Energy News Beat

More pilot use is recommended in Gibraltar, according to a new accident report surrounding one of the most high-profile casualties to hit the British overseas territory in recent years.
On August 29 2022, the OS35 bulk carrier was departing the Bay of Gibraltar anchorage and collided with the LNG carrier Adam LNG. The impact caused a breach in holds two and three of the OS35, leading to the vessel’s controlled beaching to the east of Gibraltar, where it was subsequently dismantled with the ship becoming a feature of the tiny British territory’s coastline for many months.
The investigation found that the master and bridge team of the OS35 did not monitor the manoeuvre out of the Western Anchorage effectively and made an error in their understanding of the effects of the tidal flow and wind.
The Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) has been recommended to consider introducing compulsory pilotage for vessels departing from the Western Anchorage.
Had a pilot been onboard the report suggests that the manoeuvre astern by the OS35 would not have been their chosen option for the location and conditions that were found on the day. Had the OS35’s turn to port been initiated as the anchor was being lifted there was sufficient sea room to continue moving ahead and turn to port to depart the anchorage to the west.
There was also suitable sea room to pass between the vessels ahead, which would have provided greater control of the vessel than by manoeuvring astern, where the manoeuvre is more difficult to control and monitor.
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