Big Oil Earnings Drop

Energy News Beat

Daily Standup Top Stories

Big Oil Earnings Slump Puts Payouts to Investors Under Pressure

Fourth-quarter profit to be lowest in more than three years Oil markets weigh uncertain outlook driven by Trump’s return The flow of dividends and buybacks from the world’s largest oil companies is under pressure, with […]

Planet Earth’s natural resources are limited to its 8 billion residents

Earth has existed for more than 4 billion years without present-day humans. In the past, dinosaurs and cavemen never used its plentiful natural resources. Today, with 8 billion humans on this planet, the few wealthy […]

Ukraine Drones Hit Second Russian Oil Refinery in Less Than a Week

Ukraine early on Tuesday hit with drones an oil refinery near Nizhny Novgorod in western Russia, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said, announcing a second hit at a Russian oil refinery in […]

Sustainable Development Goals great on paper, not in real world

ENB Pub Note: The UN needs to be thrown out of the United States and all funding cut. They have caused the global humanitarian migration crisis and are causing more harm than good. The EU […]

Three firms seal $3.3 billion LNG-to-power deal in Philippines

The three firms announced in separate statements on Tuesday the completion of the transaction. The transaction involves the acquisition by MGen and TNGP, through Chromite Gas (CGHI), of a 67 percent equity interest in South […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

