gas Lines LTD (INGL), the leader in natural gas distribution in Israel, started a hydrogen transfer project. The company is going to share initial insights from the project in frames of the Transportation Oil and Gas Congress.

The Congress brings together oil and gas majors, EPCs, pipeline operators, storage operators and traders to network and discuss the trends of the industry and the potential for market growth.

Representatives from PETROBRAS, Linde Engineering, TECHINT Engineering & Construction, Wood, ElinOil are already registered for participation. TOGC 2024 delegates are going to share the experience and thoughts on infrastructure adaptation for hydrogen, cases of hydrogen implementation, safety of H2 injection, and also the question of how to monitor and maintain H2 infrastructure.

Hydrogen pipeline safety and operations are also going to be discussed at TOGC 2024. The development of a hydrogen economy requires the construction of a vast network of hydrogen pipelines.

By taking the necessary safety precautions, hydrogen pipeline operators can ensure the safe transportation of hydrogen. During the Congress, Colin McKinnon, Technical Director at Wood, is going to talk about hydrogen pipeline safety and operations and what are the differences from a natural gas pipeline.

Another topic that is going to be highlighted at the Congress by Chris Nowak, Specialist Consultant at Danish Energy Agency, is called “From methane infrastructure – onto hydrogen”.

To ramp up hydrogen as an energy source in Denmark, the company has put down national market legislation for hydrogen infrastructure before the EU is ready. Using the schematics of what works well in the methane and electricity sector, the company is trying to apply it to hydrogen.

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US energy tax credit trading grows to as much as $9 billion, study finds

Energy News Beat


NEW YORK – Developers of renewable energy projects selling unused U.S. tax credits to other companies now account for a market worth between $7 billion and $9 billion, buoyed by legislation in 2022 that made these trades possible, a new study shows.

President Joe Biden’s climate law aimed to stoke trillions of dollars of investment to wean the economy off planet-warming fossil fuels, partly through tax breaks for builders of projects like wind farms and solar plants.

The government made some of these new credits tradable, in the hope of bringing fresh money to projects which have long relied on a group of banks that are big and expert enough to invest directly and take the associated tax breaks.

In the first six months since tax authorities set guidance for the trades in June of last year, deals were struck to transfer credits worth between $7 billion and $9 billion, online platform Crux calculated.

That represents more than one third of the roughly $20 billion traditionally raised each year through tax equity for such projects in the United States. In total, $64 billion was invested nationally in clean energy and transportation in the three months to September, the Rhodium Group think tank says.

Crux, which lets sellers post details of their projects and buyers browse and make bids, surveyed developers selling the credits, corporate buyers and intermediaries like banks and brokers in late 2023, and received 150 responses.

They counted deals worth $3.5 billion, and separately parsed other accessible information to reach the $7-9 billion estimate for the 2023 tax year.

“This market has scaled faster than anyone anticipated,” said Crux CEO and co-founder Alfred Johnson, a former Treasury Department staffer.

Buyers paid an average 92-94 cents on the dollar for credits. Crux and other companies like it say they charge fees ranging from less than 1% to 3% of the value of the credits, which can only be sold once.

“We saw behavior like a bidding war on the platform.” Johnson said. “In 2024 we expect many more net new buyers.”

(Reporting by Isla Binnie; Editing by Andrea Ricci) (([email protected]; Reuters Messaging: [email protected])) Keywords: USA RENEWABLES/TAX CREDITS (PIX)

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