Day: November 17, 2023

Man arrested over Jewish protester’s death during pro-Palestinian rally

Energy News Beat News|Crime A California university professor has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and battery in the death of a Jewish protester during duelling pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel rallies. Paul Kessler, 69, died after falling and hitting his head during protests over the Israel-Hamas war earlier this month near Los Angeles. list of 4 items […]

Belarus linked to forcible transfer of Ukrainian children: Study

Energy News Beat Belarus has been collaborating with Moscow in the forcible transfer of thousands of Ukrainian children from Russian-occupied Ukraine in a programme “directly overseen” by the country’s President Alexander Lukashenko, according to research from Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL). The report (PDF), released on Thursday, said at least 2,442 […]

Russia loads missile with nuclear-capable glide vehicle into launch silo

Energy News Beat News|Weapons Russia’s rocket forces have loaded an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with the nuclear-capable Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle into a launch silo in southern Russia, according to a Defence Ministry TV channel broadcast. President Vladimir Putin announced the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle in 2018, saying it was a response to the development […]

Fact or Fiction: Israel needs fake nurses to justify killing Gaza babies

Energy News Beat In Gaza, a child is killed every 10 minutes. Since October 7, Israel has killed more than 4,000 children. Now, premature babies at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital are dying because the institution is out of power after over a month of Israel’s siege, and so is unable to operate incubators. Israel knows it risks losing international support for its ongoing […]

Analysis: What’s Israel’s next target after Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital?

Energy News Beat Israeli troops again entered the al-Shifa Hospital en masse on Thursday, for the second time in as many days. Their searches so far appear to have failed to uncover the alleged Hamas underground command centre that the Israeli side adamantly insists lies below the medical facilities. list of 3 items list 1 […]

People across the world protest against Israel’s war on Gaza

Energy News Beat Demonstrators the world over have rallied in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, condemning the high rate of civilian casualties in Israeli attacks and calling for an immediate ceasefire. Protests were held on Thursday across Spain and in Mexico City, Rotterdam, New York, Rabat and elsewhere. People also showed solidarity with the Palestinian […]

Indonesia faces new refugee crisis as Rohingya boat pushed back to sea

Energy News Beat Medan, Indonesia – Indonesia is facing a renewed refugee crisis after the arrival of three boats in as many days with nearly 600 Rohingya people on board. Two of the boats, the first with 146 passengers and the second with 194, were able to land on beaches in Pidie on Aceh’s east […]