Day: December 5, 2023

King Charles Demands $5 Trillion per Year to Advance WEF’s ‘Net Zero’ Agenda

Energy News Beat Britain’s King Charles has demanded that taxpayers around the globe cough up $5 trillion every year in order to advance the globalist “Net Zero” agenda. “Net Zero” is a list of unrealistic goals laid out by the World Economic Forum (WEF), with backing from the United Nations (UN), that seeks to advance […]

Nuclear Power Is the Only Solution

Energy News Beat COP28 is underway and grand commitments to triple nuclear power by 2050 are recognition of the following reality: There is no way, absolutely none, that the world’s energy transition away from fossil fuels can be achieved without a massive increase globally of nuclear power. Yet, western governments and companies are failing to get new nuclear […]

Is Natural Gas Argentina’s Silver Lining?

Energy News Beat Argentina has the second largest shale gas reserves in the world; with a new president having to face the dark clouds of rampant inflation and economic chaos, could their natural gas be the silver lining they are looking for? Argentina’s President-elect, Javier Milei, a free-market economist and libertarian, has a herculean task in front of him—inflation over 100%, poverty […]

No new copper projects until the market is ‘screaming for it’

Energy News Beat (Kitco News) – In 2025 primary copper supply will “start to fall off a cliff,” but the copper price isn’t high enough yet to incentivize new mine builds, says Nicole Adshead-Bell, chair of Hot Chili (TSXV:HCH). In mid-November Adshead-Bell spoke at the 2023 Precious Metals Summit Zurich event. “Six to $8 [a pound] […]

Oil CEO says blaming the energy industry for the climate crisis ‘like blaming farmers for obesity’

Energy News Beat The chief executive of UAE-based energy firm Crescent Petroleum said Tuesday that blaming the oil and gas industry for the climate crisis “is like blaming farmers for obesity.” The burning of coal, oil and gas is by far the largest contributor to the climate crisis, accounting for more than three-quarters of global […]


Energy News Beat DUBAI – Saudi Arabia’s energy minister has slammed the door shut to agreeing to phase down fossil fuels at the UN’s COP28 climate talks, setting the stage for difficult negotiations in Dubai. A tentative “phasedown/out” was included in a first draft of an agreement on climate action that delegates are haggling over […]

Loud fart sound erupts during John Kerry’s speech at climate panel

Energy News Beat The Biden administration’s climate envoy was discussing US policy on coal power plants at the Climate Change Conference in Dubai on Sunday when Kerry may have unleashed a burst of wind energy. The former secretary of state was speaking next to Becky Anderson, managing editor of CNN Abu Dhabi, and Fatih Birol, […]

22 Countries, Including U.S., Pledge to Triple Nuclear Power Capacity

Energy News Beat The U.S. and 21 other countries have said they want to triple the global generation capacity of nuclear power by mid-century. The pledge, announced Dec. 2 at the United Nations’ COP28 climate summit in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), comes as more of the world’s governments say increased use of […]

Governments Are Paying Up to Restore Confidence in Offshore Wind

Energy News Beat After a year of struggles for offshore wind developments amid rising costs, canceled projects, and failed auctions, governments and policymakers in Europe and the U.S. have realized they may need to pay up to ensure projects are built to help their decarbonization goals. Europe and the United States risk missing their ambitious wind power […]

Latest Cuts Leave OPEC with Fewer Options

Energy News Beat Part of the reason oil prices went lower rather than higher last week despite the OPEC+ announcement was the suspicion that some of the cuts will remain so only on paper. Because of algorithms-driven trading, futures market has got even more divorced from the physical market for oil than before. For OPEC+ […]