Day: December 28, 2023

Associated Press Got It Wrong: Wind Farm Contractors Acknowledge Turbines Kill Dolphins, Whales

Energy News Beat When wind turbine companies seek permission to harm sea life, reporters for The Associated Press blame The Heritage Foundation (where I work) and the Heartland Institute, instead of reporting the facts. It was a Chico Marx moment: “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes? The misleading AP article—carried by WBTS-TV in  Boston; The Daily Star newspaper of Oneonta, […]

‘Sitting on a powder keg’: US braces for a year, and an election, like no other

Energy News Beat The 60th US presidential election, which will unfold in 2024, will be quite unlike any that has gone before as the US, and the rest of the world, braces for a contest amid fears of eroding democracy and the looming threat of authoritarianism. It will be a fight marked by numerous unwanted […]

A court struck down local gas bans — so Seattle and other cities are getting creative

Energy News Beat A new law in Seattle marks the latest in a wave of local efforts to electrify homes and other buildings. Under the city’s Building Emissions Performance Standard, signed into law last week, all existing commercial and multifamily residential buildings over 20,000 square feet will need to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Meeting that target will […]

India’s Russian Oil Imports Helped Prevent A Global Polycrisis

Energy News Beat Many Global South states were already struggling to deal with COVID-connected debt problems prior to the West’s anti-Russian sanctions worsening their food insecurity, so an energy price crisis on top of that could have pushed them over the edge into an uncontrollable polycrisis that would have also destabilized the West. A representative […]

Visualized: Inside a Lithium-Ion Battery

Energy News Beat The following content is sponsored by the EnergyX What’s Inside a Lithium-Ion Battery? Winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2019, the lithium-ion battery has become ubiquitous and today powers nearly everything, from smartphones to electric vehicles. In this graphic, we partnered with EnergyX to find out how these important pieces of technology work. […]

Update: Cheniere says it is not reducing Sabine Pass LNG expansion plans

Energy News Beat US LNG exporting giant Cheniere now plans to build two instead of three liquefaction trains as part of the Sabine Pass expansion project in Louisiana. Cheniere said the company is not reducing its growth ambition at Sabine Pass, and with this move it would achieve similar production with an optimized unit/cost footprint. […]

Novatek develops ammonia production tech

Energy News Beat Russian LNG exporter Novatek was granted Russian patents for a large-scale ammonia process and a large-scale pure hydrogen process based on ammonia cracking. The low-carbon ammonia process, which Novatek developed in cooperation with Russian design institutes, is based on steam reforming of natural gas, according to a statement by Novatek. Novatek said […]

Eni’s Congo FLNG gets first gas supplies

Energy News Beat Italy’s Eni has introduced the first gas into its Tango floating LNG (FLNG) facility moored in Congolese waters. Eni said in a statement on Thursday that gas introduction had been achieved in record time– only twelve months after the final investment decision. Following completion of the commissioning phase, Tango FLNG would produce […]

Chinese tech giant rebounds from US sanctions

Energy News Beat Huawei’s chipset subsidiary HiSilicon has become world’s fifth largest chipmaker, with a 3% share of the global chipset market, according to the latest analysis published by technology market-research firm Counterpoint. The research, based on third-quarter results, shows the ranking led by Qualcomm products, which account for about 40% of the entire chipset […]