01:21 – Big Oil Earnings Slump Puts Payouts to Investors Under Pressure

03:20 – Planet Earth’s natural resources are limited to its 8 billion residents

05:36 – Ukraine Drones Hit Second Russian Oil Refinery in Less Than a Week

06:48 – Sustainable Development Goals great on paper, not in real world

08:49 – Three firms seal $3.3 billion LNG-to-power deal in Philippines

10:52 – Outro

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:09] Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Energy News Beat daily. Stand up. My name’s Stu Turley President and CEO of the Sandstone Group. It is crazy out there on the news desk. Buckle up. Big Oil earnings Slump Puts pay Outs to Investor under Pressure. I bet they’re going to get some good returns, even though questions are looming. Planet Earth natural resources are limited to its 8 billion residents. There’s more to this story, and I absolutely love this is a Ronald Spine story. Absolutely love getting that one out there. Ukraine drones hit second Russian oil refinery in less than a week. I’ll tell you what. Let’s just end this war and stop this nonsense. Sustainable Development Goals may look great on paper, but not in the real world. I like this story. Three firms seal a $3.3 billion LNG power deal in the Philippines. I think this is actually fantastic. It’s another great episode of LNG power plants going on around the world. Hey, let’s start up with the first story here. [00:01:21][71.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:21] Big Oil earnings Slump Puts Payouts to Investor Under pressure. Fourth quarter profit to be the lowest in more than three years in oil markets. Way uncertain outlook driven by Trump’s return. I want to go on record and you’ve heard me say this several times. Drill, baby, drill. In the new world of big oil and private oil drilling is drill, baby when fiscally responsible. And the oil and gas companies that I talked to, I talked to the CEOs, they are all still planning on giving money back to the investors. Now, does that mean that they’re going to be drilling less? Yes. Are you still going to have great returns? No. You’re still going to get some great returns. The price of oil rebounded early in January, and ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and Totalenergies, as Michael and I call them, and BP, have built up their financial resilience during the boom years. But uncertainty continues. And when you take a look at generous dividends and share buybacks have come the cornerstone of big oil strategy. Well, yeah, it makes it one of the most best investments that are out there. Most of the majors have relatively low levels of debt, meaning they could easily borrow money to maintain shareholder returns. BP, however, is signaled it may reduce its buyback whether it reports on earnings February 11th or updates its strategy on February 26th. Tariffs on Colombia, which are threatened and then quickly reversed by the president of Colombia. What have also caused headaches for U.S. refiners? But I’ll tell you what, it was fantastic to see the president of Colombia cave so quickly, especially when President Trump was playing golf. And I loved his tweet out there. Why are you pressuring me to tweet or during a golf round? You got to hand it to President Trump. [00:03:20][118.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:20] Let’s go to the next one here. Planet Earth. Natural resources are limited to its 8 billion residents. There are four key points that this Ronald Stein article has. Earth has existed for more than 4 billion years without the present day humans. I’m not sure that we actually know our true history. Crude oil consumption is more than 35 billion years per year, with less than 50 years of known oil reserves. I still believe in my heart that there is a lot of oil that is still left to be discovered. Coal consumption is more than 8 billion tons per year, with less than 135 years left of known coal reserves. Natural gas consumption is more than 132,000,000 cubic feet per year, with about 50 years left of natural gas reserves. I think there’s a lot more than that. Similar scenarios for the exotic minerals like lithium, Cobalt magazine and copper need to go green with EV batteries. And this one I thoroughly agree with. There’s a lot of things that we can do and that would be putting in nuclear everywhere. The United States has been running nuclear capable fleet forms ever since 1955. Why don’t we go ahead and start moving everything nuclear ships? There are some real things that we could do with nuclear and protect and expand this out. The new technologies that are coming around the corner, I think could really reduce the amount of fuel, oil and gas that we do use and coal. And there is just but we’ve got to get out of the way of government and we’ve got to take a look at renewable wind and solar. And say, wait a minute. They may not actually be the best tools to use. You always want to pick your best tool and use it. Nuclear is by far the best tool, but we can’t get there. And so in the short run, natural gas is our best tool to use for power plants because it is the least pollution out there. So outstanding. Shout out to Ronald Stein for his article there. [00:05:35][135.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:36] And let’s roll to the next story here. Ukraine drones its second Russian oil refinery in less than a week. Ukraine early Tuesday hit drones in or near. I’m going to butcher the name and I apologize, Nancy. None of good. Novgorod in western Russia, the general staff of the armed forces of Ukraine said, announcing a second hit on a Russian oil refinery. I’ll tell you what. We need to end this war as soon as possible. There is absolutely zero reason for this war to continue on. EU and NATO brought this war upon themselves, and President Trump needs to end this war as soon as possible. A Ukrainian tanks continues to target refineries in Russia. Some of these attacks have attacked and fuel product supply from Russia refineries and reduced crude processing. This is absolutely a war that has gone on too long. And again, hats off to President Trump to try to get this solved. But he doesn’t have all the information he needs and he needs to talk to George McMillan and get the right information. So, all right. [00:06:48][72.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:48] Let’s go to the next story here. Sustainable Development Goals on great on paper, but not in the real world. The EU is lagging behind on sustainable development progress with lots of ambitious policies on the books, but few are real world impact, according to a new report by the UN affiliated body. A report published today from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The UN EU initially seized on the SD jegede, citing them frequently in legal text and using them to impact assessments. Here’s the bottom line You cannot reduce emissions enough with renewable energy. Let’s take Germany. Germany has had to fire up their coal plants again because they shut down their nuclear. You shut down your nuclear and you have to fire up your coal plants. What’s going to happen? You’re going to start, by the way, polluting more. But then you can’t use natural gas because you have a war going on. Well, you can fire up cheap, low cost Russian natural gas and then you can stop the de-industrialisation that’s going on. So without low cost Russian and natural gas, Germany stands to fail. And if Germany fails, so does the EU. So goes Germany. So goes the EU. And I will applaud President Trump in his decision to reach out to individual countries rather than talking to the EU.We need our sovereign nations and we need our sovereign nations making decisions for each of the sovereign nations so that there are cultures independent of everyone. And I applaud them. The EU, quite honestly, has had a miserable decision making process going on, and they quite honestly just need to go away. By the way, let’s throw the UN out of the US. You heard it here. [00:08:49][120.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:49] Let’s go to the last story here. Three firms seal the 3.3 billion LNG to power deal in the Philippines. This is a really cool the result. The involves Amgen and T in GP through chromite gas and 67% equity interest in sounds, premier power and excellent energy resources and in engine prime industrial estate. As a result of these acquisitions, Amgen and TNG through their 40 to 60% stake in CGI respectively, owned 767% of SPC. We’ll figure that out. But anyway, the cool thing is the Philippines completing watchdog recently approved this LNG to a power plant transaction worth $3.3 billion. This is actually very cool. And again, this goes along with this whole energy thread right here, and that is you’re going to see lower cost power coming in than coal and you’re going to see a reduction in output or pollutants because it is LNG versus coal. So hats off to the Philippines for getting this done. And I actually like. Now, I’d also like to say if you’re in Hawaii, why don’t you try to run the jump? But Chris, right over there is the hopefully in the new secretary of energy would say, I agree with this. And when he gets confirmed, that’d be pretty cool to get rid of fuel oil in Hawaii and put in a LNG to power plant. But we would need the war time exemption on the Jones Act in order to do that for the United States and keep Hawaii pristine and get rid of fuel oil. 67% of the power in Hawaii is still with fuel oil, and that is not a clean solution. [00:10:51][122.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:52] So with that, like subscribe and if you are a CEO, I would love to interview you at NAPE next week. Just reach out to the show. We want to get your schedule. I’ve already got some fantastic interviews lined up. Last year at night we did about 35 interviews. Is going to be crazy. Banks have an Absolutely. [00:10:52][0.0][640.3]

The post Big Oil Earnings Drop appeared first on Energy News Beat.



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