Why I Started a Finance Website and other Stuff about Banks, Bailouts, the Fed, and Being Pissed Off

Energy News Beat

The other day, I joined Nick Halaris on his podcast, The Nick Halaris Show, and we talked for quite a while about all kinds stuff. Here are two snippets, both less than 1 minute, to whet your appetite. Some of it was quite personal — including the first snippet here.

The whole podcast is below.

“When you first decided to do a finance website, what was going on in your mind?” (58 seconds).

The bailout of the uninsured depositors of SVB and the other banks, “do you thank that was a wise decision?” (52 seconds)

Here’s the whole podcast:

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The post Why I Started a Finance Website and other Stuff about Banks, Bailouts, the Fed, and Being Pissed Off appeared first on Energy News Beat.




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