Day: December 29, 2023

Mortgage Rates Dropped a Lot but Clearly Not to the Magic Level. Buyers’ Strike Continues. Issue Is Price

Energy News Beat A similar drop in mortgage rates a year ago to even lower rates didn’t turn up sales volume either – on the contrary. By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET. The dream is, or was, that mortgage rates dropped enough in November and December to push potential home buyers out of their buyers’ strike and to […]

ECB Balance Sheet QT: -€1.94 Trillion from Peak, down to €6.9 Trillion. Shed 47% of Pandemic QE Assets

Energy News Beat Quantitative tightening powers along in the euro area. By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET. Under the ECB’s QT program, kicked off in October 2022, total assets have plunged by €1.94 trillion, or by 21.9%, to €6.90 trillion, the lowest since November 2020, according to the ECB’s weekly balance sheet released today. This includes the €88-billion […]