Day: November 20, 2023

Critics say Indiana utility is ‘backsliding’ on clean energy goals with planned gas plant

Energy News Beat ​ Northern Indiana Public Service Co. is planning to build a 400-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant that critics say is unnecessary, out of step with clean energy goals, and happening outside the usual planning process.  In September, the utility asked the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for a needed certificate of public convenience […]

Climate ‘Enron’ May Be Heading For A Crash

Energy News Beat Authored by Duggan Flanakin via RealClear Wire, The modern American version of “the environmental emperor has no clothes” until now has been the rise and fall of Enron. As former Ken Lay speechwriter Robert Bradley, Jr., says, “(T)he cause of Enron’s financial bankruptcy were at root philosophical…. Enron’s leaders were certainly engaged […]

Daily Energy Standup Episode #255 – Net-Zero Realities, Geopolitical Strains, and Energy Sector Turbulence

Energy News Beat Daily Standup Top Stories Opinion: Net-zero policies colliding with economic reality November 17, 2023 Mariel Alumit Across the advanced economies, the politics of net zero are colliding with reality, yet most politicians seem oblivious to the dynamics at play. The inconvenient truth is that the clean energy transition is not unfolding as foretold. Three decades […] EU state […]