Deal Spotlight Episode 1 Part 1 – The guys cover the Eddy County and Matador in the Wolfcamp A. Got Questions on oil and gas investment evaluations.

Energy News Beat

Welcome to the Deal Spotlight! #podcast #alternativeinvestment

Because of the enormous requests from investors evaluating oil and gas, we are starting a new series showing people how to assess oil and gas M&A or invest. Accredited investors, family offices, and E&P operators are our largest market, asking for these evaluation pieces of training.

We want your feedback and recommendations for deals.

Reach out to Stu and Michael at to get your deal reviewed. Part Two is coming out.

00:29 – Introduction to Deal Spotlight and partnering with analytics companies – Well Database and ComboCurve.

01:55 – specific details about the deal: number of wells, location (Eddy County), operator (Matador), lease name, formations (Wolfcamp A), working and net royalty interest, lateral lengths, spud dates, AFV (Approximate Finished Value), net CapEx, acquisition cost considerations, PV-10 value, and acreage valuation.

11:49 – Exploration of Matador’s earnings data to understand different formations and benches they’re drilling.

24:54 – Importing well data into ComboCurve for analysis and creating single well forecasts.

*We do not offer investment advice; you must contact your tax professional to get the appropriate tax information for your investments. This is only for educational purposes.

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