Day: February 7, 2024

Texas to explore new grid recovery options after 82% of blackstart units failed during Winter Storm Uri

Energy News Beat Dive Brief: There have been significant reliability improvements made to the Texas electricity grid since Winter Storm Uri in 2021 but the state should still consider new approaches to system recovery including the use of battery storage as a “blackstart” resource, representatives of Texas RE told regulators on Thursday. About 82% of […]

Still waiting for peak coal

Energy News Beat In a nutshell Worldwide coal capacity and consumption continue to climb Asian demand growth is outpacing cuts in Western economies China’s appetite for transitioning from coal will set the global pace Despite the climate pledges struck at the COP28 summit last December, global coal has not yet seen peak demand. While coal […]

Iran Launches New Gas Pipeline in SP Phase 16

Energy News Beat TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A new offshore gas pipeline was put into operation at Phase 16 of Iran’s South Pars Gas Field on Tuesday. The new offshore gas pipeline, costing €130 million to build, came into operation at the order of Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji, concurrent with the 45th victory anniversary of the victory […]

Heavier EVs tearing up California roadways but paying nothing for road maintenance

Energy News Beat Can it be true that California, in pursuit of reduced emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles, has mandated that heavier EV cars and trucks tear up the state’s roads? Shockingly, the state has no accompanying mandate on those heavier vehicles to contribute funds to the maintenance and repairs of the roads they […]

Biden Makes Coal Great Again As Exports Soar To India

Energy News Beat US thermal coal exporters recorded more than $5 billion in overseas sales in 2023, shipping upwards of 32.5 million metric tons of the high-polluting power fuel, according to Reuters, citing data from ship-tracking firm Kpler. These coal export earnings were the second highest since 2017, trailing only behind 2022’s $5.7 billion. This comes […]