Day: January 28, 2024

Gas-Addicted Europe Trades One Energy Risk for Another – The US is not reliable

Energy News Beat Houthi says they targeted oil tanker in Red Sea China presses Iran to rein in Red Sea Houthi attacks U.S. economic data shows faster than expected growth U.S. crude stockpile drawdown also supports HOUSTON, Jan 26 (Reuters) – Oil prices rose for a second week in a row and settled at their […]

DAVID BLACKMON: The Biden Admin And Its Buddies Are Waging Foolish War Against Abundant Clean Energy

Energy News Beat ENB Pub Note: The Biden administration’s behavior is lower than deplorable; it is despicable and cowardly. Banning and delaying LNG exports and the new facilities only sets the US up for a faster failure.  On Thursday, the Biden administration announced it was invoking a hold on permitting processes for proposed new export […]

ENB #177 Exploring Sustainable Solutions: A Conversation on Energy, Education, and Environmental Challenges

Energy News Beat We are facing crises globally and in the United States that are cultural and political and will impact our ability to raise the next generations. Energy is at the center of the issues and must be addressed for energy security and minimizing environmental impact. That being said, our public school and college […]

New California Bill Would Equip Cars With Technology That Monitors Drivers, Physically Stop Them From Speeding

Energy News Beat Far-left California State Senator Scott Weiner has introduced a bill that will mandate the installation of speed-limiting devices on all vehicles. The bill, which will go into effect in 2027 if passed, would introduce technology that physically stops vehicles if they go more than 10 mph over a designated speed limit. “There’s […]

Equinor awarded 39 new production licences on the Norwegian continental shelf

Energy News Beat Equinor was awarded 18 production licences in the North Sea, 13 in the Norwegian Sea, and 8 in the Barents Sea. Equinor is the operator of 14 of the awarded licenses, and a partner in 25. “We are pleased with the award. These licences give Equinor and our partners new opportunities to […]

U.S. Sanctions Strand 10 Million Barrels of Russian Crude For Weeks

Energy News Beat About 10 million barrels of Russian crude oil have been stranded off the coast of South Korea thanks to U.S. sanctions, traders and shipping data told Reuters on Friday. The 10 million barrels, carried by 14 tankers, are of the Sokol variety from Sakhalin-1 and remain unsold due to Western sanctions. That amount represents […]

Top Wall Street banker issues dire warning on US economy

Energy News Beat [[{“value”:” Jamie Dimon calls for the snowballing US debt burden to be addressed before it turns into crisis The US economy is heading towards disaster as the vast national debt continues to mount, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said in an interview with Fox News earlier this week. According to the chief executive […]

Energy Bills Set to Soar as Report Finds Almost All Major Studies on Net Zero Grossly Underestimate Cost

Energy News Beat ENB Pub Note: I have just interviewed data modeling experts who have found where the global warming narrative over the last four years has been manipulated to increase the “global warming” fear-mongering. Stay tuned. Energy bills are set to soar as almost all major studies on Net Zero contain serious modelling errors […]

Gas-Addicted Europe Trades One Energy Risk for Another – The US is not reliable

Energy News Beat ENB Pub Note: Under the current administration, would you do business with the US? Energy Security is something that lives, and political careers depend on. Based on our track record, doing business with the US is unstable, and countries are moving to other, more reliable allies.  Rather than replace Russian fuel with […]

Guatemalan Ministry of Mines to review all mining licenses

Energy News Beat   ​[[{“value”:” The Guatemalan Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) will revise all decisions made in the recent past related to mining exploration, exploitation and export licenses. According to local media, the new head of the MEM, Víctor Hugo Ventura, announced the measure in response to multiple complaints regarding bribes, corruption and […]